6.4.0 (2022-01-24)
webpack: Add source maps for production and development builds. (5c720a4) We are using a faster source map generation option with good results for development builds.
webpack: Only minimize in production mode. (a6cf125) Compile development and production bundles with the name bundle.min.js. This allows to get rid to adapt the script name in production and development - both modes use the same name. However, it's only minified in production mode. We think the name .min.js also fits the development bundle as it is still babel-transpiled and webpack compiled.
docs: Improve documentation on how to use the polyfills loader. (11339af)
webpack: Use automatic publicPath determination instead of manually setting it. (1b61431)
6.3.2 (2021-12-22)
- pat inject: autoload-visible only when in viewport. (49863b7) Fix autload-visible trigger to only load the injection if the element is in the viewport. As before, this check is done after 100ms. This prevents loading items when we quickly scoll across them, like with href-section-jumps.
- dependencies: Upgrade dependencies. (bd1ba37)
6.3.1 (2021-12-21)
pat gallery: Correctly re-use existing default templates. (5191041)
pat gallery: Do not reinitialize gallery image sizes too often. (1f1e4d4)
dependencies: Upgrade up to minor versions. (b0d2177)
pat gallery: Add demo/test case for extending the pat-gallery page with itself. (433a95a)
pat gallery: Factor out get_template so that it can be overwritten in subclasses. (5341141)
pat gallery: Remove redundant preventDefault. (8a341aa)
pat inject: Minor documentation fix. (3b091b8)
6.3.0 (2021-12-16)
core utils: removeWildcardClass: Add support for pure DOM nodes instead of needing jQuery objects. (6be62e8)
core utils: Support NodeList in ensureArray and add option enforce_array if an array-like object should converted to a real array. (23336b9)
pat calendar: Change time-format option to configure 24h or 12h time format. (03437e9)
pat gallery: Reinitialize the triggers when new elements are loadded into the gallery area. (276f3f2)
- pat gallery: Unhide/hide the gallery template when opening/closing it. Fixes some layout issues when gallery isn't closed properly. (5abca91)
dependencies: Upgrade dependencies. (9a35e71)
pat gallery: Modernize and improve code. (30227e6)
pat gallery: Narrow the search path for the Photoswipe template element. It is just within the template. (6dd5893)
pat navigation: Reduce timeout from 300ms to 1ms to wait for MutationObserver. Also partly simplify test code. (edf4f14)
pat switch: Modernize code. (78e4756)
pat validation: Modernize code. (77d3410)
tests: Add jest-raw-loader to be able to load templates in tests. (c36fb49)
6.2.0 (2021-12-03)
- core utils: Add escape_html and unescape_html function to replace/unreplace html entity characters. (dead69c)
pat calendar: Document preference of setting the language as lang attribute. (bbf7a6c)
pat display time: Document preference of setting the language as lang attribute. (71391db)
6.1.0 (2021-11-30)
core dom: Add acquire_attribute to get the value of the first occurence of a defined attribute up the DOM tree. (d3a2db3)
core dom: Add parameter to acquire_attribute to return a list of all found attributes up the DOM tree. (732ef34)
pat calendar: Acquire language from the DOM tree instead only the HTML node if the language is not configured. (d659e09)
pat display time: Acquire language from the DOM tree instead only the HTML node if the language is not configured. (7c65d5c)
- pat autofocus: Scoped autofocus. (f820445) Do not operate on whole DOM tree but only on the scoped element while still working with multiple pat-autofocus instances.
This fixes a problem where autofocus was set on the wrong element after injection.
Cleanup: Remove unused icon.svg. Icons are in /style/pattern-icons.svg. (8ca2acf)
dependencies: Upgrade dev dependencies up to minor versions. (405674d)
6.0.2 (2021-11-25)
- pat modal: Fix close-panel with multiple inject forms. (251675b) Support close-panel with multiple forms.pat-inject in a modal, for example together with pat-stacks. Previously only the first form used to attach the event handler which listens for the injection success event for closing the modal. In these cases the modal wasn't closed properly.
build: Run the GitHub release task unattendet and checkout the modified CHANGES.md afterwards. (5945e60)
dependencies: Upgrade dev dependencies up to minor versions. (3f4d0c0)
6.0.1 (2021-11-17)
build: Cleanup package.json a bit. (81f3bde)
build: Read release-it changelog template from absolute path. This allows for extending this config in external packages. (6fb6854)
dependencies: Upgrade copy-webpack-plugin and specify minimum Node.js version to 12.20.0. (4804e84)
dependencies: Upgrade dev dependencies up to minor versions. (5138216)
docs: Release notes about GitHub access tokens for GitHub releases. (4167497)
6.0.0 (2021-11-17)
- build: Do not recommend the next version bump. (b875a08) Add option to not automatically detect the next recommended version bump. Ref: release-it/release-it#833 Ref: release-it/conventional-changelog#37
- build: Upgrade Webpack to v5. (39762db) If you extend this webpack configuration and run into problems see the Webpack upgrade guide: https://webpack.js.org/migrate/5/
build: Add
option to Webpack config factory. (d97ded0) Allow to configure exclusions from babel-loader exclude string via thebabel_include
config option. The default is to not exclude anything innode_modules/@patternslib
and allpat-*
packaes. Anything else innode_modules
is excluded from babel processing. -
build: Add CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' to allow including the JS from a different URL in test sites. (3c51dd2)
build: Add release to Github. (4636a9d)
build: Allow multiple bundles expose jQuery. Needed for module federation where multiple Webpack entry points are loaded. (59a9991)
build: Deactivate duplicates plugin due to non-resolvable error. (867e08f)
build: Ignore node_modules and docs folder when watching for better performance. (7b8a1e0)
build: Let screenful be processed by babel-loader. This is necessary since screenful 6.0.0. (ff95ec6)
build: Load svg as resource and not inline. (298be11)
build: Remove clean-webpack-plugin. Use built-in option to clean the output directory before compiling instead. (604a8ed)
build: Remove ProvidePlugin. Modules depending on jQuery need to explicitly import it. (f43c8af)
build: Use new inspectpack instead duplicate-package-checker-webpack-plugin. (cf57b67)
dependencies: Upgrade fullcalendar to 5.10.1. (9cefa48)
dependencies: Upgrade moment-timezone to 0.5.34. (a7d8d3c)
dependencies: Upgrade screenfull to 6.0.0. (491d92e)
dependencies: Upgrade tippy.js to 6.3.7. (0dd51e0)