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Developing Telepresence 2

Set up your environment

Development environment

  • TELEPRESENCE_REGISTRY (required) is the Docker registry that make push-images pushes the tel2 and telepresence image to. For most developers, the easiest thing is to set it to

  • TELEPRESENCE_VERSION (optional) is the "vSEMVER" string to compile-in to the binary and Docker image, if set. Otherwise, make will automatically set this based on the current Git commit and the current time.

  • DTEST_KUBECONFIG (optional) is the cluster that is used by tests, if set. Otherwise the tests will automatically use a K3s cluster running locally in Docker. It is not normally necessary to set this, but it is useful to set it in order to test against different Kubernetes versions/configurations than what uses.

  • DTEST_REGISTRY (optional) is the Docker registry that images are pushed to by the tests, if set. Otherwise, the tests will automatically use a registry running locally in Docker ("localhost:5000"). The tests will push images named tel2 with various version tags. It is not necessary to set this unless you have set DTEST_KUBECONFIG.

    If DTEST_KUBECONFIG is pointing to a pre-existing cluster, and you would like the DTEST_REGISTRY to point to a private registry that is hosted in that cluster, then you can use make private-registry. It will deploy a registry and set it up so that it is reachable at localhost:5000, both from the cluster and from the local workstation.

  • DEV_TELEPRESENCE_VERSION (optional) if set to a version such as v2.12.1-alpha.0, the integration tests will assume that this version is pre-built and available, both as a CLI client (accessible from the current runtime path), and also pre-pushed into a pre-existing cluster accessible from DTEST_KUBECONFIG. In other words, if this is set, no no binaries will be built or pushed so the development + test cycle can be quit rapid.

  • DEV_CLIENT_IMAGE (optional) can be set to the fully qualified name of an alternative image to use for the docker image used for the containerized daemon when running in docker mode.

  • DEV_MANAGER_IMAGE (optional) can be set to the fully qualified name of an alternative image to use for the traffic manager.

  • DEV_AGENT_IMAGE (optional) can be set to the fully qualified name of an alternative image to use for the traffic agent.

  • DEV_USERD_PROFILING_PORT and DEV_ROOTD_PROFILING_PORT (optional) if set, will cause the telepresence connect calls in the integration tests to start daemons where pprof is enabled (see Profiling the daemons below).

The above environment can optionally be provided in a itest.yml file that is placed adjacent to the normal config.yml file used to configure Telepresence. The itest.yml currently has only one single entry, the Env which is a map. It can look something like this:

  DTEST_KUBECONFIG: /home/thhal/.kube/testconfig

The output of make help has a bit more information.

Running integration tests

Integration tests can be run using go test ./integration_test/.... For individual tests, use the -m.testify=<pattern> flag. Verbose output using the -v flag is also recommended, because the tests are built with human readable output in mind and timestamps can be compared to timestamps found in the telepresence logs.

Example of running one test with existing cluster and registry:

make private-registry
export DTEST_KUBECONFIG=<your kubeconfig>
export DTEST_REGISTRY=localhost:5000
go test ./integration_test/... -v -testify.m=Test_InterceptDetailedOutput

If you run these tests on a Mac, localhost won't work. Please use the docker hub, or this value for the registry:

export DTEST_REGISTRY=host.docker.internal:5000

You must also set this in your docker engine settings:

   "insecure-registries": [

The test takes about a minute to complete when using an existing cluster and a private registry created by make private-registry. During that time it:

  • builds the traffic-manager image
  • pushes the image to the registry
  • builds the client binary
  • creates two namespaces for the test
  • performs a helm install of a namespace scoped traffic-manager
  • runs the test
  • uninstalls the traffic-manager
  • deletes the namespaces

The first two can be omitted (and are omitted when the tests run from CI) by building the binary using make build. Example of running test with existing client and traffic-mananager:

make private-registry
export TELEPRESENCE_VERSION=v2.12.1-alpha.0
export TELEPRESENCE_REGISTRY=localhost:5000
make build
make push-images
export DTEST_KUBECONFIG=<your kubeconfig>

# Run any number of indivitual test with this setup
go test ./integration_test/... -v -testify.m=Test_InterceptDetailedOutput

The DEV_TELEPRESENCE_VERSION tells the integration test that a client and a traffic-manager of that version has been prebuilt and pushed. This usually shortens the time for the test with about 20 seconds.

Runtime environment

  • The main thing is that in your ~/.config/telepresence/config.yml (~/Library/Application Support/telepresence/config.yml on macOS) file you set images.registry to match the TELEPRESENCE_REGISTRY environment variable. See for more information.

  • TELEPRESENCE_VERSION is is the "vSEMVER" string used by the telepresence binary if one was not compiled in (for example, if you're running it with go run ./cmd/telepresence rather than having built it with make build).

  • TELEPRESENCE_AGENT_IMAGE is is the "name:vSEMVER" string used when the telepresence auto-installs the traffic-manager unless the config.yml overrides it by defining images.agentImage.

  • You will need have a ~/.kube/config file (or set KUBECONFIG to point to a different file) file in order to connect to a cluster; same as any other Kubernetes tool.

  • You will need to have mockgen installed to generate new or updated testing mocks for interfaces.

Blocking Ambassador telemetry

Telemetry to Ambassador Labs can be disabled by having your os resolve the to


echo "" >> c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

Linux and MacOS

echo "" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Build the binary, push the image

The easiest thing to do to get going:

$ make build push-images # use .\build-aux\winmake.bat build on windows
[make] TELEPRESENCE_VERSION=v2.12.1-19-g37085c2d7-1655891839
... # Lots of output
2.12.1-19-g37085c2d7-1655891839: digest: sha256:40fe852f8d8026a89f196293f37ae8c462c765c85572150d26263d78c43cdd4b size: 1157

This has 3 primary outputs:

  1. The ./build-output/bin/telepresence executable binary
  2. The ${TELEPRESENCE_REGISTRY}/tel2 Docker image
  3. The ${TELEPRESENCE_REGISTRY}/telepresence Docker image

It essentially does 4 separate tasks:

  1. make build to build the ./build-output/bin/telepresence executable binary
  2. make tel2-image to build the ${TELEPRESENCE_REGISTRY}/tel2 Docker image.
  3. make client-image to build the ${TELEPRESENCE_REGISTRY}/telepresence Docker image.
  4. make push-images to push the ${TELEPRESENCE_REGISTRY}/tel2 and ${TELEPRESENCE_REGISTRY}/telepresence Docker images.

You can run any of those tasks separately, but be warned: The TELEPRESENCE_VERSION for all 4 needs to agree, and make includes a timestamp in the default TELEPRESENCE_VERSION; if you run the tasks separately you will need to explicitly set the TELEPRESENCE_VERSION environment variable so that they all agree.

When working on just the command-line binary, it is often useful to run it simply using go run ./cmd/telepresence rather than compiling it first; but be warned: When run this way it won't know its own version number (telepresence version will report "v0.0.0-devel") unless you set the TELEPRESENCE_VERSION environment variable, you will want to set it to the version of a previously-pushed Docker image.

You may think that the initial suggestion of running make build push-images all the time (so that every build gets new matching version numbers) would be terribly slow. However, This is not as slow as you might think; both go and docker are very good about reusing existing builds and avoiding unnecessary work.

Run the tests

Running the tests does not require having previously built or pushed anything.

The tests make use of sudo; it is useful to get in the habit of running a no-op sudo command to pre-emptively prompt for your password to avoid having to notice when the prompt appears in the test output.

$ sudo id
[sudo] password for lukeshu:
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

$ make check-unit
[make] TELEPRESENCE_VERSION=v2.6.7-20-g9de10e316-1655892249

The first time you run the tests, you should use make check, to get make to automatically create the requisite heml tool binaries. However, after that initial run, you can instead use gotestsum or go test if you prefer.

Test metric collection

When running in CI, make check-unit and make check-integration will report the result of test runs to metriton, Ambassador Labs' metrics store. These reports include test name, running time, and result. They are reported by the tool at tools/src/test-report. This test-report tool will also visually modify test output; this happens even running locally, since the json output to go test is piped to the tool anyway:

$ make check-unit

Building for Release


Updating license documentation

Run make generate and commit changes to and

Developing on Windows

Building on Windows

We do not currently support using make directly to build on Windows. Instead, use build-aux\winmake.bat and pass it the same parameters you would pass to make. winmake.bat will run make from inside a Docker container, with appropriate parameters to build windows binaries.

Debugging and Troubleshooting

Log output

There are two logs:

  • the connector.log log file which contains output from the background-daemon parts of Telepresence that run as your regular user: the interaction with the traffic-manager and the cluster (traffic-manager and traffic-agent installs, intercepts, port forwards, etc.), and
  • the daemon.log log file which contains output from the parts of telepresence that run as the "root" administrator user: the networking changes and services that happen on your workstation.

The location of both logs is:

  • on macOS: ~/Library/Logs/telepresence/
  • on GNU/Linux: ~/.cache/telepresence/logs/
  • on Windows "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\logs"

The logs are rotating and a new log is created every time Telepresence creates a new connection to the cluster, e.g. on telepresence connect after a telepresence quit that terminated the last session.

Watching the logs

A convenient way to watch rotating logs is to use tail -F <filename>. It will automatically and seamlessly follow the rotation.

Debugging early-initialization errors

If there's an error from the connector or daemon during early initialization, it might quit before the logfiles are set up. Perhaps the problem is even with setting up the logfile itself.

You can run the connector-foreground or daemon-foreground commands directly, to see what they spit out on stderr before dying:

$ telepresence connector-foreground    # or daemon-foreground

If stdout is a TTY device, they don't set up logfiles and instead log to stderr. In order to debug the logfile setup, simply pipe the command to cat to trigger the usual logfile setup:

$ telepresence connector-foreground | cat

Profiling the daemons

The daemons can be profiled using pprof. The profiling is initialized using the following flags:

$ telepresence quit -s
$ telepresence connect --userd-profiling-port 6060 --rootd-profiling-port 6061

If a daemon is started with pprof, then the goroutine stacks and much other info can be found by connecting your browser to http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/ (swap 6060 for whatever port you used with the flags)

Dumping the goroutine stacks

A dump will be produced in the respective logs for the daemon simply by killing it with a SIGQUIT signal. On Windows however, using profiling is the only option.

RBAC issues

If you are debugging or working on RBAC-related feature work with Telepresence, it can be helpful to have a user with limited RBAC privileges/roles. There are many ways you can do this, but the way we do it in our tests is like so:

$ kubectl apply -f k8s/client_rbac.yaml
serviceaccount/telepresence-test-developer created created created

$ kubectl get sa telepresence-test-developer -o "jsonpath={.secrets[0].name}"

$ kubectl get secret telepresence-test-developer-token-<hash> -o "jsonpath={.data.token}" > b64_token
$ cat b64_token | base64 --decode
<plaintext token>

$ kubectl config set-credentials telepresence-test-developer --token <plaintext token>

This creates a ServiceAccount, ClusterRole, and ClusterRoleBinding which can be used with kubectl (kubectl config use-context telepresence-test-developer) to work in a RBAC-restricted environment.

Errors from make generate

Missing go.sum entries

If you get an error like this:

cd tools/src/go-mkopensource && GOOS= GOARCH= go build -o /home/andres/source/production/telepresence/tools/bin/go-mkopensource $(sed -En 's,^import "(.*)".*,\1,p' pin.go)
missing go.sum entry for module providing package; to add:
	go mod download

Add the missing entries by going to the folder that caused the failure (in this case it's /home/andres/source/production/telepresence/tools/bin/go-mkopensource) and run the command provided by go:

go mod download