- Fixed an +1 issues with the fix in pull request #14 breaking the previous version. This was fixed in #16
- Fixed an issue with the debug view detection that was causing failures when WebError was used with pyramid_debugtoolbar. See: #14
- Fixed an CSRF verification error when the token was of type unicode. See: #11
- Remove XSS issues by requiring a CSRF token for relay commands. Patch by Jordan Milne.
- Don't require simplejson on Python 2.6
- Fix bug when displaying UTF-8 type errors.
- Fix bug when emailing data with UTF-8.
- Fix view source when __file__ is .pyo or $py.class.
- Fix indentation of code lines in the traceback view.
- Enable syntax highlighting in view source.
- Fix a case where the response could become unicode; fix the docstring patching when using python -O
- Python 2.6 compatibility
- Making main page links more accessible to browsers with no JS on per Pylons Trac ticket #489.
- Switched to using Pygments for highlighting.
- Added better handling of exceptions that don't cleanly convert to str().
- Added dependency library listings for XML output.
- Added fairly basic pdbcapture system.
- Fixed errors in unicode handling and exception displaying.
- Updated JS to use jQuery where applicable. Updated jQuery lib and added jQuery hotkeys plugin.
- Refactored to a flatter layout.
- Fixed error in email due to restructuring of project.
- Added xml formattor output.
- Added try/except in case an objects repr throws an exception.