From 21d2c2ab6d36424e122460db591daf6b7be9857e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simplaf234-ghost <> Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2020 21:03:01 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=D0=98=D1=81=D0=BF=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=BB?= =?UTF-8?q?=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B0=20=D0=BE=D0=BF=D0=B5=D1=87=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=BA?= =?UTF-8?q?=D0=B0?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Исправлена опечатка в слове "license" --- src/OkayLicense/License.php | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/OkayLicense/License.php b/src/OkayLicense/License.php index 0da3458..7ab9b07 100644 --- a/src/OkayLicense/License.php +++ b/src/OkayLicense/License.php @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ isUseModuleDir() && !self::sp3a9bb5(self::spa33ce8($sp81fa35->getModuleTemplatesDir()), self::sp475e42($sp81fa35->getModuleTemplatesDir()))) { return ''; } if ($sp81fa35->isUseModuleDir() === false) { $sp81fa35->setSmartyTemplatesDir($sp81fa35->getDefaultTemplatesDir()); } else { $sp212e30 = self::spa33ce8($sp81fa35->getModuleTemplatesDir()); $sp5315c5 = self::sp475e42($sp81fa35->getModuleTemplatesDir()); $sp81fa35->setSmartyTemplatesDir(array(rtrim($sp81fa35->getDefaultTemplatesDir(), '/') . "/../modules/{$sp212e30}/{$sp5315c5}/html", $sp81fa35->getModuleTemplatesDir(), $sp81fa35->getDefaultTemplatesDir())); } $sp250957 = self::$smarty->fetch($speeec82); if (self::$validLicense === false && $speeec82 == 'index.tpl' && strpos($sp81fa35->getDefaultTemplatesDir(), 'backend/design/html') !== false) { $spe8fb0a = self::$request; $sp9a73bc = $spe8fb0a::getDomainWithProtocol(); $sp87b34c = $spe8fb0a::getRootUrl(); if (!in_array(self::$request->get('controller'), array('LicenseAdmin', 'AuthAdmin'))) { $sp250957 .= strtr(self::sp54014b(7), array('$domain' => $sp87b34c)); } if (!in_array(self::$request->get('controller'), array('', 'LicenseAdmin', 'AuthAdmin'))) { self::$response->redirectTo("{$sp87b34c}/backend/index.php?controller=LicenseAdmin"); } } return $sp250957; } private static function spa33ce8($sp331fb2) { $sp331fb2 = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $sp331fb2); return preg_replace('~.*/?Okay/Modules/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/?.*~', '$1', $sp331fb2); } private static function sp475e42($sp331fb2) { $sp331fb2 = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $sp331fb2); return preg_replace('~.*/?Okay/Modules/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/?.*~', '$2', $sp331fb2); } public function startModule($spa1ff7c, $sp212e30, $sp5315c5) { if (empty(self::$module)) { return array(); } $spea06e4 = OkayContainer::getInstance(); $sp8d0077 = array(); $spa28ba8 = self::$module->getInitClassName($sp212e30, $sp5315c5); if (!empty($spa28ba8)) { $spdeabfe = new $spa28ba8((int) $spa1ff7c, $sp212e30, $sp5315c5); $spdeabfe->init(); foreach ($spdeabfe->getBackendControllers() as $sp6a0c24) { $sp6a0c24 = $sp212e30 . '.' . $sp5315c5 . '.' . $sp6a0c24; if (!in_array($sp6a0c24, $sp8d0077)) { $sp8d0077[] = $sp6a0c24; } } } $spc86378 = self::$module->getRoutes($sp212e30, $sp5315c5); if (self::sp3a9bb5($sp212e30, $sp5315c5) === false) { foreach ($spc86378 as &$sp264326) { $sp264326['mock'] = true; } } if (self::sp3a9bb5($sp212e30, $sp5315c5) === true) { $spb4734a = self::$module->getServices($sp212e30, $sp5315c5); $spea06e4->bindServices($spb4734a); $sp46edbb = self::$module->getSmartyPlugins($sp212e30, $sp5315c5); $spea06e4->bindServices($sp46edbb); foreach ($sp46edbb as $spf0ae73 => $spb38ac0) { $this->plugins[$spf0ae73] = $spb38ac0; } } self::$modulesRoutes = array_merge(self::$modulesRoutes, $spc86378); return $sp8d0077; } public function bindModulesRoutes() { Router::bindRoutes(self::$modulesRoutes); } public function registerSmartyPlugins() { if (!empty($this->plugins)) { $sp7c1a60 = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $sp81fa35 = $sp7c1a60->getService(Design::class); $sp626f83 = $sp7c1a60->getService(Module::class); foreach ($this->plugins as $spb38ac0) { $spffa141 = $sp7c1a60->getService($spb38ac0['class']); $spffa141->register($sp81fa35, $sp626f83); } } } public function check() { $this->sp9f43f8(); return self::$validLicense; } public function name(&$spa47f5c) { if (!empty($spa47f5c) && $this->check() === true) { $spa47f5c = preg_match_all('/./us', $spa47f5c, $sp85878c); $spa47f5c = implode(array_reverse($sp85878c[0])); } } public function getLicenseDomains() { $sp04b187 = $this->spfd1692(self::$config->license); $sp337e74 = array(); foreach ($sp04b187->nl['domains'] as $sp9a73bc) { $sp337e74[] = $sp9a73bc; if (count(explode('.', $sp9a73bc)) >= 2) { $sp337e74[] = '*.' . $sp9a73bc; } } return $sp337e74; } public function getLicenseExpiration() { $sp04b187 = $this->spfd1692(self::$config->license); return $sp04b187->expiration; } private static function sp3a9bb5($sp212e30, $sp5315c5) { if ($sp212e30 != self::sp54014b(4) || self::spdb35ee() != 'lite' || in_array($sp5315c5, self::$freeModules)) { return true; } return false; } private static function sp8cf261() { return getenv('HTTP_HOST'); } private static function spdb35ee() { if (empty(self::$licenseType)) { $sp04b187 = self::spfd1692(self::$config->license); self::$licenseType = $sp04b187->nl['version_type']; } return self::$licenseType; } private static function spb0a7c0() { @($sp4f835b = self::$config->license); if (empty($sp4f835b)) { self::sp26e77c(); } $sp04b187 = self::spfd1692($sp4f835b); if (empty($sp04b187->nl) || !is_array($sp04b187->nl['domains']) || empty($sp04b187->nl['version_type'])) { self::sp26e77c(); } if (!in_array($sp04b187->nl['version_type'], array('pro', 'lite', 'start', 'standard', 'premium'))) { self::sp26e77c(); } if (!class_exists(LicenseAdmin::class) || !class_exists(OkayContainer::class)) { self::sp26e77c(); } return true; } private function spf64008(array $sp5b2f1d) { self::$validLicense = false; $sp9a73bc = self::sp8cf261(); if (in_array($sp9a73bc, $sp5b2f1d)) { self::$validLicense = true; } foreach ($sp5b2f1d as $spda007e) { $spa2f57a = array_reverse(explode('.', $spda007e)); if (count($spa2f57a) >= 2) { $sp91d44b = array_reverse(explode('.', $sp9a73bc)); foreach ($spa2f57a as $sp7a9fe5 => $sp21f09f) { if (!isset($sp91d44b[$sp7a9fe5]) || $sp21f09f != $sp91d44b[$sp7a9fe5]) { break; } if ($sp7a9fe5 == count($spa2f57a) - 1) { self::$validLicense = true; return; } } } } } private static function sp26e77c() { throw new \Exception('Some error with license'); } private static function spfd1692($spf15cf0) { $spffa141 = 13; $sp278ac5 = 3; $sp60e693 = 5; $sp74fa89 = ''; $sp11736a = $sp60e693; $sp8f604e = explode(' ', $spf15cf0); foreach ($sp8f604e as $sp5ef3b6) { for ($spd13009 = 0, $sp0b39eb = ''; $spd13009 < strlen($sp5ef3b6) && isset($sp5ef3b6[$spd13009 + 1]); $spd13009 += 2) { $sp7e80fd = base_convert($sp5ef3b6[$spd13009], 36, 10) - ($spd13009 / 2 + $sp11736a) % 27; $sp394a62 = base_convert($sp5ef3b6[$spd13009 + 1], 36, 10) - ($spd13009 / 2 + $sp11736a) % 24; $sp0b39eb .= $sp394a62 * pow($sp7e80fd, $spffa141 - $sp60e693 - 5) % $spffa141; } $sp0b39eb = base_convert($sp0b39eb, 10, 16); $sp11736a += $sp60e693; for ($sp7e80fd = 0; $sp7e80fd < strlen($sp0b39eb); $sp7e80fd += 2) { $sp74fa89 .= @chr(hexdec($sp0b39eb[$sp7e80fd] . $sp0b39eb[$sp7e80fd + 1])); } } $spe7c719 = new \stdClass(); @(list($spe7c719->domains, $spe7c719->expiration, $spe7c719->comment, $sp462573) = explode('#', $sp74fa89, 4)); $spe7c719->domains = explode(',', $spe7c719->domains); if (!empty($sp462573)) { $spdc6554 = self::sp54014b(1); $sp38324f = self::sp54014b(2); $sp636814 = self::sp54014b(3); $sp462573 = (new $spdc6554())->{$sp38324f}($sp636814($sp462573)); list($spe7c719->nl['domains'], $spe7c719->nl['version_type']) = explode('#', $sp462573, 2); if (!empty($spe7c719->nl['domains'])) { $sp337e74 = array(); foreach (explode(',', $spe7c719->nl['domains']) as $sp28ac10) { $sp337e74[] = trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($sp28ac10))); } $spe7c719->nl['domains'] = $sp337e74; } } else { $spe7c719->nl['domains'] = array(); $spe7c719->nl['version_type'] = 'lite'; } return $spe7c719; } public function setResponseType($spd5cd98) { $this->responseType = $spd5cd98; } public function __destruct() { if ($this->responseType == RESPONSE_HTML && self::$validLicense === false && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'backend') === false) { print self::sp54014b(0); } } private static $freeModules = array('LigPay', 'Rozetka'); private function sp9f43f8() { if (self::$inited === false) { self::$validLicense = false; $sp7c1a60 = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); self::$config = $sp7c1a60->getService(Config::class); self::$module = $sp7c1a60->getService(Module::class); self::$smarty = $sp7c1a60->getService(Smarty::class); self::$response = $sp7c1a60->getService(Response::class); self::$request = $sp7c1a60->getService(Request::class); $sp04b187 = $this->spfd1692(self::$config->license); if (self::spb0a7c0() && $this->sp3ba4d0()) { $this->spf64008($sp04b187->nl['domains']); } self::$response->addHeader(self::sp54014b(6) . ' ' . self::$config->version . ' ' . $sp04b187->nl['version_type']); self::$inited = true; } } private function sp3ba4d0() { self::$validLicense = false; $spb5d9fc = $this->getLicenseExpiration(); if ($spb5d9fc == '*' || strtotime($spb5d9fc) >= strtotime(date('d.m.Y'))) { self::$validLicense = true; } return self::$validLicense; } private static function sp54014b($spfc800c) { $sp997ed0 = ''; if (isset(self::$codes[$spfc800c])) { foreach (self::$codes[$spfc800c] as $sp54014b) { $sp997ed0 .= chr($sp54014b); } } return $sp997ed0; } } \ No newline at end of file +namespace OkayLicense; use Okay\Admin\Controllers\LicenseAdmin; use Okay\Core\Config; use Okay\Core\Design; use Okay\Core\Modules\AbstractInit; use Okay\Core\OkayContainer\OkayContainer; use Okay\Core\Request; use Okay\Core\Response; use Okay\Core\Router; use Okay\Core\Modules\Module; use Okay\Core\ServiceLocator; use Smarty; class License { private static $config; private static $module; private static $validLicense = false; private static $licenseType; private static $smarty; private static $response; private static $request; private static $inited = false; private $responseType; private $plugins; private static $modulesRoutes = array(); private static $codes = array(array(60, 100, 105, 118, 32, 115, 116, 121, 108, 101, 61, 39, 116, 101, 120, 116, 45, 97, 108, 105, 103, 110, 58, 99, 101, 110, 116, 101, 114, 59, 32, 102, 111, 110, 116, 45, 115, 105, 122, 101, 58, 50, 50, 112, 120, 59, 32, 104, 101, 105, 103, 104, 116, 58, 49, 48, 48, 112, 120, 59, 39, 62, 208, 155, 208, 184, 209, 134, 208, 181, 208, 189, 208, 183, 208, 184, 209, 143, 32, 208, 189, 208, 181, 208, 180, 208, 181, 208, 185, 209, 129, 209, 130, 208, 178, 208, 184, 209, 130, 208, 181, 208, 187, 209, 140, 208, 189, 208, 176, 60, 98, 114, 62, 60, 97, 32, 104, 114, 101, 102, 61, 39, 104, 116, 116, 112, 58, 47, 47, 111, 107, 97, 121, 45, 99, 109, 115, 46, 99, 111, 109, 39, 62, 208, 161, 208, 186, 209, 128, 208, 184, 208, 191, 209, 130, 32, 208, 184, 208, 189, 209, 130, 208, 181, 209, 128, 208, 189, 208, 181, 209, 130, 45, 208, 188, 208, 176, 208, 179, 208, 176, 208, 183, 208, 184, 208, 189, 208, 176, 32, 79, 107, 97, 121, 60, 47, 97, 62, 60, 47, 100, 105, 118, 62), array(92, 112, 104, 112, 115, 101, 99, 108, 105, 98, 92, 67, 114, 121, 112, 116, 92, 66, 108, 111, 119, 102, 105, 115, 104), array(100, 101, 99, 114, 121, 112, 116), array(98, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52, 95, 100, 101, 99, 111, 100, 101), array(79, 107, 97, 121, 67, 77, 83), array(97, 49, 53, 98, 99, 98, 101, 51, 102, 99, 49, 53, 56, 49, 53, 101, 57, 55, 56, 99, 52, 100, 56, 56, 102, 53, 97, 99, 56, 49, 48, 51), array(88, 45, 80, 111, 119, 101, 114, 101, 100, 45, 67, 77, 83, 58, 32, 79, 107, 97, 121, 67, 77, 83), array(60, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 62, 36, 40, 102, 117, 110, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 40, 41, 32, 123, 97, 108, 101, 114, 116, 40, 34, 67, 117, 114, 114, 101, 110, 116, 32, 108, 105, 99, 101, 110, 115, 101, 32, 105, 115, 32, 119, 114, 111, 110, 103, 32, 102, 111, 114, 32, 100, 111, 109, 97, 105, 110, 32, 92, 34, 36, 100, 111, 109, 97, 105, 110, 92, 34, 34, 41, 59, 125, 41, 60, 47, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 62)); public static function getHtml(Design $sp81fa35, $speeec82) { if ($sp81fa35->isUseModuleDir() && !self::sp3a9bb5(self::spa33ce8($sp81fa35->getModuleTemplatesDir()), self::sp475e42($sp81fa35->getModuleTemplatesDir()))) { return ''; } if ($sp81fa35->isUseModuleDir() === false) { $sp81fa35->setSmartyTemplatesDir($sp81fa35->getDefaultTemplatesDir()); } else { $sp212e30 = self::spa33ce8($sp81fa35->getModuleTemplatesDir()); $sp5315c5 = self::sp475e42($sp81fa35->getModuleTemplatesDir()); $sp81fa35->setSmartyTemplatesDir(array(rtrim($sp81fa35->getDefaultTemplatesDir(), '/') . "/../modules/{$sp212e30}/{$sp5315c5}/html", $sp81fa35->getModuleTemplatesDir(), $sp81fa35->getDefaultTemplatesDir())); } $sp250957 = self::$smarty->fetch($speeec82); if (self::$validLicense === false && $speeec82 == 'index.tpl' && strpos($sp81fa35->getDefaultTemplatesDir(), 'backend/design/html') !== false) { $spe8fb0a = self::$request; $sp9a73bc = $spe8fb0a::getDomainWithProtocol(); $sp87b34c = $spe8fb0a::getRootUrl(); if (!in_array(self::$request->get('controller'), array('LicenseAdmin', 'AuthAdmin'))) { $sp250957 .= strtr(self::sp54014b(7), array('$domain' => $sp87b34c)); } if (!in_array(self::$request->get('controller'), array('', 'LicenseAdmin', 'AuthAdmin'))) { self::$response->redirectTo("{$sp87b34c}/backend/index.php?controller=LicenseAdmin"); } } return $sp250957; } private static function spa33ce8($sp331fb2) { $sp331fb2 = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $sp331fb2); return preg_replace('~.*/?Okay/Modules/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/?.*~', '$1', $sp331fb2); } private static function sp475e42($sp331fb2) { $sp331fb2 = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $sp331fb2); return preg_replace('~.*/?Okay/Modules/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/?.*~', '$2', $sp331fb2); } public function startModule($spa1ff7c, $sp212e30, $sp5315c5) { if (empty(self::$module)) { return array(); } $spea06e4 = OkayContainer::getInstance(); $sp8d0077 = array(); $spa28ba8 = self::$module->getInitClassName($sp212e30, $sp5315c5); if (!empty($spa28ba8)) { $spdeabfe = new $spa28ba8((int) $spa1ff7c, $sp212e30, $sp5315c5); $spdeabfe->init(); foreach ($spdeabfe->getBackendControllers() as $sp6a0c24) { $sp6a0c24 = $sp212e30 . '.' . $sp5315c5 . '.' . $sp6a0c24; if (!in_array($sp6a0c24, $sp8d0077)) { $sp8d0077[] = $sp6a0c24; } } } $spc86378 = self::$module->getRoutes($sp212e30, $sp5315c5); if (self::sp3a9bb5($sp212e30, $sp5315c5) === false) { foreach ($spc86378 as &$sp264326) { $sp264326['mock'] = true; } } if (self::sp3a9bb5($sp212e30, $sp5315c5) === true) { $spb4734a = self::$module->getServices($sp212e30, $sp5315c5); $spea06e4->bindServices($spb4734a); $sp46edbb = self::$module->getSmartyPlugins($sp212e30, $sp5315c5); $spea06e4->bindServices($sp46edbb); foreach ($sp46edbb as $spf0ae73 => $spb38ac0) { $this->plugins[$spf0ae73] = $spb38ac0; } } self::$modulesRoutes = array_merge(self::$modulesRoutes, $spc86378); return $sp8d0077; } public function bindModulesRoutes() { Router::bindRoutes(self::$modulesRoutes); } public function registerSmartyPlugins() { if (!empty($this->plugins)) { $sp7c1a60 = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); $sp81fa35 = $sp7c1a60->getService(Design::class); $sp626f83 = $sp7c1a60->getService(Module::class); foreach ($this->plugins as $spb38ac0) { $spffa141 = $sp7c1a60->getService($spb38ac0['class']); $spffa141->register($sp81fa35, $sp626f83); } } } public function check() { $this->sp9f43f8(); return self::$validLicense; } public function name(&$spa47f5c) { if (!empty($spa47f5c) && $this->check() === true) { $spa47f5c = preg_match_all('/./us', $spa47f5c, $sp85878c); $spa47f5c = implode(array_reverse($sp85878c[0])); } } public function getLicenseDomains() { $sp04b187 = $this->spfd1692(self::$config->license); $sp337e74 = array(); foreach ($sp04b187->nl['domains'] as $sp9a73bc) { $sp337e74[] = $sp9a73bc; if (count(explode('.', $sp9a73bc)) >= 2) { $sp337e74[] = '*.' . $sp9a73bc; } } return $sp337e74; } public function getLicenseExpiration() { $sp04b187 = $this->spfd1692(self::$config->license); return $sp04b187->expiration; } private static function sp3a9bb5($sp212e30, $sp5315c5) { if ($sp212e30 != self::sp54014b(4) || self::spdb35ee() != 'lite' || in_array($sp5315c5, self::$freeModules)) { return true; } return false; } private static function sp8cf261() { return getenv('HTTP_HOST'); } private static function spdb35ee() { if (empty(self::$licenseType)) { $sp04b187 = self::spfd1692(self::$config->license); self::$licenseType = $sp04b187->nl['version_type']; } return self::$licenseType; } private static function spb0a7c0() { @($sp4f835b = self::$config->license); if (empty($sp4f835b)) { self::sp26e77c(); } $sp04b187 = self::spfd1692($sp4f835b); if (empty($sp04b187->nl) || !is_array($sp04b187->nl['domains']) || empty($sp04b187->nl['version_type'])) { self::sp26e77c(); } if (!in_array($sp04b187->nl['version_type'], array('pro', 'lite', 'start', 'standard', 'premium'))) { self::sp26e77c(); } if (!class_exists(LicenseAdmin::class) || !class_exists(OkayContainer::class)) { self::sp26e77c(); } return true; } private function spf64008(array $sp5b2f1d) { self::$validLicense = false; $sp9a73bc = self::sp8cf261(); if (in_array($sp9a73bc, $sp5b2f1d)) { self::$validLicense = true; } foreach ($sp5b2f1d as $spda007e) { $spa2f57a = array_reverse(explode('.', $spda007e)); if (count($spa2f57a) >= 2) { $sp91d44b = array_reverse(explode('.', $sp9a73bc)); foreach ($spa2f57a as $sp7a9fe5 => $sp21f09f) { if (!isset($sp91d44b[$sp7a9fe5]) || $sp21f09f != $sp91d44b[$sp7a9fe5]) { break; } if ($sp7a9fe5 == count($spa2f57a) - 1) { self::$validLicense = true; return; } } } } } private static function sp26e77c() { throw new \Exception('Some error with license'); } private static function spfd1692($spf15cf0) { $spffa141 = 13; $sp278ac5 = 3; $sp60e693 = 5; $sp74fa89 = ''; $sp11736a = $sp60e693; $sp8f604e = explode(' ', $spf15cf0); foreach ($sp8f604e as $sp5ef3b6) { for ($spd13009 = 0, $sp0b39eb = ''; $spd13009 < strlen($sp5ef3b6) && isset($sp5ef3b6[$spd13009 + 1]); $spd13009 += 2) { $sp7e80fd = base_convert($sp5ef3b6[$spd13009], 36, 10) - ($spd13009 / 2 + $sp11736a) % 27; $sp394a62 = base_convert($sp5ef3b6[$spd13009 + 1], 36, 10) - ($spd13009 / 2 + $sp11736a) % 24; $sp0b39eb .= $sp394a62 * pow($sp7e80fd, $spffa141 - $sp60e693 - 5) % $spffa141; } $sp0b39eb = base_convert($sp0b39eb, 10, 16); $sp11736a += $sp60e693; for ($sp7e80fd = 0; $sp7e80fd < strlen($sp0b39eb); $sp7e80fd += 2) { $sp74fa89 .= @chr(hexdec($sp0b39eb[$sp7e80fd] . $sp0b39eb[$sp7e80fd + 1])); } } $spe7c719 = new \stdClass(); @(list($spe7c719->domains, $spe7c719->expiration, $spe7c719->comment, $sp462573) = explode('#', $sp74fa89, 4)); $spe7c719->domains = explode(',', $spe7c719->domains); if (!empty($sp462573)) { $spdc6554 = self::sp54014b(1); $sp38324f = self::sp54014b(2); $sp636814 = self::sp54014b(3); $sp462573 = (new $spdc6554())->{$sp38324f}($sp636814($sp462573)); list($spe7c719->nl['domains'], $spe7c719->nl['version_type']) = explode('#', $sp462573, 2); if (!empty($spe7c719->nl['domains'])) { $sp337e74 = array(); foreach (explode(',', $spe7c719->nl['domains']) as $sp28ac10) { $sp337e74[] = trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($sp28ac10))); } $spe7c719->nl['domains'] = $sp337e74; } } else { $spe7c719->nl['domains'] = array(); $spe7c719->nl['version_type'] = 'lite'; } return $spe7c719; } public function setResponseType($spd5cd98) { $this->responseType = $spd5cd98; } public function __destruct() { if ($this->responseType == RESPONSE_HTML && self::$validLicense === false && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'backend') === false) { print self::sp54014b(0); } } private static $freeModules = array('LigPay', 'Rozetka'); private function sp9f43f8() { if (self::$inited === false) { self::$validLicense = false; $sp7c1a60 = ServiceLocator::getInstance(); self::$config = $sp7c1a60->getService(Config::class); self::$module = $sp7c1a60->getService(Module::class); self::$smarty = $sp7c1a60->getService(Smarty::class); self::$response = $sp7c1a60->getService(Response::class); self::$request = $sp7c1a60->getService(Request::class); $sp04b187 = $this->spfd1692(self::$config->license); if (self::spb0a7c0() && $this->sp3ba4d0()) { $this->spf64008($sp04b187->nl['domains']); } self::$response->addHeader(self::sp54014b(6) . ' ' . self::$config->version . ' ' . $sp04b187->nl['version_type']); self::$inited = true; } } private function sp3ba4d0() { self::$validLicense = false; $spb5d9fc = $this->getLicenseExpiration(); if ($spb5d9fc == '*' || strtotime($spb5d9fc) >= strtotime(date('d.m.Y'))) { self::$validLicense = true; } return self::$validLicense; } private static function sp54014b($spfc800c) { $sp997ed0 = ''; if (isset(self::$codes[$spfc800c])) { foreach (self::$codes[$spfc800c] as $sp54014b) { $sp997ed0 .= chr($sp54014b); } } return $sp997ed0; } }