diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 36af4f3..304226a 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ Another example (summing columns): - `rows`: The sizes (heights) of each row. They follow the exact same format as `columns`, except that the "available space" is infinite (auto rows can expand as much as is needed, as the table can add rows over multiple pages). - **Note:** For rows, percentages (such as `49%`) are fixed width lengths, like in `columns`; however, here, they are **multiplied by the page's full height** (minus margins), and not width. - **Note:** If more rows than specified are added, the height for the **last row** will be the one assigned to all extra rows. (If the last row is `auto`, the extra ones will also be `auto`, for example.) - - Your table can have more rows than expected by simply having more cells than `(# columns)` multipled by `(# rows)`. In this case, you will have an extra row for each `(# columns)` cells after the limit. In other words, **the amount of columns is always fixed** (determined by the amount of widths in the array given to `columns`), but the amount of rows can vary depending on your input of cells to the table. + - Your table can have more rows than expected by simply having more cells than `(# columns)` multiplied by `(# rows)`. In this case, you will have an extra row for each `(# columns)` cells after the limit. In other words, **the amount of columns is always fixed** (determined by the amount of widths in the array given to `columns`), but the amount of rows can vary depending on your input of cells to the table. - Adding a cell at an arbitrary `y` coordinate can also cause your table to have extra rows (enough rows to reach the cell at that coordinate). - **Warning:** support for fractional sizes for rows is still rudimentary - they only work properly on the table's first page; on the second page and onwards, they will not behave properly, differently from the default `#table`. - `inset`: Inset/internal padding to give to each cell. Can be either a length (same inset from the top, bottom, left and right of the cell), or a dictionary (e.g. `(left: 5pt, right: 10pt, bottom: 2pt, top: 4pt)`, or even `(left: 5pt, rest: 10pt)` to apply the same value to the remaining sides). Defaults to `5pt` (the `#table` default).