Releases: PLhery/node-twitter-api-v2
Releases · PLhery/node-twitter-api-v2
1.4.0 - v2 Spaces & Batch — v1 Accounts, users and friendships
- Feat: Add every oauth/authenticate parameters #54 - thanks to @tbhmens
- Fix: Set allowSyntheticDefaultImport to false to improve compat #57 - thanks to @PLhery
- Feat: Add missing tweet.fields items in type enumeration #60 - thanks to @filippkowalski
- Doc: Add info about error handling #61
- Feat: Endpoint wrappers for v2 Spaces endpoints #62
- Feat: Endpoint wrappers for v2 Batch Compliance endpoints #62
- Feat: Types & wrappers for account, friendships, users and tweets v1.1 endpoints #64
- Fix: Incorrect encoding of '*' character in query strings #63 #64
1.3.0 - DMs & v2 wrappers
- Doc: Improve rate-limit documentation #47 #32
- Feat: Public Direct Messages (DMs) 1.1 endpoints support: wrappers, typings, docs and tests #48
- Feat: New 05/06/07-2021 v2 endpoints wrappers #50
- Feat: Paginator mode for .following/.followers for v2 #50
- Fix: Many fixes for tweet streams auto-reconnect, handle connection errors more smoothly #50
- Feat: New events for tweet streams, that includes lost connection and reconnections #50
- Feat: Handle stream errors deliveries in a dedicated .DataError event (for v2 tweet streams) #50
- Fix: Corrections for body-mode auto-detection (mainly for manual API requests) #53
1.2.0 - Misc fixes and improvements
1.1.1 - keep streams alive
- Fix: in streams, the KeepAlive was not emitted #33
1.1.0 - new v2 likes endpoints
- Add the new v2 likes endpoint
- Fix: add some missing media types
1.0.0 - Finally stable - covers all v2 endpoint
First Stable Version
- More tests, way more documentation
- Add every missing v2 endpoints
- Remove the two dependencies (form-data and oauth)
- Improve error management
- Fix issues with node12
- Fix issues with the auth API
0.4.0 - add streaming endpoints + V2 followers endpoints
- Add V1 and V2 streaming V2 endpoints
- Add V2 followers and following endpoints
- Refactor / various fixes
0.3.0 - add V2 user endpoints
- Add the four API v2 user endpoints
- Improve type definitions
- Minor v2 search refactor
0.2.3 - Typescript ready (2)
Fix the npm package which did not include the build directory
0.2.1 - Typescript ready
9bb4570 export typescript definitions