This folder contains evaluation for MiniWoB++ benchmark, powered by BrowserGym for easy evaluation of how well an agent capable of browsing can perform on synthetic web browsing tasks.
Please follow instruction here to setup your local development environment and LLM.
Follow the instructions here & to set up MiniWoB server in your local environment at http://localhost:8080/miniwob/
Access with browser the above MiniWoB URLs and see if they load correctly.
./evaluation/benchmarks/miniwob/scripts/ llm.claude-35-sonnet-eval
This is in limited beta. Contact Xingyao over slack if you want to try this out!
./evaluation/benchmarks/miniwob/scripts/ [model_config] [git-version] [agent] [note] [eval_limit] [num_workers]
# Example - This runs evaluation on BrowsingAgent for 125 instances on miniwob, with 2 workers running in parallel
export RUNTIME=remote
./evaluation/benchmarks/miniwob/scripts/ llm.eval HEAD BrowsingAgent "" 125 2
Results will be in evaluation/evaluation_outputs/outputs/miniwob/
To calculate the average reward, run:
poetry run python evaluation/benchmarks/miniwob/ evaluation/evaluation_outputs/outputs/miniwob/SOME_AGENT/EXP_NAME/output.jsonl
You can start your own fork of our huggingface evaluation outputs and submit a PR of your evaluation results following the guide here.
Tested on BrowsingAgent V1.0
MiniWoB++, 125 tasks (3 runs due to random init task), max step 10
- GPT4o: 0.384, 0.416, 0.424, avg: 0.408
- GPT3.5: 0.288, 0.256, 0.272, avg: 0.272