diff --git a/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/Dock.cs b/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/Dock.cs
index 0449771..2a4da52 100644
--- a/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/Dock.cs
+++ b/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/Dock.cs
@@ -97,16 +97,19 @@ public void MainLoop(string[] args)
platforms.AddSupportedPlatform(new PlatformGOG());
platforms.AddSupportedPlatform(new PlatformIGClient());
platforms.AddSupportedPlatform(new PlatformItch());
-#if DEBUG
- // an experiment for now
- platforms.AddSupportedPlatform(new PlatformMicrosoft());
platforms.AddSupportedPlatform(new PlatformOculus());
platforms.AddSupportedPlatform(new PlatformOrigin());
platforms.AddSupportedPlatform(new PlatformParadox());
platforms.AddSupportedPlatform(new PlatformRockstar());
platforms.AddSupportedPlatform(new PlatformSteam());
platforms.AddSupportedPlatform(new PlatformUplay());
+#if DEBUG
+ // experiments for now
+ platforms.AddSupportedPlatform(new PlatformArc());
+ platforms.AddSupportedPlatform(new PlatformMicrosoft());
+ //platforms.AddSupportedPlatform(new PlatformPlarium());
+ //platforms.AddSupportedPlatform(new PlatformWargaming());
bool import, parseError = false;
import = CJsonWrapper.ImportFromINI(out CConfig.ConfigVolatile cfgv, out CConfig.Hotkeys keys, out CConfig.Colours cols);
if (!import) parseError = true;
@@ -893,11 +896,8 @@ from part in newTags.Split('|')
case GamePlatform.BigFish:
- case GamePlatform.Arc: // TODO?
- if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows())
- StartShellExecute(CPlatform.ARC_PROTOCOL);
- else
- Process.Start(CPlatform.ARC_PROTOCOL);
+ case GamePlatform.Arc:
+ PlatformArc.Launch();
case GamePlatform.Itch:
@@ -906,18 +906,13 @@ from part in newTags.Split('|')
case GamePlatform.Plarium: // TODO?
- if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows())
- StartShellExecute(CPlatform.PLARIUM_PROTOCOL);
- else
- Process.Start(CPlatform.PLARIUM_PROTOCOL);
+ //PlatformPlarium.Launch();
case GamePlatform.Twitch: // TODO?
+ //PlatformTwitch.Launch();
case GamePlatform.Wargaming: // TODO?
- if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows())
- StartShellExecute(CPlatform.WARGAMING_PROTOCOL);
- else
- Process.Start(CPlatform.WARGAMING_PROTOCOL);
+ //PlatformWargaming.Launch();
case GamePlatform.IGClient:
diff --git a/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/GameData.cs b/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/GameData.cs
index a5f6b69..ddf3103 100644
--- a/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/GameData.cs
+++ b/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/GameData.cs
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public enum GamePlatform
Amazon = 13,
[Description("Big Fish")]
BigFish = 14,
- [Description("Arc")] // TODO
+ [Description("Arc")]
Arc = 15,
Itch = 16,
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public enum GamePlatform
IGClient = 21,
[Description("New games")]
New = 22,
- [Description("Not installed")] // TODO
+ [Description("Not installed")]
NotInstalled = 23,
[Description("Microsoft Store")] // TODO
Microsoft = 24,
diff --git a/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/Platform.cs b/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/Platform.cs
index ca742d4..77c2274 100644
--- a/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/Platform.cs
+++ b/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/Platform.cs
@@ -83,18 +83,6 @@ public enum Platform
- // Arc
- public const string ARC_NAME = "Arc";
- public const string ARC_NAME_LONG = "Arc";
- public const string ARC_PROTOCOL = "arc://";
- //private const string ARC_UNREG = "{CED8E25B-122A-4E80-B612-7F99B93284B3}"; // HKLM32 Uninstall
- // Plarium Play
- public const string PLARIUM_NAME = "Plarium";
- public const string PLARIUM_NAME_LONG = "Plarium Play";
- public const string PLARIUM_PROTOCOL = "plariumplay://";
- //private const string PLARIUM_UNREG = "{970D6975-3C2A-4AF9-B190-12AF8837331F}"; // HKLM32 Uninstall
// Twitch [deprecated, now Amazon Games]
public const string TWITCH_NAME = "Twitch";
@@ -102,12 +90,6 @@ public enum Platform
private const string TWITCH_UNREG = "{DEE70742-F4E9-44CA-B2B9-EE95DCF37295}"; // HKCU64 Uninstall
- // Wargaming.net Game Center
- public const string WARGAMING_NAME = "Wargaming";
- public const string WARGAMING_NAME_LONG = "Wargaming.net Game Center";
- public const string WARGAMING_PROTOCOL = "wgc://";
- //private const string WARGAMING_UNREG = "Wargaming.net Game Center"; // HKCU64 Uninstall
#region Query definitions
diff --git a/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/Platforms/Arc.cs b/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/Platforms/Arc.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22a1820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/Platforms/Arc.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+using Logger;
+using Microsoft.Win32;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Runtime.Versioning;
+using static GameLauncher_Console.CGameData;
+using static GameLauncher_Console.CRegScanner;
+using static System.Environment;
+namespace GameLauncher_Console
+ // Arc
+ // [installed games only]
+ public class PlatformArc : IPlatform
+ {
+ public const GamePlatform ENUM = GamePlatform.Arc;
+ public const string PROTOCOL = "arc://";
+ private const string ARC_REG = @"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Perfect World Entertainment"; // HKLM32
+ //private const string ARC_UNREG = "{CED8E25B-122A-4E80-B612-7F99B93284B3}"; // HKLM32 Uninstall
+ private const string ARC_GAMES = "Core";
+ private const string ARC_ID = "APP_ABBR";
+ private const string ARC_PATH = "INSTALL_PATH";
+ private const string ARC_EXEPATH = "CLIENT_PATH";
+ private const string ARC_INST = "installed";
+ //[strLaunch] CLIENT_PATH in e.g., HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Perfect World Entertainment\Core\1400en
+ //[strId?] APP_ABBR
+ //[installed] installed
+ private static readonly string _name = Enum.GetName(typeof(GamePlatform), ENUM);
+ GamePlatform IPlatform.Enum => ENUM;
+ string IPlatform.Name => _name;
+ string IPlatform.Description => GetPlatformString(ENUM);
+ public static void Launch()
+ {
+ if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows())
+ CDock.StartShellExecute(PROTOCOL);
+ else
+ Process.Start(PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ public static void InstallGame(CGame game) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ [SupportedOSPlatform("windows")]
+ public void GetGames(List gameDataList, bool expensiveIcons = false)
+ {
+ List keyList = new();
+ //string arcFolder = Path.Combine(GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "Arc"); // AppData\Roaming
+ /*
+ string launcherPath = "";
+ using (RegistryKey launcherKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(Path.Combine(ARC_REG, "Arc"), RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree)) // HKLM32
+ {
+ if (launcherKey == null)
+ {
+ CLogger.LogInfo("{0} client not found in the registry.", _name.ToUpper());
+ return;
+ }
+ launcherPath = GetRegStrVal(launcherKey, "client");
+ }
+ */
+ using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(Path.Combine(ARC_REG, ARC_GAMES), RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree)) // HKLM32
+ {
+ foreach (string subKey in key.GetSubKeyNames()) // Add subkeys to search list
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if (subKey.IndexOf("en") > -1)
+ keyList.Add(key.OpenSubKey(subKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree));
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ CLogger.LogError(e);
+ }
+ }
+ CLogger.LogInfo("{0} {1} games found", keyList.Count, _name.ToUpper());
+ foreach (var data in keyList)
+ {
+ string id = GetRegStrVal(data, ARC_ID);
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
+ {
+ id = Path.GetFileName(data.Name);
+ int idIndex = id.IndexOf("en");
+ if (idIndex > -1)
+ id = id.Substring(0, idIndex);
+ }
+ string name = Path.GetFileName(GetRegStrVal(data, ARC_PATH).Trim(new char[] { '"', '\\', '/' }));
+ int nameIndex = name.IndexOf("_en");
+ if (nameIndex > -1)
+ name = name.Substring(0, nameIndex);
+ string strID = "";
+ string strTitle = "";
+ string strLaunch = "";
+ string strAlias = "";
+ bool bInstalled = true;
+ string strPlatform = GetPlatformString(ENUM);
+ try
+ {
+ strID = "arc_" + id;
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
+ strTitle = name;
+ else
+ strTitle = id;
+ CLogger.LogDebug($"- {strTitle}");
+ strLaunch = GetRegStrVal(data, ARC_EXEPATH);
+ strAlias = GetAlias(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strLaunch));
+ if (strAlias.Length > strTitle.Length)
+ strAlias = GetAlias(strTitle);
+ if (strAlias.Equals(strTitle, CDock.IGNORE_CASE))
+ strAlias = "";
+ int? installed = GetRegDWORDVal(data, ARC_INST);
+ if (installed != null && installed == 0)
+ bInstalled = false;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ CLogger.LogError(e);
+ }
+ if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLaunch)))
+ gameDataList.Add(
+ new ImportGameData(strID, strTitle, strLaunch, strLaunch, "", strAlias, bInstalled, strPlatform));
+ }
+ }
+ CLogger.LogDebug("------------------------");
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/RegScanner.cs b/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/RegScanner.cs
index c269e31..3dd9c6e 100644
--- a/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/RegScanner.cs
+++ b/GameLauncher_Console/GameLauncher_Console/RegScanner.cs
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ public static class CRegScanner
/// Looks for a key-value pair inside the specified root.
/// Root folder that will be scanned
- /// The target value in the subkey
- /// The target key that should contain the target value
+ /// A substring of the target value data in the subkey
+ /// The target value name that should contain the target value data
/// Function will ignore these subkey names (used to ignore things like launchers)
/// List of game registry keys
- public static List FindGameKeys(RegistryKey root, string strValue, string strKeyName, string[] ignoreKeys)
+ public static List FindGameKeys(RegistryKey root, string strValData, string strValName, string[] ignoreKeys)
LinkedList toCheck = new();
List gameKeys = new();
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ public static List FindGameKeys(RegistryKey root, string strValue,
foreach(var name in root.GetValueNames())
- if(root.GetValueKind(name) == RegistryValueKind.String && name == strKeyName)
+ if(root.GetValueKind(name) == RegistryValueKind.String && name.Equals(strValName))
- if(((string)root.GetValue(name)).Contains(strValue, CDock.IGNORE_CASE))
+ if(((string)root.GetValue(name)).Contains(strValData, CDock.IGNORE_CASE))