# create a blank list called colors
colors = []
# begin REPL
while True:
# prompt the user for a color
color = input("Please enter a color to add it to the list or enter 'done' to exit: ")
# If the user enters 'done' instead of a `color`,
# display the list of colors to the user and exit the loop.
if color == 'done':
# display the colors using .join() to
# place a comma and a space between each color
print(f"The colors you entered were: {', '.join(colors)}")
# end the loop
# If the color is already in the colors list,
# inform the user that the color is already in the list
# and repeat the loop
if color in colors:
# inform the user the color is in the list
print(f'The color {color} is already in the list!')
# go to the top of the loop
# If the color is not already in the colors list,
# add it and tell the user it was added.
print(f'The color {color} was added to the list!')
# Define a function get_color()
# which prompts the user for a color
# and then returns that color.
def get_color():
Prompt the user for a color. Return the color.
color = input("Please enter a color to add it to the list or enter 'done' to exit: ")
# return the user's color to the
# line on which get_color() was called
return color
# create a blank list called colors
colors = []
# begin REPL
while True:
# call the get_color() to
# get a color from the user
color = get_color()
# If the user enters 'done' instead of a `color`,
# display the list of colors to the user and exit the loop.
if color == 'done':
# display the colors using .join()
# to place a comma and a space between each color
print(f"The colors you entered were: {', '.join(colors)}")
# end the loop
# If the color is already in the colors list,
# inform the user that the color is already in the
# list and repeat the loop
if color in colors:
print(f'The color {color} is already in the list!')
# repeat the loop
# If the color is not already in the `colors` list,
# add it and tell the user it was added.
print(f'The color {color} was added to the list!')
Keep in mind that this is just one potential solution.