From f857c9a5f4fa61398bac93a687cac24854faf1b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: matemate01 Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2015 20:58:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Hungarian translation Added Hungarian translation --- .../assets/openblocks/lang/hu_HU.lang | 367 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 367 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/main/resources/assets/openblocks/lang/hu_HU.lang diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/openblocks/lang/hu_HU.lang b/src/main/resources/assets/openblocks/lang/hu_HU.lang new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b21d79a40 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/openblocks/lang/hu_HU.lang @@ -0,0 +1,367 @@ +achievement.openblocks.droppedBrick=Tégladobás! +achievement.openblocks.droppedBrick.desc=Elnézést, csak megtörtént. +stat.openblocks.bricksDropped=Téglák eldobva +achievement.openblocks.stackOverflow=Stack Túlcsordulás +achievement.openblocks.stackOverflow.desc=Tele van csillagokkal! + +openblocks.keybind.category=OpenBlocks +openblocks.keybind.drop_brick=Tégla eldobása + +enchantment.openblocks.explosive=Instabil +enchantment.openblocks.laststand=Utolsó +enchantment.openblocks.flimflam=Flim Flam + +openblocks.gui.blocks=Blokkok +openblocks.gui.items=Itemek +openblocks.gui.misc=Egyebek +openblocks.gui.changelogs=Változtatások + +openblocks.gui.features=Funkciók +openblocks.gui.bugfixes=Hibajavítások +openblocks.gui.tweaks=Trükkök + +openblocks.gui.luggage=Bőrönd +openblocks.gui.sprinkler=Locsoló +openblocks.gui.vacuumhopper=Vákum +openblocks.gui.bigbutton=Nagy Gomb +openblocks.gui.xpbottler=XP Tároló +openblocks.gui.autoanvil=Autómata Üllő +openblocks.gui.autoeject=Autómata kimenet +openblocks.gui.autoextract=Autómata bemenet +openblocks.gui.autodrink=Autómata bemenet +openblocks.gui.autoenchantmenttable=Autómata Varázslóasztal +openblocks.gui.donationstation=Adakozó Állomás +openblocks.gui.itemdropper=Itemdobó +openblocks.gui.blockplacer=Blokklerakó +openblocks.gui.paintmixer=Festékkeverő +openblocks.gui.drawingtable=Rajzolóasztal +openblocks.gui.digitalfuse=Digitális Biztosíték +openblocks.gui.xp_outputs=XP Kimenet(ek) +openblocks.gui.item_outputs=Item Kimenet(ek) +openblocks.gui.watch_video=Videó megnézése +openblocks.gui.max_level=Maximális szint: %d +openblocks.gui.save_folder=Mentési mappa + +openblocks.gui.welcome.title=Üdvözöllek! +openblocks.gui.welcome.content=OpenBlocks is a new open source mod that introduces a variety of ideas into Minecraft, including hang gliders, elevators, tanks, graves, paints, cranes, liquid XP, cartographers, trophies and more! + +openblocks.gui.credits.title=Credits +openblocks.gui.credits.content=§LBoq, Mikee and NeverCast§R - Leading developers of OpenBlocks (are we allowed to credit ourselves?)\n\n§LSinZ and Yoshi2§R - members of the OpenMods team from the start.\n\n§LVexatos and crafteverywhere§R - Regularly translating the mods.\n\nEveryone else who has contributed to the code over the past two years.\n\n§LDirewolf20 and the rest of ForgeCraft§R - for putting up with the bugs and crashes before we release.\n\nEveryone who's done spotlights, lets plays and generally supported the mod since we started! + +openblocks.gui.config.title=Easy Config Editing +openblocks.gui.config.content=OpenMods allow for both client and server config options to be changed from chat commands. Some don't even require restart!\n\nServer config settings can be changed using '§L/om_config_s§R' (op needed) and client config settings can be changed using '§L/om_config_c§R'\n\nFor example:\n\n§L/om_config_s set OpenBlocks dropblock elevatorDrainsXP false§R\n§L/om_config_s save§R\n\nFor a full list of commands type: §L/help om_config_s§R or §L/help om_config_c§R + +openblocks.gui.restore_inv.title=Inventory backup +openblocks.gui.restore_inv.content=Everyone can make mistake. But with §L/ob_inventory§R command you can fix some of them. This command can be used to restore inventory. Backup is created when:\n - player dies\n - grave is spawned \n - player issued command §L/ob_inventory store§R\n\nTo restore inventory you need backup name. Go to folder below or to saves folder on server and look for files named §Linventory-*.dat§R. Then restore inventory with §L/ob_inventory restore §R - where id is either full filename or just middle part, without §Linventory-§R and §L.dat§R. You can also use tab completion. Backups are normal NBT files and can be opened with any editor. + +openblocks.gui.bkey.title=The Infamous 'B' Key +openblocks.gui.bkey.content=The 'B' key is a very special key in OpenBlocks.\n\nEnabling the 'weAreSeriousPeople' config option in the 'tomfoolery' category of both the client and server config files will give you your very own digestive system.\n\nTry eating some of that tasty clay and press 'B' to digest! + +openblocks.gui.unstable.title=Unstable Enchantment +openblocks.gui.unstable.content=We've had unconfirmed reports that this enchantment causes any gunpowder you're carrying to become unstable when you're attacked or when you jump off something.\n\nUse at your own risk! + +openblocks.gui.flimflam.title=Flim Flam Enchantment +openblocks.gui.flimflam.content=Scientists have yet to discover the properties of this enchantment. + +openblocks.gui.laststand.title=Last Stand Enchantment +openblocks.gui.laststand.content=The last stand enchantment uses your XP bar as a final protection against dying.\n\nWhen you reach 0.5 hearts, the game will take XP from you whenever you're damaged instead of killing you. The higher number of enchantments you have the cheaper the XP cost will be. + +openblocks.changelog.title=Mi az új az OpenBlocks-ban %s +openblocks.misc.url=URL: %s +openblocks.misc.type=Típus: %s +openblocks.misc.uses=Használat: %.2f +openblocks.misc.color=Szín: %06X +openblocks.misc.mode=Lerakás módja: %s +openblocks.misc.mode.block=Blokk +openblocks.misc.mode.panel=Panel +openblocks.misc.mode.half_panel=Félmagas panel +openblocks.misc.mode.stairs=Lépcsők +openblocks.misc.mode.inverted_block=Invertált Blokk +openblocks.misc.mode.inverted_panel=Invertált Panel +openblocks.misc.mode.inverted_half_panel=Invertált Félmagas Panel +openblocks.misc.mode.inverted_stairs=Invertált Lépcsők +openblocks.misc.structure_pos=Debug: %s megtalálva a (%d,%d,%d) ponton +openblocks.misc.locked=Zárva +openblocks.misc.selected_cannon=Ágyú kiválasztva a célpont kijelöléséhez +openblocks.misc.pointed_cannon=Ágyú beállítva a következő koórdinátákra: %s, %s, %s +openblocks.misc.change_mode=Módváltás %s +openblocks.misc.change_size=Méret megváltoztatva. Új méret: %sx%sx%s +openblocks.misc.total_blocks=Teljes blokkszám: %d +openblocks.misc.get_witched=Get witched! %d / %d +openblocks.misc.oh_no_ceiling=Itt nem aludhatsz, zavar a plafon... +openblocks.misc.oh_no_ground=EZEN akarsz aludni?! +openblocks.misc.sleeping_bag_broken=Ez az item inaktív egy rossz konfiguráció vagy egy hiba miatt. + +openblocks.misc.grave_msg=%s (nap: %.1f) + +openblocks.misc.cant_restore_player=%s eszköztára nem visszaállítható. +openblocks.misc.cant_restore_inventory=Az ezköztár visszaállítása sikertelen volt. +openblocks.misc.cant_store=%s eszköztára nem tárolható. +openblocks.misc.invalid_sub_inventory=A %s nevű aleszköztár érvénytelen. +openblocks.misc.stored_inventory=Eltárolva: %s +openblocks.misc.restored_inventory=%s eszköztára visszaállítva. +openblocks.misc.invalid_index=Érvénytelen index. +openblocks.misc.empty_slot=Nem található item a rekeszben. + +openblocks.misc.pedometer.tracking_reset=A követés visszaállítva. +openblocks.misc.pedometer.tracking_started=A követés elkezdődött. + +openblocks.misc.pedometer.start_point=Start point: %s +openblocks.misc.pedometer.speed=Speed: %s +openblocks.misc.pedometer.avg_speed=Average speed: %s +openblocks.misc.pedometer.total_distance=Total distance: %s + +openblocks.misc.pedometer.straght_line_distance=Staight line distance: %s +openblocks.misc.pedometer.straigh_line_speed=Straight line speed: %s + +openblocks.misc.pedometer.last_check_distance=Distance from last check: %s +openblocks.misc.pedometer.last_check_speed=Last check speed: %s +openblocks.misc.pedometer.last_check_time=Time from last check %d ticks + +openblocks.misc.pedometer.total_time=Total time: %d ticks + +openblocks.misc.shape=Shape: %s +openblocks.misc.shape.sphere=Sphere +openblocks.misc.shape.cylinder=Cylinder +openblocks.misc.shape.cuboid=Cuboid +openblocks.misc.shape.dome=Dome +openblocks.misc.shape.triangle=Triangle +openblocks.misc.shape.pentagon=Pentagon +openblocks.misc.shape.hexagon=Hexagon +openblocks.misc.shape.octagon=Octagon + +openblocks.misc.width=Width: %d +openblocks.misc.height=Height: %d +openblocks.misc.depth=Depth: %d + many radios already playing stream URL not found stream type data in stream not ready, try again later't connect error are muted! + +openblocks.misc.side.east=East side +openblocks.misc.side.west=West side +openblocks.misc.side.north=North side +openblocks.misc.side.south=South side +openblocks.misc.side.up=Top side +openblocks.misc.side.down=Bottom side + +openblocks.misc.command.invalid=Invalid command arguments +openblocks.misc.command.no_flim_flam=Invalid flim-flam name +openblocks.misc.command.flim_flam_source=Player %s had been successfully flim-flammed with %s +openblocks.misc.command.flim_flam_target=Someone doesn't like you. Someone with power +openblocks.misc.command.flim_flam_failed=Flim-flamming failed! +openblocks.misc.command.luck_added=Luck changed for player %s, current: %d +openblocks.misc.command.luck_current=Player %s luck: %d +openblocks.flim_flammed=Something weird happens around you + +openblocks.turtle.magnet=Magnet + +tile.openblocks.elevator.description=Place one elevator directly three or more blocks above another with no blocks inbetween and you'll be able to either 'jump' to move up, or 'crouch' to move down. Elevators can be dyed by clicking on them with dye, however, you can only teleport between elevators of the same color. + +tile.openblocks.heal.description=The healing block is a creative-mode only block that gives off a slight healing effect over time. + Guide building guide will give you an outline of ghost blocks in different shapes and sizes that'll help you plan out rooms.\nYou can shift-click the guide to change the shape, or you can whack the different sides to increase or decrease the size.\nWhen in creative mode you can place an obsidian block above, then hit the building guide with any block you like to automatically create the shape. + Ladder +tile.openblocks.ladder.description=The jaded ladder solves that annoying problem of jumping out of a trapdoor at the top of a ladder. The jaded ladder acts as both a trap door and a ladder at the same time. + Tank +tile.openblocks.tank.description=Tanks can hold liquids. If you place tanks next to each other and they'll distribute their liquid between the tanks. You can place liquid into the tanks using buckets. If the tank contains XP Juice you can click on them with an empty hand to give yourself some of the XP. When broken tanks will retain their liquid. + +tile.openblocks.flag.description=Flags can be used for decoration or for marking the way back out of a cave you've ventured in to. The flag will point in the direction that you placed it, or you can put it on walls. If you shift-click with a flag in your hand it will change color. + Trap +tile.openblocks.beartrap.description=Place a bear trap and click on it to open it up. When a mob walks over the trap they'll be unable to move! + +tile.openblocks.sponge.description=The sponge is a replacement for the vanilla sponge. Perfect for removing small pockets of lava or water. Be careful when using it on large areas of liquid though as it'll start to get quite messy. + +item.openblocks.spongeonastick.description=The sponge on a stick is a tool for cleaning up liquids. Works just like the sponge, but is more mobile at the expense of wearing out. + Cannon +tile.openblocks.cannon.description=When given a redstone signal, the item cannon will shoot items that it finds in an adjacent inventory. Use the 'pointer' item to aim the cannon. + Ladder +tile.openblocks.ropeladder.description=When you place a rope ladder it'll roll out all the way to the ground. For every created ladder block it will use one item from stack. + +tile.openblocks.sprinkler.description=The sprinkler will help fertilize crops up to 4 blocks away. Simply place it above an OpenBlocks tank filled with water! You can also add bonemeal for an even faster rate of growth.\nIt also acts as a water source block! + Mixer +tile.openblocks.paintmixer.description=The paint mixer can mix any colour of paint you want! Drop either an existing paint bucket or a bucket of milk into the top slot, then cyan, magenta, yellow and black dyes into the other four slots and click mix! + +tile.openblocks.canvas.description=The canvas is a perfectly white block that's perfect for painting. See the Paint Mixer for information about making paints. + fan will blow players, mobs or entities in the direction it's facing. + target will give out a redstone signal of a strength relative to the accuracy of the players aim. Give the target a redstone signal to make it pop up! + +tile.openblocks.path.description=The path doesn't do anything. It just looks nice! + Dropper +tile.openblocks.itemDropper.description=The item dropper is similar to the vanilla dropper, except it drops items directly down in a straight line. + Button +tile.openblocks.bigbutton.description=The big button is a large button that can be placed on walls. If you shift-click on the button with an empty hand it will bring up an inventory with a single slot. You can put items into this slot to increase the length of time the button is pressed - one item increases the button press by one tick. + Drain +tile.openblocks.xpdrain.description=Place the XP drain above an OpenBlocks tank and stand on it. Your XP will drain into the tank, which can then be used for blocks such as the auto enchantment table or the auto anvil. + Hopper +tile.openblocks.vacuumhopper.description=The vacuum hopper will suck up items and XP orbs around it. You can use the tabs on the right of the interface to select which sides to output to. + Highlighter +tile.openblocks.village_highlighter.description=Drop the village highlighter down in a village and give it a redstone signal. It will outline the perimeter of the village and draw a box in the iron golem spawning area. Useful if you want to make sure villages don't merge into each other or you're making an iron farm! + Station +tile.openblocks.donationStation.description=Love a block or item and want to show the mod developer some appreciation? Drop it into the donation station and if we know the authors donation page we'll give you a link. + Placer +tile.openblocks.blockPlacer.description=When given a redstone pulse the block placer will place an item in the direction it's facing. + Breaker +tile.openblocks.blockbreaker.description=When given a redstone pulse the block breaker will break the block it's facing. + Map Projector +tile.openblocks.projector.description=I'll let you write this one boq! + Enchantment Table +tile.openblocks.autoenchantmenttable.description=The auto enchantment table works in a similar way to the vanilla enchantment table except it runs off XP juice. Use the tabs on the right side of the interface to select where items or xp can be pulled from. Just like with the vanilla table bookshelves are required for higher levels. + Bottler +tile.openblocks.xpbottler.description=The XP bottler will take XP juice and bottle it up into glass bottles to create bottles o' enchanting. + Anvil +tile.openblocks.autoanvil.description=The auto anvil works just like the vanilla anvil, except it runs from XP juice and can be fully automated.\n\nUse the tabs on the right of the GUI to select which sides of the anvil items or liquid can be inserted or extracted. Right click and drag the anvil in the tab to spin it around and select other sides! + Table +tile.openblocks.drawingtable.description=The drawing table is for creating stencils which can be used while painting. Insert an Unprepared Stencil into the drawing table then use the arrows to select which stencil you want! + Trophy Canvas Can + Block the outside inside with the new Sky block! Just apply a redstone signal. We also offer an inverted version. Sky Block + radio allows you to stream internet radio! First, you need some tuned crystals which you can find in dungeon chests or from a special villager. Place the crystal in the radio and supply it with a redstone signal to turn it on. The redstone strength controls the volume.\n\nYou can configure which radio stations are available in the servers config file. + Shower +tile.openblocks.xpshower.description=Attach an XP shower to a tank of XP juice and it'll pour out XP orbs. These orbs can be collected by an XP Drain or an MFR Sewer. + Egg + Fuse +item.openblocks.cursor.description=The cursor will let you click on blocks remotely.\nSimply shift-click onto a block to link the cursor, then use the cursor wherever you like to click on the target block. Be warned, by default the cursor uses up your XP relative to how far you are from the block you're clicking. + +item.openblocks.devnull.description=Click using /dev/null to open the inventory. There's a single inventory slot - put an item in there - dirt, for example. As you gather dirt from the ground this slot will fill up. Once it's full, any more dirt you pick up will be automatically discarded. You can shift-click with the item in your hand as though you were placing the block! + +item.openblocks.slimalyzer.description=Walk around with the slimalyzer in your hand and it'll light up whenever you're in a slime spawning chunk. + Glider +item.openblocks.hangglider.description=The hang glider is self explanatory. Hold it in your hand and click to place it on your back. Now jump!\nTo increase your speed you can press shift while gliding, but watch out, you'll lose altitude faster! + Wing + Bag +item.openblocks.sleepingbag.description=The sleeping bag lets you sleep out in the wilderness without having to reset your spawn location. To sleep, simply wear it on your back. + +item.openblocks.luggage.description=Luggage is your new friend. He'll follow you around anywhere you go collecting any items he finds on the floor. Nom nom nom!\nTo dismantle him just shift-click on him and he'll turn into an item that you can carry around.\nIf he ever gets struck by lightning he'll be able to carry even more items! + Glasses +item.openblocks.sonicglasses.description=Introducing the fantabulous new Sonic Glasses!\nThis new and exciting technology from OpenMods Inc allow you see what you hear! + +item.openblocks.squeegee.description=The squeegee removes paint from any painted blocks. Just click on the side of the block you want to remove the paint from, or alternative shift-click the block to remove paint from all sides! + Brush +item.openblocks.paintbrush.description=Paint brushes let you paint blocks in whatever color you like!\n\nDab your paint brush in a Paint Can made in the Paint Mixer then click on a block to paint it.\n\nCanvas blocks are perfect for painting, but you can also paint quite a few vanilla blocks and even some blocks from other mods. You can also place stencils on blocks and then paint over the stencil! + Stencil +item.openblocks.unprepared_stencil.description=Stencils can be placed onto blocks and then painted over using paint brushes!\n\nYou can paint a block using multiple stencils and you can click on them with an empty hand to rotate them.\n\nPlace an Unprepared Stencil in a Drawing table to create different patterns. + Backpack +item.openblocks.crane_backpack.description=In Minecraft world "magnet" is ancient word for "how do this works?".\n\nThis particular piece of very equipment allows you to pick and carry mobs, players, items and blocks. Can be controlled with magnet control. + Control +item.openblocks.crane_control.description=This hi-tech wireless remote is used for controlling magnet backpacks.\n\nRight click to raise, Sneak + right click to lower, left click to pick/release.\nBlinking light signals something is under magnet. + Crayon Pencil Glasses Glasses Technicolor Glasses Glasses Engine Magnet§5Miracle Magnet§r Domination with OpenBlocks Bucket Map Map Controller Module Memory Module's base Pencil Clay eye Crystal + + +itemGroup.tabOpenBlocks=OpenBlocks + Block Me + +fluid.OpenBlocks.xpjuice=Liquid XP From 56ffdd4f560be286b6dd524a348d84d57d21b9f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: matemate01 Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2015 21:04:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Updated encoding --- .../assets/openblocks/lang/hu_HU.lang | 124 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/openblocks/lang/hu_HU.lang b/src/main/resources/assets/openblocks/lang/hu_HU.lang index b21d79a40..055ad3003 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/openblocks/lang/hu_HU.lang +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/openblocks/lang/hu_HU.lang @@ -1,58 +1,58 @@ -achievement.openblocks.droppedBrick=Tégladobás! -achievement.openblocks.droppedBrick.desc=Elnézést, csak megtörtént. -stat.openblocks.bricksDropped=Téglák eldobva -achievement.openblocks.stackOverflow=Stack Túlcsordulás +ďťżachievement.openblocks.droppedBrick=TĂŠgladobĂĄs! +achievement.openblocks.droppedBrick.desc=ElnĂŠzĂŠst, csak megtĂśrtĂŠnt. +stat.openblocks.bricksDropped=TĂŠglĂĄk eldobva +achievement.openblocks.stackOverflow=Stack TĂşlcsordulĂĄs achievement.openblocks.stackOverflow.desc=Tele van csillagokkal! openblocks.keybind.category=OpenBlocks -openblocks.keybind.drop_brick=Tégla eldobása +openblocks.keybind.drop_brick=TĂŠgla eldobĂĄsa enchantment.openblocks.explosive=Instabil -enchantment.openblocks.laststand=Utolsó +enchantment.openblocks.laststand=UtolsĂł enchantment.openblocks.flimflam=Flim Flam openblocks.gui.blocks=Blokkok openblocks.gui.items=Itemek openblocks.gui.misc=Egyebek -openblocks.gui.changelogs=Változtatások +openblocks.gui.changelogs=VĂĄltoztatĂĄsok -openblocks.gui.features=Funkciók -openblocks.gui.bugfixes=Hibajavítások -openblocks.gui.tweaks=Trükkök +openblocks.gui.features=FunkciĂłk +openblocks.gui.bugfixes=HibajavĂ­tĂĄsok +openblocks.gui.tweaks=TrĂźkkĂśk -openblocks.gui.luggage=Bőrönd -openblocks.gui.sprinkler=Locsoló -openblocks.gui.vacuumhopper=Vákum +openblocks.gui.luggage=BőrĂśnd +openblocks.gui.sprinkler=LocsolĂł +openblocks.gui.vacuumhopper=VĂĄkum openblocks.gui.bigbutton=Nagy Gomb -openblocks.gui.xpbottler=XP Tároló -openblocks.gui.autoanvil=Autómata Üllő -openblocks.gui.autoeject=Autómata kimenet -openblocks.gui.autoextract=Autómata bemenet -openblocks.gui.autodrink=Autómata bemenet -openblocks.gui.autoenchantmenttable=Autómata Varázslóasztal -openblocks.gui.donationstation=Adakozó Állomás -openblocks.gui.itemdropper=Itemdobó -openblocks.gui.blockplacer=Blokklerakó -openblocks.gui.paintmixer=Festékkeverő -openblocks.gui.drawingtable=Rajzolóasztal -openblocks.gui.digitalfuse=Digitális Biztosíték +openblocks.gui.xpbottler=XP TĂĄrolĂł +openblocks.gui.autoanvil=AutĂłmata Üllő +openblocks.gui.autoeject=AutĂłmata kimenet +openblocks.gui.autoextract=AutĂłmata bemenet +openblocks.gui.autodrink=AutĂłmata bemenet +openblocks.gui.autoenchantmenttable=AutĂłmata VarĂĄzslĂłasztal +openblocks.gui.donationstation=AdakozĂł ÁllomĂĄs +openblocks.gui.itemdropper=ItemdobĂł +openblocks.gui.blockplacer=BlokklerakĂł +openblocks.gui.paintmixer=FestĂŠkkeverő +openblocks.gui.drawingtable=RajzolĂłasztal +openblocks.gui.digitalfuse=DigitĂĄlis BiztosĂ­tĂŠk openblocks.gui.xp_outputs=XP Kimenet(ek) openblocks.gui.item_outputs=Item Kimenet(ek) -openblocks.gui.watch_video=Videó megnézése -openblocks.gui.max_level=Maximális szint: %d -openblocks.gui.save_folder=Mentési mappa +openblocks.gui.watch_video=VideĂł megnĂŠzĂŠse +openblocks.gui.max_level=MaximĂĄlis szint: %d +openblocks.gui.save_folder=MentĂŠsi mappa -openblocks.gui.welcome.title=Üdvözöllek! +openblocks.gui.welcome.title=ÜdvĂśzĂśllek! openblocks.gui.welcome.content=OpenBlocks is a new open source mod that introduces a variety of ideas into Minecraft, including hang gliders, elevators, tanks, graves, paints, cranes, liquid XP, cartographers, trophies and more! openblocks.gui.credits.title=Credits -openblocks.gui.credits.content=§LBoq, Mikee and NeverCast§R - Leading developers of OpenBlocks (are we allowed to credit ourselves?)\n\n§LSinZ and Yoshi2§R - members of the OpenMods team from the start.\n\n§LVexatos and crafteverywhere§R - Regularly translating the mods.\n\nEveryone else who has contributed to the code over the past two years.\n\n§LDirewolf20 and the rest of ForgeCraft§R - for putting up with the bugs and crashes before we release.\n\nEveryone who's done spotlights, lets plays and generally supported the mod since we started! +openblocks.gui.credits.content=§LBoq, Mikee and NeverCast§R - Leading developers of OpenBlocks (are we allowed to credit ourselves?)\n\n§LSinZ and Yoshi2§R - members of the OpenMods team from the start.\n\n§LVexatos and crafteverywhere§R - Regularly translating the mods.\n\nEveryone else who has contributed to the code over the past two years.\n\n§LDirewolf20 and the rest of ForgeCraft§R - for putting up with the bugs and crashes before we release.\n\nEveryone who's done spotlights, lets plays and generally supported the mod since we started! openblocks.gui.config.title=Easy Config Editing -openblocks.gui.config.content=OpenMods allow for both client and server config options to be changed from chat commands. Some don't even require restart!\n\nServer config settings can be changed using '§L/om_config_s§R' (op needed) and client config settings can be changed using '§L/om_config_c§R'\n\nFor example:\n\n§L/om_config_s set OpenBlocks dropblock elevatorDrainsXP false§R\n§L/om_config_s save§R\n\nFor a full list of commands type: §L/help om_config_s§R or §L/help om_config_c§R +openblocks.gui.config.content=OpenMods allow for both client and server config options to be changed from chat commands. Some don't even require restart!\n\nServer config settings can be changed using '§L/om_config_s§R' (op needed) and client config settings can be changed using '§L/om_config_c§R'\n\nFor example:\n\n§L/om_config_s set OpenBlocks dropblock elevatorDrainsXP false§R\n§L/om_config_s save§R\n\nFor a full list of commands type: §L/help om_config_s§R or §L/help om_config_c§R openblocks.gui.restore_inv.title=Inventory backup -openblocks.gui.restore_inv.content=Everyone can make mistake. But with §L/ob_inventory§R command you can fix some of them. This command can be used to restore inventory. Backup is created when:\n - player dies\n - grave is spawned \n - player issued command §L/ob_inventory store§R\n\nTo restore inventory you need backup name. Go to folder below or to saves folder on server and look for files named §Linventory-*.dat§R. Then restore inventory with §L/ob_inventory restore §R - where id is either full filename or just middle part, without §Linventory-§R and §L.dat§R. You can also use tab completion. Backups are normal NBT files and can be opened with any editor. +openblocks.gui.restore_inv.content=Everyone can make mistake. But with §L/ob_inventory§R command you can fix some of them. This command can be used to restore inventory. Backup is created when:\n - player dies\n - grave is spawned \n - player issued command §L/ob_inventory store§R\n\nTo restore inventory you need backup name. Go to folder below or to saves folder on server and look for files named §Linventory-*.dat§R. Then restore inventory with §L/ob_inventory restore §R - where id is either full filename or just middle part, without §Linventory-§R and §L.dat§R. You can also use tab completion. Backups are normal NBT files and can be opened with any editor. openblocks.gui.bkey.title=The Infamous 'B' Key openblocks.gui.bkey.content=The 'B' key is a very special key in OpenBlocks.\n\nEnabling the 'weAreSeriousPeople' config option in the 'tomfoolery' category of both the client and server config files will give you your very own digestive system.\n\nTry eating some of that tasty clay and press 'B' to digest! @@ -66,46 +66,46 @@ openblocks.gui.flimflam.content=Scientists have yet to discover the properties o openblocks.gui.laststand.title=Last Stand Enchantment openblocks.gui.laststand.content=The last stand enchantment uses your XP bar as a final protection against dying.\n\nWhen you reach 0.5 hearts, the game will take XP from you whenever you're damaged instead of killing you. The higher number of enchantments you have the cheaper the XP cost will be. -openblocks.changelog.title=Mi az új az OpenBlocks-ban %s +openblocks.changelog.title=Mi az Ăşj az OpenBlocks-ban %s openblocks.misc.url=URL: %s -openblocks.misc.type=Típus: %s -openblocks.misc.uses=Használat: %.2f -openblocks.misc.color=Szín: %06X -openblocks.misc.mode=Lerakás módja: %s +openblocks.misc.type=TĂ­pus: %s +openblocks.misc.uses=HasznĂĄlat: %.2f +openblocks.misc.color=SzĂ­n: %06X +openblocks.misc.mode=LerakĂĄs mĂłdja: %s openblocks.misc.mode.block=Blokk openblocks.misc.mode.panel=Panel -openblocks.misc.mode.half_panel=Félmagas panel -openblocks.misc.mode.stairs=Lépcsők -openblocks.misc.mode.inverted_block=Invertált Blokk -openblocks.misc.mode.inverted_panel=Invertált Panel -openblocks.misc.mode.inverted_half_panel=Invertált Félmagas Panel -openblocks.misc.mode.inverted_stairs=Invertált Lépcsők -openblocks.misc.structure_pos=Debug: %s megtalálva a (%d,%d,%d) ponton -openblocks.misc.locked=Zárva -openblocks.misc.selected_cannon=Ágyú kiválasztva a célpont kijelöléséhez -openblocks.misc.pointed_cannon=Ágyú beállítva a következő koórdinátákra: %s, %s, %s -openblocks.misc.change_mode=Módváltás %s -openblocks.misc.change_size=Méret megváltoztatva. Új méret: %sx%sx%s -openblocks.misc.total_blocks=Teljes blokkszám: %d +openblocks.misc.mode.half_panel=FĂŠlmagas panel +openblocks.misc.mode.stairs=LĂŠpcsők +openblocks.misc.mode.inverted_block=InvertĂĄlt Blokk +openblocks.misc.mode.inverted_panel=InvertĂĄlt Panel +openblocks.misc.mode.inverted_half_panel=InvertĂĄlt FĂŠlmagas Panel +openblocks.misc.mode.inverted_stairs=InvertĂĄlt LĂŠpcsők +openblocks.misc.structure_pos=Debug: %s megtalĂĄlva a (%d,%d,%d) ponton +openblocks.misc.locked=ZĂĄrva +openblocks.misc.selected_cannon=ÁgyĂş kivĂĄlasztva a cĂŠlpont kijelĂślĂŠsĂŠhez +openblocks.misc.pointed_cannon=ÁgyĂş beĂĄllĂ­tva a kĂśvetkező koĂłrdinĂĄtĂĄkra: %s, %s, %s +openblocks.misc.change_mode=MĂłdvĂĄltĂĄs %s +openblocks.misc.change_size=MĂŠret megvĂĄltoztatva. Új mĂŠret: %sx%sx%s +openblocks.misc.total_blocks=Teljes blokkszĂĄm: %d openblocks.misc.get_witched=Get witched! %d / %d openblocks.misc.oh_no_ceiling=Itt nem aludhatsz, zavar a plafon... openblocks.misc.oh_no_ground=EZEN akarsz aludni?! -openblocks.misc.sleeping_bag_broken=Ez az item inaktív egy rossz konfiguráció vagy egy hiba miatt. +openblocks.misc.sleeping_bag_broken=Ez az item inaktĂ­v egy rossz konfigurĂĄciĂł vagy egy hiba miatt. openblocks.misc.grave_msg=%s (nap: %.1f) -openblocks.misc.cant_restore_player=%s eszköztára nem visszaállítható. -openblocks.misc.cant_restore_inventory=Az ezköztár visszaállítása sikertelen volt. -openblocks.misc.cant_store=%s eszköztára nem tárolható. -openblocks.misc.invalid_sub_inventory=A %s nevű aleszköztár érvénytelen. -openblocks.misc.stored_inventory=Eltárolva: %s -openblocks.misc.restored_inventory=%s eszköztára visszaállítva. -openblocks.misc.invalid_index=Érvénytelen index. -openblocks.misc.empty_slot=Nem található item a rekeszben. +openblocks.misc.cant_restore_player=%s eszkĂśztĂĄra nem visszaĂĄllĂ­thatĂł. +openblocks.misc.cant_restore_inventory=Az ezkĂśztĂĄr visszaĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsa sikertelen volt. +openblocks.misc.cant_store=%s eszkĂśztĂĄra nem tĂĄrolhatĂł. +openblocks.misc.invalid_sub_inventory=A %s nevĹą aleszkĂśztĂĄr ĂŠrvĂŠnytelen. +openblocks.misc.stored_inventory=EltĂĄrolva: %s +openblocks.misc.restored_inventory=%s eszkĂśztĂĄra visszaĂĄllĂ­tva. +openblocks.misc.invalid_index=ÉrvĂŠnytelen index. +openblocks.misc.empty_slot=Nem talĂĄlhatĂł item a rekeszben. -openblocks.misc.pedometer.tracking_reset=A követés visszaállítva. -openblocks.misc.pedometer.tracking_started=A követés elkezdődött. +openblocks.misc.pedometer.tracking_reset=A kĂśvetĂŠs visszaĂĄllĂ­tva. +openblocks.misc.pedometer.tracking_started=A kĂśvetĂŠs elkezdődĂśtt. openblocks.misc.pedometer.start_point=Start point: %s openblocks.misc.pedometer.speed=Speed: %s @@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ Engine Magnet§5Miracle Magnet§r§5Miracle Magnet§r Domination with OpenBlocks Bucket Map