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Jason Chin edited this page May 31, 2015 · 45 revisions

Plan for Next Falcon Release (v0.3)

  • Integrate latest (Apr. 2015) Gene Myers' daligner code
  • Supporting read length up to 100kb from current 64kb
  • New consensus code which process reads from diploid genomes better
  • Logging for tracking job submission

Tips for Restarting Jobs with Falcon

Falcon used a workflow engine to track dependencies. For small workflow, one can track all files. In the context of genome assembly, because the design nature of Gene Myers' daligner code, it may not be a good idea to track all output. However, each task will generate some sentinel files to track the progress. The code tracks the progressive of all tasks in the working directory. It will only submit jobs where the dependencies are not satisfied.

If you want to re-run the workflow when some jobs fails or try different parameters, you can restart the jobs by deleting the sentinel files and run again. However, it is very important to make sure all jobs you have submitted or running locally are deleted or killed. If you don't check it out, there will be multiple jobs trying to write into the same files and the dependent structure tracked by the sentinel files will be all messed up. You can get some error message which is hard to interpret due to the inconsistent state of the system.

Here are some receipts I typically use for my own work:

Regenerate the error corrected reads

$ rm -rf 0-rawreads/preads/ # or `mv 0-rawreads/preads/ 0-rawreads/preads_old`
$ rm -rf 1-preads_ovl/      # or `mv 1-preads_ovl 1-preads_ovl_old`
$ rm -rf 2-asm-falcon       # or `mv 2-asm-falcon 2-asm-falcon_old` 
$ fc_run.cfg      

Redo pread overlaps

$ rm -rf 1-preads_ovl/      # or `mv 1-preads_ovl 1-preads_ovl_old`
$ rm -rf 2-asm-falcon       # or `mv 2-asm-falcon 2-asm-falcon_old` 
$ fc_run.cfg      

Redo overlap to graph to contig

$ rm -rf 2-asm-falcon       # or `mv 2-asm-falcon 2-asm-falcon_old`
$ fc_run.cfg      

For this, I typically modify the script inside 2-asm-falcon instead of deleting the directory. It is useful for testing out different overlap filtering parameters of by changing the

Other Tips

  • get p-read 5'- and 3'- overlap count:
$ --n_core 20 --fofn las.fofn #dump overlap count for las files inside las.fofn using 20 cores, this only work for v0.2.* branch

000000000 13329 8 8    
000000002 10096 2 0    
000000003 11647 5 7    
000000004 14689 2 1    
000000005 13854 0 1    

The columns are (1) read_identifer (2) length (3) 5'-overlap_count and (4) 3'-overlap count.

To get a coverage histogram with one line:

$ cat ovlp.stats | awk '{print $3}'  | sort -g | uniq -c 

Check overlap-filtering for understand how it impacts the assembly and get ideas about how to set the parameters for overlap_filtering_setting and

  • Get some ideas about how many overlapping jobs are finished
$ cd 0-rawreads
$ ls -d job_* | wc
     59      59     767
$ find . -name "job*done"  | wc
     59      59    1947

59 of 59 overlap jobs are finished in this example.

  • Memory usage control

You need to check how much memory and number of core in your cluster. With -t 16 for ovlp_HPCdaligner_option and -s 400 for pa_DBsplit_option, then it takes about 20Gb to 25Gb per daligner job (for Dec. 2014 daligner code used for Falcon v0.2.*, newer code needs different strategy) The daligner is hard coded to use 4 threads for now. If you have a 48 core blade server, you will need 48/4 * 25Gb = 300Gb RAM to utilize all cores for computation. If you don't have that much RAM, you can reduce the chunk size by reducing the number used for -s. The tradeoff is that you will have more tasks, jobs and files to track.

I also used small -s number to test the job scheduler sometimes. For example, you can create a lot of small jobs for E. coli assembly with -s 50 to test out the configuration.

  • Local model

While one can try the local mode for small assembly. Unless you have one big RAM and high core number machine, it is not recommended for larger genome (>100Mb).

Primary and Associated Contigs

  1. What are the differences between a_ctg.fasta and a_ctg_base.fasta?

The a_ctg_base.fasta contains the sequences in the primary contigs that are corresponding to the associated contigs inside a_ctg.fasta. Namely, each sequence of a_ctg_base.fasta is a contiguous sub-sequence of a primary contig. For each sequence inside ``a_ctg_base.fasta, there are some associated contigs in a_ctg.fasta`.

I think it is useful to review how the associate contigs are generated.

The basic ideas can be found page 14, and page 14, 15. Conceptually, if a genome is haploid, then all contig should be primary contigs. However, there will be still some associated contigs. In such case, the associated contigs are likely generated by (1) some residue sequencing errors and (2) segmental duplications. For case (1), I expect Quvier can filter out some low quality associated contigs. Since there are more sequences in the primary for blasr to anchor reads and there is no true unique region in the erroneous associated contigs, the coverage on them will be low. We can filter low quality associated contig consensus as there is not much raw reads to support them. For (2), potentially, one can group the reads into different haplotype groups and construct assembly graph for each haplotype and generate contigs accordingly.

If a genome is a diploid genome, then most of the associated contigs will be locally alternative alleles. Typically, when there are big structure variations between homologous choromsomes, there will be alternative paths in the assembly graph and the alternative path is corresponded to the associated contigs. In such case, the primary contigs are “fused contigs” from both haplotypes. Currently, I am developing “Falcon unzip” to resolve the haplotypes so we can generate "haplotigs” which are contigs from definite haplotypes.

I made too videos to explain the concept,

This slide shows how I apply the new method on a synthetic diploid genome to demonstrate how it works.

  1. For a given contig in the alternate fasta, how can I find where it would map to in the primary contig file?

The 2nd field and the 3rd field of the sequence header inside a_ctg.fa indicate the begin node and the end node of the contig. For example, if we have a header like

>000000F-001-01 000941458:E 000486369:E 15593 47559 5 0.9969 0.8447

It means the associated contig 000000F-001-01 starts from node 000941458:E and ends at 000486369:E. Thsee two nodes should be also in the path of the corresponding primary contig. The path of the primary contig is fully specified in the file p_ctg_tiling_path, you can find exact beginning and ending points where the associated contig are attached to the primary contigs. However, the coordinates are not conserved after the Quiver consensus step, it might be necessary to do some quite alignment to recalibrate the attaching points after quiver consensus. In some case, you can even just do quick sequence alignment to find the homologous region in the primary contig of an associated contigs.

  1. Finally, let's say there was a large, repeat rich region on a given chromosome, and a homologous region on a different chromosome. How does FALCON avoid creating chimeric assemblies of these two chromosomes by mistakenly joining the two very similar regions?

Such repeats are typically called as “segmental duplications”. Yes, Falcon will collapse these regions if the overlapper can not distinguish the repeats. As I discuss in 1), (see slide page 14 too), in some case, it is just like the case of a diploid genome, we can potential find the two separate haplotypes. In other case, the repeat is more complicated, there are more than 2 copies, e.g. the middle part of contigs 4006 in page 21 of, then we will need some new algorithms which I am thinking about now to separate the reads into more than two groups to resolve them.