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mcdonc edited this page Dec 6, 2011 · 52 revisions

The Pyramid master branch runs on Python 3.2 (as of September 25, 2011). The result will eventually be released as Pyramid 1.3.X. Thanks to Joe Dallago and Joel Bohman, our GSOC 2011 students who helped with a lot of porting efforts.

Pyramid's Python 3 compatibility does not require a "translation" (via 2to3 or 3to2) but instead uses a single codebase that run under 2 and 3. Python 3 compatiible releases of all critical core and scaffolding dependencies (e.g. zope.sqlalchemy, transaction, zope.interface, etc) have been made to PyPI.

Version compatibility constraints

Pyramid 1.3 will run under Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.2. It will no longer support Python 2.5 in any form, and does not support any version of Python 3.0 or 3.1.

Disused dependencies

Paste nor PasteScript (which were dependencies of Pyramid 1.0+) have not been ported to Python 3, and likely won't be. As a result, we've replaced PasteScript commands with Pyramid-specific analogues. Previously you created a Pyramid application like so:

paster create -t pyramid_starter foo

Now you create it like so (scaffolding names and flags have also changed):

pcreate -s starter foo

We've replaced use of the Paste httpserver with the wsgiref server in the scaffolds, so once you create a project from a scaffold, its "development.ini" will have the following line:

use = egg:pyramid#wsgref

Instead of:

use = egg:Paste#httpserver

Note that this is purely a default to make it possible to use the same scaffolding under Python 2 and Python 3; people running Pyramid under Python 2 can still manually install Paste and use the Paste httpserver by replacing the former line with the latter.

Since we no longer depend on PasteScript, instead of running a Pyramid project created via a scaffold using "paster serve", you now must use the "pserve" command:

pserve development.ini

Using "pserve" and "pcreate" will work under both Python 2 and Python 3. The ini configuration file format has not changed. Python 2 users can install PasteScript manually and use "paster serve" and "paster create" instead if they like.

Scaffolding dependencies that won't be ported

Pyramid dependencies that required testing/porting under Python 3

  • Chameleon (already worked under Py2.5 and Py3.2)
  • Mako (already worked under Py2.4-Py3.2)
  • MarkupSafe (already worked under Py2.4-Py3.2)
  • translationstring (released as 0.4)
  • venusian (released as 1.0a1)
  • zope.interface (ported as of 3.6.0+)
  • repoze.lru (released as 0.4)
  • zope.deprecation (released as 3.5.0)
  • WebTest (released as 1.3.1)
  • WebOb (released as 1.2a1)
  • PasteDeploy (released as 1.5.0)

Pyramid scaffolding dependencies that required porting/testing under Python 3.

  • transaction (released as 1.2.0)
  • zope.sqlalchemy (released as 0.7)
  • pyramid_exclog (released as 0.5).
  • pyramid_tm (released as 0.3)
  • pyramid_jinja2 (released as 1.2)
  • pyramid_debugtoolbar (released as 0.9.4)
  • pyramid_zcml (released as 0.8)

Pyramid dependencies removed (and thus didn't need to be ported)

  • zope.component (jbohman factored out "zope.registry" and placed it in zope SVN; also see, this code was later moved to zope.interface in version 3.8.0, removed z.component dep in Pyramid 1.3)
  • zope.configuration (removed core dependency on this in Pyramid 1.2a5+; still dep'ed on by pyramid_zcml)
  • zope.i18nmessageid (transitive dep of zope.configuration; removed z.config dep in Pyramid 1.2a5+)
  • zope.schema (transitive dep of zope.configuration; removed z.config dep in Pyramid 1.2a5+)
  • zope.event (transitive dep of zope.component, removed zope.component dep in Pyramid 1.3)

Related Zope package info:

Remaining tasks

  • Review documentation with an eye on the WebOb (1.2) and Pyramid (1.3) changelogs.

  • Remove pyramid_zodb scaffold and put into a separate package (ZODB wont work under Python 3)?

  • Unrelated to porting but may want to take the opportunity to do it anyway; put Chameleon and Mako bindings into separately installable packages and have scaffolding rely on them instead of the core.

  • Figure out which default WSGI server to use instead of wsgiref. The cherrypy server would be great but it lacks tests independent of the CherryPy framework and it's not distributed separately from the rest of the CherryPy framework. If we go with wsgiref, we lose the ability to advise people to put their apps straight into production behind a proxy, as we used to with paste.httpserver; wsgiref makes no performance or security claims (except against).