Don't bindly use my setting unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!
For Windows user you can find the color scheme for Windows Terminal in https://windowsterminalthemes.dev/
- NeoVim config
- Git config
- PowerShell config
- Fish config
- Tmux config
- NeoVim >= 0.9.0 (needs to be built with LuaJIT).
- LazyVim - Neovim config for the lazy
- Telescope - Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time
- Solarized Osaka - Solarized colorscheme for Neovim
- Home Brew
- Nerd fonts - Powerline-patched fonts. I use Hack.
- Eza -
replacement - ghq - Local Git repository organizer
- Fish shell - User-friendly shell
- Fisher - Plugin manager
- Tide - Shell theme. Use version 6
fisher install ilancosman/tide@v6
- z for fish - Directory jumping
fisher install jethrokuan/z
- Fzf for fish - Interactive filtering
fisher install PatrickF1/fzf.fish
- Puffer for fish - Text expander
fisher install nickeb96/puffer-fish
- Pisces for fish - Paired symbols
fisher install laughedelic/pisces
- Windows Terminal
- Scoop - A command-line installer
- Git for Windows
- Oh My Posh - Prompt theme engine
- Terminal Icons - Folder and file icons
- PSReadLine - Cmdlets for customizing the editing environment, used for autocompletion
- z - Directory jumper
- PSFzf - Fuzzy finder
- Git commitizen - Commitizen helps you commit better messages
bun install -g cz-git
- Lazygit - Simple terminal UI for git commands
brew install lazygit
- Delta - Syntax-highlighting pager for git
brew install git-delta
wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PunGrumpy/dotfiles/main/build.sh | bash
# or
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PunGrumpy/dotfiles/main/build.sh | bash
docker run -it --rm --name dotfiles-pungrumpy \
-v $HOME/.config:/home/pungrumpy/.config \
-v $HOME/.gitconfig:/home/pungrumpy/.gitconfig \
-v $HOME/.gitignore:/home/pungrumpy/.gitignore \
-v $HOME/.czrc:/home/pungrumpy/.czrc \
-v $HOME/.scripts:/home/pungrumpy/.scripts \
More info about Docker image
Takuya Matsuyama 📂 |
Mathias Bynens 📂 |
Paul Irish 📂 |