- 云原生安全:攻防与运营实战
- 📅 日期:2024-05-27
- 📑 在线阅读:暂无
- 🔗 链接:https://item.jd.com/10105044626707.html
- Learning eBPF
- 📅 日期:2023-03-07
- 📑 在线阅读:Learning eBPF
- 📑 文件:Learning eBPF
- 🔗 链接:https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/learning-ebpf/9781098135119/
- 使用eBPF进行安全可观测性
- 📅 日期:2022-04-05
- 📑 文件:Security Observability with eBPF(Measuring Cloud Native SecurityThrough eBPF Observability)
- 🔗 链接:https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/security-observability-with/9781492096719/
- 云原生安全:攻防实践与体系构建
- 📅 日期:2021-10-01
- 📑 在线阅读:云原生安全:攻防实践与体系构建
- 🔗 链接:https://github.com/Metarget/cloud-native-security-book
- Kubernetes 安全:菜鸟到大佬的新手指南
- 📅 日期:2021-06-01
- 📑 文件:Kubernetes security:Guide for beginners from zero to hero
- 🔗 链接:https://www.scribd.com/document/656477678/Kubernetes-security
- 容器安全:保护容器化应用程序的基本技术概念
- 📅 日期:2020-04-01
- 📑 文件(epub):Container Security Fundamental Technology Concepts that Protect Containerized Applications
- 📑 文件(pdf):Container Security Fundamental Technology Concepts that Protect Containerized Applications
- 🔗 链接:https://www.amazon.com/Container-Security-Fundamental-Containerized-Applications/dp/1492056707
- Kubernetes 安全:安全操作Kubernetes集群和应用程序