This document describes how to consume BGP in metallb to expose a service through this protocol.
- An OpenShift cluster with a valid storage cluster and metallb operator deployed.
- A vm or a dedicated Baremetal to be used as BGP node (This could be a dedicated router too).
- Some unused ips
First, we edit frr/frr.conf
and specify the ip of the BGP node and those of the OpenShift nodes.
We then run BGP stack through podman
podman run -d --rm -v /root/frr:/etc/frr:Z --net=host --name frr-upstream --privileged
We deploy metallb and configure it for BGP.
We need to edit
to specify which ips to use with BGP. Note that those ips need to be available and not belong to the network segment used by the OpenShift installation.03_peers.yml
to indicate the ip of the BGP node (BGP_IP)
oc create -f 01_pool.yml
oc create -f 02_bfd.yml
oc create -f 03_peers.yml
oc create -f 03_advertisements.yml
We can check from one of the speaker nodes how it sees the BGP node as neighbor
oc -n openshift-operators exec -it speaker-275d5 -c frr -- vtysh -c "show ip bgp neighbor"
We can see the same from the BGP node
podman exec -it frr-upstream vtysh -c "show bgp neighbors"
At this point, we can create a deployment and an associated service (with an annotation to use our BGP pool).
oc create -f hello_deployment.yml
By doing a describe of the service, we will see
- which IP it got assigned
- how the service is being advertised on the different nodes
We can check from one of the speaker nodes how the ip of the service is being advertised
oc -n openshift-operators exec -it speaker-275d5 -c frr -- vtysh -c "show bgp ipv4"
We can see the same from the BGP node
podman exec -it frr-upstream vtysh -c "show ip route"
When testing, we can use the following kcli commands to create a cluster with metallb and a dedicated vm with frr running as container
kcli create vm -i centos9stream -P memory=8192 -P numcpus=16 -P cmds=['dnf -y install podman'] bgp-node
BGP_IP=$(kcli info vm bgp-node -fv ip)
kcli create cluster openshift -P clusterprofile=sample-openshift-compact myopenshift -P apps=[metallb-operator] -p metallb_bgp=true -P metallb_peer_address=$BGP_IP --force