TODOS: - Plugins Store Install / As docker container? - ✓ Standalone Database Plugin - ✓ TCP Plugin Creator - ✓ Manifests Location, Information, etc. pp. - ✓ reinstantiate connection when plugin docker reboot - ✓ Telegram crashes after 3 messages :( - Twitch duplicates messages when multiple plugins are running (Twitch Messages ping pong their messages) //Multiple Plugins of the same type is currently not supported in a single botmaster instance (May change in the future) - ✓ twitch not working after other plugins are reinstanciated - ✓ botmaster should reboot plugin when error inside plugin - docker inspect c2c769c4b9ef --format='{{.State.ExitCode}}' == 111 //We need an use case first, before we will implement this, because docker can do this for us via RestartPolicy ✓ We need to correctly pass exception into dotnetRunner and throw them there, so we have the right exit code - ✓ existing container detection - ✓ betterplace bad gateway in own container
- Fix YT again (Especially token generation)
- Bots / Restream Bot is not allowed to execute commands
- ASP Net Core Web Core and Extensions
- ✓(Maybe) Betterplace donation alert
- Web Hook / Call for Twitch / YT Follows
- Betterplace Optimizing (Webhooks)
- Improve Logging
- Set Title on Youtube and Twitch?
- Add Twitter API (For Scheduled Events)
- Discord BOT Api?
- Save IDs of follows / donations, so we know which are new
- Stresstest
- TeamSpeak / Mumble Bot
- Cleanup again
- WebUi for Config, Logging, etc. pp. (Maybe as a sunday project)
- PluginInstance List
- Start & Stop
- State
- Create (UI for plugin.manifest.json)
- Update (Docker Images or something)
- Config of this plugin
- LogView in General (Per Plugin aswell)
- Other Logs (Not just file)
- Usermanagement of DB (Rights, Links, IDs, Delete, Create)
- Commandmanagement (Delete, Create, Update)
- Demo Messages for Tests
- Set Title on Youtube and Twitch / Twitter Notification
- Think about name
- Auto Update Docker Plugin Container and Botmaster (Self Update / Plugin Update Plugin etc.)
Done: - Dispatch Command (always) to itself - Botmaster Twitch & Telegram to library
- Rework Twitch to use more reactive instead of events
- ✓ Cleanup FollowerService
- ✓ Send Twitch messages / Command to the ouside
- ✓ Rework BotCommandManager (Look @ Rule Of Silvester)
- Rightsmanagement (Platform User mandatory, User currently handy)
- ✓ Fix follower notification for twitch
- ✓ Change Message UID To GUID UID from Contracts
- ✓ Write own migration stuff so plugins can have own tables and so on
- ✓ Fix needing to subscribe receive to be able to send packages
- ✓ Youtube Bot API implementation
- ✓ Message Relay YT <=> Twitch <(Not for now)> (Telegram, maybe 2nd Bot?)
- ✓ (Fix self message on twitch?)
- ✓ Exception inside Plugin shouldn't crash the bot
- ✓ Does the external process get restarted after exception? No
- ✓ Support multiple runners
- ✓ Telegram => Subscribe to Notifications
- ✓ Configuration Files
- ✓ Move Nlog to Config File
- ✓ Appconfig per Plugin
- ✓ Appconfig for core service
- Database Problem? How To Why and When
- ✓ Global Commands
- ✓ Twitch/ ✓ YT Command Message Creation