- resolved comments [SP-255] (169ca60)
- activation of team [SP-409] (ca622bb)
- active workspace repository [SP-267] (9ae432f)
- add animations [SP-276] (21fdd9d)
- Add await in onclose listener[] (de000e4)
- add env in yaml[] (9e87eb3)
- add env to request url [SP-316] (c104227)
- Add error message enum [SP-185] (c0f5565)
- add response section [SP-117] (1f4f2a1)
- add right click on collection [SP-189] (4a4ff08)
- add right click on folder [SP-189] (41c8640)
- add right click on folder [SP-189] (31d0823)
- add right click on folder [SP-189] (7a35602)
- add status code response time and size [SP-118] (37b6322)
- add view all workspaces and solved bug [SP-284] (6ec8856)
- add view all workspaces and solved bug [SP-284] (a1e0ba2)
- add view all workspaces and solved bug [SP-284] (b3785c8)
- add window-resize [SP-255] (ee861b1)
- Add workspace description[SP-389] (0fb0e53)
- added build on line 23 (de0fd99)
- animations [SP-276] (5a43fcc)
- api description length [SP-82] (e7f4e25)
- api filter buttons [SP-362] (1f0cc7a)
- api filter buttons [SP-362] (267a281)
- api key auth headers and query params [SP-130] (f95722a)
- app crash[Sp-288] (bccab6f)
- Auth dropdown [SP-265] (b36a455)
- Authentication pencil icon trigger state [SP-88] (3ae4925)
- auto generated headers [SP-130] (da0523e)
- Basic Auth overwrite bearer token bug [SP-87] (a98bf41)
- Bix basic auth base64 [SP-263] (d225cca)
- bug fixes completed of SP-340 SP-353 SP-359 SP-360 SP-364 SP-381[] (53d5fe0)
- build teams, workspace pagination [SP-408] (c4d88c7)
- change box error to standard error in rust (9b7ad6c)
- changes completed [SP-141] (f2868af)
- changes completed [SP-187] (0fa1381)
- changes completed [SP-286] (a5006e8)
- changes completes [SP-338] (a0a2b98)
- changes in request body section SP[116] (a52912c)
- collection shown on import in collectionList[SP-343] (572eb04)
- comments removed [SP-220] (37c4c16)
- comments resolved [SP-284] (02f9d68)
- comments resolved [SP-284] (1fe9e22)
- COnsole removed[SP-266] (028a79c)
- create environment list, active environment [SP-300] (7b4ac81)
- create new team logo [SP-409] (8b81acb)
- create new workspace [SP-409] (0424a18)
- create team flow[SP-409] (9666269)
- create workspace flow[SP-409] (9c2ef5d)
- data fetch bug [SP-267] (9986fce)
- duplicate tabs [SP-189] (88732fa)
- duplicate tabs width [SP-189] (651c514)
- ellipsis text [SP-408] (f223fd8)
- email validation fixed for wrong format [SP-343] (1697f7d)
- Enum data type [SP-263] (9866d68)
- environment save state [SP-304] (7fdb294)
- environment ui bugs [SP-300] (652cbbb)
- fetch get request [SP-123] (8807bc8)
- few minor changes [SP-364] (a941d50)
- Fix App crash from rust side[SP-255] (ee67536)
- Fix App crash on invalid json[SP-288] (adf2465)
- Fix count, resize, popup, shift issues[SP-346] (7910c33)
- Fix rounded corner and first time events in mixpanel[] (82a5cb3)
- ForgotPassword.svelte: forgot password fix[SP-355] (ba8839c)
- function name change to more generic [SP-343] (a5510e3)
- global search bar popup on minimize fixed [SP-286] (a8c68d6)
- handle active show menu [SP-300] (867b188)
- handle bad request error using status code [SP-130] (cd06b6a)
- Horizontal vertical toggle [SP-240] (fdad3c1)
- if statements added for observables [] (294c35b)
- image display [SP-409] (d7128f2)
- infinite api call loop [SP-300] (0e45ed3)
- inital commit [SP-143] (bce07e3)
- Insert environment variable to url and headers [SP-316] (5831d63)
- limit workspace to constants [SP-267] (a48f7dd)
- login workflow clear cache [SP-275] (e626a1c)
- mac oauth[] (6551c95)
- mac oauth[] (e328176)
- Made necessary adjustments and enhancements to the tab bar code [SP-113] (bc4a3fb)
- make operations case independent[SP-115] (46e6437)
- merge adjustable_divider with development [SP-82] (2e32451)
- Merge branch 'development' into [SP-47] (b40b049)
- Merge branch 'development' into SP-72-fe-login-register-as [SP-72] (6bc4c25)
- Merge branch developemnt [SP-263] (b9083bf)
- merge branch development [SP-113] (3258154)
- merge branch development [SP-113] (27cf929)
- merge branch development [SP-116] (429287f)
- merge branch development [SP-123] (5ad7288)
- merge branch development [SP-129] (f06a383)
- Merge branch development [SP-130] (bfc9680)
- Merge branch development [SP-183] (e0cb281)
- Merge branch development [SP-189] (c1abc0d)
- Merge branch development [SP-189] (a08d022)
- Merge branch development [SP-215] (c517ee6)
- merge branch development [SP-231] (97c68ce)
- Merge branch development [SP-250] (2f0d6d7)
- merge branch development [SP-267] (fc1253c)
- merge branch development [SP-268] (6fb482c)
- merge branch development [SP-268] (3a3e9d6)
- Merge branch development [SP-268] (16cb415)
- Merge branch development [SP-268] (914e35c)
- Merge branch development [SP-275] (97d61c2)
- merge branch development [SP-285] (ddae65e)
- merge branch development [SP-285] (46410b7)
- merge branch development [SP-316] (9d559cc)
- merge branch development [SP-316] (2294b8b)
- merge branch development [SP-86] (b324c5e)
- Merge branch development to sp-139 [SP-139] (61f4e31)
- Merge branch developpment [SP-316] (76e394e)
- Merge branch SP-227 [SP-229] (7cd1549)
- merge branch SP-267 [SP-268] (84fe18f)
- merge branch SP-305 [SP-306] (c258198)
- merge branch SP-305-fe-environment-right-clicks-operations [SP-306] (8d1c86f)
- merge changes [SP-123] (6359cb4)
- merge changes [SP-123] (9f05c73)
- merge changes [SP-255] (35ba5c2)
- merge changes [SP-409] (4f2f37c)
- merge changes fix [SP-118] (430ba0a)
- Merge changes from development[] (5403ed4)
- merge changes solved [SP-123] (91c8f75)
- Merge Changes[SP-108] (4c9b4e0)
- merge conflic resolved [SP-143] (d2bfb2e)
- Merge conflict [SP-263] (3be0faa)
- merge conflict fix [SP-124] (3dc802b)
- merge conflict resloved [SP-113] (3abcc93)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-118] (b89c580)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-141] (c8455c5)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-141] (d8e5a82)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-141] (dceb83c)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-141] (56a6708)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-143] (6df79be)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-143] (438b5cd)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-143] (a38421e)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-188] (2b80a75)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-255] (07221c0)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-258] (eb77ab0)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-258] (9619d67)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-258] (ac77c94)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-338] (38c0ca0)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-343] (ee499d6)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-354] (6a77a77)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-356] (71b63d1)
- merge conflict solved [SP-123] (a01df48)
- merge conflict solved [SP-125] (a6474b6)
- merge conflict solved [SP-125] (7f5c33c)
- merge conflict solved [SP-126] (632a7c5)
- merge conflict solved [SP-141] (81363b4)
- merge conflict solved [SP-141] (768b284)
- merge conflict solved [SP-141] (d99ee3f)
- merge conflict solved [SP-143] (091710d)
- merge conflict solved [SP-143] (9920dc6)
- merge conflict solved [SP-187] (f434997)
- merge conflict solved [SP-255] (05c5d9f)
- merge conflict solved [SP-284] (8da0502)
- merge conflict solved [SP-284] (22221d8)
- merge conflict solved [SP-284] (df434f5)
- merge conflict solved [SP-284] (0f8ccc6)
- merge conflict solved [SP-284] (8ad9b26)
- merge conflict solved [SP-284] (b4c18b1)
- merge conflict solved [SP-293] (5f4f380)
- merge conflict[SP-141] (8fd0088)
- merge conflicts completed [SP-143] (6124292)
- merge conflicts[SP-122] (c1f04e1)
- merge conflicts[SP-126] (9c4009a)
- merge conflicts[SP-126] (f26399d)
- Merge development changes[] (ca08c15)
- merge development ino [SP-300] (9c99244)
- merge development into [SP-276] (a4a70ad)
- merge development into [SP-276] (a8d3096)
- merge development into [SP-276] (dc2f5db)
- merge development into [SP-276] (2043e56)
- merge development into [SP-276] (740f107)
- merge development into [SP-276] (d4e0ea5)
- merge development into [SP-276] (18dced4)
- merge development into [SP-280] (c6575f1)
- merge development into [SP-280] (2f8dabc)
- merge development into [SP-300] (1a79bc0)
- merge development into [SP-300] (a83256b)
- merge development into [SP-300] (b39fce6)
- merge development into [SP-300] (0e27bbc)
- merge development into [SP-300] (7e302f4)
- merge development into [SP-348] (6acdec9)
- merge development into [SP-348] (f356ed3)
- merge development into [SP-408] (51fcccf)
- merge development into [SP-409] (9da8fc8)
- merge development into [SP-409] (6a94bd5)
- merge development into [SP-409] (52f03a1)
- merge pull content[SP-108] (2317118)
- merged with development [SP-220] (8c6b406)
- method dropdown change onclick (cbe7889)
- minor changes[SP-108] (c8b56be)
- mixpanel crash when token empty (6100b2e)
- more changes [SP-143] (b5bdf71)
- Node insertion to tree [SP-215] (ea189fc)
- on-login view [SP-408] (95a5745)
- overflow to api description [SP-179] (4ac78a5)
- pages imports [SP-280] (47d50e5)
- pnpm lock file [SP-409] (a900b98)
- push code for activating team [SP-409] (a48908a)
- push workspace to team activation [SP-409] (e99e996)
- reactive environment on collection [SP-306] (04b8746)
- real time update collection,request and foldercount [SP-338] (13b2307)
- refactoring completed according to changes suggested [SP-113] (3c3c2d8)
- remove comment and console [SP-276] (d6955b7)
- remove comment and console [SP-276] (6452738)
- remove comments [SP-304] (2339761)
- remove consoles [SP-276] (4a272e7)
- remove custom maximize icons in login[] (9235d03)
- remove dev-more-rxdb, enviornment file [SP-300] (caecef5)
- remove log [SP-287] (fc463e5)
- Remove unused code[] (d59c23c)
- remove unused file [SP-267] (484e723)
- remove unused files [SP-268] (27c736b)
- Remove unwanted code[] (96a38b4)
- Remove unwanted interface[] (d56b75e)
- Removed comments[SP-245] (d5b9962)
- removed env variables [SP-286] (a2db4aa)
- Removed unused code[SP-164] (b7f7fde)
- Removed unused imports[SP-108] (ae5abf6)
- Removed unused package[SP-237] (7e76f87)
- Removed unwanted imports[SP-108] (0fcf8ee)
- Replace localhost with deployed url in rust[] (ce10e5f)
- replaced unused png with svg[] (f297dea)
- request right click handler [SP-189] (16f4e3e)
- Request section route [SP-87] (d4b9aa5)
- required changes completed [SP-143] (ea779c0)
- resize issue on login/logout (8bdda4c)
- Resolve comments[] (6193607)
- resolve commits [SP-300] (1211f8c)
- resolve merge conflict [SP-122] (0119571)
- resolve merge conflict [SP-255] (756f0a3)
- Resolve merge conflicts[] (180eb15)
- resolved ui bug [SP-255] (1aba65f)
- resolved ui bug [SP-255] (2b5112e)
- resolved ui bug [SP-255] (2dad823)
- resolved ui bug [SP-255] (9a14508)
- resolved ui bug [SP-255] (a55d1c3)
- resolved ui bug [SP-255] (53e44d2)
- resolved ui bug [SP-255] (77be18a)
- revert fullscreen [SP-276] (739feb1)
- Revert resize changes[] (8cded52)
- revert tauri changes [SP-276] (edf1461)
- right click on folder level [SP-189] (e188e63)
- right sidebar [SP-276] (d7bab6a)
- rxdb class initialization[] (61c2840)
- rxdb getDB on logout[] (6ff3802)
- rxdb user set to null on logout (f83a2b5)
- Saved merge changes[SP-243] (99fa3fc)
- screen freeze issue (e8f3088)
- screen freeze issue (88e044a)
- search bar styling completed [SP-220] (c8d5265)
- select, open environment [SP-300] (c0bdd4e)
- set default active ws on first login [SP-409] (f475f5b)
- setting.svg [SP-348] (910a5ff)
- show by default workspace [SP-267] (5a0e4d7)
- sidebar animations, splitter [SP-276] (1ff9d88)
- sidebar, text fix [SP-280] (19352f5)
- small change [SP-141] (b58af8f)
- small change [SP-343] (2886459)
- small change due to workspace service change [SP-141] (42e1c3f)
- small changes [SP-141] (32c94c1)
- small changes [SP-141] (40c5b80)
- solve merge conflict [SP-141] (386a4e4)
- solve merge conflict [SP-189] (8bde856)
- solve merge conflict [SP-189] (2fa12ed)
- Solve merge conflicts[] (0bdcf26)
- Solve merge conflicts[] (1a620e8)
- solved registration problem [SP-117] (b19e032)
- solved ui bug [SP-255] (bf881d3)
- some changes in logout flow [SP-286] (6d2acab)
- split panel [SP-280] (88debc0)
- splitter, animations [SP-276] (57fabe4)
- Styling CSS [SP-183] (5b2be5f)
- tab store search algorithm [SP-130] (d0f3c7a)
- teams ui, functional changes [SP-409] (3141e73)
- throw rigister to login component [SP-189] (b7de69b)
- tooltip z-index [SP-348] (9c91d50)
- tooltip, refactor code [SP-280] (c2f1912)
- top bar alignment [SP-348] (ac58c1c)
- ui alignment checkbox, rightClickContextMenu [SP-300] (8032806)
- ui fixes[SP-461] (b75e8a0)
- ui issues [SP-409] (d4da485)
- ui issues, rename, etc. [SP-300] (a5e5c68)
- ui-bugs [SP-287] (69dabe1)
- uncomment first letter [SP-348] (61547c9)
- upadte: update-design-and-functionality-changes[SP-45] (3063190)
- Update logout UI [SP-44] (4dc4853)
- update post method [SP-124] (454076b)
- update save ci [SP-130] (a814162)
- update: update checkAuthAtatus and dto folder[SP-46] (54604d1)
- update: update tauri.conf.json file[SP-46] (e8f4522)
- user sign-up flow [SP-453] (39e32be)
- v2[] (09c95eb)
- view-all-workspaces navigation [SP-409] (afdb21a)
- window resize on register via email-password[] (736c0b1)
- workspace data, table-ui [SP-408] (468dcd2)
- workspace schema conflict, add database migration function version 1 [SP-275] (0ed1641)
- Workspace tab component [SP-268] (74979d2)
- dropdown ui completed [SP-113] (138c6bf)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-188] (0728b15)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-220] (b74598b)
- active team [SP-408] (3659647)
- add .dstroy on logout (65d3a37)
- add .remove on logout (16de3f9)
- Add 'save as' request validation [SP-130] (e935bbf)
- add active environment [SP-300] (5e6a60f)
- add animation in dropdown, list, etc [SP-276] (35903a6)
- add animations [SP-276] (990af17)
- add api request instruction component [SP-130] (3391f23)
- add api, rxdb logic to create team [SP-409] (5c72d51)
- Add Auth type to authorization [SP-87] (5460c65)
- add authorization section [SP-86] (670644b)
- add Basic-auth [SP-116] (ab37d9a)
- add Basic-auth [SP-116] (926dd1c)
- add Bearer token in authorization section [SP-88] (820d47f)
- Add code editor to request body [SP-84] (aed4627)
- add collaps/expand response header section SP[149] (c802ca3)
- Add collection and folders [SP-130] (b765b03)
- Add collection file explorer [SP-183] (593a1d8)
- add collection tab when create new collection [SP-141] (c810eb3)
- add collection tab when create new collection [SP-141] (49162df)
- add collection tab when create new collection [SP-141] (eca12f0)
- add collection tab when create new collection [SP-141] (8e38ffc)
- add collection tab when create new collection [SP-141] (19a1d35)
- add collection/api button [SP-141] (ca0ba7e)
- Add color to view switcher [SP-365] (05dab73)
- Add common handler in rust[SP-108] (8941e57)
- add copy response body [SP-122] (c076be5)
- add create workspace flow [SP-409] (a4ae026)
- Add createdAt index to TabSchema to execute sort function [SP-268] (b57afa0)
- add customer header [SP-46] (a0549e0)
- add dashboard header [SP-113] (8164c2a)
- Add data migration function for different schema versions [SP-268] (ff58f31)
- Add default tab to main screen [SP-268] (b6a0df9)
- add default workspace settings (786348c)
- Add delete collection to collection list [SP-189] (89ff880)
- add delete method SP[125] (8f0aa1b)
- Add directory insertion with API integration [SP-185] (543b957)
- Add draggable element [SP-83] (2d05d29)
- Add dynamic directory functionality [SP-130] (8b7afed)
- add dynamic tabs [SP-113] (c7198de)
- Add eager loading to collection List [SP-130] (913cc00)
- Add eager rendering api request on create request [SP-130] (13e854e)
- Add eager rendering folder on create folder [SP-130] (90debae)
- Add eager rendering request on create request [SP-130] (4e49200)
- Add editable request name [SP-268] (01b77b4)
- Add editor for Raw Request body[SP-250] (301a200)
- add folder and workspace tab [SP-246] (99c82d7)
- add folder and workspace tab [SP-246] (d5367da)
- add folder and workspace tab [SP-246] (5e03c27)
- add folder and workspace tab [SP-246] (51d098f)
- add Forgot password reset password and update password page[SP-72] (cada185)
- add Forgot password reset password and update password page[SP-72] (766fd94)
- add google auth [SP-98] (0856c48)
- add google auth [SP-98] (baa25f1)
- Add header flag message [SP-85] (2e9ec7e)
- Add Headers & statuscode in response[SP-164] (adc9774)
- add headers section [SP-85] (5bcdc2f)
- add import collection [SP-143] (b9a6f89)
- add import collection [SP-143] (d9012d6)
- add import collection [SP-143] (d0f533a)
- add import collection [SP-143] (c46fab7)
- Add insert node function to tree data structure [SP-215] (b162e70)
- add loader default and response page [SP-123] (608bc37)
- Add loader to delete apis [SP-189] (693c565)
- Add logout functionality with BE integration [SP-44] (94cae26)
- add logs (d340914)
- Add mac navigator [SP-365] (ca5a0f9)
- Add mac navigator [SP-365] (e49dca0)
- Add Mix Panel[SP-373] (e451532)
- add more on authorization section [SP-87] (6a6f61e)
- Add Multipart api request[SP-108] (a2c4116)
- add navigation for workspaces [SP-409] (3f8fdbb)
- add navigation in api requests, workspace, and ui fixes [SP-409] (7bd95b6)
- Add navigation to forgot page with post request [SP-128] (d8e588d)
- add parameter section SP[83] (01e1e1a)
- add post method [SP-124] (9fe3ec4)
- add put method [SP-126] (423c3ab)
- Add raw element with no syntax highlighting [SP-275] (10e4c5d)
- Add rename functionality to collection list [SP-285] (42a1f68)
- Add request handlers in rust[SP-108] (38fd259)
- Add REST api handler in rust[SP-108] (266411c)
- add right click functionality [SP-305] (27b0fe4)
- add right click on collection [SP-189] (3bfdf8e)
- Add rxjs repository for workspace [SP-267] (6ea7fa0)
- Add save request option [SP-129] (247391c)
- Add search functionality using component recursion [SP-231] (5eacd13)
- add settings to sidebar [SP-365] (69d5d51)
- Add shortcut operations[SP-115] (a654967)
- add sidabar tabbar send-request request-response [SP-113] (23c07ce)
- Add sidebar to teams dashboard [SP-47] (b6b6929)
- Add spinner over collection List [SP-130] (5700f43)
- Add spinner to button [SP-130] (151aa55)
- Add store for request URL [SP-113] (a0a04be)
- Add store for response body [SP-113] (938e64e)
- add style on collaps/expand button [SP-71] (269a326)
- add style on collaps/expand button [SP-71] (c26a764)
- add style on collaps/expand button and make responsive for all devices [SP-77] (a32b1cd)
- add style on collaps/expand button and make responsive for all devices [SP-77] (c5d3403)
- add style on collaps/expand button and make responsive for all devices [SP-77] (af9c5e7)
- Add Support for text, html, xml[SP-243] (68802a9)
- Add tabular workspace for teams component [SP-139] (cca0c8a)
- add ticked button on active workspace [SP-293] (6482f4c)
- add ticked button on active workspace [SP-293] (4928da7)
- add ticked button on active workspace [SP-293] (3c4eea4)
- add ticked button on active workspace [SP-293] (f4b9ef0)
- add toast notification to api description [SP-179] (fd457eb)
- Add types to tab Store [SP-248] (ba0c427)
- add ui improvements [SP-300] (bae11e8)
- add validation part in login and registration [SP-98] (75d115f)
- add view all workspaces [SP-284] (3316dd8)
- add view all workspaces [SP-284] (b243f90)
- add view all workspaces [SP-284] (b556384)
- add view all workspaces [SP-284] (f83269f)
- add view all workspaces [SP-284] (cc58197)
- Add waiting on google oauth[] (ddc9daf)
- add welcome screen after signup [SP-140] (c8e6741)
- add welcome screen after signup [SP-140] (fb913f9)
- Add workspace Interface and requests [SP-139] (7f56780)
- add zoom-in/zoom-out functionality[] (6b5c742)
- add zoom-in/zoom-out functionality[] (74a6014)
- add-authorization-section [SP-86] (9dd76a4)
- added .ts files for reomve extra java-script code form .svelte file[SP-46] (135fd1c)
- added favicon to solve terminal error [SP-286] (f7d82bf)
- added http get in rust [] (0d6a2cb)
- added new rxdb database name [SP-286] (680611a)
- added single method for axios[SP-185] (18ea920)
- added single method for axios[SP-185] (021d023)
- Authentication using refresh token [SP-185] (3b30ec2)
- Built stateless query parameter component [SP-268] (72ad185)
- Built stateless query parameters and authorization [SP-268] (b647ae7)
- Built stateless request name, method, url [SP-268] (dff1ffc)
- Built stateless tab bar component [SP-268] (bb1915a)
- change app background [SP-365] (32d4d2f)
- change app background [SP-365] (0937b80)
- change primary blue theme color [SP-365] (1b8debe)
- change request enum [SP-250] (88161c7)
- changes in rxdb logout flow [SP-286] (39ecab3)
- changes with observables [] (ba46751)
- clear local db on logout [SP-267] (e39faf5)
- clear rxdb tabs on logout [SP-268] (366880b)
- clear user data on logout [SP-275] (10fa7c4)
- collection list highlight [SP-285] (dc3cc58)
- collection, folder and request to be saved locally [SP-113] (f893f78)
- Common function for all API in rust[SP-108] (2cc277b)
- Completed Form Data Request[SP-266] (52efd37)
- connect environment variables with rest api tool [SP-316] (c560f16)
- Connect the side panel component with the entire application structure [SP-130] (1db169e)
- Connect url with query parameter [SP-83] (8cef999)
- Create dropdown global component [SP-84] (b7df7a7)
- Create editable collection and folder name in save as api request [SP-130] (bcea7f8)
- Create functional component for save as request [SP-130] (064887e)
- create independent request save for api and description [SP-82] (7b6cc26)
- create logout-pop-up [SP-282] (bbcffe5)
- Create new collection to the workspace [SP-229] (1a02403)
- create new team pop-up, api integration [SP-409] (7026d1e)
- create new workspace with tab [SP-246] (ce20158)
- create save description functionality [SP-82] (23ac315)
- Create tab repository for different tabs and schema revisions [SP-268] (159d71c)
- Create tabs schema for rxdb [SP-268] (c2c65a5)
- create ui, rxdb model for teams, etc. [SP-408] (5a1336a)
- create under-dev tooltip and screen [SP-280] (a294a06)
- create variable value pairs [SP-300] (fd8fb8c)
- create viewModels, dbs, repository [SP-300] (9284046)
- create workspace, fix ui bugs, section [SP-409] (2e1890d)
- created release.yaml[1] (45cf17b)
- created release.yaml[1] (84802f1)
- created release.yaml[1] (5d56efe)
- data persistance between tabs completed [SP-258] (fb155b4)
- default page created [SP-251] (7c9c0cc)
- delete folders and collections with bakend apis [SP-189] (a66c3b6)
- dev mode changes [] (beb4062)
- disable button on api hit [SP-248] (5fd8d52)
- disable response body on edit [SP-275] (230cdc0)
- disable send button on error [SP-258] (75cf958)
- dns error handling (08252a6)
- dynamic oauth window create and destroy[] (d465c41)
- edit image, ui fixes, etc. [SP-409] (d8ed084)
- editor response body height increased [SP-332] (e7da0e5)
- embedded enum to rxdb request [SP-268] (ab52a85)
- erase response state on app load [SP-275] (c56c098)
- extract data from file sysyem api [SP-257] (99b063e)
- Fetch json from swagger url[SP-237] (4ac61d7)
- Fix headers and query parameter count state [SP-268] (a39adc8)
- Fix rxdb request name to top header [SP-268] (0890198)
- fix styling to environment popup [SP-316] (8231f1b)
- fix url related bug [SP-255] (68a1c3d)
- folder click handled [SP-220] (c7ed4d3)
- global search and left panel issues fixed [SP-220] (7138892)
- Handle Raw Store [SP-250] (7d71a0f)
- Handle store workflow for request body [SP-250] (9a6cbaa)
- handled default none type [SP-349] (d93142b)
- Implement 'API Key' authentication for enhanced authorization security [SP-87] (4f93e57)
- Implement 'Basic Auth' authorization [SP-87] (0a3c408)
- Implement 'Bearer Token' authorization [SP-87] (490c438)
- Implement a spinner loader feature for API requests [SP-249] (85e0fd4)
- Implement bad request error component [SP-264] (df30ab9)
- Implement environment basic module [SP-300] (673172a)
- Implement environment switcher [SP-306] (2fefe3d)
- Implement headers section with integration to auth [SP-85] (a711e12)
- Implement local enums [SP-306] (5ec66ea)
- Implement persistent environment on workspace switch [SP-304] (ba552fc)
- Implement persistent environment tab [SP-304] (e1b10d2)
- Implement quick help section to environment [SP-303] (38c367d)
- Implement REST API tool controller [SP-263] (05f164b)
- implement rxdb abstraction using repository class [SP-267] (fdb97d3)
- Implement select all checkbox to key value pairs [SP-85] (225fed3)
- Implement select and unselect functionality [SP-305] (6c8b36b)
- implement select environment method to workspace [SP-305] (a7c8571)
- Implement select environment on headers [SP-316] (5c9e7ef)
- Implement styling to environment popup [SP-316] (0659458)
- Implement Teams and Recent APIs component [SP-47] (e3b9be2)
- import collection completed [SP-143] (d187c53)
- import collection module completed [SP-143] (ab229ad)
- in progress [SP-220] (3950e70)
- in progress [SP-220] (aad0438)
- in progress [SP-220] (75ba528)
- initial commit [SP-220] (59e0ce3)
- initialize workspace model with active environment [SP-305] (43c014c)
- Initiate a new API request within the existing hierarchy [SP-131] (7ff38f0)
- initiate environment ui [SP-300] (2daa524)
- Insert environment variable over query params, auth, form data [SP-316] (1dbaa06)
- Insert pretty and raw button [SP-275] (1b17e21)
- Integrate 'save as' request with backend [SP-130] (65d55c4)
- Integrate download response option [SP-121] (76bff56)
- Integrate explorer pop-op on response save [SP-121] (cb048ad)
- Integrate Form Data for both text and file in request body [SP-257] (a8c3d92)
- integrate get request [SP-123] (d34a12d)
- Integrate local db to api response [SP-268] (44c7a06)
- Integrate local db to authorization [SP-268] (d63c808)
- Integrate local db to query parameters [SP-268] (afbeb89)
- Integrate local db to request body [SP-268] (74ed193)
- Integrate local db to request url and method [SP-268] (c047e3d)
- Integrate query parameter with API Auth [SP-85] (723de2e)
- Integrate request url to query params [SP-268] (ad4ecfa)
- integrate RxDB local db to rest api tool [SP-267] (44c833b)
- Integrate rxdb to request headers [SP-268] (b18d66f)
- Integrate save api request with collection list, rest api tool [SP-130] (09ce5c0)
- Integrate save loader to request api [SP-130] (be40c83)
- Integrate save-as request with the backend [SP-131] (3f0768c)
- integrate searching algorithm for workspaces [SP-231] (ab48a61)
- integrate teams RxDB [SP-408] (3b60879)
- Integrate url encode component to request body [SP-256] (db67d87)
- Integrate workspace data to rxdb [SP-267] (5a12fa9)
- Integrate workspace support to app header [SP-227] (fe6b61d)
- Introduce key-value input for query parameters in the parameter section [SP-83] (b87a118)
- limit env expose to single paranthesis [SP-316] (1f21036)
- Login/Registration: add validation part on Login Registration [SP-71] (af84262)
- Logout UI [SP-44] (0710eae)
- make coming-soon screen [SP-280] (5839300)
- make profile icon circle and name will visible in profile section [SP-385] (5b9be0e)
- make profile icon circle and name will visible in profile section [SP-385] (483782d)
- make profile icon circle and name will visible in profile section [SP-385] (c433e0b)
- make reactive tabs bar on delete operation from collection list [SP-285] (919c7b0)
- make rest api tool reactive with collection list on rename [SP-285] (95417c8)
- manage state of api description [SP-82] (95fe85a)
- Merge branch development [SP-267] (4f4ac1d)
- Merge branch development [SP-82] (9bda1d5)
- merge branch development into [SP-280] (7dfa0c7)
- merge commit completed [SP-286] (40c3928)
- merge completed [SP-113] (ecc0e1f)
- merge completed [SP-220] (d581f52)
- merge completed [SP-220] (eff8342)
- merge conflict resolved [] (0b06562)
- merge conflict resolved [] (a440aaf)
- merge conflict resolved [] (0bdf783)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-113] (bead1e8)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-141] (b84ddb6)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-187] (5e0d3b4)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-220] (fa2493e)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-220] (a6d949c)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-342] (802e0f9)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-349] (f3fe07e)
- merge conflict solved [SP-143] (74a129c)
- merge conflict solved [SP-143] (34ee450)
- merge conflict solved [SP-255] (d39e461)
- merge development into [SP-280] (5255205)
- mixpanel: Add all events in MixPanel[] (73f4b42)
- oauth in different window (2c22e44)
- oauth in different window (ca00c2d)
- oauth in different window (110cc94)
- onboarding v2 sync to os[] (e0afc45)
- Optimize code using tree recursion [SP-231] (9dca1c8)
- Optimize create API Request [SP-248] (afc138e)
- Optimize create collection [SP-248] (6b26b16)
- optimized create folder using dummy id [SP-248] (47203c4)
- patch: Add Patch method[SP-237] (7902de7)
- prettier response saved [SP-220] (f0c6d0d)
- Publish Request Body error message in case of GET and DELETE [SP-250] (d5ecb67)
- rearrange folder structure [SP-214] (4a5288a)
- refactoring done according to new changes [SP-113] (704276a)
- remove comments [SP-268] (e2fdf11)
- remove comments [SP-304] (50f560b)
- remove rxdb dev mode [SP-286] (3a262dc)
- Remove url parser as not accepting localhost [SP-263] (d773b01)
- remove windows cmd on startup (3664073)
- replace custome css with bootstrap class [SP-72] (6f9c1fa)
- replicate environment delete popup to confirmation popup [SP-304] (31430a1)
- Replicate Moroco code editor to response body [SP-275] (9bc3f7e)
- resolve-bug-related-to-ui [SP-98] (f7ae1a9)
- resolved comments [SP-98] (1575a81)
- resolved merge conflict [SP-255] (a0c3109)
- response section cleared on clear button click [SP-187] (6fad9e3)
- rollback api name on blank input box [SP-82] (eab2355)
- rxdb fix (a781f82)
- Save data to store[SP-243] (50290d4)
- save request on tab close [SP-130] (4496ef2)
- Saving request using save as [SP-130] (6f30437)
- screen fix issue solved [] (a4accb5)
- screen issue fixed [] (e988d9b)
- screen issue fixed [] (c0bfe04)
- screen will be maximize after maximize [SP-382] (fd394ac)
- search with filter methods completed [SP-188] (f54c50e)
- select default environment to global [SP-304] (901d458)
- Setup outer layout of dashboard [SP-47] (33a7f31)
- shift QueryBuilderPlugin, MigrationPlugin, UpdatePlugin to db file [SP-268] (6ff8c86)
- sidebar tab is stored on db [SP-278] (212ea04)
- small changes [] (77e9d9c)
- small changes [SP-113] (f638366)
- small changes [SP-220] (d0bb688)
- solve welcome screen problem [SP-392] (465e02e)
- solve welcome screen problem [SP-392] (f0b343d)
- solved merge conflict [SP-246] (f5a08e1)
- solved problem related to deform [SP-354] (92ec907)
- solved problem related to eye icon [SP-356] (635c59e)
- solved problem related to rounting on login flow [SP-284] (c2f4673)
- solved problem related to rounting on login flow [SP-284] (9cf4703)
- solved problem related to rounting on login flow [SP-293] (8764c83)
- solved registration relatated problem [SP-255] (aa22013)
- solved ui bug [SP-255] (6663aa6)
- solved ui bug [SP-255] (52a5e43)
- solved ui bug [SP-255] (ed19dac)
- solved url section [SP-254] (bde782a)
- style environment picker color theme [SP-316] (e10b656)
- style overlap environment picker dynamically [SP-316] (7f5b819)
- sync svelte store with rxdb [SP-268] (fe51742)
- Sync workspace with collection list [SP-130] (84083f7)
- tab are persistant and are in order after closing the app [SP-343] (ca14829)
- tabs drag on change completed [SP-343] (ea950ae)
- taskbar invisible issue fixed [SP-342] (2390930)
- temp commit [SP-141] (73ceeef)
- text editor completed [SP-258] (4badae2)
- truncate strings on long names for collection/request/folder [SP-352] (1659fdb)
- Update auto generated headers [SP-85] (fbdcdf3)
- Update component architecture with request body [SP-268] (215626c)
- update environment model schema [SP-304] (a2dfd75)
- update envrionment functionality [SP-300] (80e8fe0)
- Update interface [SP-256] (1740c42)
- update rest api request asynchronous using then and catch method [SP-285] (ff3e255)
- updated login and register page[SP-67] (5b63d2d)
- Updated multipart formdata for images[SP-245] (ffa62f8)
- update: login-register-google-auth-functionality[SP-45] (6723291)
- vertical adjustment done (a0cc68c)
- workspace flow after onboarding completed [SP-141] (2b2412e)
- zoom tauri window[] (0c3bbe6)
- resolved comments [SP-255] (169ca60)
- activation of team [SP-409] (ca622bb)
- active workspace repository [SP-267] (9ae432f)
- add animations [SP-276] (21fdd9d)
- Add await in onclose listener[] (de000e4)
- add env in yaml[] (9e87eb3)
- add env to request url [SP-316] (c104227)
- Add error message enum [SP-185] (c0f5565)
- add response section [SP-117] (1f4f2a1)
- add right click on collection [SP-189] (4a4ff08)
- add right click on folder [SP-189] (41c8640)
- add right click on folder [SP-189] (31d0823)
- add right click on folder [SP-189] (7a35602)
- add status code response time and size [SP-118] (37b6322)
- add view all workspaces and solved bug [SP-284] (6ec8856)
- add view all workspaces and solved bug [SP-284] (a1e0ba2)
- add view all workspaces and solved bug [SP-284] (b3785c8)
- add window-resize [SP-255] (ee861b1)
- Add workspace description[SP-389] (0fb0e53)
- added build on line 23 (de0fd99)
- animations [SP-276] (5a43fcc)
- api description length [SP-82] (e7f4e25)
- api filter buttons [SP-362] (1f0cc7a)
- api filter buttons [SP-362] (267a281)
- api key auth headers and query params [SP-130] (f95722a)
- app crash[Sp-288] (bccab6f)
- Auth dropdown [SP-265] (b36a455)
- Authentication pencil icon trigger state [SP-88] (3ae4925)
- auto generated headers [SP-130] (da0523e)
- Basic Auth overwrite bearer token bug [SP-87] (a98bf41)
- Bix basic auth base64 [SP-263] (d225cca)
- bug fixes completed of SP-340 SP-353 SP-359 SP-360 SP-364 SP-381[] (53d5fe0)
- build teams, workspace pagination [SP-408] (c4d88c7)
- change box error to standard error in rust (9b7ad6c)
- changes completed [SP-141] (f2868af)
- changes completed [SP-187] (0fa1381)
- changes completed [SP-286] (a5006e8)
- changes completes [SP-338] (a0a2b98)
- changes in request body section SP[116] (a52912c)
- collection shown on import in collectionList[SP-343] (572eb04)
- comments removed [SP-220] (37c4c16)
- comments resolved [SP-284] (02f9d68)
- comments resolved [SP-284] (1fe9e22)
- COnsole removed[SP-266] (028a79c)
- create environment list, active environment [SP-300] (7b4ac81)
- create new team logo [SP-409] (8b81acb)
- create new workspace [SP-409] (0424a18)
- create team flow[SP-409] (9666269)
- create workspace flow[SP-409] (9c2ef5d)
- data fetch bug [SP-267] (9986fce)
- duplicate tabs [SP-189] (88732fa)
- duplicate tabs width [SP-189] (651c514)
- ellipsis text [SP-408] (f223fd8)
- email validation fixed for wrong format [SP-343] (1697f7d)
- Enum data type [SP-263] (9866d68)
- environment save state [SP-304] (7fdb294)
- environment ui bugs [SP-300] (652cbbb)
- fetch get request [SP-123] (8807bc8)
- few minor changes [SP-364] (a941d50)
- Fix App crash from rust side[SP-255] (ee67536)
- Fix App crash on invalid json[SP-288] (adf2465)
- Fix count, resize, popup, shift issues[SP-346] (7910c33)
- Fix rounded corner and first time events in mixpanel[] (82a5cb3)
- ForgotPassword.svelte: forgot password fix[SP-355] (ba8839c)
- function name change to more generic [SP-343] (a5510e3)
- global search bar popup on minimize fixed [SP-286] (a8c68d6)
- handle active show menu [SP-300] (867b188)
- handle bad request error using status code [SP-130] (cd06b6a)
- Horizontal vertical toggle [SP-240] (fdad3c1)
- if statements added for observables [] (294c35b)
- image display [SP-409] (d7128f2)
- infinite api call loop [SP-300] (0e45ed3)
- inital commit [SP-143] (bce07e3)
- Insert environment variable to url and headers [SP-316] (5831d63)
- limit workspace to constants [SP-267] (a48f7dd)
- login workflow clear cache [SP-275] (e626a1c)
- mac oauth[] (6551c95)
- mac oauth[] (e328176)
- Made necessary adjustments and enhancements to the tab bar code [SP-113] (bc4a3fb)
- make operations case independent[SP-115] (46e6437)
- merge adjustable_divider with development [SP-82] (2e32451)
- Merge branch 'development' into [SP-47] (b40b049)
- Merge branch 'development' into SP-72-fe-login-register-as [SP-72] (6bc4c25)
- Merge branch developemnt [SP-263] (b9083bf)
- merge branch development [SP-113] (3258154)
- merge branch development [SP-113] (27cf929)
- merge branch development [SP-116] (429287f)
- merge branch development [SP-123] (5ad7288)
- merge branch development [SP-129] (f06a383)
- Merge branch development [SP-130] (bfc9680)
- Merge branch development [SP-183] (e0cb281)
- Merge branch development [SP-189] (c1abc0d)
- Merge branch development [SP-189] (a08d022)
- Merge branch development [SP-215] (c517ee6)
- merge branch development [SP-231] (97c68ce)
- Merge branch development [SP-250] (2f0d6d7)
- merge branch development [SP-267] (fc1253c)
- merge branch development [SP-268] (6fb482c)
- merge branch development [SP-268] (3a3e9d6)
- Merge branch development [SP-268] (16cb415)
- Merge branch development [SP-268] (914e35c)
- Merge branch development [SP-275] (97d61c2)
- merge branch development [SP-285] (ddae65e)
- merge branch development [SP-285] (46410b7)
- merge branch development [SP-316] (9d559cc)
- merge branch development [SP-316] (2294b8b)
- merge branch development [SP-86] (b324c5e)
- Merge branch development to sp-139 [SP-139] (61f4e31)
- Merge branch developpment [SP-316] (76e394e)
- Merge branch SP-227 [SP-229] (7cd1549)
- merge branch SP-267 [SP-268] (84fe18f)
- merge branch SP-305 [SP-306] (c258198)
- merge branch SP-305-fe-environment-right-clicks-operations [SP-306] (8d1c86f)
- merge changes [SP-123] (6359cb4)
- merge changes [SP-123] (9f05c73)
- merge changes [SP-255] (35ba5c2)
- merge changes [SP-409] (4f2f37c)
- merge changes fix [SP-118] (430ba0a)
- Merge changes from development[] (5403ed4)
- merge changes solved [SP-123] (91c8f75)
- Merge Changes[SP-108] (4c9b4e0)
- merge conflic resolved [SP-143] (d2bfb2e)
- Merge conflict [SP-263] (3be0faa)
- merge conflict fix [SP-124] (3dc802b)
- merge conflict resloved [SP-113] (3abcc93)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-118] (b89c580)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-141] (c8455c5)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-141] (d8e5a82)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-141] (dceb83c)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-141] (56a6708)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-143] (6df79be)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-143] (438b5cd)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-143] (a38421e)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-188] (2b80a75)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-255] (07221c0)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-258] (eb77ab0)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-258] (9619d67)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-258] (ac77c94)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-338] (38c0ca0)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-343] (ee499d6)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-354] (6a77a77)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-356] (71b63d1)
- merge conflict solved [SP-123] (a01df48)
- merge conflict solved [SP-125] (a6474b6)
- merge conflict solved [SP-125] (7f5c33c)
- merge conflict solved [SP-126] (632a7c5)
- merge conflict solved [SP-141] (81363b4)
- merge conflict solved [SP-141] (768b284)
- merge conflict solved [SP-141] (d99ee3f)
- merge conflict solved [SP-143] (091710d)
- merge conflict solved [SP-143] (9920dc6)
- merge conflict solved [SP-187] (f434997)
- merge conflict solved [SP-255] (05c5d9f)
- merge conflict solved [SP-284] (8da0502)
- merge conflict solved [SP-284] (22221d8)
- merge conflict solved [SP-284] (df434f5)
- merge conflict solved [SP-284] (0f8ccc6)
- merge conflict solved [SP-284] (8ad9b26)
- merge conflict solved [SP-284] (b4c18b1)
- merge conflict solved [SP-293] (5f4f380)
- merge conflict[SP-141] (8fd0088)
- merge conflicts completed [SP-143] (6124292)
- merge conflicts[SP-122] (c1f04e1)
- merge conflicts[SP-126] (9c4009a)
- merge conflicts[SP-126] (f26399d)
- Merge development changes[] (ca08c15)
- merge development ino [SP-300] (9c99244)
- merge development into [SP-276] (a4a70ad)
- merge development into [SP-276] (a8d3096)
- merge development into [SP-276] (dc2f5db)
- merge development into [SP-276] (2043e56)
- merge development into [SP-276] (740f107)
- merge development into [SP-276] (d4e0ea5)
- merge development into [SP-276] (18dced4)
- merge development into [SP-280] (c6575f1)
- merge development into [SP-280] (2f8dabc)
- merge development into [SP-300] (1a79bc0)
- merge development into [SP-300] (a83256b)
- merge development into [SP-300] (b39fce6)
- merge development into [SP-300] (0e27bbc)
- merge development into [SP-300] (7e302f4)
- merge development into [SP-348] (6acdec9)
- merge development into [SP-348] (f356ed3)
- merge development into [SP-408] (51fcccf)
- merge development into [SP-409] (9da8fc8)
- merge development into [SP-409] (6a94bd5)
- merge development into [SP-409] (52f03a1)
- merge pull content[SP-108] (2317118)
- merged with development [SP-220] (8c6b406)
- method dropdown change onclick (cbe7889)
- minor changes[SP-108] (c8b56be)
- mixpanel crash when token empty (6100b2e)
- more changes [SP-143] (b5bdf71)
- Node insertion to tree [SP-215] (ea189fc)
- on-login view [SP-408] (95a5745)
- overflow to api description [SP-179] (4ac78a5)
- pages imports [SP-280] (47d50e5)
- pnpm lock file [SP-409] (a900b98)
- push code for activating team [SP-409] (a48908a)
- push workspace to team activation [SP-409] (e99e996)
- reactive environment on collection [SP-306] (04b8746)
- real time update collection,request and foldercount [SP-338] (13b2307)
- refactoring completed according to changes suggested [SP-113] (3c3c2d8)
- remove comment and console [SP-276] (d6955b7)
- remove comment and console [SP-276] (6452738)
- remove comments [SP-304] (2339761)
- remove consoles [SP-276] (4a272e7)
- remove custom maximize icons in login[] (9235d03)
- remove dev-more-rxdb, enviornment file [SP-300] (caecef5)
- remove log [SP-287] (fc463e5)
- Remove unused code[] (d59c23c)
- remove unused file [SP-267] (484e723)
- remove unused files [SP-268] (27c736b)
- Remove unwanted code[] (96a38b4)
- Remove unwanted interface[] (d56b75e)
- Removed comments[SP-245] (d5b9962)
- removed env variables [SP-286] (a2db4aa)
- Removed unused code[SP-164] (b7f7fde)
- Removed unused imports[SP-108] (ae5abf6)
- Removed unused package[SP-237] (7e76f87)
- Removed unwanted imports[SP-108] (0fcf8ee)
- Replace localhost with deployed url in rust[] (ce10e5f)
- replaced unused png with svg[] (f297dea)
- request right click handler [SP-189] (16f4e3e)
- Request section route [SP-87] (d4b9aa5)
- required changes completed [SP-143] (ea779c0)
- resize issue on login/logout (8bdda4c)
- Resolve comments[] (6193607)
- resolve commits [SP-300] (1211f8c)
- resolve merge conflict [SP-122] (0119571)
- resolve merge conflict [SP-255] (756f0a3)
- Resolve merge conflicts[] (180eb15)
- resolved ui bug [SP-255] (1aba65f)
- resolved ui bug [SP-255] (2b5112e)
- resolved ui bug [SP-255] (2dad823)
- resolved ui bug [SP-255] (9a14508)
- resolved ui bug [SP-255] (a55d1c3)
- resolved ui bug [SP-255] (53e44d2)
- resolved ui bug [SP-255] (77be18a)
- revert fullscreen [SP-276] (739feb1)
- Revert resize changes[] (8cded52)
- revert tauri changes [SP-276] (edf1461)
- right click on folder level [SP-189] (e188e63)
- right sidebar [SP-276] (d7bab6a)
- rxdb class initialization[] (61c2840)
- rxdb getDB on logout[] (6ff3802)
- rxdb user set to null on logout (f83a2b5)
- Saved merge changes[SP-243] (99fa3fc)
- screen freeze issue (e8f3088)
- screen freeze issue (88e044a)
- search bar styling completed [SP-220] (c8d5265)
- select, open environment [SP-300] (c0bdd4e)
- set default active ws on first login [SP-409] (f475f5b)
- setting.svg [SP-348] (910a5ff)
- show by default workspace [SP-267] (5a0e4d7)
- sidebar animations, splitter [SP-276] (1ff9d88)
- sidebar, text fix [SP-280] (19352f5)
- small change [SP-141] (b58af8f)
- small change [SP-343] (2886459)
- small change due to workspace service change [SP-141] (42e1c3f)
- small changes [SP-141] (32c94c1)
- small changes [SP-141] (40c5b80)
- solve merge conflict [SP-141] (386a4e4)
- solve merge conflict [SP-189] (8bde856)
- solve merge conflict [SP-189] (2fa12ed)
- Solve merge conflicts[] (0bdcf26)
- Solve merge conflicts[] (1a620e8)
- solved registration problem [SP-117] (b19e032)
- solved ui bug [SP-255] (bf881d3)
- some changes in logout flow [SP-286] (6d2acab)
- split panel [SP-280] (88debc0)
- splitter, animations [SP-276] (57fabe4)
- Styling CSS [SP-183] (5b2be5f)
- tab store search algorithm [SP-130] (d0f3c7a)
- teams ui, functional changes [SP-409] (3141e73)
- throw rigister to login component [SP-189] (b7de69b)
- tooltip z-index [SP-348] (9c91d50)
- tooltip, refactor code [SP-280] (c2f1912)
- top bar alignment [SP-348] (ac58c1c)
- ui alignment checkbox, rightClickContextMenu [SP-300] (8032806)
- ui fixes[SP-461] (b75e8a0)
- ui issues [SP-409] (d4da485)
- ui issues, rename, etc. [SP-300] (a5e5c68)
- ui-bugs [SP-287] (69dabe1)
- uncomment first letter [SP-348] (61547c9)
- upadte: update-design-and-functionality-changes[SP-45] (3063190)
- Update logout UI [SP-44] (4dc4853)
- update post method [SP-124] (454076b)
- update save ci [SP-130] (a814162)
- update: update checkAuthAtatus and dto folder[SP-46] (54604d1)
- update: update tauri.conf.json file[SP-46] (e8f4522)
- user sign-up flow [SP-453] (39e32be)
- v2[] (09c95eb)
- view-all-workspaces navigation [SP-409] (afdb21a)
- window resize on register via email-password[] (736c0b1)
- workspace data, table-ui [SP-408] (468dcd2)
- workspace schema conflict, add database migration function version 1 [SP-275] (0ed1641)
- Workspace tab component [SP-268] (74979d2)
- dropdown ui completed [SP-113] (138c6bf)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-188] (0728b15)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-220] (b74598b)
- active team [SP-408] (3659647)
- add .dstroy on logout (65d3a37)
- add .remove on logout (16de3f9)
- Add 'save as' request validation [SP-130] (e935bbf)
- add active environment [SP-300] (5e6a60f)
- add animation in dropdown, list, etc [SP-276] (35903a6)
- add animations [SP-276] (990af17)
- add api request instruction component [SP-130] (3391f23)
- add api, rxdb logic to create team [SP-409] (5c72d51)
- Add Auth type to authorization [SP-87] (5460c65)
- add authorization section [SP-86] (670644b)
- add Basic-auth [SP-116] (ab37d9a)
- add Basic-auth [SP-116] (926dd1c)
- add Bearer token in authorization section [SP-88] (820d47f)
- Add code editor to request body [SP-84] (aed4627)
- add collaps/expand response header section SP[149] (c802ca3)
- Add collection and folders [SP-130] (b765b03)
- Add collection file explorer [SP-183] (593a1d8)
- add collection tab when create new collection [SP-141] (c810eb3)
- add collection tab when create new collection [SP-141] (49162df)
- add collection tab when create new collection [SP-141] (eca12f0)
- add collection tab when create new collection [SP-141] (8e38ffc)
- add collection tab when create new collection [SP-141] (19a1d35)
- add collection/api button [SP-141] (ca0ba7e)
- Add color to view switcher [SP-365] (05dab73)
- Add common handler in rust[SP-108] (8941e57)
- add copy response body [SP-122] (c076be5)
- add create workspace flow [SP-409] (a4ae026)
- Add createdAt index to TabSchema to execute sort function [SP-268] (b57afa0)
- add customer header [SP-46] (a0549e0)
- add dashboard header [SP-113] (8164c2a)
- Add data migration function for different schema versions [SP-268] (ff58f31)
- Add default tab to main screen [SP-268] (b6a0df9)
- add default workspace settings (786348c)
- Add delete collection to collection list [SP-189] (89ff880)
- add delete method SP[125] (8f0aa1b)
- Add directory insertion with API integration [SP-185] (543b957)
- Add draggable element [SP-83] (2d05d29)
- Add dynamic directory functionality [SP-130] (8b7afed)
- add dynamic tabs [SP-113] (c7198de)
- Add eager loading to collection List [SP-130] (913cc00)
- Add eager rendering api request on create request [SP-130] (13e854e)
- Add eager rendering folder on create folder [SP-130] (90debae)
- Add eager rendering request on create request [SP-130] (4e49200)
- Add editable request name [SP-268] (01b77b4)
- Add editor for Raw Request body[SP-250] (301a200)
- add folder and workspace tab [SP-246] (99c82d7)
- add folder and workspace tab [SP-246] (d5367da)
- add folder and workspace tab [SP-246] (5e03c27)
- add folder and workspace tab [SP-246] (51d098f)
- add Forgot password reset password and update password page[SP-72] (cada185)
- add Forgot password reset password and update password page[SP-72] (766fd94)
- add google auth [SP-98] (0856c48)
- add google auth [SP-98] (baa25f1)
- Add header flag message [SP-85] (2e9ec7e)
- Add Headers & statuscode in response[SP-164] (adc9774)
- add headers section [SP-85] (5bcdc2f)
- add import collection [SP-143] (b9a6f89)
- add import collection [SP-143] (d9012d6)
- add import collection [SP-143] (d0f533a)
- add import collection [SP-143] (c46fab7)
- Add insert node function to tree data structure [SP-215] (b162e70)
- add loader default and response page [SP-123] (608bc37)
- Add loader to delete apis [SP-189] (693c565)
- Add logout functionality with BE integration [SP-44] (94cae26)
- add logs (d340914)
- Add mac navigator [SP-365] (ca5a0f9)
- Add mac navigator [SP-365] (e49dca0)
- Add Mix Panel[SP-373] (e451532)
- add more on authorization section [SP-87] (6a6f61e)
- Add Multipart api request[SP-108] (a2c4116)
- add navigation for workspaces [SP-409] (3f8fdbb)
- add navigation in api requests, workspace, and ui fixes [SP-409] (7bd95b6)
- Add navigation to forgot page with post request [SP-128] (d8e588d)
- add parameter section SP[83] (01e1e1a)
- add post method [SP-124] (9fe3ec4)
- add put method [SP-126] (423c3ab)
- Add raw element with no syntax highlighting [SP-275] (10e4c5d)
- Add rename functionality to collection list [SP-285] (42a1f68)
- Add request handlers in rust[SP-108] (38fd259)
- Add REST api handler in rust[SP-108] (266411c)
- add right click functionality [SP-305] (27b0fe4)
- add right click on collection [SP-189] (3bfdf8e)
- Add rxjs repository for workspace [SP-267] (6ea7fa0)
- Add save request option [SP-129] (247391c)
- Add search functionality using component recursion [SP-231] (5eacd13)
- add settings to sidebar [SP-365] (69d5d51)
- Add shortcut operations[SP-115] (a654967)
- add sidabar tabbar send-request request-response [SP-113] (23c07ce)
- Add sidebar to teams dashboard [SP-47] (b6b6929)
- Add spinner over collection List [SP-130] (5700f43)
- Add spinner to button [SP-130] (151aa55)
- Add store for request URL [SP-113] (a0a04be)
- Add store for response body [SP-113] (938e64e)
- add style on collaps/expand button [SP-71] (269a326)
- add style on collaps/expand button [SP-71] (c26a764)
- add style on collaps/expand button and make responsive for all devices [SP-77] (a32b1cd)
- add style on collaps/expand button and make responsive for all devices [SP-77] (c5d3403)
- add style on collaps/expand button and make responsive for all devices [SP-77] (af9c5e7)
- Add Support for text, html, xml[SP-243] (68802a9)
- Add tabular workspace for teams component [SP-139] (cca0c8a)
- add ticked button on active workspace [SP-293] (6482f4c)
- add ticked button on active workspace [SP-293] (4928da7)
- add ticked button on active workspace [SP-293] (3c4eea4)
- add ticked button on active workspace [SP-293] (f4b9ef0)
- add toast notification to api description [SP-179] (fd457eb)
- Add types to tab Store [SP-248] (ba0c427)
- add ui improvements [SP-300] (bae11e8)
- add validation part in login and registration [SP-98] (75d115f)
- add view all workspaces [SP-284] (3316dd8)
- add view all workspaces [SP-284] (b243f90)
- add view all workspaces [SP-284] (b556384)
- add view all workspaces [SP-284] (f83269f)
- add view all workspaces [SP-284] (cc58197)
- Add waiting on google oauth[] (ddc9daf)
- add welcome screen after signup [SP-140] (c8e6741)
- add welcome screen after signup [SP-140] (fb913f9)
- Add workspace Interface and requests [SP-139] (7f56780)
- add zoom-in/zoom-out functionality[] (6b5c742)
- add zoom-in/zoom-out functionality[] (74a6014)
- add-authorization-section [SP-86] (9dd76a4)
- added .ts files for reomve extra java-script code form .svelte file[SP-46] (135fd1c)
- added favicon to solve terminal error [SP-286] (f7d82bf)
- added http get in rust [] (0d6a2cb)
- added new rxdb database name [SP-286] (680611a)
- added single method for axios[SP-185] (18ea920)
- added single method for axios[SP-185] (021d023)
- Authentication using refresh token [SP-185] (3b30ec2)
- Built stateless query parameter component [SP-268] (72ad185)
- Built stateless query parameters and authorization [SP-268] (b647ae7)
- Built stateless request name, method, url [SP-268] (dff1ffc)
- Built stateless tab bar component [SP-268] (bb1915a)
- change app background [SP-365] (32d4d2f)
- change app background [SP-365] (0937b80)
- change primary blue theme color [SP-365] (1b8debe)
- change request enum [SP-250] (88161c7)
- changes in rxdb logout flow [SP-286] (39ecab3)
- changes with observables [] (ba46751)
- clear local db on logout [SP-267] (e39faf5)
- clear rxdb tabs on logout [SP-268] (366880b)
- clear user data on logout [SP-275] (10fa7c4)
- collection list highlight [SP-285] (dc3cc58)
- collection, folder and request to be saved locally [SP-113] (f893f78)
- Common function for all API in rust[SP-108] (2cc277b)
- Completed Form Data Request[SP-266] (52efd37)
- connect environment variables with rest api tool [SP-316] (c560f16)
- Connect the side panel component with the entire application structure [SP-130] (1db169e)
- Connect url with query parameter [SP-83] (8cef999)
- Create dropdown global component [SP-84] (b7df7a7)
- Create editable collection and folder name in save as api request [SP-130] (bcea7f8)
- Create functional component for save as request [SP-130] (064887e)
- create independent request save for api and description [SP-82] (7b6cc26)
- create logout-pop-up [SP-282] (bbcffe5)
- Create new collection to the workspace [SP-229] (1a02403)
- create new team pop-up, api integration [SP-409] (7026d1e)
- create new workspace with tab [SP-246] (ce20158)
- create save description functionality [SP-82] (23ac315)
- Create tab repository for different tabs and schema revisions [SP-268] (159d71c)
- Create tabs schema for rxdb [SP-268] (c2c65a5)
- create ui, rxdb model for teams, etc. [SP-408] (5a1336a)
- create under-dev tooltip and screen [SP-280] (a294a06)
- create variable value pairs [SP-300] (fd8fb8c)
- create viewModels, dbs, repository [SP-300] (9284046)
- create workspace, fix ui bugs, section [SP-409] (2e1890d)
- created release.yaml[1] (45cf17b)
- created release.yaml[1] (84802f1)
- created release.yaml[1] (5d56efe)
- data persistance between tabs completed [SP-258] (fb155b4)
- default page created [SP-251] (7c9c0cc)
- delete folders and collections with bakend apis [SP-189] (a66c3b6)
- dev mode changes [] (beb4062)
- disable button on api hit [SP-248] (5fd8d52)
- disable response body on edit [SP-275] (230cdc0)
- disable send button on error [SP-258] (75cf958)
- dns error handling (08252a6)
- dynamic oauth window create and destroy[] (d465c41)
- edit image, ui fixes, etc. [SP-409] (d8ed084)
- editor response body height increased [SP-332] (e7da0e5)
- embedded enum to rxdb request [SP-268] (ab52a85)
- erase response state on app load [SP-275] (c56c098)
- extract data from file sysyem api [SP-257] (99b063e)
- Fetch json from swagger url[SP-237] (4ac61d7)
- Fix headers and query parameter count state [SP-268] (a39adc8)
- Fix rxdb request name to top header [SP-268] (0890198)
- fix styling to environment popup [SP-316] (8231f1b)
- fix url related bug [SP-255] (68a1c3d)
- folder click handled [SP-220] (c7ed4d3)
- global search and left panel issues fixed [SP-220] (7138892)
- Handle Raw Store [SP-250] (7d71a0f)
- Handle store workflow for request body [SP-250] (9a6cbaa)
- handled default none type [SP-349] (d93142b)
- Implement 'API Key' authentication for enhanced authorization security [SP-87] (4f93e57)
- Implement 'Basic Auth' authorization [SP-87] (0a3c408)
- Implement 'Bearer Token' authorization [SP-87] (490c438)
- Implement a spinner loader feature for API requests [SP-249] (85e0fd4)
- Implement bad request error component [SP-264] (df30ab9)
- Implement environment basic module [SP-300] (673172a)
- Implement environment switcher [SP-306] (2fefe3d)
- Implement headers section with integration to auth [SP-85] (a711e12)
- Implement local enums [SP-306] (5ec66ea)
- Implement persistent environment on workspace switch [SP-304] (ba552fc)
- Implement persistent environment tab [SP-304] (e1b10d2)
- Implement quick help section to environment [SP-303] (38c367d)
- Implement REST API tool controller [SP-263] (05f164b)
- implement rxdb abstraction using repository class [SP-267] (fdb97d3)
- Implement select all checkbox to key value pairs [SP-85] (225fed3)
- Implement select and unselect functionality [SP-305] (6c8b36b)
- implement select environment method to workspace [SP-305] (a7c8571)
- Implement select environment on headers [SP-316] (5c9e7ef)
- Implement styling to environment popup [SP-316] (0659458)
- Implement Teams and Recent APIs component [SP-47] (e3b9be2)
- import collection completed [SP-143] (d187c53)
- import collection module completed [SP-143] (ab229ad)
- in progress [SP-220] (3950e70)
- in progress [SP-220] (aad0438)
- in progress [SP-220] (75ba528)
- initial commit [SP-220] (59e0ce3)
- initialize workspace model with active environment [SP-305] (43c014c)
- Initiate a new API request within the existing hierarchy [SP-131] (7ff38f0)
- initiate environment ui [SP-300] (2daa524)
- Insert environment variable over query params, auth, form data [SP-316] (1dbaa06)
- Insert pretty and raw button [SP-275] (1b17e21)
- Integrate 'save as' request with backend [SP-130] (65d55c4)
- Integrate download response option [SP-121] (76bff56)
- Integrate explorer pop-op on response save [SP-121] (cb048ad)
- Integrate Form Data for both text and file in request body [SP-257] (a8c3d92)
- integrate get request [SP-123] (d34a12d)
- Integrate local db to api response [SP-268] (44c7a06)
- Integrate local db to authorization [SP-268] (d63c808)
- Integrate local db to query parameters [SP-268] (afbeb89)
- Integrate local db to request body [SP-268] (74ed193)
- Integrate local db to request url and method [SP-268] (c047e3d)
- Integrate query parameter with API Auth [SP-85] (723de2e)
- Integrate request url to query params [SP-268] (ad4ecfa)
- integrate RxDB local db to rest api tool [SP-267] (44c833b)
- Integrate rxdb to request headers [SP-268] (b18d66f)
- Integrate save api request with collection list, rest api tool [SP-130] (09ce5c0)
- Integrate save loader to request api [SP-130] (be40c83)
- Integrate save-as request with the backend [SP-131] (3f0768c)
- integrate searching algorithm for workspaces [SP-231] (ab48a61)
- integrate teams RxDB [SP-408] (3b60879)
- Integrate url encode component to request body [SP-256] (db67d87)
- Integrate workspace data to rxdb [SP-267] (5a12fa9)
- Integrate workspace support to app header [SP-227] (fe6b61d)
- Introduce key-value input for query parameters in the parameter section [SP-83] (b87a118)
- limit env expose to single paranthesis [SP-316] (1f21036)
- Login/Registration: add validation part on Login Registration [SP-71] (af84262)
- Logout UI [SP-44] (0710eae)
- make coming-soon screen [SP-280] (5839300)
- make profile icon circle and name will visible in profile section [SP-385] (5b9be0e)
- make profile icon circle and name will visible in profile section [SP-385] (483782d)
- make profile icon circle and name will visible in profile section [SP-385] (c433e0b)
- make reactive tabs bar on delete operation from collection list [SP-285] (919c7b0)
- make rest api tool reactive with collection list on rename [SP-285] (95417c8)
- manage state of api description [SP-82] (95fe85a)
- Merge branch development [SP-267] (4f4ac1d)
- Merge branch development [SP-82] (9bda1d5)
- merge branch development into [SP-280] (7dfa0c7)
- merge commit completed [SP-286] (40c3928)
- merge completed [SP-113] (ecc0e1f)
- merge completed [SP-220] (d581f52)
- merge completed [SP-220] (eff8342)
- merge conflict resolved [] (0b06562)
- merge conflict resolved [] (a440aaf)
- merge conflict resolved [] (0bdf783)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-113] (bead1e8)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-141] (b84ddb6)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-187] (5e0d3b4)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-220] (fa2493e)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-220] (a6d949c)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-342] (802e0f9)
- merge conflict resolved [SP-349] (f3fe07e)
- merge conflict solved [SP-143] (74a129c)
- merge conflict solved [SP-143] (34ee450)
- merge conflict solved [SP-255] (d39e461)
- merge development into [SP-280] (5255205)
- mixpanel: Add all events in MixPanel[] (73f4b42)
- oauth in different window (2c22e44)
- oauth in different window (ca00c2d)
- oauth in different window (110cc94)
- onboarding v2 sync to os[] (e0afc45)
- Optimize code using tree recursion [SP-231] (9dca1c8)
- Optimize create API Request [SP-248] (afc138e)
- Optimize create collection [SP-248] (6b26b16)
- optimized create folder using dummy id [SP-248] (47203c4)
- patch: Add Patch method[SP-237] (7902de7)
- prettier response saved [SP-220] (f0c6d0d)
- Publish Request Body error message in case of GET and DELETE [SP-250] (d5ecb67)
- rearrange folder structure [SP-214] (4a5288a)
- refactoring done according to new changes [SP-113] (704276a)
- remove comments [SP-268] (e2fdf11)
- remove comments [SP-304] (50f560b)
- remove rxdb dev mode [SP-286] (3a262dc)
- Remove url parser as not accepting localhost [SP-263] (d773b01)
- remove windows cmd on startup (3664073)
- replace custome css with bootstrap class [SP-72] (6f9c1fa)
- replicate environment delete popup to confirmation popup [SP-304] (31430a1)
- Replicate Moroco code editor to response body [SP-275] (9bc3f7e)
- resolve-bug-related-to-ui [SP-98] (f7ae1a9)
- resolved comments [SP-98] (1575a81)
- resolved merge conflict [SP-255] (a0c3109)
- response section cleared on clear button click [SP-187] (6fad9e3)
- rollback api name on blank input box [SP-82] (eab2355)
- rxdb fix (a781f82)
- Save data to store[SP-243] (50290d4)
- save request on tab close [SP-130] (4496ef2)
- Saving request using save as [SP-130] (6f30437)
- screen fix issue solved [] (a4accb5)
- screen issue fixed [] (e988d9b)
- screen issue fixed [] (c0bfe04)
- screen will be maximize after maximize [SP-382] (fd394ac)
- search with filter methods completed [SP-188] (f54c50e)
- select default environment to global [SP-304] (901d458)
- Setup outer layout of dashboard [SP-47] (33a7f31)
- shift QueryBuilderPlugin, MigrationPlugin, UpdatePlugin to db file [SP-268] (6ff8c86)
- sidebar tab is stored on db [SP-278] (212ea04)
- small changes [] (77e9d9c)
- small changes [SP-113] (f638366)
- small changes [SP-220] (d0bb688)
- solve welcome screen problem [SP-392] (465e02e)
- solve welcome screen problem [SP-392] (f0b343d)
- solved merge conflict [SP-246] (f5a08e1)
- solved problem related to deform [SP-354] (92ec907)
- solved problem related to eye icon [SP-356] (635c59e)
- solved problem related to rounting on login flow [SP-284] (c2f4673)
- solved problem related to rounting on login flow [SP-284] (9cf4703)
- solved problem related to rounting on login flow [SP-293] (8764c83)
- solved registration relatated problem [SP-255] (aa22013)
- solved ui bug [SP-255] (6663aa6)
- solved ui bug [SP-255] (52a5e43)
- solved ui bug [SP-255] (ed19dac)
- solved url section [SP-254] (bde782a)
- style environment picker color theme [SP-316] (e10b656)
- style overlap environment picker dynamically [SP-316] (7f5b819)
- sync svelte store with rxdb [SP-268] (fe51742)
- Sync workspace with collection list [SP-130] (84083f7)
- tab are persistant and are in order after closing the app [SP-343] (ca14829)
- tabs drag on change completed [SP-343] (ea950ae)
- taskbar invisible issue fixed [SP-342] (2390930)
- temp commit [SP-141] (73ceeef)
- text editor completed [SP-258] (4badae2)
- truncate strings on long names for collection/request/folder [SP-352] (1659fdb)
- Update auto generated headers [SP-85] (fbdcdf3)
- Update component architecture with request body [SP-268] (215626c)
- update environment model schema [SP-304] (a2dfd75)
- update envrionment functionality [SP-300] (80e8fe0)
- Update interface [SP-256] (1740c42)
- update rest api request asynchronous using then and catch method [SP-285] (ff3e255)
- updated login and register page[SP-67] (5b63d2d)
- Updated multipart formdata for images[SP-245] (ffa62f8)
- update: login-register-google-auth-functionality[SP-45] (6723291)
- vertical adjustment done (a0cc68c)
- workspace flow after onboarding completed [SP-141] (2b2412e)
- zoom tauri window[] (0c3bbe6)