diff --git a/blockly_compressed.js b/blockly_compressed.js index 667303ff415..683aa44bf60 100644 --- a/blockly_compressed.js +++ b/blockly_compressed.js @@ -830,10 +830,10 @@ Blockly.Options=function(a){var b=!!a.readOnly;if(b)var c=null,d=!1,e=!1,f=!1,g= l?Blockly.TOOLBOX_AT_RIGHT:Blockly.TOOLBOX_AT_LEFT;var p=a.scrollbars;void 0===p&&(p=d);var r=a.css;void 0===r&&(r=!0);var t="https://blockly-demo.appspot.com/static/media/";a.media?t=a.media:a.path&&(t=a.path+"media/");this.RTL=l;this.collapse=f;this.comments=g;this.disable=h;this.readOnly=b;this.maxBlocks=a.maxBlocks||Infinity;this.pathToMedia=t;this.hasCategories=d;this.hasScrollbars=p;this.hasTrashcan=e;this.hasSounds=k;this.hasCss=r;this.horizontalLayout=m;this.languageTree=c;this.gridOptions= Blockly.Options.parseGridOptions_(a);this.zoomOptions=Blockly.Options.parseZoomOptions_(a);this.toolboxPosition=n;this.checkInTask=a.checkInTask||!1;this.variableDeclaration=!!a.variableDeclaration;this.robControls=!!a.robControls;this.theme=a.theme||"default"};Blockly.Options.prototype.parentWorkspace=null;Blockly.Options.prototype.setMetrics=function(a){};Blockly.Options.prototype.getMetrics=function(){return null}; 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Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_TOOLTIP_UNTIL="While a value is false, then do some statements.";Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_TOOLTIP_WHILE="While a value is true, then do some statements.";Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_ACTUALIZATION="Modification date";Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_CONFIGURATIONS="configurations";Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_CONFIGURATION_NAME="Configuration name";Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_CREATED_BY="Creator";Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_CREATED_ON="Creation date";Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_MEMBERS="members"; Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_PROGRAMS="programs";Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_PROGRAM_NAME="Program name";Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_SHARED="Shared";Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_SHARED_PROGRAMS="shared programs";Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_SHARED_WITH="Shared with";Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP="user group";Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS="user groups";Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME="Name of the user group";Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT="The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; -Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER="Name of the owner of the user group";Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS="Delete all %1 blocks?";Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK="Delete Block";Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING="A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?";Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_WARNING="Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; +Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER="Name of the owner of the user group";Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR="DC Motor";Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD="backward";Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD="DC Motor board";Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD="forward";Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1="motor port 1";Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2="motor port 2";Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3="motor port 3";Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4="motor port 4";Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR="motor port";Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC="numeric";Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED="speed"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP="stop";Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP="DC Motor extention";Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS="Delete all %1 blocks?";Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK="Delete Block";Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING="A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?";Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_WARNING="Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_X_BLOCKS="Delete %1 Blocks";Blockly.Msg.DIFFERENTIALDRIVE_TOOLTIP="Represents two motors on a common axis controlled independetly.";Blockly.Msg.DIGITAL="digital";Blockly.Msg.DIGITALIN_TOOLTIP="Represents any actuator connected to a digital pin.";Blockly.Msg.DIGITALOUT_TOOLTIP="Represents any sensor connected to a digital.";Blockly.Msg.DISABLE_BLOCK="Disable Block";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_ANIMATION="animation";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_CHARACTER="character";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_CLEAR="clear display"; Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_CLEAR_TOOLTIP="Clears the display.";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_COL="in column";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_GET_BRIGHTNESS_TOOLTIP="Returns the brightness for all leds of the display. 0 means all leds are turned off, 9 is the brightest value.";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_GET_PIXEL_TOOLTIP="Returns the brightness for this led. 0 means the led is turned off, 9 is the brightest value.";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_IMAGE="image";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_NEW_ROW="in new row";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_PICTURE="picture"; Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_PICTURE_EYES_CLOSED="eyes closed";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_PICTURE_EYES_OPEN="eyes open";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_PICTURE_FLOWERS="flowers";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_PICTURE_GLASSES="glasses";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_PICTURE_TACHO="speedo";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_PICTURE_TOOLTIP="Displays a picture on the screen.";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_PIXEL_BRIGHTNESS="brightness";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_PIXEL_TITLE="LED";Blockly.Msg.DISPLAY_PRINTLN_TOOLTIP="Displays a text on the screen in a new line."; @@ -1714,19 +1715,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.GALLERY_DATE="created";Blockly.Msg.GALLERY_DISLIKE="dislike";Blockly Blockly.Msg.GET_CODE_TOOLTIP="Returns the value of the solderable code pad in the head piece. Values are in range 0-31.";Blockly.Msg.GO_TO_GROUPS="Go to groups";Blockly.Msg.GPS_TOOLTIP="Represents a GPS receiver.";Blockly.Msg.GROUP_CREATE_NAME_HINT="Please keep in mind, that all members of a group have to enter the group name on each login. It should neither be complicated nor long.";Blockly.Msg.GYRO_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP="Gets the current reading from the gyro sensor."; Blockly.Msg.GYRO_RESET_TOOLTIP="Resets the gyro sensor.";Blockly.Msg.GYRO_TOOLTIP="Represents a gyro sensor.";Blockly.Msg.GYRO_TOOLTIP_WEDO="Represents a tilt sensor.";Blockly.Msg.HELP="Help";Blockly.Msg.HINT_USERGROUP_MEMBER="Enter the member id of your user here.";Blockly.Msg.HINT_USERGROUP_OWNER="Do not enter the real name of the owner of the user group here, but his username instead.";Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_ACCOUNT="\u00bbIAmBotman\u00ab or \u00bbRobellaStracciatella\u00ab? Not everyone needs to know your real name. Think of a cool nickname that you can easily remember."; Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_AGE="Are you under 16? Then please ask your parents to help you. They can specify their e-mail address to confirm your account.";Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_EMAIL="This is voluntary! However, some functions of the lab are only available if you have verified your account by e-mail. You are younger than 16? Please ask your parents to help you out with one of their e-mail addresses.
Further information ..."; -Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_NAME="Enter your real name here if you like. This is just for you, no one else will see it.";Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT="12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a safe combination of numbers and letters that you will not forget.";Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM="Got it? Better make sure!";Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP="Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2.";Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP="Represents a humidity sensor.";Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP="Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; -Blockly.Msg.ID="ID";Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP="Checks the condition in \u00bbif\u00ab. If the condition is true, executes the \u00bbdo\u00ab action.";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP="Returns the chosen image.";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_ANGRY="angry";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_ASLEEP="asleep";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_BUTTERFLY="butterfly";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_CHESSBOARD="chessboard";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_CONFUSED="confused";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_COW="cow"; -Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_DIAMOND="diamond";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_DIAMOND_SMALL="small diamond";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_DUCK="duck";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_FABULOUS="fabulous";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_GHOST="ghost";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_GIRAFFE="giraffe";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_HEART="heart";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_HEART_SMALL="small heart";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_HOUSE="house";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_MEH="meh!"; -Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_MUSIC_CROTCHET="music crotchet";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_MUSIC_QUAVER="music quaver";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_MUSIC_QUAVERS="music quavers";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_NO="no";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_PACMAN="pacman";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_PITCHFORK="pitchfork";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_RABBIT="rabbit";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_ROLLERSKATE="rollerskate";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SAD="sad";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SILLY="silly"; -Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SKULL="skull";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SMILE="smile";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SNAKE="snake";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SQUARE="square";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SQUARE_SMALL="small square";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_STICKFIGURE="stickfigure";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SWORD="sword";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_TARGET="target";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_TORTOISE="tortoise";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_TRIANGLE="triangle"; -Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_TRIANGLE_LEFT="triangle left";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_TSHIRT="T-shirt";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_UMBRELLA="umbrella";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_XMAS="xmas";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_YES="yes";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_INVERT="invert";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_INVERT_TOOLTIP="Inverts the image. Each pixel with value 0 or none will be set to # or 9 and pixels with value # or 9 will be set to 0 or none.";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_SHIFT="shift";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_SHIFT_TOOLTIP="Shifts the image in the given direction by the given number"; -Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_TOOLTIP="Creates an image for the display. You can specify the brightness of each pixel from 0 to 9 or # where 0 means no light, 1 is a bit bright and 9 or # is the brightest value.";Blockly.Msg.INFO_DOCUMENTATION_HINT="Document your program here ...";Blockly.Msg.INFO_TAGS="Tags";Blockly.Msg.INFRARED_DISTANCE_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP="Gets the current relative distance from the infrared sensor. The values are between 1 and 75 cm.";Blockly.Msg.INFRARED_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP="Gets the current reading from the infrared sensor."; -Blockly.Msg.INFRARED_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP_MBOT="Gets the current reading from the light sensor -- if a black line is detected (true/false).";Blockly.Msg.INFRARED_PRESENCE_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP="Returns an array of measurements for the presence of a beacon.";Blockly.Msg.INFRARED_TOOLTIP="Represents an infrared sensor.";Blockly.Msg.INLINE_INPUTS="Inline Inputs";Blockly.Msg.INPUT="input";Blockly.Msg.INTERNAL_PORT="internal";Blockly.Msg.IRSEEKER_TOOLTIP="Represents a HiTechnic NXT IRSeeker V2 sensor."; -Blockly.Msg.I_TIME="integration time";Blockly.Msg.JOYSTICK_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP="Gets the current reading of one of the axes of the joystick";Blockly.Msg.JOYSTICK_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP_MBOT2="Is the joystick moved into the specified direction or pressed?";Blockly.Msg.JOYSTICK_TOOLTIP="Represents a joystick";Blockly.Msg.KEY_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP="Is the selected button pressed?";Blockly.Msg.KEY_TOOLTIP="Represents a button.";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE="language";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_ARABIC="Arabic"; -Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_BRAZILIAN="Brazilian";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_CHINESE="Chinese";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_CZECH="Czech";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_DANISH="Danish";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_DUTCH="Dutch";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH="English";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_FINNISH="Finnish";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_FRENCH="French";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_GERMAN="German";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_GREEK="Greek";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_ITALIAN="Italian";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_JAPANESE="Japanese";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_KOREAN="Korean"; -Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_NORWEGIAN="Norwegian";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_POLISH="Polish";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE="Portuguese";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN="Russian";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_SPANISH="Spanish";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_SWEDISH="Swedish";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_TURKISH="Turkish";Blockly.Msg.LCDI2C_TOOLTIP="Represents an LCD 1602 display with a soldered I\u00b2C module.";Blockly.Msg.LCD_TOOLTIP="Represents an LCD display.";Blockly.Msg.LED="LED";Blockly.Msg.LEDBAR="LED Bar"; -Blockly.Msg.LEDBAR_SET_TOOLTIP="Sets the specified LED [0-9] on the LED Bar to the given brightness [0-8].";Blockly.Msg.LEDBAR_TOOLTIP="Represents a Grove LED Bar v2.0 by Seeed.";Blockly.Msg.LEDBAR_ULTRASONIC2_SET_TOOLTIP="Sets the specified LED [1-8] on the ultrasonic sensor 2 to the given brightness [0-100].";Blockly.Msg.LED_MATRIX="LED matrix";Blockly.Msg.LED_OFF="turn LED off";Blockly.Msg.LED_OFF_QUADRGB_TOOLTIP="Turns off the fill lights of the quad RGB sensor";Blockly.Msg.LED_OFF_TOOLTIP="Turns the LED off."; -Blockly.Msg.LED_ON="turn LED on";Blockly.Msg.LED_ON_QUADRGB_TOOLTIP="Turns on the fill lights of the quad RGB sensor in the given color.";Blockly.Msg.LED_ON_TOOLTIP="Turns the LED on and changes the color.";Blockly.Msg.LED_ON_TOOLTIP_CB="Turns the LED on and changes the color. Attention: calli:Bot only supports 7 different colors, the nearest will be chosen.";Blockly.Msg.LED_ON_TOOLTIP_EDISON="Turns the LED on.";Blockly.Msg.LED_ON_WHITE_TOOLTIP="Turns the LED on. Watch out, it's very bright!"; +Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_NAME="Enter your real name here if you like. This is just for you, no one else will see it.";Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT="12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a safe combination of numbers and letters that you will not forget.";Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM="Got it? Better make sure!";Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP="Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2.";Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP="Represents a humidity sensor.";Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS="I2C address"; +Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP="Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function.";Blockly.Msg.ID="ID";Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP="Checks the condition in \u00bbif\u00ab. If the condition is true, executes the \u00bbdo\u00ab action.";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP="Returns the chosen image.";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_ANGRY="angry";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_ASLEEP="asleep"; +Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_BUTTERFLY="butterfly";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_CHESSBOARD="chessboard";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_CONFUSED="confused";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_COW="cow";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_DIAMOND="diamond";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_DIAMOND_SMALL="small diamond";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_DUCK="duck";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_FABULOUS="fabulous";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_GHOST="ghost";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_GIRAFFE="giraffe"; +Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_HEART="heart";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_HEART_SMALL="small heart";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_HOUSE="house";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_MEH="meh!";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_MUSIC_CROTCHET="music crotchet";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_MUSIC_QUAVER="music quaver";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_MUSIC_QUAVERS="music quavers";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_NO="no";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_PACMAN="pacman";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_PITCHFORK="pitchfork"; +Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_RABBIT="rabbit";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_ROLLERSKATE="rollerskate";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SAD="sad";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SILLY="silly";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SKULL="skull";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SMILE="smile";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SNAKE="snake";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SQUARE="square";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SQUARE_SMALL="small square";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_STICKFIGURE="stickfigure"; +Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_SWORD="sword";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_TARGET="target";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_TORTOISE="tortoise";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_TRIANGLE="triangle";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_TRIANGLE_LEFT="triangle left";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_TSHIRT="T-shirt";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_UMBRELLA="umbrella";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_XMAS="xmas";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_GET_TOOLTIP_YES="yes";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_INVERT="invert";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_INVERT_TOOLTIP="Inverts the image. Each pixel with value 0 or none will be set to # or 9 and pixels with value # or 9 will be set to 0 or none."; +Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_SHIFT="shift";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_SHIFT_TOOLTIP="Shifts the image in the given direction by the given number";Blockly.Msg.IMAGE_TOOLTIP="Creates an image for the display. You can specify the brightness of each pixel from 0 to 9 or # where 0 means no light, 1 is a bit bright and 9 or # is the brightest value.";Blockly.Msg.INFO_DOCUMENTATION_HINT="Document your program here ...";Blockly.Msg.INFO_TAGS="Tags";Blockly.Msg.INFRARED_DISTANCE_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP="Gets the current relative distance from the infrared sensor. The values are between 1 and 75 cm."; +Blockly.Msg.INFRARED_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP="Gets the current reading from the infrared sensor.";Blockly.Msg.INFRARED_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP_MBOT="Gets the current reading from the light sensor -- if a black line is detected (true/false).";Blockly.Msg.INFRARED_PRESENCE_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP="Returns an array of measurements for the presence of a beacon.";Blockly.Msg.INFRARED_TOOLTIP="Represents an infrared sensor.";Blockly.Msg.INLINE_INPUTS="Inline Inputs";Blockly.Msg.INPUT="input";Blockly.Msg.INTERNAL_PORT="internal"; +Blockly.Msg.IRSEEKER_TOOLTIP="Represents a HiTechnic NXT IRSeeker V2 sensor.";Blockly.Msg.I_TIME="integration time";Blockly.Msg.JOYSTICK_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP="Gets the current reading of one of the axes of the joystick";Blockly.Msg.JOYSTICK_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP_MBOT2="Is the joystick moved into the specified direction or pressed?";Blockly.Msg.JOYSTICK_TOOLTIP="Represents a joystick";Blockly.Msg.KEY_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP="Is the selected button pressed?";Blockly.Msg.KEY_TOOLTIP="Represents a button."; +Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE="language";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_ARABIC="Arabic";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_BRAZILIAN="Brazilian";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_CHINESE="Chinese";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_CZECH="Czech";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_DANISH="Danish";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_DUTCH="Dutch";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH="English";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_FINNISH="Finnish";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_FRENCH="French";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_GERMAN="German";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_GREEK="Greek";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_ITALIAN="Italian"; +Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_JAPANESE="Japanese";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_KOREAN="Korean";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_NORWEGIAN="Norwegian";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_POLISH="Polish";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE="Portuguese";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN="Russian";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_SPANISH="Spanish";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_SWEDISH="Swedish";Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_TURKISH="Turkish";Blockly.Msg.LCDI2C_TOOLTIP="Represents an LCD 1602 display with a soldered I\u00b2C module.";Blockly.Msg.LCD_TOOLTIP="Represents an LCD display."; +Blockly.Msg.LED="LED";Blockly.Msg.LEDBAR="LED Bar";Blockly.Msg.LEDBAR_SET_TOOLTIP="Sets the specified LED [0-9] on the LED Bar to the given brightness [0-8].";Blockly.Msg.LEDBAR_TOOLTIP="Represents a Grove LED Bar v2.0 by Seeed.";Blockly.Msg.LEDBAR_ULTRASONIC2_SET_TOOLTIP="Sets the specified LED [1-8] on the ultrasonic sensor 2 to the given brightness [0-100].";Blockly.Msg.LED_MATRIX="LED matrix";Blockly.Msg.LED_OFF="turn LED off";Blockly.Msg.LED_OFF_QUADRGB_TOOLTIP="Turns off the fill lights of the quad RGB sensor"; +Blockly.Msg.LED_OFF_TOOLTIP="Turns the LED off.";Blockly.Msg.LED_ON="turn LED on";Blockly.Msg.LED_ON_QUADRGB_TOOLTIP="Turns on the fill lights of the quad RGB sensor in the given color.";Blockly.Msg.LED_ON_TOOLTIP="Turns the LED on and changes the color.";Blockly.Msg.LED_ON_TOOLTIP_CB="Turns the LED on and changes the color. Attention: calli:Bot only supports 7 different colors, the nearest will be chosen.";Blockly.Msg.LED_ON_TOOLTIP_EDISON="Turns the LED on.";Blockly.Msg.LED_ON_WHITE_TOOLTIP="Turns the LED on. Watch out, it's very bright!"; Blockly.Msg.LED_SET_BRIGHTNESS_TOOLTIP="Sets the brightness of all LEDs [0-100]";Blockly.Msg.LED_TOOLTIP="Represents an LED.";Blockly.Msg.LEFT="left";Blockly.Msg.LEFT_FRONT_RGBLED="RGB LED left front";Blockly.Msg.LEFT_INFRARED_SENSOR="infraredsensor left";Blockly.Msg.LEFT_LED="LED left";Blockly.Msg.LEFT_MOTOR="motor left";Blockly.Msg.LEFT_REAR_RGBLED="RGB LED left rear";Blockly.Msg.LIGHTVEML_TOOLTIP="Represents a visible/UV light sensor.";Blockly.Msg.LIGHT_ARDU_TOOLTIP="Represents 8 light sensors."; Blockly.Msg.LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP="Gets the current reading from the light sensor in percent.";Blockly.Msg.LIGHT_LDR="Light (LDR)";Blockly.Msg.LIGHT_TOOLTIP="Represents a light sensor.";Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_HELPURL="https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-empty-list";Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TITLE="create empty list";Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TOOLTIP="Returns a list, of length 0, containing no data records";Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_TITLE="list"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TITLE_ADD="list";Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TOOLTIP="Add, remove, or reorder sections to reconfigure this list block.";Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_HELPURL="https://github.com/google/blockly/wiki/Lists#create-list-with";Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_INPUT_WITH="create list with";Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TOOLTIP="Add an item to the list.";Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_TOOLTIP="Create a list with any number of items."; @@ -1834,9 +1835,9 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORA_USER_DELETE_SUCCESS="Your account \u00bb$\u00ab was successfully Blockly.Msg.ORA_USER_GET_ALL_SUCCESS="Users loaded";Blockly.Msg.ORA_USER_GET_ONE_ERROR_ID_OR_PASSWORD_WRONG="You have entered wrong user name or password. Please try again!";Blockly.Msg.ORA_USER_GET_ONE_SUCCESS="Login successful";Blockly.Msg.ORA_USER_GROUP_SAVE_AS_ERROR_USER_GROUP_EXISTS="This user already belongs to the group";Blockly.Msg.ORA_USER_PASSWORD_RECOVERY_EXPIRED_URL="The link is not valid anymore. Please ask for resetting your password again, if you still cannot remember it!"; Blockly.Msg.ORA_USER_PASSWORD_RECOVERY_SENT_MAIL_FAIL="Sorry, we cannot send a mail to you, please contact \u00bbsupport-o-r@iais.fraunhofer.de\u00ab";Blockly.Msg.ORA_USER_PASSWORD_RECOVERY_SENT_MAIL_SUCCESS="We send a mail to you, please check your mailbox!";Blockly.Msg.ORA_USER_TO_ADD_NOT_FOUND="User was not found";Blockly.Msg.ORA_USER_TO_SHARE_DOES_NOT_EXIST="The user with which you would like to share the program does not exist.
Try it again!"; Blockly.Msg.ORA_USER_TO_SHARE_SAME_AS_LOGIN_USER="You cannot share any programs with yourself.";Blockly.Msg.ORA_USER_UPDATE_ERROR_NOT_SAVED_TO_DB="The password could not be saved to the database. Are you sure that you entered the old password correctly?";Blockly.Msg.ORA_USER_UPDATE_SUCCESS="Your changes have been successfully saved!";Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX="";Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT="output";Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP="Represents SDS011 particle sensor.";Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD="Password"; -Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP="Is the selected pin touched?";Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL="pull";Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN="down";Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_NONE="none";Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_UP="up";Blockly.Msg.PIN_SET_PULL_BLOCK_WARNING="This block got replaced. Please use the 'Sensor digital'-block from the robotconfiguration";Blockly.Msg.PIN_SET_PULL_TOOLTIP="Sets the pull of the chosen pin";Blockly.Msg.PIN_WRITE="write";Blockly.Msg.PITCH="pitch";Blockly.Msg.PLAY="play";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_DURATION="duration ms"; -Blockly.Msg.PLAY_EIGHTH="eighth note";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_FILE="file";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_FILE_TOOLTIP="Plays a sound file.";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_FREQUENZ="frequency Hz";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_GETVOLUME_TOOLTIP="Gets current volume.";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_HALF="half note";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_NOTE="note";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_NOTE_TOOLTIP="Plays a music note";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_QUARTER="quarter note";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_SETVOLUME_TOOLTIP="Sets volume.";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_SIXTEENTH="sixteenth note";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_TONE="tone"; -Blockly.Msg.PLAY_TONE_TOOLTIP="Plays a tone. Use frequency and duration to determin the tone pitch and duration.";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_TOOLTIP="Represents a buzzer.";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_VOLUME="volume";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_WHOLE="whole note";Blockly.Msg.POPUP_ABOUT_JOIN="I want to help";Blockly.Msg.POPUP_ABOUT_TEXT="The Open Roberta Lab is a cloud-based integrated programming environment that enables children and adolescents to program easily different robot/microcontroller systems. This platform is completely open source so taking part is desirable! Both the software and the open source developer tools are available via Fraunhofer servers."; +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT="%";Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP="Is the selected pin touched?";Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL="pull";Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN="down";Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_NONE="none";Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_UP="up";Blockly.Msg.PIN_SET_PULL_BLOCK_WARNING="This block got replaced. Please use the 'Sensor digital'-block from the robotconfiguration";Blockly.Msg.PIN_SET_PULL_TOOLTIP="Sets the pull of the chosen pin";Blockly.Msg.PIN_WRITE="write";Blockly.Msg.PITCH="pitch";Blockly.Msg.PLAY="play"; +Blockly.Msg.PLAY_DURATION="duration ms";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_EIGHTH="eighth note";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_FILE="file";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_FILE_TOOLTIP="Plays a sound file.";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_FREQUENZ="frequency Hz";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_GETVOLUME_TOOLTIP="Gets current volume.";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_HALF="half note";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_NOTE="note";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_NOTE_TOOLTIP="Plays a music note";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_QUARTER="quarter note";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_SETVOLUME_TOOLTIP="Sets volume.";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_SIXTEENTH="sixteenth note"; +Blockly.Msg.PLAY_TONE="tone";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_TONE_TOOLTIP="Plays a tone. Use frequency and duration to determin the tone pitch and duration.";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_TOOLTIP="Represents a buzzer.";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_VOLUME="volume";Blockly.Msg.PLAY_WHOLE="whole note";Blockly.Msg.POPUP_ABOUT_JOIN="I want to help";Blockly.Msg.POPUP_ABOUT_TEXT="The Open Roberta Lab is a cloud-based integrated programming environment that enables children and adolescents to program easily different robot/microcontroller systems. This platform is completely open source so taking part is desirable! Both the software and the open source developer tools are available via Fraunhofer servers."; Blockly.Msg.POPUP_ABOUT_TEXT_DEV="The Open Roberta Lab is an open-source programming platform developed by Fraunhofer IAIS within the initiative \u00bbRoberta \u2013 Learning with Robots\u00ab";Blockly.Msg.POPUP_ABOUT_TEXT_GOOG="Open Roberta was initiated in collaboration with Google Germany to reduce the hurdles for students, teachers and schools programming educational robots.";Blockly.Msg.POPUP_ABOUT_TEXT_NRW="As part of the project \u00bbAI Algorithms in Computer Science Education\u00ab, the Ministry for Schools and Education of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia is funding the integration of Artificial Neural Networks into the Open Roberta Lab as well as the development of suitable learning content and materials on Artificial Intelligence."; Blockly.Msg.POPUP_AGE="Age";Blockly.Msg.POPUP_ATTENTION="Attention";Blockly.Msg.POPUP_BACKGROUND_REPLACE="A program with the same name already exists.
Would you like to replace it?";Blockly.Msg.POPUP_BACKGROUND_REPLACE_CONFIGURATION="A configuration with the same name already exists.
Would you like to replace it?";Blockly.Msg.POPUP_BACKGROUND_STORAGE="The Open Roberta Lab can automatically load your simulation background on your next visits. For this purpose, we will save data in the Local Storage on your computer. More information in our privacy policy."; Blockly.Msg.POPUP_BEFOREUNLOAD="You have unsaved changes in your program or configuration. Sign in and save your program or configuration.";Blockly.Msg.POPUP_BEFOREUNLOAD_LOGGEDIN="You have unsaved changes in your program or configuration.";Blockly.Msg.POPUP_CANCEL="Cancel";Blockly.Msg.POPUP_CHANGE_PASSWORD="change password ...";Blockly.Msg.POPUP_CONFIRM_CONTINUE="

Press \u00bbOK\u00ab to discard your work. Press \u00bbCancel\u00ab to stay here and save your work first."; @@ -1930,7 +1931,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.WAIT_FOR_TOOLTIP="Waits for sensor values.";Blockly.Msg.WAIT_OR="or Blockly.Msg.XTICK="distance between X ticks";Blockly.Msg.Y="y";Blockly.Msg.YAW="yaw";Blockly.Msg.YEND="end of Y axis";Blockly.Msg.YES="yes";Blockly.Msg.YLABEL="Y axis label";Blockly.Msg.YOUNGER_THEN_14="I am younger than 16!";Blockly.Msg.YSTART="start of Y axis";Blockly.Msg.YTICK="distance between Y ticks";Blockly.Msg.Z="z";Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_TITLE=Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_TITLE;Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_INPUT_IN_LIST=Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INLIST; Blockly.Msg.ACTION_LEDBAR=Blockly.Msg.LEDBAR;Blockly.Msg.KEY_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.KEY_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_INFRARED_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.INFRARED_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_PINTOUCH_PRESSED_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HUMIDITY_TEMPERATURE_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.TEMPERATURE_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.MODE_DOWN=Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_DOWN; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_RGB_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_RGB_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ULTRASONIC_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.ULTRASONIC_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.MODE_UP=Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_UP;Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TITLE=Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_COLOUR_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_COLOUR_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; -Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP=Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM=Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME;Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO=Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; +Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP=Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR=Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD;Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM=Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME;Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO=Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_ELSE_TITLE_ELSE=Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSE;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_COLOUR_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_COLOUR_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_JOYSTICK_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.JOYSTICK_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP_MBOT2;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_SOUND_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP_CALLIOPE=Blockly.Msg.MICROPHONE_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.MODE_FREEFALL=Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FREEFALL; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_DO=Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_DO;Blockly.Msg.LISTS_GET_INDEX_HELPURL=Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_OF_HELPURL;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_TIMER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.TIMER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INDEX_OF_INPUT_IN_LIST=Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INLIST;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER_VALUE_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.ACCELEROMETER_ROTATION_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.ORA_ROBOT_PUSH_RUN=Blockly.Msg.MESSAGE_EDIT_START;Blockly.Msg.LISTS_SET_INDEX_INPUT_IN_LIST=Blockly.Msg.LISTS_INLIST; Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_COMMENT=Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_COMMENT;Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_DOWN=Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_DOWN;Blockly.Msg.TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_ITEM_TITLE_ITEM=Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HUMIDITY_HUMIDITY_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HUMIDITY_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP;Blockly.Msg.MODE_SHAKE=Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_SHAKE;Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_TEMPERATURE_TEMPERATURE_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP=Blockly.Msg.TEMPERATURE_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; @@ -2400,7 +2401,9 @@ Blockly.Blocks.mbedActions_servo_set={init:function(){this.setColour(Blockly.CAT Blockly.Blocks.mbedActions_motionkit_single_set={init:function(){this.setColour(Blockly.CAT_ACTION_RGB);var a=new Blockly.FieldDropdown([[Blockly.Msg.LEFT,"C17"],[Blockly.Msg.RIGHT,"C16"],[Blockly.Msg.BOTH,"BOTH"]]),b=new Blockly.FieldDropdown([[Blockly.Msg.MOTOR_FOREWARD,"FOREWARD"],[Blockly.Msg.MOTOR_BACKWARD,"BACKWARD"],[Blockly.Msg.OFF,"OFF"]]);this.appendDummyInput().appendField(Blockly.Msg.MOTIONKIT).appendField(a,"MOTORPORT").appendField(b,"DIRECTION");this.setPreviousStatement(!0);this.setNextStatement(!0); this.setTooltip(Blockly.Msg.MOTIONKIT_SINGLE_TOOLTIP)}}; Blockly.Blocks.mbedActions_motionkit_dual_set={init:function(){this.setColour(Blockly.CAT_ACTION_RGB);var a=[[Blockly.Msg.MOTOR_FOREWARD,"FOREWARD"],[Blockly.Msg.MOTOR_BACKWARD,"BACKWARD"],[Blockly.Msg.OFF,"OFF"]],b=new Blockly.FieldDropdown(a);a=new Blockly.FieldDropdown(a);this.appendDummyInput().appendField(Blockly.Msg.MOTIONKIT).appendField(Blockly.Msg.LEFT).appendField(b,"DIRECTION_LEFT");this.appendDummyInput().setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT).appendField(Blockly.Msg.RIGHT).appendField(a,"DIRECTION_RIGHT"); -this.setPreviousStatement(!0);this.setNextStatement(!0);this.setTooltip(Blockly.Msg.MOTIONKIT_DUAL_TOOLTIP)}};Blockly.Blocks.mbedBrick={}; +this.setPreviousStatement(!0);this.setNextStatement(!0);this.setTooltip(Blockly.Msg.MOTIONKIT_DUAL_TOOLTIP)}}; +Blockly.Blocks.mbedActions_dcmotor_set={init:function(){this.setColour(Blockly.CAT_ACTION_RGB);this.dropDownPorts=getConfigPorts("dcmotor");this.dependConfig={type:"dcmotor",dropDown:this.dropDownPorts};this.motorDirection=new Blockly.FieldDropdown([[Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD,"Backward"],[Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP,"Stop"],[Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD,"Forward"],[Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC,"Numeric"]]);this.appendValueInput("MOTOR").appendField(Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD).appendField(this.dropDownPorts, +"ACTORPORT").setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT).appendField(Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR).setCheck("Number");this.appendValueInput("SPEED").setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT).appendField(Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED).appendField(this.motorDirection,"DIRECTION").appendField(Blockly.Msg.PERCENT).setCheck("Number");this.setPreviousStatement(!0);this.setNextStatement(!0);this.setTooltip(Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP)}};Blockly.Blocks.mbedBrick={}; Blockly.Blocks["mbedBrick_Calliope-Brick"]={init:function(){this.setColour("#BBBBBB");this.setInputsInline(!1);this.appendDummyInput().appendField(new Blockly.FieldLabel("Calliope","brick_label"));this.appendValueInput("PP").appendField("+").setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT).setCheck("Port");this.appendValueInput("PM").appendField("-").setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT).setCheck("Port");this.appendValueInput("P0").appendField("0").setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT).setCheck("Port");this.appendValueInput("P1").appendField("1").setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT).setCheck("Port"); this.appendValueInput("P2").appendField("2").setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT).setCheck("Port");this.appendValueInput("P3").appendField("3").setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT).setCheck("Port");this.setTooltip(Blockly.Msg.CALLIOPEBRICK_TOOLTIP)}}; Blockly.Blocks["mbedBrick_microbit-Brick"]={init:function(){this.setColour("#BBBBBB");this.setInputsInline(!1);this.appendDummyInput().appendField(new Blockly.FieldLabel("micro:bit","brick_label"));this.appendValueInput("PP").appendField("+").setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT).setCheck("Port");this.appendValueInput("PM").appendField("-").setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT).setCheck("Port");this.appendValueInput("P0").appendField("0").setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT).setCheck("Port");this.appendValueInput("P1").appendField("1").setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT).setCheck("Port"); @@ -2592,7 +2595,7 @@ confBlocks.wireless.sensebox={title:"WIRELESS",dropdowns:[["SOCKET",[["XBEE1","X confBlocks.particle.sensebox={title:"PARTICLE",ports:[["Serial","SERIAL"]],pins:function(a){return[["Serial1","Serial1"],["Serial2","Serial2"]]},sensor:!0};confBlocks.gps={};confBlocks.gps.sensebox={title:"GPS",ports:[["I2C","I2C"]],pins:function(){return[["I2C","I2C"]]},sensor:!0};confBlocks.fourdigitdisplay={};confBlocks.fourdigitdisplay.calliope={title:"FOURDIGITDISPLAY",ports:[["pin","PIN1"]],pins:function(a){return[["A1","5"]]},sensor:!1};confBlocks.ledbar={}; confBlocks.ledbar.calliope={title:"LEDBAR",ports:[["pin","PIN1"]],pins:function(a){return[["A1","5"]]},sensor:!1};confBlocks.callibot={}; confBlocks.callibot.calliope={title:"CALLIBOT",super:!0,subcomponents:[["LEFT_MOTOR","MOTOR_L"],["RIGHT_MOTOR","MOTOR_R"],["LEFT_FRONT_RGBLED","RGBLED_LF"],["RIGHT_FRONT_RGBLED","RGBLED_RF"],["LEFT_REAR_RGBLED","RGBLED_LR"],["RIGHT_REAR_RGBLED","RGBLED_RR"],["ALL_RGBLED","RGBLED_A"],["LEFT_LED","LED_L"],["RIGHT_LED","LED_R"],["BOTH_LED","LED_B"],["LEFT_INFRARED_SENSOR","INFRARED_L"],["RIGHT_INFRARED_SENSOR","INFRARED_R"],["SENSOR_ULTRASONIC","ULTRASONIC"],["SERVO_S1","SERVO_S1"],["SERVO_S2","SERVO_S2"]]}; -confBlocks.environmental={};confBlocks.environmental.sensebox={title:"ENVIRONMENTAL",ports:[["I2C","I2C"]],pins:function(a){return[["I2C","I2C"]]},sensor:!0};for(var confBlock in confBlocks){var confObj=confBlocks[confBlock];confObj.hasOwnProperty("arduino")&&(confObj.nano33ble=confObj.arduino)} +confBlocks.environmental={};confBlocks.environmental.sensebox={title:"ENVIRONMENTAL",ports:[["I2C","I2C"]],pins:function(a){return[["I2C","I2C"]]},sensor:!0};confBlocks.dcmotor={};confBlocks.dcmotor.calliope={title:"DCMOTOR",ports:[["pin","I2CPLUG"]],pins:function(a){return[["A0","4"]]},inputs:[["I2CADDRESS","0x60"]],sensor:!1};for(var confBlock in confBlocks){var confObj=confBlocks[confBlock];confObj.hasOwnProperty("arduino")&&(confObj.nano33ble=confObj.arduino)} function initConfBlocks(){for(var a in confBlocks)confBlocks.hasOwnProperty(a)&&(Blockly.Blocks["robConf_"+a]={confBlock:a,init:function(){Blockly.Blocks.robConf_generic.init.call(this,confBlocks[this.confBlock][this.workspace.device])}})}initConfBlocks();Blockly.Blocks.robActions={}; Blockly.Blocks.robActions_setLanguage={init:function(){this.setColour(Blockly.CAT_ACTION_RGB);var a=new Blockly.FieldDropdown([[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_GERMAN,"GERMAN"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH,"ENGLISH"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_FRENCH,"FRENCH"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_SPANISH,"SPANISH"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_ITALIAN,"ITALIAN"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_DUTCH,"DUTCH"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_FINNISH,"FINNISH"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_POLISH,"POLISH"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN,"RUSSIAN"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_TURKISH, "TURKISH"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_CZECH,"CZECH"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE,"PORTUGUESE"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_DANISH,"DANISH"]]);if("nao"===this.workspace.device)a=new Blockly.FieldDropdown([[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_GERMAN,"GERMAN"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH,"ENGLISH"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_FRENCH,"FRENCH"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_JAPANESE,"JAPANESE"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_CHINESE,"CHINESE"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_SPANISH,"SPANISH"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_KOREAN,"KOREAN"],[Blockly.Msg.LANGUAGE_ITALIAN, diff --git a/blocks/mbedActions.js b/blocks/mbedActions.js index 30e658de591..a8fb8e8c416 100644 --- a/blocks/mbedActions.js +++ b/blocks/mbedActions.js @@ -774,4 +774,42 @@ Blockly.Blocks['mbedActions_motionkit_dual_set'] = { this.setNextStatement(true); this.setTooltip(Blockly.Msg.MOTIONKIT_DUAL_TOOLTIP); } -}; \ No newline at end of file +}; + +Blockly.Blocks['mbedActions_dcmotor_set'] = { + + init : function() { + this.setColour(Blockly.CAT_ACTION_RGB); + this.dropDownPorts = getConfigPorts('dcmotor'); + this.dependConfig = { + 'type' : 'dcmotor', + 'dropDown' : this.dropDownPorts + }; + + this.motorDirection = new Blockly.FieldDropdown([ + [ Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD, 'Backward' ], + [ Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP, 'Stop' ], + [ Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD, 'Forward' ], + [ Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC, 'Numeric' ] + ]); + + this.appendValueInput('MOTOR') + .appendField(Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD) + .appendField(this.dropDownPorts, 'ACTORPORT') + .setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT) + .appendField(Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR) + .setCheck('Number'); + + this.appendValueInput('SPEED') + .setAlign(Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT) + .appendField(Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED) + .appendField(this.motorDirection, 'DIRECTION') + .appendField(Blockly.Msg.PERCENT) + .setCheck('Number'); + + this.setPreviousStatement(true); + this.setNextStatement(true); + this.setTooltip(Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP); + } + +}; diff --git a/blocks/robConfigDefinitions.js b/blocks/robConfigDefinitions.js index 1f6e24ed08d..1ae98ebc373 100644 --- a/blocks/robConfigDefinitions.js +++ b/blocks/robConfigDefinitions.js @@ -1594,6 +1594,23 @@ confBlocks.environmental.sensebox = { sensor: true }; +confBlocks.dcmotor = {} +confBlocks.dcmotor.calliope = { + title: 'DCMOTOR', + ports: [ + ['pin', 'I2CPLUG'] + ], + pins: function(a) { + return [ + ['A0', '4'] + ]; + }, + inputs: [ + ['I2CADDRESS', '0x60'] + ], + sensor: false +}; + // all arduino conf blocks are inherited by nano33ble for (var confBlock in confBlocks) { var confObj = confBlocks[confBlock]; diff --git a/msg/js/ar.js b/msg/js/ar.js index a3b8ab8f76d..aef059a31be 100644 --- a/msg/js/ar.js +++ b/msg/js/ar.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "حذف كل مناعات %1؟"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "إحذف القطعة"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/az.js b/msg/js/az.js index 5fb54aa3a0d..e9f1a94a56f 100644 --- a/msg/js/az.js +++ b/msg/js/az.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Bütün %1 blok silinsin?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Bloku sil"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/ba.js b/msg/js/ba.js index bf72b9a9efc..af702c1657d 100644 --- a/msg/js/ba.js +++ b/msg/js/ba.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Бөтә %1 блоктарҙы юйырғамы?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Блокты юйҙырырға"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/bcc.js b/msg/js/bcc.js index 20937aac2fe..8ffbf6bfe32 100644 --- a/msg/js/bcc.js +++ b/msg/js/bcc.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Delete all %1 blocks?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "حذف بلوک"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/be-tarask.js b/msg/js/be-tarask.js index 7b6efe58abd..22ddfcd8ca5 100644 --- a/msg/js/be-tarask.js +++ b/msg/js/be-tarask.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Выдаліць усе блёкі %1?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Выдаліць блёк"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/be.js b/msg/js/be.js index 326c9c1fcf4..976d61d68f6 100644 --- a/msg/js/be.js +++ b/msg/js/be.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Выдаліць усе блокі %1?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Выдаліць блок"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 - небяспечны пароль. П Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Паўтарыце пароль!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Прадстаўляе сэнсар вільготнасці."; +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Правярае ўмову калі. Калі ўмова выконваецца, выконвае дзеянне ва ўмоўным блоку."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "вывад"; Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "падцяжка"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "уніз"; @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/bg.js b/msg/js/bg.js index 527102ad1bb..3f617917e45 100644 --- a/msg/js/bg.js +++ b/msg/js/bg.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Изтриване на всички 1% блокове?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Изтрий блок"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/bn.js b/msg/js/bn.js index 81eea59e98b..9ab752ff086 100644 --- a/msg/js/bn.js +++ b/msg/js/bn.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Delete all %1 blocks?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "ব্লকটি মুছে ফেল"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/br.js b/msg/js/br.js index 16270951355..9d3cf8b288f 100644 --- a/msg/js/br.js +++ b/msg/js/br.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Diverkañ an holl vloc'hoù %1 ?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Dilemel ar bloc'h"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/ca.js b/msg/js/ca.js index f0bbade520e..a131e1af7c4 100644 --- a/msg/js/ca.js +++ b/msg/js/ca.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Esborrar els %1 blocs?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Esborra bloc"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Comprova la condició del 'si'. Si la condició és certa, executa l'acció 'aleshores'."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/cs.js b/msg/js/cs.js index de1e78f209a..26a301acee0 100644 --- a/msg/js/cs.js +++ b/msg/js/cs.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Smazat všech %1 bloků?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Smazat blok"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 není bezpečné heslo. Raději vymyslet Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Hotovo? Pro jistotu se přesvědčte!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Zkontroluje podmínku v »když«. Pokud je podmínka splněna, provede akce v části »tak«."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/da.js b/msg/js/da.js index 25b55a1d49e..fda2dec2398 100644 --- a/msg/js/da.js +++ b/msg/js/da.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Slet alle %1 blokke?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Slet blok"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checker betingelsen i 'hvis'. Hvis betingelsen er sand udføres 'gør' handlingen."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/de.js b/msg/js/de.js index 1213a5dfa38..8f5628fe2df 100644 --- a/msg/js/de.js +++ b/msg/js/de.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "Gruppen"; Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name der Gruppe"; Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "Der Name der Gruppe. Bitte bedenke, dass alle Mitglieder der Gruppe den Gruppennamen bei jedem Login eingeben müssen."; Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Benutzername des Gruppeneigentümers"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "rückwärts"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor Platine"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "vorwärts"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "Motoranschluss 1"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "Motoranschluss 2"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "Motoranschluss 3"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "Motoranschluss 4"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "Motoranschluss"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numerisch"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "Tempo"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor Erweiterung"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Alle %1 Blöcke löschen?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Block löschen"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "Ein Mitglieder, welches du löschen willst, hat sich beriets angemeldet und eventuell Programme erstellt. Bist du sicher, dass du die auswählten Mitglieder löschen möchtest?"; @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 ist kein gutes Passwort ,-)! Such dir li Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Alles richtig geschrieben? Gib dein Passwort vorsichtshalber nochmal ein."; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Block für den HiTechnic NXT Farbsensor V2."; Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Block für den Luftfeuchtigkeitsensor."; +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C Adresse"; Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blockierender Block! Dieser Block benötigt einige Zeit um ausgeführt zu werden. Andere Blöcke müssen warten, bis dieser Block die Kontrolle an die aufrufende Funktion zurückgibt."; Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Prüft die Bedingung in wenn. Falls die Bedingung wahr ist, führt die dann-Aktion aus."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "Ausgang"; Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Block für den SDS011 Feinstaubsensor"; Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Kennwort"; +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Gibt »wahr« zurück, wenn der ausgewählte Pin gedrückt wird."; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "Pull"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/el.js b/msg/js/el.js index f9ae570391e..d91089b62bd 100644 --- a/msg/js/el.js +++ b/msg/js/el.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Να διαγραφούν και τα %1 μπλοκ?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Διέγραψε Το Μπλοκ"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/en.js b/msg/js/en.js index 2808032f940..fe962b7d50f 100644 --- a/msg/js/en.js +++ b/msg/js/en.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Delete all %1 blocks?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Delete Block"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/es.js b/msg/js/es.js index 8f613de618d..51f78b18cc2 100644 --- a/msg/js/es.js +++ b/msg/js/es.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "¿Eliminar todos los %1 bloques?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Eliminar bloque"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Comprueba la condición en 'si'. Si la condición es verdadera, ejecuta la acción 'entonces'."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/eu.js b/msg/js/eu.js index 78fc9133b3d..287e9673ea4 100644 --- a/msg/js/eu.js +++ b/msg/js/eu.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Ezabatu %1 blokeak?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Ezabatu blokea"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 ez da pasahitz segurua. Hobeto, ahaztuko Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Badaukazu? Hobeto ziurtatu!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Hezetasun sentsore bat irudikatzen du."; +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "baldin' baldintza ebaluatzen du. Baldintza egiazkoa bada, 'orduan' akzioa exekutatuko da."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/fa.js b/msg/js/fa.js index 270e1fd20d4..b4ad0733a0d 100644 --- a/msg/js/fa.js +++ b/msg/js/fa.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "حذف همهٔ بلاک‌های %1؟"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "حذف بلوک"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/fi.js b/msg/js/fi.js index 22da12a7619..cf3fcc8229e 100644 --- a/msg/js/fi.js +++ b/msg/js/fi.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Poistetaanko kaikki %1 lohkoa?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Poista lohko"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Tarkasta if-osan ehto. Jos ehto on tosi, suorita do-osan toiminto."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/fr.js b/msg/js/fr.js index 6df7fb01bb3..96e84aee616 100644 --- a/msg/js/fr.js +++ b/msg/js/fr.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Supprimer ces %1 blocs ?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Supprimer le bloc"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "1234 n'est pas un mot de passe très sécuris Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Retape ton mot de passe pour vérifier que tu le connais."; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Représente un capteur d'hygrométrie (humidité)"; +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "vérifie la condition SI. Si elle est vraie, execute l'action"; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/he.js b/msg/js/he.js index 30199d09b08..856220e958b 100644 --- a/msg/js/he.js +++ b/msg/js/he.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "האם למחוק את כל %1 קטעי הקוד?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "מחק קטע קוד"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/hi.js b/msg/js/hi.js index 5c66979e488..3d43ee231d8 100644 --- a/msg/js/hi.js +++ b/msg/js/hi.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Delete all %1 blocks?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "ब्लॉक हटाएँ"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/hrx.js b/msg/js/hrx.js index 9b614c753f6..338fb63a9be 100644 --- a/msg/js/hrx.js +++ b/msg/js/hrx.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "All %1 Bausten lösche?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Block lösche"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/hu.js b/msg/js/hu.js index 500f5fe925a..6e001dbc578 100644 --- a/msg/js/hu.js +++ b/msg/js/hu.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Az összes %1 blokk törlése?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Blokk törlése"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = "."; Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/ia.js b/msg/js/ia.js index e44bd5a6f58..09b2cffa292 100644 --- a/msg/js/ia.js +++ b/msg/js/ia.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Deler tote le %1 blocos?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Deler bloco"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/id.js b/msg/js/id.js index d7dd6668b23..21a7b061aae 100644 --- a/msg/js/id.js +++ b/msg/js/id.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Hapus semua %1 blok?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Hapus Blok"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/is.js b/msg/js/is.js index 88566843671..193ef3cb12c 100644 --- a/msg/js/is.js +++ b/msg/js/is.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Eyða öllum %1 kubbunum?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Eyða kubbi"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/it.js b/msg/js/it.js index 23da099f5d9..636afa4b327 100644 --- a/msg/js/it.js +++ b/msg/js/it.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Cancellare tutti i %1 blocchi?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Cancella blocco"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 non è password sicura. Pensa ad una pas Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Fatto? Meglio assicurarsi!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Rappresenta un sensore di umidità."; +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Controlla la condizione in »se«. Se la condizione è vera, esegue l'azione »fare«."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "uscita"; Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "tirare"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "giù"; @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/ja.js b/msg/js/ja.js index c9785a193ff..93f7549f93f 100644 --- a/msg/js/ja.js +++ b/msg/js/ja.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "%1件のすべてのブロックを消しますか?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "ブロックを消す"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/ko.js b/msg/js/ko.js index 95b184e2b0a..f22f0b85432 100644 --- a/msg/js/ko.js +++ b/msg/js/ko.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "모든 블록 %1개를 삭제하겠습니까?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "블록 삭제"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/lb.js b/msg/js/lb.js index 793710bb477..17620a758ab 100644 --- a/msg/js/lb.js +++ b/msg/js/lb.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Delete all %1 blocks?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Block läschen"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/lki.js b/msg/js/lki.js index 51b2d1318e1..a5dd3fc4362 100644 --- a/msg/js/lki.js +++ b/msg/js/lki.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "حةذف کؤل %1 بلاکةل?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "پاک کردن بلاک"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/lrc.js b/msg/js/lrc.js index b9c1b686ec4..835937d6278 100644 --- a/msg/js/lrc.js +++ b/msg/js/lrc.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Delete all %1 blocks?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "پاکسا کردن برشت"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/lt.js b/msg/js/lt.js index 72445aa146e..c1ea270fd9b 100644 --- a/msg/js/lt.js +++ b/msg/js/lt.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Ištrinti visus %1 blokus?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Ištrinti bloką"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/mk.js b/msg/js/mk.js index 9064e72cb69..fa00ea45d23 100644 --- a/msg/js/mk.js +++ b/msg/js/mk.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Да ги избришам сите %1 блокчиња?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Избриши блок"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/ms.js b/msg/js/ms.js index 2124c410131..f74c3c97cf6 100644 --- a/msg/js/ms.js +++ b/msg/js/ms.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Hapuskan kesemua %1 blok?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Hapuskan Blok"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/nb.js b/msg/js/nb.js index d019c4261ec..63ad22010f4 100644 --- a/msg/js/nb.js +++ b/msg/js/nb.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Slett alle %1 blokker?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Slett blokk"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/nl.js b/msg/js/nl.js index af5bad09b6d..5316a2645a9 100644 --- a/msg/js/nl.js +++ b/msg/js/nl.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Alle %1 blokken verwijderen?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Blok verwijderen"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/oc.js b/msg/js/oc.js index e2546f49556..0f81c8bc1a6 100644 --- a/msg/js/oc.js +++ b/msg/js/oc.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Suprimir totes los %1 blòts ?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Suprimir lo blòt"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/pl.js b/msg/js/pl.js index 86f57610e0c..8bc3091aec3 100644 --- a/msg/js/pl.js +++ b/msg/js/pl.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Usunąć wszystkie %1 bloki(ów)?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Usuń blok"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 to nie hasło. Pomyśl o bezpiecznej kom Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Zapamiętasz? Lepiej się upewnij!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Sprawdza warunek w »if«. Jeśli warunek jest spełniony, wykonujw się akcja »do«."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/pms.js b/msg/js/pms.js index 05ff36f835b..160e2417a44 100644 --- a/msg/js/pms.js +++ b/msg/js/pms.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Scancelé tuti ij %1 blòch?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Scancelé ël blòch"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/pt-br.js b/msg/js/pt-br.js index 5bb4eceae5f..080fc9c6889 100644 --- a/msg/js/pt-br.js +++ b/msg/js/pt-br.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Apagar todos os %1 blocos?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Remover bloco"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/pt.js b/msg/js/pt.js index 1284e7bbe32..d5c17b94e12 100644 --- a/msg/js/pt.js +++ b/msg/js/pt.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Apagar todos os %1 blocos?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Remover Bloco"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Verifica a condição »if«. Se verdadeiro, executa a acção »do«."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/ro.js b/msg/js/ro.js index bce4b3ded58..b3b01297877 100644 --- a/msg/js/ro.js +++ b/msg/js/ro.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Ștergi toate cele %1 (de) blocuri?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Șterge Bloc"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 nu este o parolă sigură. Mai degrabă Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Ai înțeles? Mai bine asigură-te!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Reprezintă un senzor de umiditate."; +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Verifică condiția din »if«. Dacă condiția este adevărată aunci de execută acțiunea »do«."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "ieșire"; Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "împinge"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "jos"; @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/ru.js b/msg/js/ru.js index d395637d00a..67cea570fcc 100644 --- a/msg/js/ru.js +++ b/msg/js/ru.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Удалить все блоки (%1)?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Удалить блок"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 -- не безопасный парол Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Повторите пароль."; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Проверяет увловие »если«. Если условие выполняется, выполняет действие в условном блоке."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/sc.js b/msg/js/sc.js index 24e1d47277b..d8115854a2d 100644 --- a/msg/js/sc.js +++ b/msg/js/sc.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Scancellu su %1 de is brocus?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Fùlia Blocu"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/sd.js b/msg/js/sd.js index f84da5c2a10..3d7888b5ed6 100644 --- a/msg/js/sd.js +++ b/msg/js/sd.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Delete all %1 blocks?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "بلاڪ ڊاهيو"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/shn.js b/msg/js/shn.js index 610aa881bbb..6e514abfcdb 100644 --- a/msg/js/shn.js +++ b/msg/js/shn.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Delete all %1 blocks?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "မွတ်ႇပလွၵ်ႉ"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/sk.js b/msg/js/sk.js index cd746a92a6b..32f36225111 100644 --- a/msg/js/sk.js +++ b/msg/js/sk.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Zmazať všetkých %1 dielcov?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Odstrániť blok"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/sl.js b/msg/js/sl.js index 22b9e0df2c9..870d807f9c8 100644 --- a/msg/js/sl.js +++ b/msg/js/sl.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Izbrišem vseh %1 kock?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Izbriši kocko"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/sq.js b/msg/js/sq.js index 9e7b0c021ba..19c56c89e09 100644 --- a/msg/js/sq.js +++ b/msg/js/sq.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Delete all %1 blocks?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Fshij bllokun"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/sr.js b/msg/js/sr.js index 39113cf18e1..3aa4c32372d 100644 --- a/msg/js/sr.js +++ b/msg/js/sr.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Обрисати %1 блокова?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Обриши блок"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/sv.js b/msg/js/sv.js index 4676130256a..c3aeea5e0a9 100644 --- a/msg/js/sv.js +++ b/msg/js/sv.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Radera alla %1 block?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Radera block"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 är inget säkert lösenord. Tänk istä Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Stämmer det? Bäst att kontrollera!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Fuktsensor"; +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Kontrollerar villkoret i »if«. Om vilkoret är sant, utförs »do« åtgärden"; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "dra"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "ner"; @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/ta.js b/msg/js/ta.js index 64522f31036..4b08e59d319 100644 --- a/msg/js/ta.js +++ b/msg/js/ta.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "அனைத்து %1 நிரல் துண்டுகளையும் அழிக்கவா??"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "உறுப்பை நீக்கு"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/tcy.js b/msg/js/tcy.js index 6a8996b8c47..5d23abe50fb 100644 --- a/msg/js/tcy.js +++ b/msg/js/tcy.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "ಮಾತ %1 ನಿರ್ಬಂದೊಲೆನ್ ದೆತ್ತ್ ಪಾಡ್ಲೆ ?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "ಮಾಜಯರ ತಡೆಯಾತ್ಂಡ್"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/th.js b/msg/js/th.js index 62756f45bba..8fa50e9c0ce 100644 --- a/msg/js/th.js +++ b/msg/js/th.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "ต้องการลบบล็อกทั้ง %1 บล็อกหรือไม่"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "ลบบล็อก"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/tl.js b/msg/js/tl.js index 1001a9b96d9..05392aafaf0 100644 --- a/msg/js/tl.js +++ b/msg/js/tl.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Delete all %1 blocks?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "burahin ang bloke"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/tlh.js b/msg/js/tlh.js index 46e161bebe8..92e5167c05e 100644 --- a/msg/js/tlh.js +++ b/msg/js/tlh.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Hoch %1 ngoghmey Qaw'?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "ngogh Qaw'"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/tr.js b/msg/js/tr.js index f5c5f79a3a9..d635b6d87a9 100644 --- a/msg/js/tr.js +++ b/msg/js/tr.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Tüm %1 blok silinsin mi?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Bloğu Sil"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "»If« içerisindeki koşulu kontrol eder. Eğer koşul ifadesi doğruysa, »do« eylemini gerçekleştirir."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/uk.js b/msg/js/uk.js index 043db460e01..da3009357b6 100644 --- a/msg/js/uk.js +++ b/msg/js/uk.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Вилучити всі блоки %1?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Видалити блок"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 -- не надійний пароль. Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Запам'ятали? Давайте перевіримо!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Представляє сенсор вологості."; +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Перевіряє умову »if«. Якщо умова вірна, виконую »do« дію."; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = "-ий."; Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "вихід"; Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "підтяжка"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "до землі"; @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/vi.js b/msg/js/vi.js index 247852d8994..ad41bd4fb92 100644 --- a/msg/js/vi.js +++ b/msg/js/vi.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "Xóa hết %1 mảnh?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "Xóa Mảnh Này"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345 is no secure password. Rather think of a Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "Got it? Better make sure!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "Represents a humidity sensor."; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "Checks the condition in »if«. If the condition is true, executes the »do« action."; // untranslated @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "output"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "pull"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "down"; // untranslated @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/zh-hans.js b/msg/js/zh-hans.js index f94f7f362f8..a4e25a33139 100644 --- a/msg/js/zh-hans.js +++ b/msg/js/zh-hans.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "删除所有%1块吗?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "删除块"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345没有密码安全性。宁可想一个 Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "明白了吗?最好确认过!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "代表湿度传感器"; +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "检查»if«中的条件。如果条件为 true, 则执行»do«操作。"; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = "空白"; Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "输出"; Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "拉"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "下"; @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/js/zh-hant.js b/msg/js/zh-hant.js index 1751eb16113..cb70b0f9891 100644 --- a/msg/js/zh-hant.js +++ b/msg/js/zh-hant.js @@ -258,6 +258,19 @@ Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUPS = "user groups"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME = "Name of the user group"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_NAME_CREATE_HINT = "The name of the user group. Kepp in mind, that the members will have to type it in each time they log in."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DATATABLE_USERGROUP_OWNER = "Name of the owner of the user group"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = "DC Motor"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = "backward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = "DC Motor board"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = "forward"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = "motor port 1"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = "motor port 2"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = "motor port 3"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = "motor port 4"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = "motor port"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = "numeric"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = "speed"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = "stop"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = "DC Motor extention"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS = "刪除共 %1 塊積木?"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_BLOCK = "刪除積木"; Blockly.Msg.DELETE_USERGROUP_MEMBER_AFTER_LOGIN_WARNING = "A member you want to delete did already log in and might have create own programs. Are you sure that you want to delete the selected member(s)?"; // untranslated @@ -347,6 +360,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT = "12345沒有密碼安全性。寧可想一個 Blockly.Msg.HINT_USER_PASSWORT_CONFIRM = "明白了嗎?最好確認過!"; Blockly.Msg.HTCOLOUR_TOOLTIP = "Represents a HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor V2."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.HUMIDITY_TOOLTIP = "代表濕度感應器"; +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = "I2C address"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ICON_BLOCKING_TOOLTIP = "Blocking block! This blocks needs some time to be executed, so other's have to wait until it gives back the control to the caller function."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ID = "ID"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.IF_TOOLTIP = "檢查»if«中的條件。如果條件為 true, 則執行»do«操作。"; @@ -1188,6 +1202,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.OUTPUT = "輸出"; Blockly.Msg.PARTICLE_TOOLTIP = "Represents SDS011 particle sensor."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PASSWORD = "Password"; // untranslated +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = "%"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_ISTOUCHED_TOOLTIP = "Is the selected pin touched?"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL = "拉"; Blockly.Msg.PIN_PULL_DOWN = "下"; @@ -1867,6 +1882,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.ENCODER_GETSAMPLE_TOO Blockly.Msg.MODE_FACE_UP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_GESTURE_FACE_UP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_HTCOLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.SENSOR_COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_LIGHT_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM = Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME; Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_GETSAMPLE_TOOLTIP = Blockly.Msg.TOUCH_ISPRESSED_TOOLTIP; Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_INPUT_DO = Blockly.Msg.CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO; diff --git a/msg/json/en.json b/msg/json/en.json index 257713bceb0..bde2b979182 100644 --- a/msg/json/en.json +++ b/msg/json/en.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "@metadata": { "author": "Ellen Spertus ", - "lastupdated": "2022-08-23 14:22:59.813474", + "lastupdated": "2022-08-28 11:56:16.124163", "locale": "en", "messagedocumentation" : "qqq" }, @@ -1847,5 +1847,20 @@ "POPUP_REPLACE": "Replace", "POPUP_BACKGROUND_REPLACE": "A program with the same name already exists.
Would you like to replace it?", "POPUP_BACKGROUND_REPLACE_CONFIGURATION": "A configuration with the same name already exists.
Would you like to replace it?'; Blockly.Msg.POPUP_BACKGROUND_REPLACE_CONFIGURATION = 'A configuration with the same name already exists.
Would you like to replace it?'; -Blockly.Msg.ORA_CONFIGURATION_SAVE_AS_ERROR_CONFIGURATION_EXISTS = 'This configuration already exists.'; \ No newline at end of file +Blockly.Msg.ORA_CONFIGURATION_SAVE_AS_ERROR_CONFIGURATION_EXISTS = 'This configuration already exists.'; + +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR = 'DC Motor'; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BACKWARD = 'backward'; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD = 'DC Motor board'; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_FORWARD = 'forward'; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_NUMERIC = 'numeric'; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M1 = 'motor port 1'; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M2 = 'motor port 2'; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M3 = 'motor port 3'; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_M4 = 'motor port 4'; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_MOTOR = 'motor port'; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_SPEED = 'speed'; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_STOP = 'stop'; +Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_TOOLTIP = 'DC Motor extention'; +Blockly.Msg.ACTION_DCMOTOR = Blockly.Msg.DCMOTOR_BOARD; +Blockly.Msg.I2CADDRESS = 'I2C address'; +Blockly.Msg.PERCENT = '%';