Module provides qt utils functions The module provides qt utils functions. This module contains some useful functions. Including provides translations functionality.
prepareQM (name sourceDir ts_files) - This function prepare translations for you projects.
- name - This is a name of the translations target.
- sourceDir - This is root source directory. Update will be scan this dir for prepare translations.
- ts_files - This is list of the supported languages.
updateGitVars This macros update all GIT variable releative current cmakelist.txt. Use This macros before read GIT_COMMIT_HASH and GIT_COMMIT_COUNT variables.
- The GIT_COMMIT_COUNT - This variable contains commits count
- The GIT_COMMIT_HASH - This variable contains short version of the buildet commit hash.
For update actualy value of git variables use the updateGitVars macros.