Releases: OpenRoberta/openroberta-lab
This release is based on the cross compiler resources tag 13
#776 Example programs order should depend on the name of the programs instead of date
#775 It should be impossible to share a program with the account "Roberta"
#774 Example Programs cannot be stored
#755 user session crashes if program name has more than 255 characters
#727 Take a tour bug
#349 Gallery Loading
#629 Dislike option in gallery causes server error
#294 Share view closes when adding a new user
#611 Deleting source code in source code editor causes server error
#567 'Square' Mathematical Function
#278 Replace usages of BlocklyMethods for C robots
#363 Prevent illegal list operations for C robots
#530 Generate Serial.begin(buad_rate) line only if needed for arduino
#565 Multiple robot views in EV3 when new backgrounds are uploaded
#560 Multiple robot simulation: The commands on the EV3 display are not distributed among the robots
#553 Multiple Bot Simulation: Robot spawns offscreen
#777 Calliope "get gesture" block has some not wanted ports (only in "wait until" block)
#763 EV3 test block generates incorrect source code
#480 EV3: Negative Volumes Being Stored
#479 EV3 sound sensor does not show up in wait until block
#762 C4EV3 does not return compiler errors
#741 ev3 sim move block does not work
#662 EV3: The Calibrate Block is Not Considered As a Blocking Block
#667 BOB3 trigonometric functions & timer compilation fails
#596 MicroBit: Missing Sensor
#587 NXT: Missing Sensor Block
#550 Edison round function not needed
#468 Wedo: Comment blocks not working
This release is based on the cross compiler resources tag 11
#735 unused updateResources.dir properties in
#733 Arduino "write value to pin" mutator missing
#717 Calliope support for Tiny Super Lab Motionkit
#699 EV3 and NXT: Entering a decimal value as speed in the drive blocks causes a server error
#692 Add links to Eclipse and IntellIJ Setup in Repository ReadME
#492 EV3: Wrong behaviour of the turn blocks when degree is set to 0 and some trigonometric functions
#82 Add servo / PWM block to calliope
#123 Login -> Change -> Logout -> New account leads to server error
This release is based on the cross compiler resources tag 10
#701 Pixel brightness in calliope images is not available anymore
#679 EV3: Wrong Error is Shown When Motors are Removed
#612 EV3 and NXT: Arrow keys cause unexpected behaviour
#565 Multiple robot views in EV3 when new backgrounds are uploaded
#536 EV3(lejos): missing cast from double to float for pow(double a, double b) function
#502 EV3: Set variable block with missing arguments throws a server error
#469 Calliope: Play frequency block continues playing sound when simulation is stopped if duration is negative
#464 Edison: Motor and drive blocks do not compile
#455 EV3: Say block doesn't work with some inputs
#438 NXT: After uploading background, robotic view becomes that of EV3's
#395 Certain Arrangements of the "play note" block in Calliope Mini do not work as intended
#364 Add simulation tests & tests covering all blocks & fix smaller detected issues
#362 Add ";create list with x repeated" block to Calliope
#293 You can not see the users, you have shared your program with, in the program list
#289 ArduinoBrickValidatorVisitor needs revision
#38 Remove all cookies from the lab so that the cookie disclaimer could be removed too
This release is based on the cross compiler resources tag 9
New features
- ALL: Source Code Editor - modify the text base source code in the Open Roberta Lab, build it or execute the binaries on the device
- ALL: show robot type of imported program
- ALL: switch content of right menu in place (no closing and reopening needed anymore)
- ALL: show robot type of imported program
- ALL: document url params
- ALL: add Basque translation
- ALL: add Romanian translation
- ARDUINO: support for Arduino Uno Wifi Rev2
- ARDUINO: remove RobertaFunctions
- ARDUINO: add NEPO4Arduino background image
- BOB3: compilation without arduino-builder - very fast
- Strings are not supported anymore
- Lists are not supported anymore
- CALLIOPE: Calliope new dal available - stable bluetooth connection to mobile devices
- C4EV3: remove differences in performance in c4ev3
- EV3: support for HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor Version 2
- MBOT: Support for Makeblock Me LED Matrix 8 X 16
- SENSEBOX: support "Nova SDS011 Feinstaub-Modul"
- SENSEBOX: support "GPS Modul"
- SENSEBOX: add analog/digital pin read/write blocks for sensebox
- SENSEBOX: add port information to pin names
- SENSEBOX: tooltips for sensors and actors should be revised
- SENSEBOX: code for opensense map should be generated only when send block is used
- SENSEBOX: handling of WLAN credentials for WiFi-enabled systems: improving data flow
Bug fixes
- ALL: improve message when a program is deleted and is shared
- ALL: make tutorial view scrollable
- ALL: make robot selection menu scrollable
- ALL: fix multiple "Server errors"
- ALL: fix tour, switch to ev3lejosv1
- ALL: fix read "No matching record" found
- ALL: improve share messages
- ALL: fix Open Roberta does not load, if cookies are disabled in the browser
- ARDUINO: wrong code generation for infrared, ultrasonic and rfid sensors
- ARDUINO: fix error in refreshing the names of new sensors or other devices
- ARDUINO: fix display names
- CALLIOPE: improve code generation for "set motor A+B
- CALLIOPE: fix "set brightness" for value 0
- CALLIOPE: fix wrong simulation warning for "switch LED matrix"
- CALLIOPE: fix Calli:Bot Auswahl mit Port B bug resolved
- CALLIOPE: fix "set motor A+B" generates unexpected code
- CALLIOPE: Resolve name collisions for user defined variables, e.g. Calliope: name clashes (e.g. "sum")
- C4EV3: fix code generation for functions
- EV3: fix block "in list get # variable" doesn't work bug-critical resolved
- EV3: add unsupported warning for sound sensor
- EV3: fix unit tests for "out of bound" exeption
- EV3: fix "timer"
- SENSEBOX: fix BMX055 output values for all blocks
- SENSEBOX: fix code generation for LCD Display 1602
- SENSEBOX: fix code generation for sound sensor
- SENSEBOX: add null check for SD card configuration component in visitDataSendAction
- SENSEBOX: add inbuilt compass/gyro/accelerometer in wait until for sensebox
- SENSEBOX: fix codegeneration for "send data to opensense map" block should break the workflow when wifi configuration block is not used
- SENSEBOX: fix "visible/UV light sensor" returns values not in percent
- SIMULATION: fix background upload doesn't work with Chrome, but with Firefox
- SENSEBOX: fix "wait until" block does not work
- SIMULATION: fix "say text" execution
- SIMULATION: fix ultrasonic output
- SIMULATION: add warning for unsupported "message" blocks for NXT
- SIMULATION: add warning for unsupported "HT infrared sensor"
- SIMULATION: fix fickering start / stop button when uploading background pictures
- SIMULATION: Simulation stops running if variable reaches 0
- SIMULATION: NXT simulation gets stuck with TypeError: navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia is not a function"
- SIMULATION: fix default language
- SIMULATION: fix "wait bluetooth connection" block causes "server error" in simulation
- SIMULATION: ternary crashes the simulation
- SIMULATION: fix changing background 4 times freezes simulation on IOS
- SIMULATION: fix uploading background images with large width produces visual artifacts
- SIMULATION: fix after background upload view is (sometimes) zoomed in for Firefox
- SIMULATION: fix arrays as function parameters cause "server error"
- SIMULATION: "In list ... insert at last" wrong order
- SIMULATION: fix lists comparison in simulation always returns false
- WEDO: add checker for "play frequency"
This release is based on the cross compiler resources tag 4
New features
- ALL label all blocking blocks with an hourglass
- ALL Rewrite simulation code generation and execution -> faster and more reliable
- ALL Reduce ping request whenever it is not needed
- EDISON Integration of the Edison V2 robot into the OpenRoberta Lab
- EV3 HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor Version 2 support for EV3
- MICRO:BIT Access to all pins on the micro:bit board
Bug fixes
- ALL detect second browser session and react with a proper message
- ALL Make robot protocol robust and extend logging
- ALL fix loading the website in IE 11
- ALL delete function calls when function is deleted
- ARDUINO fix "show source view"
- ARDUINO fix "create list with" compilation
- CALLIOPE Update block descriptions
- EV3 Lejos fix sound sensor
- EV3 fix firmware version mismatch in logging
- EV3 fix python code generation for motor encoder and gyro sensor
- MICRO:BIT fix types in lists
- SENSEBOX fix flash with generated binary data
- WEDO reduced number of timers to one in all places
- WEDO fix loop, not freezing anymore
- WEDO fix "play frequency Hz" block
- SIM ignore deactivated blocks
- SIM fix "say text"
- Python fix isPrime
- Python replace BlocklyMethods with functions
- C/C++ fix commentary block disregards newlines
This release is based on the cross compiler resources tag 3
Bug fixes
- invalid client blocks REST suppressed
- make JavaScript compatible to IE 11 again
This release is based on the cross compiler resources tag 3
New features
- C4EV3: beta version of new robot plugin for EV3 robots
- ALL: compiler output is now shown to user
Bug fixes
- ALL: wait until captions no longer disappear
- ALL: my configurations are now single clickable anywhere, same behaviour as in my programs
- ALL: lab reconnects automatically after wifi network changes
- ALL: fixed invalid connections in nested ternary operators
- ALL: cookie disclaimer no longer increases window height
- ALL: updated wrong release link
- EV3: lists containing only one element are generated correctly
- EV3DEV: fixed connection problems
- NXT/EV3 SIMULATION: no more duplicated robot views after changing scene
- CALLIOPE: motors a + b no longer generate invalid code
- ARDUINO: colours can now be output to screens or serial
- MBOT: corrected flipped output for line sensor
- NAO: fixed isPrime
- WEDO: renamed gyroscope to tilt sensor
- SENSEBOX: improved german translations for configuration blocks