The goal is to calculate how many years it will take for two jackalopes to create a population of 1000.
- Jackalopes are reproductive from ages 4-8 and die at age 10.
- Gestation is instantaneous. Each gestation produces two offspring.
- Jackalopes are hermaphrodites, it takes a pair to reproduce, but any pair will do
With these conditions in mind, we can represent our population as a list of ints.
Now let's give the jackalopes distinct sexes and extend their gestation period to one year. We can represent each jackalope with a dictionary, thus our population will be a list of dictionaries. A jackalope will have the following properties:
- name
- age
- sex
- whether they're pregnant
Jackalopes can only mate with those immediately around them. Every generation Jackalopes are randomly shuffled.