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Frequently Asked Questions

WinDanesz edited this page Apr 20, 2019 · 21 revisions

Where can I find more information? Is there an up to date wiki/manual?

There is an ingame manual book item, named Treatise on principles of Ruling. You receive the book when you craft your first AW item/block or you can find it as loot. That is the officially maintained guide, online unofficial wikis mostly provide outdated information, but we welcome any initiative if you'd like to contribute/update to one of those.

How do I share my NPCs and blocks with my friend? My friend's NPCs are hostile / have red name tag, how do I change it?

You can make teams using the vanilla scoreboard commands or FTBUtils: The team only needs to be made once

/scoreboard teams add *YOUR_TEAM*

but both players must join it

/scoreboard teams join *YOUR_TEAM*

"The NPC's are not spawning! They just look like empty boxes / white names! The mod is broken!"

Well, no it isn't - its just that you are in creative mode, and NPC's don't spawn in creative mode. Its supposed to be this way. It allows builders of structures to position NPC's and set their spawn distances for staged progression style gameplay to prevent all the NPC's of a structure all spawning at once and rushing you as a big mob. Its also much better performance wise - as it prevents all those NPC's spawning if you are generating a world by flying around. Its also much better game-play wise as those NPC's don't get killed off by mobs etc just because you passed a structure and didn't go in. "Can we set the NPC's to spawn in creative then?" = NO

How do I change Skins?

Within the AW Config Folder, Create a folder called “npc”, then inside that create a folder called “skins” then copy this file: And place it in that folder, along with all your custom skins. Finally, modify the skin_pack.meta to change the file name on the right of the equal sign to your custom file name. You can copy entries for the NPC types if you want to have multiple skins for a single type

What are coins worth?

8 copper = 1 silver 8 silver = 1 gold

Add [blank] gunpowder weaponry

we plan to support gunpowder weaponry through compatibility with other mods, allowing the user to decide if they want them or not

How can I hide or display the (white) bounds of the warehouse and workstations?

The default keybinding is F8. If it doesn't work, check your keybindings.

Are there any in game commands in the mod?

AW comes with some very useful commands that help you identify blocks, biome and entities in your current game set up.

  • /awutils exportblocks This command will dump a .csv list of all blocks, from every mod you currently have in your own personal game set up.
  • /awutils exportbiomes This command will dump a .csv list of all biomes that are currently in your world set up from every mod you currently have in your own personal game set up.
  • /awutils exportentities This command will dump a .csv list of all mobs that are currently in your world set up from every mod you currently have in your own personal game set up. This is vitally important for setting up AW NPC faction lists of mobs to target or not.
  • /awutils export loottables This command will export a list of all loot tables in your game, from vanilla, and all mods that use them. The resultant .csv docs that AW dumps can be found in the export folder in your AW Config folder.
  • /awstructure name This will give you the name of the structure if it is an AW one. Be aware you do need to be quite well inside the structure towards its centre for the command to work.

Which config do we edit to allow soldier NPCs to automatically attack non-vanilla mobs, aka from other mods like Lycanites mobs? This JSON inside your registry folder, inside a folder called “npc”. Remember the file path is config/ancientwarfare/registry/npc

How to know if a structure is an AW one? And what is it called?

Run the chat command /awstructure name

This will give you the name of the structure if it is an AW one. Be aware you do need to be quite well inside the structure towards its centre for the command to work.

I'm stocking NPC faction structures - what should I set the NPC activation ranges to?

For NPC spawner blocks the following (player) activation ranges are recommended:

  • Sentry Archers: 32
  • Skirmish Archers: 16 - 24
  • Siege Engine Artificiers: 64
  • Horse Archers: 24
  • Knights and Cavalry: 16 - 24
  • Infantry: 6 - 24

Obviously, when setting up a structure you can amend an NPC's activation range as you wish, to create ambushes and have the NPC's appear and react at the right times.

Why don't AW Structures have Dynamic Trees? Will you support Dynamic Trees?

No, the structures don't have them, no they can't have them, no we won't be doing support for it. Dynamic Trees tree models are actually seperate objects. Trees in minecraft are not objects, they are nothing more than blocks that are placed in the world by a procedure that have no reference to each other that end up looking like trees. Dynamic trees ARE objects, but they don't have anything to refer to in order to generate trees from other mods, which is why there are third-party add-on's to generate dynamic trees that look like trees from BoP or other biome mods. To have proper compatibility with DynamicTrees, to have dynamic trees on AW structures, every tree on every prebuilt AW structure would have to be replaced with a Dynamic tree by the builder and rescanned. The mod would then have to have two full sets of strcutures, one for vanilla and one for Dynamic and it would have to detect which one the user has installed per world. Thats a VAST amount of work that nobody has any interest in doing. So no, no compatibility with Dynamic trees.

How do I select ammo to use for the vehicles?

All the controls for vehicles are in the vanilla keybinding menu Default key for ammo selection is V.

How do I "level up" NPCs?

PPCs level up by performing their tasks, gaining more health and becoming slightly more efficiency at performing their tasks.

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