- Fixed a bug in setting rectangle and polygon which were set inversely
- Contributors: Dongyun Kim
- Added a version checker and enhanced the logging mode for labeling both polygons and bounding boxes
- Contributors: Dongyun Kim
- Added editing bounding box size with top right and bottom left corner and fixed bug in measuring working time
- Contributors: Jongsub Yu
- Added functionality to track worker task time and new indoor classes
- Contributors: Dongyun Kim
- Changed vehicle color
- Contributors: Jaehun Park
- Changed outdoor segmentation label
- Contributors: Jaehun Park
- Fixed bug of moving box coordinates and modified erasing class list
- Contributors: Jongsub Yu
- Added new segmentation class : tree, poll, mat
- Contributors: Jaehun Park
- Added docking-station segmentation class
- Contributors: Jaehun Park
- Added segmentation non-target class info
- Contributors: Jaehun Park
- Added setting service area as default if the target area does not exist in config file
- Contributors: Jongsub Yu
- Added setting specific labels according to service area
- Added new service area with new target classes
- Contributors: Jongsub Yu
- Fixed adding point outside of the image bug
- Modified calculating offset of polygon when moving towards the edge of the image
- Contributors: Jongsub Yu
- Deactivated delete file button
- Contributors: Jongsub Yu
- Added image pop-up function for review
- Added label converting buttons and pop-up windows
- Added a new segmentation class for midas data labeling
- Added arrow key shortcuts for loading next/previous image
- Added q shortcuts to delete label
- Added delete pop-up option
- Added function to edit label name
- Added function to move box point
- Added function to view label probabilities
- Added function to reset to previous brightness and contrast
- Contributors: Eungi Cho
- Added exception handling for key input mistakes during labeling
- Added previous brightness and contrast keeping mode
- Added a new outdoor segmentation class for midas data labeling
- Contributors: Eungi Cho
- Changed color visualization rules
- Added shortcuts for hide and show all
- Changed the category name of indoor segmentation
- Added color to segmentation converting error message
- Modified draw_segment_label codes for indoor segmentation
- Modified a label dialog popup position
- Fixed a intersection point bug
- Activated brightness and contrast options
- Changed the category name of indoor segmentation
- Contributors: Eungi Cho, Dongyun Kim
- Added redo function
- Added exception handling of auto save mode
- Added bounding box draw guide lines
- Added display label option of create rectangle mode
- Added category for elevator button segmentation
- Added single class labeling mode
- Added new outdoor detection classes such as animal, unknown, countdown-walk and countdown-light-out
- Modified moving label function in edit mode
- Contributors: Eungi Cho
- Added multiprocessing of segmentation converter
- Changed class color of cross-walk and braille-block
- Contributors: Eungi Cho
- Changed matplotlib default version
- Changed default label colors for visualization
- Added mode selection function for add point to edge
- Fixed cursor shape to normal cursor
- Contributors: Eungi Cho
- Modified labelme for labeling by Robotis Algorithm Team
- Added labeling classes for detection and segmentation
- Added 3d object labeling function
- Added visualization function for static object labeling reference lines
- Added labeling type activation function for labeling according to deep learning task
- Contributors: Eungi Cho