1.12.0 (2022-10-20)
- admin: fix to validator changes for tenant delegation (b6487f8)
- admin: make scope required for api keys (63b99a4)
- admin: remove conference type from request when empty (943c4ec)
- admin: tweak outlook tenant config (91c9fd8)
- admin: tweak tenant form (3fd1336)
- admin: tweak tenant form (ce76740)
- admin: tweaks to tenant form (fe7a270)
- systems: truncate long emails (6f97ba6)
- uploads: fix dropping files to upload (#199) (edfd8a6)
- admin: add ability to select scopes from autocomplete for api keys (#289) (2f8eff9)
- admin: add outlook config to tenant (f8e770c)
- admin: add service account field to tenant form (10a651d)
1.11.0 (2022-09-29)
- admin: fix adding new MQTT brokers (#247) (71e8919)
- admin: fix creating tenant with no booking limits (87343c8)
- admin: fix deleting staff api tenants (f2ecd8e)
- admin: fix displaying selected user of new API key form (#246) (139e3a0)
- admin: fix loading of cluster processes (b476e3d)
- admin: fix required display for conference type on staff tenant form (4a4e92e)
- admin: fix table for brokers on smaller screens (e8daa40)
- admin: fix to user name display (171142c)
- admin: hide delegate checkbox for google platform (e7b9ca4)
- admin: minor tweak to previous edge logic (d7855a5)
- admin: tweak changelog modal styling (7732218)
- admin: tweak handling of fields for staff api tenants (aa8d88a)
- admin: tweak handling of staff tenant fields (b3c746f)
- admin: tweak version details template (be715f0)
- alert-dashboard: fix requesting secure websocket for mqtt (e7e16c5)
- alert-dashboard: tweak url path for mqtt websocket (8c58591)
- backoffice: tweak url validation (a1d8ede)
- common: simplify URL validation (7bb6330)
- common: update logic for parsing CSV into JSON (e3beaa7)
- common: update URI validators to be case insensitive (#253) (f07c96d)
- debug: fix error when formatting date strings for debug messages (#285) (9b81a22)
- debug: hide debug when all bindings removed (5680746)
- domains: add id field to auth sources page (#248) (64e2972)
- domains: fix getting domain auth sources (#244) (49011ba)
- domains: fix user role on dark mode (7627514)
- drivers: fix device filter text (40b0936)
- exec: change default check to nullish coalescing (#204) (915e491)
- exec: tweak loading overlay for dark mode (9b3af93)
- fix add item tooltips (3e23764)
- fix count indicators for drivers and make state more clear all other uses (bd36b32)
- fix item options text (326220e)
- fix mobile breakpoint to match tailwind breakpoint (5387a3b)
- fix runtime errors from removing dayjs (345141f)
- fix tab data post changes of domain items and staff tenants (#52) (5ae534a)
- fix the new button z-indexing (f7eeb86)
- fix usage of marked package (0255cc6)
- forms: handle errors from listing releases/branches (71d65a0)
- forms: list invalid fields on save error (5ff13bc)
- metadata: simplify metadata UI into one component (58b1e4d)
- module: fix start/stopping a module (a7cb12f)
- repos: allow selecting branches if release are unavailable (d770267)
- repos: allow settings branch for new repositories (33ab7cf)
- repos: fix search for commits (a8a4954)
- repos: tweak branch handling for form (11c1364)
- repos: tweak handling of pulls to repos (#265) (e502d88)
- repos: tweak loading of repository branches (a2c9377)
- repos: tweak to commit handling of interface repos (3c20ceb)
- settings: fix display of settings details and metadata details (1e874c4)
- systems: add driver type to module table (d69ce2d)
- systems: add tooltip to debug checkbox (403078e)
- systems: display loader when module connected state is undefined (#283) (f2fb38f)
- systems: fix role display of modules (#284) (5d1b205)
- systems: hide modules that are already in a system (d8cd854)
- systems: show module status a pending when loading initial state (#283) (563249e)
- systems: tweak columns for module listing (6701f1f)
- ui: add end of list element to item selection component (cd67df8)
- ui: allow clear of input on selecting items from search component (#274) (bcaa5b0)
- ui: fix filtering of item search list (#272) (38451c8)
- ui: fix filtering of items in search field (70c521c)
- ui: fix font css for monaco editor (2b4e6e5)
- ui: fix font issue with settings field (#286) (701f0b4)
- ui: fix selecting item from item search field (9c452f9)
- ui: fix z-indexing of upload list (#277) (0f4dfbd)
- ui: set max height for upload list component list (#273) (24e1819)
- ui: show item name instead of display name in selection list (5f5ea91)
- ui: tweak information displayed on item sidebar (01efbff)
- ui: use item name instead of display name for sidebar (edcfc77)
- uploads: consolidate uploads for system images to use global logic (#277) (51da123)
- validation: standardise URL validation, fix path check in URL validation (#253) (2ff2ea2)
- validation: tweak validation for URLs (faab029)
- zones: fix typo in links for child zones (5406832)
- admin: add ability to edit staff api tenant's booking limits (d742c5c)
- admin: add booking limits to tenant options (#254) (dba83da)
- admin: show changelogs for platform (d4fe449)
- admin: tweak edge listing to show API instead of having to request it. (224b556)
- alert-dashboard: update handling of mqtt data (63a675d)
- overlays: allow for more custom confirm messages (04d978d)
- repo: change interfaces repos to select releases instead of branches (#255) (97f6ffe)
- ui: add item selection sidebar (5cb54e0)
- update metadata to view modified details (596a0dd)
1.10.0 (2022-01-10)
- admin: add conference types for staff API tenants (#233) (c69fb59)
- admin: add logic for selecting users for api keys (93769ed)
- admin: allow for editing of staff API tenants (#170) (edcfc63)
- admin: clean up display of last API key (7c76d5a)
- admin: cleanup staff API form fields (#169) (67f6845)
- admin: fix api key table (b4bdeea)
- admin: fix copying and removing keys (#242) (4379b92)
- admin: fix dark mode background color (c3073da)
- admin: fix display of scopes for api keys (b465f5e)
- admin: fix model for api keys (3f4bcae)
- admin: fix searching for users for api keys (#229) (2158ded)
- admin: include api key id in copied string (a510352)
- admin: minor fixes to some sections (aa36188)
- admin: more tweaks to google tenant fields (#169) (2200535)
- admin: only key last api key while in admin section (d6f150f)
- admin: pass null when permissions not set (02785b1)
- admin: show correct field for API key (7935081)
- admin: tweak user searching for API keys (28f113a)
- allow localhost in URLs (#212) (9f1a887)
- ask before reloading application to get new version (d7f97d5)
- auth-sources: tweak required fields for saml auth source (#168) (cc1e25e)
- auth: remove some of the available UI elements for support users (0b3445e)
- auth: wait for 30 seconds for user (3b7b809)
- backoffice: fix handling of upload errors (44b0c50)
- bulk-upload: remove parsing of JSON from pre-upload logic (2259745)
- change hotkey indicators to look like keycaps (9f31a35)
- cluster: minor fixes to graph (9fc0e3a)
- cluster: styling tweaks (9d224b8)
- common: ignore hotkeys when text is selected (#232) (dc80f8c)
- debug: change message limit and minor code tweak (42696d7)
- debug: fix debug terminal display (e620f5e)
- debug: fix z-index of debug window toggle button (#193) (de1df82)
- debug: inverse line display and remove scroll to bottom (9fecfbd)
- debug: minor fix to debug terminal (b3ab4fc)
- debug: simplify processing events (65dfef6)
- debug: simplify removing debug messages (b624cec)
- domains: add URL validation to application form (#212) (56e0767)
- domains: allow custom protocols in URLs (da47f38)
- domains: fix default for skip_authorisation (#212) (6d3e9fb)
- domains: fix tab counts (#101) (e6bbcc6)
- driver: fix setting driver type to websocket from URI (#199) (4d04143)
- drivers: add link to repository in about (#197) (d824af7)
- drivers: change systems listing for module list (#124) (7233782)
- drivers: check for SSH drivers (#237) (160f5b9)
- drivers: convert default settings to YAML (#196) (8648359)
- drivers: disable submit button while loading driver defaults (78d4e49)
- exec: add handling for invalid JSON (c1aff0d)
- exec: change default check to nullish coalescing (#204) (bbda574)
- exec: clear exec details when switching systems (#189) (9b52a1a)
- exec: clear selected method when switching module (#189) (d61731b)
- exec: emit method details when no parameters available (27f0289)
- exec: fix error after selecting a function (4fef307)
- exec: fix execute call with no parameters (6fba6b4)
- exec: fix handling of default and optional parameters (#203) (1914d31)
- exec: fix handling of empty strings (69ea18c)
- exec: fix handling of initial module loading (cc73e69)
- exec: fix handling of preselected module and method for exec params (61bccef)
- exec: fix passing parameters to execute (9e9afd8)
- exec: prevent exec with invalid params (219f7ad)
- extensions: add disclaimer for change application (899ed0b)
- extensions: tweak to parsing embedded URL (9ad91b8)
- fix angular config (a5c1734)
- fix build error (de59625)
- fix condition for previous fix (18b507a)
- fix first item being removed from item search listings (1599b71)
- fix paginated requests for listing sidebar items (e9f7af6)
- fix tab data post changes of domain items and staff tenants (#52) (805e00c)
- fix table styling for system modules (6c6f6c9)
- fix updating local copies of items (ed01035)
- forms: fix password fields for user and repo forms (#161) (99a62b7)
- ignore version.ts (f257550)
- item-display: fix displaying SSH drivers (e9688e6)
- item-display: fix overflow on mobile (#231) (c809019)
- menu: fix name for metrics tab (41aecd4)
- metadata: clear up UX for editing metadata (#166) (933ef06)
- metadata: fix metadata input overflow (#211) (ef5e2d9)
- metadata: fix parsing of metadata after saving (#179) (6cd8263)
- metadata: fix setting metadata description (25b0e14)
- metrics: fix layout of metrics page (454717c)
- modules: fix loading of module systems (#171) (d64a41e)
- modules: prevent spaces in custom name (117e0b7)
- remove styles to prevent selecting text (3c414bb)
- repo: minor tweaks to allow for branch changing (7c69f79)
- repos: add catch all handling for repo pull errors (#201) (0f6bd4c)
- repos: allow for editing of driver repo branches (#202) (f1fa639)
- repos: fix display type on about page (10a5420)
- repos: fix driver listings for repositories (1db72a7)
- repos: fix flickering of commit hashes (7a0ba0b)
- repos: make about data selectable (#188) (0bb3cd7)
- settings: change merge settings to be a shallow merge (#216) (138cc11)
- settings: fix monaco editor interactions on iOS (#105) (523e9cf)
- settings: fix time display for settings history options (d6ae8cf)
- settings: reload settings on item updates (#226) (785a3ed)
- system: fix exec module listing (#173) (100a5e9)
- systems: add delay before reloading trigger list (#240) (b80d220)
- systems: add support url placeholders for location fields (0fb4535)
- systems: allow for placeholders in support URLs (#207) (3835587)
- systems: another fix to url validation (d95fd18)
- systems: fix case sensitivity of url validation (a1fff75)
- systems: fix reloading module list when updated (#62) (7a4ad9c)
- systems: fix updating local state for triggers on change (#240) (f763a9a)
- systems: fix URL pattern (c23111f)
- systems: fix URL validation for support url (#206) (72d5525)
- systems: refresh exec list on module state change (16db412)
- systems: tweak about page (de08a2a)
- systems: update module URI/IP to open in new tab (#187) (fd20c27)
- systems: update URL validation pattern (0dec226)
- triggers: change system listing to instance listing (a95808d)
- triggers: fix error on conditions form (#184) (3f5cf06)
- triggers: fix posting CRON conditions (ece65ee)
- tweak styling for table overflows (#200) (e71adec)
- update time field to latest from user-interfaces (293cf70)
- uploads: check for files in dragenter event (#230) (8b59e0b)
- uploads: close drag drop overlay after 10 seconds (d2bb775)
- user: allow spaces in user groups (702610a)
- users: display authority id (4185f24)
- users: fix form fields (#172) (f3b8900)
- users: fix required field for last name (6371759)
- various minor style fixes (016cb3d)
- zones: fix initialising form fields for zones (#177, #178) (b13e29c)
- add offline state (#235) (c8fc623)
- admin: add logic for handling editing staff API tenants (17370ab)
- admin: add page for adding managing custom schemas (#165) (a288dde)
- admin: add page for managing API keys (#205) (e128ca3)
- admin: update version view to show new data from API (#238) (9173a2f)
- alerts: add logic for alerts dashboard (ffc1963)
- clusters: add simple graph replacement for chartjs (88ac23d)
- extensions: allow grabbing metadata from zone parents (ff01567)
- metadata: add logic to handle schemas for data input and validatn (df3762b)
- package: switch to using pure typescript implementation of uploader (6e93e17)
- schema: add handling of API endpoints for schema data (#165) (232a2db)
- settings: add view for settings history (#228) (c6e3525)
- systems: add form field for adding images to systems (797fbd2)
- systems: change handling for adding zones to systems (#208) (6535d42)
- triggers: add timezone option to trigger conditions (#198) (4ba34a6)
- user: add ability to set user domains (#158) (a998ffb)
- users: add ability to set metadata for users (676bb55)
- users: add card_number field to users (170f96e)
1.8.0 (2021-01-11)
- admin: fix fields for adding staff api tenants (bc9198e)
- admin: form for office365/google were swapped (f42fbb7)
- admin: remove % from cluster task instance count (9d55099)
- bulk-upload: fix errors (022df37)
- debug: disable removing duplicate messages (b14fb02)
- debug: limit the number of debug messages to 1000 and 32M chars (84ed719)
- display: fix item type displayed (8a5b734)
- domain: auth source field mapping #115 (5a33efc)
- domains: fix display of applications and auth sources (#118) (5c15b02)
- domains: limit domain field to FQDNs and IP addresses (#116) (fd5672a)
- domains: navigate to domains root on delete (df84b4f), closes #100
- drivers: fix display of compiled state (#140) (c1d3e7f)
- drivers: fix retry delay on compiled error (79d207b)
- drivers: fix viewing driver details (3de3a6e)
- dup: fix item duplication modal (3bfed52)
- editor: remove user interaction with tooltips (aa1a817)
- exec: fix handling error returned by exec requests (2ad760b)
- fix breaking changes from ts-client (a0b3cf4)
- fix delete modal header (6f8e823)
- fix deleting items (8169583)
- fix editing items (e8e5fb5)
- fix errors raised in sentry (0aaab5d)
- fix item display x overflow (0cb620a)
- fix item list loading on slower connections (4ed6bb6)
- fix sorting of listed items (1c90f27)
- fix type text in delete events (d0bc9df)
- general: change delete hotkey from D to Delete (#126) (e96fbd6)
- grab latest version of item before editing (f913585)
- module: fix form display for various module roles (9e4f60f)
- module: fix form validation (e88e535)
- module: fix getting role from driver (a5e6f3b)
- module: fix new module form (c8f8c29)
- modules: fix module role on edit (0a35380)
- modules: remove system_id if module is not of type logic (#122) (d01ccc6)
- repos: add default value for driver count (b31c2ae)
- repos: add username and password fields (bbb1531), closes #104
- repos: fix driver tab count (f911483)
- repos: fix sidebar links (c8a0c3d)
- repos: fix sidebar links (0e2c969)
- repos: limit allowed characters for folder names (#121) (edc70af)
- routes: prevent support access to domains, repos and users (#155) (5e68f6e)
- send all fields when creating a new item (be6b8b5)
- send empty strings on create and update of items (a52ba9c)
- settings: fix loading settings for items (a85d7a6)
- sidebar: fix updating item lists when no item selected (f4a0e79)
- staff-api: fix setting domain for tenants (#116) (95c20e2)
- staff-api: fix setting domain for tenants (#116) (ce990eb)
- system: fix updating module list on changes (dd906f1)
- systems: display uri if no ip on module listing (ac1ab27)
- systems: fix adding new modules to systems (#132) (2d60679)
- systems: fix binding to module connected state (#131) (7ec06e8)
- systems: fix binding to module connected state (#131) (fdacc04)
- systems: fix editing modules (43c5f43)
- systems: fix editing modules (c19a620)
- systems: fix editing trigger instances (e72a33f)
- systems: fix joining and removing modules not updating version (df5fbfa)
- systems: fix loading of counts (9cfd70a)
- systems: fix module bindings (#137) (4c74eb8)
- systems: fix module name when view state (92f6dfb)
- systems: fix ordering of modules (#135) (6305910)
- systems: fix ordering of modules (#135) (75544cf)
- systems: fix ordering of zones (#144) (131fc93)
- systems: fix setting system for new logic modules (#139) (c981acc)
- systems: fix start and stop modal not closing on success (2f13139), closes #102
- systems: fix toggling debug checkbox for modules (3864e85)
- systems: fix trigger select modal (b3e74e5)
- systems: fix updating zone list on changes (3afadfa)
- systems: prevent active item ending up in an invalid state (#120) (49daedb)
- terminal: fix clearing terminal (d4d9ef4)
- terminal: fix rendering multiple new lines at once (7f4bdbf)
- terminal: tweak output logic (b07486b)
- topbar: link profile button to logged in user's page (#127) (b08b49b)
- trigger: fix module bindings for system modules (b6f715a)
- triggers: fix module indexes for comparisons (0926faf)
- triggers: fix passing keys for status variable comparisons (b560c42)
- triggers: fix updating local state after editing trigger (8d80d84)
- uploads: add initialisation for hash worker (cb04cd8)
- uploads: disable uploads when a modal is open (#138) (d7bad73)
- uploads: fix upload list template (7c7ce91)
- user: prevent sending empty strings for user updates (e4a9a08)
- zones: fix listing of child zones (#147) (66f8cbc)
- add ability to embed pages in to custom tabs (bf06c70)
- add embedded tabs for all data types (ced13f6)
- add more complex conditions to showing extensions (e690734)
- admin: add tab for adding and managing extensions (5e9dc7d)
- admin: add tab for handling staff api tenants (#116) (794afc1)
- edge: add section to admin for managing edges (03ce313)
- extend: add extensions to communicate with backoffice (97d9c7f)
- extend: allow retrieval of metadata by iFrame application (4c5e933)
- metadata: add editors field to metadata details form (cf53650)
- modules: allow setting an edge on module creation (896a66f)
1.7.0 (2020-08-31)
- domain: fix settings update (a99edf2)
- domains: fix adding and editing authentication sources (4402e06)
- modules: allow fqdns in ip address field (998df40)
- system: fix module search on system module listing (6028109)
- sentry: add performance monitoring (f1d1777)
1.6.2 (2020-08-26)
- admin: catch 404 errors for cluster requests (7dc09b6)
- auth: update ts-client and fix handling user auth on errors (dac052e)
- domain: fix adding new applications (b2810a5)
- domain: fix setting owner id for applications (13bc6cd)
- settings: ignore local changes that aren't different (682d41f)
1.6.1 (2020-08-19)
1.6.0 (2020-08-14)
- apps: fix loading of application data (aa7e6ca)
- build: fix assets for uploads in prod and staging configs (22bb5cf)
- debug: fix filter comparison check (66c157b)
- debug: prevent duplicate messages showing (b809d02), closes #95
- domains: fix about tab on domain details (588f96c)
- driver: exclude interface repositories when creating a new driver (d37f48e), closes #88
- driver: fix clearing commit list on edit (5e5354c)
- driver: fix listing of commits on form (e78d210)
- driver: fix race condition when loading commits (30853f1)
- exec: fix parameters (ad87427)
- exec: use default params to check required fields (53e1705)
- form: fix creating new settings from creation form (7641219)
- metadata: fix height of metadata field (3ce107c), closes #89
- metadata: update lib and fix minor issues (b1deca6)
- modules: set online state to use running instead of connected (d8e7cf4)
- more minor fixes (5956480)
- oauth: fix mapping of model data to form fields (125382a), closes #97
- oauth: fix processing fields for oauth form (9773a19), closes #97
- oauth: fix updating of info mappings (c68e56a), closes #96
- repo: update local data after pull (0ee325f)
- settings: fix updating merged settings from associated components (abcc659)
- sidebar: fix active item display (bb242dd)
- sidebar: keep track of active tab for items (b907a2d)
- sys-exec: fix adding comma in the middle of statements (c657e1e)
- sys-exec: fix getting params for execs when set trigger actions (92b9a35)
- sys-modules: fix debugging system modules (81d7fcb)
- sys-triggers: fix updating of rendered triggers (f95f5c2)
- systems: add custom regex for email checking (35c9d91)
- trigger: parse json values for comparisons (3a1c229)
- triggers: update support for websockets (62964f8), closes #92
- uploads: fix storing upload history (c97e048)
- uploads: prevent dragging non-files locking the overlay in (208b9c9)
- users: split name into first and last names (1d1c3cf)
- zones: update API usage for zone triggers (354f436), closes #91
- access: fix access control to the application (24fdc2b), closes #93
- domains: add about page for domains (7f155d1)
- metadata: update metadata api usage and add metadata logic to sys' (5c5f140)
- repos: allow branch switching on interface repos (07a7566)
- settings: add colours and tooltips to merged settings (b755d40), closes #90
- triggers: add bindings for getting system trigger states (ffed4e4)
- update logic to use new version of ts-client (a1b720c)
- uploads: add component for managing file uploads (be91c0a)
- uploads: add uploads library (e5101be)
1.5.0 (2020-06-30)
- device: add not running and no connected value for state device #61 (3c1b530)
- device: fix state comparison, string binding (a419b8d)
- domain issue fix #65 (604e8d3)
- domain: minor fix to application id display (15cdf39)
- domains: fix showing new applications now showing after creation (f68222f), closes #84
- engine: null state #80 (1b6c68f)
- modal headers - incorrect service refs #67 (dc2b72d)
- module: fix validator for uri (729cfba)
- modules: remove unnecessary code (b7b2c38)
- repo: add readonly commit hash input and fix loadCommits (2b3e021)
- repo: i18n commit hash label (db04c0b)
- repos: disable editing the uri field (c18be22), closes #81
- repos: uppercase default commit (6dfc133), closes #86
- system: allow edit of features #69 (5f99c14)
- systems: fix handling feature list that is a string not an array (4db36ab), closes #85
- trigger: map to correct fields of trigger #77 (2592d64)
- websocket: bumped ts-client composer version and removed extra logs (de39ec5)
- modules: add validators for service and device drivers (19e7e0d)
- repo: display commit_hash in about tab (abde21a), closes #75
- zone: add display_name field (4d809fe)
1.4.0 (2020-06-15)
- domains: allow viewing client id and secret on listing (70f1256), closes #64
- module: fix validator for uri (b8630ff)
- repo: fix editing commits for interface repos (aee7dee)
- add logic to duplicate items (103056d)
- allow downloading items as tsv template files (093d61c)
- bulk-upload: finish basic logic for bulk upload (2f8b243)
1.3.1 (2020-06-05)
- repo: fix editing commits for interface repos (455afdf)
1.3.0 (2020-06-05)
- admin: add tab for displaying broker details (0cd31ca)
- admin: add tab for listing interfaces (690d071), closes #50
- beta workflow: use empty string (d4cd646)
- module-form: fix names of fields and label references (b44053e), closes #58
- settings: fix language settings (c1230c6)
- sidebar: add sorting to listed items (84feb62)
- sys-modules: prevent custom context menu on module link (e430175), closes #57
- version: fix display of version details (64830ca)
- zones: update zone tags to be array instead of string (ed0c281)
- brokers: add logic for CRUD operations on brokers (bca2cc9), closes #62
- bulk-add: add components and start to hook them up (f3042cc)
- header: add button to report issues with the ui (e3526b8)
- i18n: add option for changing languages to the topbar header (2f879a9)
- localize: start adding i18n to application (c36d2ed)
- workflows->beta: new build repo (3f58f31)
1.2.2 (2020-06-03)
- prod workflow: try empty string (48e9f45)
1.2.1 (2020-06-03)
- prod workflow: change target folder (9d55031)
1.2.0 (2020-06-03)
- workflow->prod: new release home (1450e9a)
1.1.0 (2020-04-27)
- workflows: develop commits to alpha branch (02dc0fd)
1.0.2 (2020-04-22)
- error: fix error messages to properly display service messages (10bdd91)
1.0.1 (2020-04-20)
1.0.0 (2020-04-20)
- build: fix compilation issues (2ed2227)
- debug-output: scroll view to bottom when content updates (c89d520), closes #13
- drivers: fix listing commits for edits (3e85eac), closes #27
- drivers: fix logic of driver execs (4120f09)
- drivers: fix saving settings when creating drivers (dcf8ccf), closes #23
- drivers: fix updating driver and commit listing on changes (426fa30), closes #20
- drivers: update about display values (a4b35c5)
- drivers: update drivers to post repository details (9a98f2f)
- engine-admin: fix spinners on database actions (7c1275e)
- fix minor routing issues (5850ff5)
- modules: fix propagating local changes when adding modules to sys (22fe99f), closes #24
- modules: fix validation of ip addresses (5976bb4), closes #26
- settings: fix making mocked builds (d0305f5)
- system-exec: fix executing items with all optional params (f7eb77d), closes #4
- system-exec: fix parsing parameters (e125136)
- system-modules: toggle running state with power actions (3b25d63), closes #21
- system-modules: update local copy of system after adding a module (9424637), closes #24
- systems: fix adding and removing zones (7ccfbb7)
- systems: fix listing of system zones (ad6d7a2)
- users: fix password logic for form (3fea867), closes #35
- view-state: fix determining mod name (6460a37)
- zones: fix listening to modal events (8ed7bf0)
- zones: fix spliting tags when editing (2405cac), closes #36
- zones: fix tab counts (6ff7da9), closes #34