Produce HAST compatible AST from Webparser
Say we have the following file, example.html
<!DOCTYPE html><title>Hello!</title>
<h1 id="world">World!<!--after--></h1>
And our script, example.js
, looks as follows:
const vfile = require('to-vfile')
const inspect = require('unist-util-inspect')
const HtmlParser = require('@starptech/webparser').HtmlParser
const fromWebparser = require('@starptech/hast-util-from-webparser')
const filepath = 'example.html'
const doc = vfile.readSync(filepath)
const result = new HtmlParser({
ignoreFirstLf: false,
decodeEntities: false,
selfClosingCustomElements: true
}).parse(String(doc), filepath)
const hast = fromWebparser(result.rootNodes)
Now, running node example
root[3] [data={"selfClosing":false}]
├─ doctype (1:1-1:15, 0-15) [name="html"]
├─ element[1] (1:15-1:36, 15-36) [tagName="title"][data={"selfClosing":false}]
│ └─ text: "Hello!" (1:22-1:28, 22-28)
└─ element[2] [tagName="h1"][properties={"id":"world"}][data={"selfClosing":false}]
├─ text: "World!" (1:51-1:57, 51-57)
└─ comment: "after" (1:57-1:61, 57-61)
Transform an Node
to a HAST Node.