This repository contains all the project, on which i have worked upon during the Udacity Course
Following is the list of project:
Bay Area Bike share Analysis contains the following document
- Bay_Area_Bike_Share_Analysis.html: This contains the exploratory analysis for on bike share(which are is having high demand which are is having low demand of bike share) and on what particular day demand is higher for the bike share.
- This zip file contains all the supporting data files for the Bay Area Bike share Analysis.
- Python
- Jupyter notebook
This project contains the statistics assignment. following statistics methods were used for completing this project.
- Descriptive Analysis
- Infrential Analysis
- Z-test
- T test
In this project i have analysed the titanic dataset . This project contains the following files
- Titanic+dataset-analysis.ipynb: This notebook contains the code as well as step wise documentation for the analysis being carried out.
- Titanic_dataset-analysis_1_.html: This is the HTML version of the titanic dataset analysis.
- Python
- Jupyter notebook
- Matplotlib
In this project i have the open street map data. This project is specifically for the data wrangling (Collecting and correcting the data).This project contains the following files.
- WrangleOpenDataSet.html: This contains the step by step analysis done on open street map data for delhi(capital of india). Original this analysis is done using the jupyter notebook.
- Project_OSM: This folder contains all the supporting files for the project including the jupyter notebook.
- Python
- Jupyter notebook
- Matplotlib
This i have explored the Red wine data using the R.It contains the following files.
- projecttemplate.html: This file contains the stepwise exploratory analysis for red wine dataset.
- projecttemplate.rmd: This the r markdown file for the exploratory analysis.
- wineQualityReds.csv: Redwine quality data.
- R markdown
- R
- ggplots
In this project , i have analysed the enron dataset and used ML algos to predict person of interest based on the enron emails in public domain.
This project contains the following files.
- my_classifier.pkl
- my_dataset.pkl
- my_feature_list.pkl
- writeup.txt
- Python
- Sklearn
- ML(guassian NB)
In this project, I have created visualization for titanic dataset, i have choosed martini glass(Author driven to user driven) narration for this dataset.
This project contains the following files:
- index.html : This file contains the final visualization for the end user.
- index1.html : This is one of initial visualization before collecting the feedback from various observers.
- titanic.csv : Titanic dataset after intial level of data munging.
- : This file contains the write up for the data visualization.
- D3
- Dimple