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Workshop 21 - Serverless ✨

✔️ Learn the basics of Serverless, an architecture helping you save time and money.

✔️ Create a serverless App using Netlify, React TS and Chakra UI

✔️ Create a serverless API using the Serverless Framework

Introduction 🔰

What you will do and why:
Let's say you want to build an application. One of the things you need to think about is servers. Sometimes there is high traffic, sometimes low traffic. You want to handle it, so you have two options (for now):

  • Pay for a lot of server resources so that even in high traffic your server can handle it. But during low traffic, you will pay for these resources too. That's not a good thing because you don't pay for what you use.
  • Have scalable servers. It means that you allocate the right resources depending on your traffic. To create this process, you can use kubernetes. If you want to learn it, here is our workshop

However, this second solution is something very long to implement and maintain. This is problematic if you just want to stay focus on your code and don't want to care about server management.
Well, you have a third option: adopt a serverless architecture.

But what is serverless architecture ?
When you build an API to link your frontend with your database for example, you usually run it on a server. This means that a server is allocated and listen to the queries to this API.

Using a serverless architecture, it's different.

You don't allocate a specific server listening on queries to your API. You just choose a cloud provider (aws, scaleway, ...), and you give it your API's functions, one by one. They will be called serverless functions.

💡 You don't give the whole API to a server ! You just give to the cloud provider your functions one by one.

Consequently, when a query is made to call the API, it will create a container on a cloud provider's server and run the function inside.
The benefits are the following:

  • The cloud provider creates as many containers as needed, so you have a scalable API.
  • You pay for what you use, which is the number of containers created.
  • All that without the headache of implementing a server setup. You just give to the cloud provider your functions, it handles the rest.

It's very useful ... but not always !
It depends on what you want to do ⚠️
In fact, there are some drawbacks to use a serverless architecture.
First, a serverless function has a limit of 15 minutes of running. So you can't build a game using a serverless architecture.
Then, a serverless function needs sometimes a cold start before running. Depending on the cloud provider you will use, you can lose up to 4 seconds !

A cold start happens when the serverless function hasn't been running for a defined period (depending on the cloud provider). As a consequence, a container (in which the function will be executed) needs to be created.

The perfect scenario is the following:
You have an application where all functions are relatively short (0-15 mins) and are called regularly by the users. In this case, adopting a serverless architecture is awesome because you pay for what you use, and you stay focus on your code.

For more explanations, you can watch this video 👀

Step 0 - Setup

Please follow the steps in the
Done ? You are now ready to go ! 🔥

Step 1 - Code your app

In this step you will code a simple serverless gifs app using React TS and Chakra UI, in which you display gifs depending on the user's input. For this you will need to fetch the Giphy API.

  • Go to your Serverless Gifs App repository with cd [YOUR GIFS REPO NAME]
  • Code your app

💡 You will need a form, with an input, and a submit button

For now, just call the Giphy API inside the frontend of your project

You can display the GIFs using the iframe element

Click to see an example of what you can do 👀

Useful links:

Step 2 - Deploy your app

Now you will deploy your app using Netlify !

Follow these steps:

  • Commit and push your work

Then you will deploy your application on Netlify

  • Go to your Netlify account, Team overview and click the Import from Git button

    See the button

    Netlify Overview

  • Select GitHub as your Git provider

    See the button

    Netlify Git provider

  • Choose your Serverless Gifs App repository

  • Deploy your application with the default settings
    ⚠️ Check the branch to deploy: select your default repository branch

    See the default settings

    Netlify Default Settings

Good ! Your application is now deployed ! But if you try to use it, we can see that it doesn't work, you get a full blank page 🤔
Can you guess what the problem is ?
Well, you didn't set up your environment variables !
Let's do it ⤵️

  • Go to Site Settings, then Build and deploy, scroll to the Environment section

  • Click the Edit variables button

    See the button

    Netlify Env

  • Add your REACT_APP_GIPHY_API_KEY environment variable and save

  • Go to Deploys, click the Trigger Deploy button and select Deploy Site

    See the button

    Netlify Trigger Deploy

  • If you refresh your application page, you should now see the website you've previously created.

Your application is now working on production !! 🔥🔥 You can share it 😎

Step 3 - Create your first serverless function

The goal of this step is to move your function fetching the Giphy API inside a serverless function, and call it inside your frontend code.

Useful links:

Once you're done, just push your work on your default branch. Netlify will automatically detect changes and will deploy your application. Amazing 🎆, isn't it ?

Step 4 - Create your first serverless API

You will now create a serverless API using the serverless framework

  • Go to your Serverless-API folder
  • Create a file named fetchGiphy.ts in which you will implement the function to fetch the Giphy API. You can have a look at the file setup.ts to learn how to do it
  • Update the file serverless.yml in order to call your new function. See the documentation
  • Create a file fetchGiphy.test.ts inside the tests folder and implement some code to test your new function. You can have a look at the file tests/setup.test.ts, or read the Jest documentation to learn how to do it

Useful commands

# To call a serverless function
serverless invoke local -f [YOUR FUNCTION NAME - example: setup]

# To call a serverless function with query parameters
serverless invoke local -f [YOUR FUNCTION NAME] --data '{ "queryStringParameters": {"input":"kaamelott"}}'

# To run tests
yarn test


  • Deploy your API with AWS (or better: with Scaleway 🇫🇷 ), and call it inside your serverless app !
  • Discover Vercel, a Netlify competitor with our workshop


Adrien Fort

Thanks to Tom Chauveau for contributing to this workshop by submitting his reviews !


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