### ALSO *AL*lele *S*egregati*O*n Pipeline Composed of a small set of Python, Shell, and R scripts, the ALSO pipeline segregates NGS alignments to alleles of origin based on alignment scores.
## News and Updates
The three most recent updates are shown here; a complete list of updates can be found [here](https://github.com/Noble-Lab/2021_kga0_4dn-mouse-cross/blob/main/log.md).
## [0.9.9] - 2023-01-23 ### changed - readthedocs format for readme from [@GangLiTarheel].
## [0.9.8] - 2022-10-13 ### changed - changelog format from [@GangLiTarheel](https://github.com/Noble-Lab/ALSO/changelog.md).
## Installation
- [argparser](https://bitbucket.org/djhshih/argparser) = 0.7.1
- [bedtools](https://bedtools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) >= 2.29.0
- [parallel](https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/) >= 20200101
- [Picard](https://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/) >= 2.26.4
- [pigz](https://zlib.net/pigz/) >= 2.3
- [pysam](https://pypi.org/project/pysam/) >= 0.19 # exclude-reads-from-bam.py
- [R](https://www.r-project.org/) >= 4.0
- [Rsamtools](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/Rsamtools.html) = 2.8.0
- [samtools](http://www.htslib.org/) >= 1.13
- [scales](https://scales.r-lib.org/) >= 1.1.1
- [subread](http://subread.sourceforge.net/) = 2.0.1
- [Tidyverse](https://www.tidyverse.org/) = 1.3.1
- [tqdm](https://pypi.org/project/tqdm/) >= 4.64.0 # exclude-reads-from-bam.py
## Workflow
For sci-ATAC-seq experiments part of the 4dn-mouse-cross project, the user needs to run the following steps prior to using the ALSO pipeline: 1. Demux. ([Example Code 1](https://github.com/Noble-Lab/2021_kga0_4dn-mouse-cross/blob/main/bin/workflow/01-demux.sh)) 2. sci-ATAC-seq analysis pipeline from the Shendure Lab. ([Example Code 2](https://github.com/Noble-Lab/2021_kga0_4dn-mouse-cross/blob/main/bin/workflow/02-sci-ATAC-seq-analysis.sh)) 3. Preprocess the bam. ([Example Code 3](https://github.com/Noble-Lab/2021_kga0_4dn-mouse-cross/blob/main/bin/workflow/03-preprocess-mm10.sh))
Example for calling driver_allelic-segregation.sh ``` # Call from 2021_kga0_4dn-mouse-cross or a directory containing #+ functions-in-progress.sh, functions-preprocessing-HPC.sh, #+ get-AS-per-qname.R, find-set-intersection-set-complement.sh, #+ generate-assignment-lists.R, and filter-qnames-by-assignment.sh bash ./bin/workflow/driver_allelic-segregation.sh -u FALSE -l TRUE -d TRUE -m "512m" -x "4096m" -r "mm10" -s "CAST" -1 "path/to/mm10/Disteche_sample_N.dedup.corrected.bam" -2 "path/to/CAST/Disteche_sample_N.dedup.corrected.bam" -p "Disteche_sample_1_downsampled_test-again" -o "./path/to/directory/for/results" -b 100000 -c 1000000 -t 0 -a TRUE -n 4
# Arguments: # -h print this help message and exit # -u use safe mode: TRUE or FALSE [logical; default: FALSE] # -l run on GS HPC: TRUE or FALSE [logical; default: FALSE] # -d run pipeline in ${TMPDIR}: TRUE or FALSE [logical; default: # TRUE] # -m initial memory allocation pool for JVM [chr; default: "512m"] # -x maximum memory allocation pool for JVM [chr; default: "4096m"] # -r string for "sample #1" [chr] # -s string for "sample #2" [chr] # -1 bam infile #1, including path [chr] # -2 bam infile #2, including path [chr] # -p prefix for outfiles [chr] # -o results directory for outfiles [chr]; path will be made if it # does not exist # -b number of records to read into memory at one time when running # the script for Part #1, get-AS-per-qname.R [int > 0; default: # 100000] # -c number of records to read into memory at one time when running # the script for Part #3, generate-assignment-lists.R [int > 0; # default: 1000000] # -t alignment score threshold [int >= 0; default: 0]; the absolute # value of the difference in alignment scores between "sample # #1" and "sample #2" must be greater than this value in order # for a sample-specific assignment to be made; if not greater than # this value, then the assignment will be "ambiguous" # -a count lines: TRUE or FALSE [logical; default: TRUE] # -n step in pipeline to run up to [int 1-4; default: 4] ```
```{bash preprocess-bam} ## 05.11 # run for all 22 samples chmod 751 *.sh Date="05-11" for i in {1..22} ## run 22 samples in parallel do
echo "Running: " echo $i strain="mm10" Job_name="mm10_pre"$i qsub -l mfree=12G -m bea -M [email protected] -N $Job_name submit.sh
$i $ {strain} > results/${strain}-preprocessed/2022-${Date}-${strain}-pre-${i}.submit echo "Submitted."strain="CAST-EiJ" Job_name="CAST_pre"$i qsub -l mfree=12G -m bea -M [email protected] -N $Job_name submit.sh
$i $ {strain} > results/${strain}-preprocessed/2022-${Date}-${strain}-pre-${i}.submit echo "Submitted."
Test code for proprocessing (workflow/03-filter-qname.sh) ```{bash preprocess-bam-updated} # Call from 2021_kga0_4dn-mouse-cross file="Disteche_sample_1.dedup.bam" bash ./filter-qnames.sh -u FALSE -c FALSE -l TRUE -i ./"${strain}"/get_unique_fragments/"${bam_input}" -o "${outpath}" -f TRUE -r FALSE -p 4 > "${outpath}"preprocess_${strain}_${sample_id}.o 2>"${outpath}"preprocess_${strain}_${sample_id}.e
# Arguments: # -u is for "safe mode" (set -Eeuxo) # -c is for whether using on the GS HPC or not (T or F) # -i is for infile # -o is for outpath # -p is for number of cores for parallelization (for calls to samtools) ```
Example for calling 03-remove-duplicate-qnames.sh #TODO Update this... ``` # Call from 2021_kga0_4dn-mouse-cross or a directory containing #+ functions-in-progress.sh and functions-preprocessing-HPC.sh bash ./bin/workflow/03-remove-duplicate-qnames.sh -u FALSE -c TRUE -m "512m" -x "4048m" -i "${dir_data}/${infile}" -o "${dir_data}" -n TRUE -t FALSE -e TRUE -r TRUE -p "${parallelize}" > "${dir_log}/rm-dup-qnames_${strain}_${ID}.o.txt" 2> "${dir_log}/rm-dup-qnames_${strain}_${ID}.e.txt"
# ./bin/workflow/03-remove-duplicate-qnames.sh:
# Run pipeline to filter duplicate QNAMEs from bam file.
# - Step 01: Copy files of interest to
- This ALSO pipeline takes as input two paired parental bam files (one aligned to a "sample 1" reference genome and the other aligned to a "sample 2" reference genome) that have been sorted and subjected to duplicate removal; ALSO outputs 6 bam files:
- strain-1 bam comprised of only "strain 1" assignments
- strain-1 bam comprised of only "strain 2" assignments
- strain-1 bam comprised of only "ambiguous" assignments
- strain-2 bam comprised of only "strain 1" assignments
- strain-2 bam comprised of only "strain 2" assignments
- strain-2 bam comprised of only "ambiguous" assignments
## Proposed changes to ALSO
- Regarding setting -d TRUE in various ALSO scripts: instead of copying files into and running all steps in ${TMPDIR}, make it so that only certain programs make use of ${TMPDIR}, e.g., Picard, Samtools; steps will be run in and files will be written to -o "./path/to/directory/for/results"
- ~~Index bam outfiles while writing them out with Picard: `--CREATE_INDEX <Boolean>`~~
- ~~Set Picard FilterSamReads --MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM <Integer>; but seems applicable to only sorting output, which we currently do not do...~~
- Remove use of Picard FilterSamReads
- For using exclude-reads-from-bam.py, reverse-sort QNAME lists and sort bams with picard SortSam SORT_ORDER=queryname