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File metadata and controls

144 lines (99 loc) · 5.55 KB


The base class for all viewport controllers.

A controller class can be passed to either the Deck class's controller prop or a View class's controller prop to specify viewport interactivity.


The base Controller class supports the following options:

  • scrollZoom (boolean | object) - enable zooming with mouse wheel. Default true. If an object is supplied, it may contain the following fields to customize the zooming behavior:
    • speed (number) - scaler that translates wheel delta to the change of viewport scale. Default 0.01.
    • smooth (boolean) - smoothly transition to the new zoom. If enabled, will provide a slightly lagged but smoother experience. Default false.
  • dragPan (boolean) - enable panning with pointer drag. Default true
  • dragRotate (boolean) - enable rotating with pointer drag. Default true
  • doubleClickZoom (boolean) - enable zooming with double click. Default true
  • touchZoom (boolean) - enable zooming with multi-touch. Default true
  • touchRotate (boolean) - enable rotating with multi-touch. Use two-finger rotating gesture for horizontal and three-finger swiping gesture for vertical rotation. Default false
  • keyboard (boolean | object) - enable interaction with keyboard. Default true. If an object is supplied, it may contain the following fields to customize the keyboard behavior:
    • zoomSpeed (number) - speed of zoom using +/- keys. Default 2.
    • moveSpeed (number) - speed of movement using arrow keys, in pixels.
    • rotateSpeedX (number) - speed of rotation using shift + left/right arrow keys, in degrees. Default 15.
    • rotateSpeedY (number) - speed of rotation using shift + up/down arrow keys, in degrees. Default 10.
  • dragMode (string) - drag behavior without pressing function keys, one of pan and rotate.
  • inertia (boolean | number) - Enable inertia after panning/pinching. If a number is provided, indicates the duration of time over which the velocity reduces to zero, in milliseconds. Default false.


A controller is not meant to be instantiated by the application. The following methods are documented for creating custom controllers that extend the base Controller class.

import {Controller} from '';

class MyController extends Controller {
  constructor(props) {

The constructor takes one argument:

  • props (object) - contains the following options:
    • eventManager- handles events subscriptions
    • makeViewPort (viewState) - creates new Viewport based on provided ViewState, and current view's width and height
    • onStateChange callback function
    • onViewStateChange callback function
    • timeline - an instance of animation timeline class

handleEvent(event) {#handleevent}

Called by the event manager to handle pointer events.

See Event object documentation.

setProps(props) {#setprops}

Called by the view when the view state updates. This method handles adding/removing event listeners based on user options.

updateViewport(newMapState, extraProps, interactionState) {#updateviewport}

Called by the event handlers, this method updates internal state, and invokes onViewStateChange callback with a new map state.

getCenter(event) {#getcenter}

Utility used by the event handlers, returns pointer position [x, y] from any event.

isFunctionKeyPressed(event) {#isfunctionkeypressed}

Utility used by the event handlers, returns true if ctrl/alt/meta key is pressed during any event.

isPointInBounds(pos, [event]) {#ispointinbounds}

Utility used by the event handlers, returns true if a pointer position [x, y] is inside the current view.

If event is provided, returns false if the event is already handled, and mark the event as handled if the point is in bounds. This can be used to make sure that certain events are only handled by one controller, when there are overlapping viewports.

isDragging() {#isdragging}

Returns true if the user is dragging the view.


events (string[]) {#events}

In its constructor, a controller class can optionally specify a list of event names that it subscribes to with the events field. Supported events are:

  • click
  • dblclick
  • pan
  • pinch: 2-finger free-form manipulation, used for touch zooming and rotation
  • multipan: 2-finger vertical panning, used for touch pitching in MapController
  • keydown
  • keyup
  • pointerdown
  • pointermove
  • pointerup
  • pointerover
  • pointerout
  • pointerleave
  • wheel
  • contextmenu

Note that the following events are always toggled on/off by user options:

  • scrollZoom - ['wheel']
  • dragPan and dragRotate - ['pan']
  • touchZoom - ['pinch']
  • touchRotate - ['pinch', 'multipan']
  • doubleClickZoom - ['dblclick']
  • keyboard - ['keydown']

Example: Implementing A Custom Controller

import {Controller} from '';

class MyController extends Controller{
  constructor(props) {
    super(props); = ['pointermove'];

  handleEvent(event) {
    if (event.type === 'pointermove') {
      // do something
    } else {

