Releases: PiPiYang/leetcode
Releases · PiPiYang/leetcode
* Note: The returned array must be malloced, assume caller calls free().
int* twoSum(int* nums, int numsSize, int target, int* returnSize){
// 表存資料數據的node
struct data_node{
struct data_node *next;
int value; // value
int index; //index
// Hash 表結構體定義
typedef struct Hash_Node{
struct data_node *p;
hash_node* HashTable = (hash_node*)malloc(numsSize * sizeof(hash_node));//宣告一個hashtable
if (HashTable == NULL){
*returnSize = 0;
return NULL;
void InitHashTable(hash_node *HashTable){
for(int i = 0; i < numsSize; i++){
HashTable[i].p = NULL;
int savedata(struct data_node **head, int num ,int i){
struct data_node *temp_p = *head;
struct data_node *s = (struct data_node *)malloc(sizeof(struct data_node));
if(s == NULL){
return -1;
s->index = i;
s->value = num;
s->next = NULL;
if(*head == NULL){
*head = s;
else{ //如果該hashtable格子不為空,則應該添加到link list尾端
while(temp_p != NULL){
if(temp_p->next == NULL)
temp_p =temp_p->next;
temp_p->next = s;
return 0;
int add_hash(hash_node *HashTable, int num, int i){
int sum = num % numsSize;
if(sum < 0){
sum *= -1;
return savedata(&HashTable[sum].p, num, i);
// hash table 製作完成
int *result = (int*)malloc(2*sizeof(int));
if (result == NULL){
*returnSize = 0;
return NULL;
for(int i=0;i < numsSize; i++){//把資料添加到hash table
add_hash(HashTable, nums[i], i);
struct data_node* pointerToData;
int need = 0;
for(int i=0;i < numsSize; i++){
need = (target - nums[i]) % numsSize;
if(need < 0){
need *= -1;
pointerToData = HashTable[need].p;
while(pointerToData != NULL){
if(nums[i] + pointerToData->value == target && i != pointerToData->index){
result[1] = pointerToData->index;
result[0] = i;
*returnSize = 2;
return result;
pointerToData = pointerToData->next;
return 0 ;
}//int* twoSum