A list is a collection of items which are ordered and changeable. In Python lists are written with square brackets.
fruits = [] # empty list
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] # initialized list with three items
print(fruits) #outcome: ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
# print the item at this index position
print(fruits[0]) #outcome: "apple"
print(fruits[1]) #outcome: "banana"
print(fruits[2]) #outcome: "cherry"
# for each item in the fruit list, print the item and its index
for fruit in fruits:
print(f"{fruit} has an index of {fruits.index(fruit)}")
Modules are sources of code; similar to a library. It is a file containing a set of functions you want to include in your application. (For a list of all modules, you can check out the offical Python docs). For this lesson, we will be looking at the random module. And specifically, we will be looking at the choice()
function of the random module: random.choice(). Please see the example below:
# include the random module in our file
import random
# a list of fruits
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
# randomly choose a fruit and save it to a variable, chosen_fruit
# choice() is a function inside the random module. we use it by writing random.choice()
# the list in which you want the program to choose from, needs to go inside the parenthesis of choice()
chosen_fruit = random.choice(fruits)
# print the value of variable chosen_fruit
Do something to each item in a list.
# initialize a list with student names and save to a variable, students
students = ["Al", "Anthony", "Lisa"]
# the student variable will hold each subsequent student as we pass through the students list
for student in students: # for each item in the list, do this:
print(f"Hello {student}")
Outcome: each item of the list printed on a new line:
Hello Al
Hello Anthony
Hello Lisa
Do something for a set number of times.
# the x below is a counter. it will keep track of what number loop we are on
for x in range(3): # do the following 3 times
print("Hello!") # this is done 3 times
Outcome: each item of the list is printed on a new line