- Date: Dec 2, 2021
- Time: 4pm UTC
- Link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3978420015?pwd=ci93V3Q3THNLcXVxanNxc2hrK0dyUT09
- Agenda (these notes): https://hackmd.io/@oh-researchers-group/SkAIqgKut/edit
- Are we meeting yet?
- Julieta Arancio - [email protected]
- Veronica Uribe del Aguila - [email protected]
- Sergio Minniti -
- Mayra Morales Tirado - [email protected]
- Fabio
- Moritz Maxeiner - [email protected]
- Haris Shekeris
- Louise Bezuidenhout - [email protected]
- Emilio Velis - [email protected]
- MC Forelle - [email protected]; @mcforelle on Twitter
- Massimo Menechinelli - [email protected]
- Rafaella Antoniou - [email protected]
- Morgan Meyer - [email protected]
- Wiebke Denkena - [email protected]
1. Briefly who we are & what are we doing research on
Veronica: 5th year phd STS Communication studies UC San Diego, research on makers and use open hw, e.g. use of Arduino not necessarily in the open. Wide sense of comms practice in Mexico, fieldwork in Guadalajara, Monterrey, Mexico DF. How they create businesses and how they engage in supply chains, imaginaries. In this group for community, apply to grants, panels in conferences
Sergio Minniti, STS postdoc in U of Padua, bottom up innovation, co creation. Case study is an informal group of makers who support free sw and open hw, only with open tech. Interested in going deeper on issues with open technologies.
Haris Shekeris, phd philosophy, production and dissemination of science and knowledge, familiar with STS, postdoc on democratization of science. With philosophers mostly, not case studies. Interested in sci policy. Doesn't know about open hw, user of open sw. Outside of research for last 3 years, interested in it. Open hw related to...?
Mayra Morales Tirado, from Mexico, phd uni of Manchester, policy side of science and technology, evaluation. Studies particle physucists at CERN how they develop tech, new to open hw. In the group for collaboration! Other project: how policy influences policy makers.
Moritz Maxeiner, research assistant FU Berlin, open make project, how we can assess and improve open hw in academia for reproducibility and tech staff recognition. FOSS enthusiast >10 years
Emilio Velis, Salvador, ED of Appropedia Foundation, a wiki for sustainability, dev, focus on open hw. >1000 designs, students & others, working on documentation. Open movement, fab and maker movements.
Rafaella Antoniou, phd at Uni of Bath, part of EU Horizon open next project, study success in open hw projects and how to help them become more successful. How SMEs can use open hw to capture value. Helping to write a book on learnings of that project for SMEs
Morgan Meyer researcher in Paris, researcher on cit sci, open sci and participation. Interested in all thigs shared, documented. DIY biology or biohacking is a topic of study, also open source agricultural tools. Recently research on groups doing low tech and experiment, how they document, videos & tutorials. Sociology background
Wiebke Denkena, graduated of U of Amsterdam in media studies, based in Berlin, interested in socual, political, econ implications in AI. Masters, mapped developments around specialized chips, from proprietary side, interested in open!
MC Forelle ([email protected]), postdoc at Cornell Tech on legal implications of emerging digital tech, research in STS. Interested in automotive tech with AI or other software. Interested in the after market, how ppl develop products that go into cars after they leave the industry. How open hw intersects with car tech, policy implications? Regulations, implications for safety, IP rights. Exploring the open. Policy, consumer tech side, international perspective. Car industry tends to be very national, increasingly not.
Louise, NL. Social scientist, STS, open data. Came into open hw by how it creates open data. How can these communities intersect or not, why? From South AFrica, co founded network called lab hack, competition for producing low cost versions of lab equipment, run events. Interrupted by covid.
Fabio, affiliated with IUC Turin, co-founder of GHF Open Village to showcase health and healing commons as the new standard . Considers any publicly funded project should be shared under libre licence. Collectively creating freely reproducible solutions to challenges in society, as opposed to following dogmatic measures decided by an elite (policy brief).
2. A discussion on this group's goals & how we can contribute to them
Previous info from the survey results
- Who is funding OH research?
- Potential collaborations
- Establishing a common research agenda
- Academia & industry collaborations in open hardware
- Open hardware and social, critical theory
- MC: work together in grant applications
- Moritz: +1 to MC
- Haris: incentives for more people to go open hw
- Julieta: collaborative research agenda
- Veronica: defining openness levels (e.g. different for chips than other stuff)
- Fabio: reflecting on narratives: resources that fulfill a social purpose should have a participatory governence, regardless who owns them (Italian work of Comission Rodotà) + federate initiatives that succeed to raise awareness and inspire, examples of success such as we do with 15 examples of health commons
- Mayra: trace impact of publicly owned and public funded tech. CERN develops all open, in the US (FermiLab) not as open. Benefits from each of these sides, where are they going to?
- Mayra: we can work on defining openness. For this I suggest we conduct a literature review, which is the common practice when it comes to ascertain how terms or definitions are established, and how these evolved.
- Louise: EU lots of money in open science cloud, what's the space of open hw in those?
- Rafaella: definitions of open, standards
3. Defining frequency for this meeting & other action items
- Monthly meeting
- Send minutes to everyone and contacts to those who shared them
4. Links and notes from the Zoom chat:
- Rafaella: https://opennext.eu/
- Rafaella: @MC - this might be interesting for you: https://opennext.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021_Vignettes-sonomotors.pdf
- MC Forelle: Love this, thank you!! Oh, and to add: interested in open hardware as a pedagogical tool as well!
- Fabio: GHF Open Village https://breathinggames.net/openvillage-2022
- Fabio: 15 example of open hardware for health https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5515632
- Mayra: As a key point in our research agenda may be a work stream on defining openness
- Morgan: on openness: http://peerproduction.net/editsuite/issues/issue-13-open/
- Fabio: Unesco recommendation on open science was approved last week https://en.unesco.org/science-sustainable-future/open-science/recommendation including 5 types of open sci knowledge
Other comments
- Fabio: We should use Jitsi as a libre, community driven tool to be congruent (Fabio)
Send minutes to everyone, define a monthly meeting (starting in January).