For certain types you can't make comparisons out of the box in PHP but Validation brings support to a few of them.
You can make comparison with the following data types:
- Countable: any object that implements
interface - DateTimeInterface
- Numeric types
- Single character string
- Primitive types in general: normal operation comparison made by PHP
- Time string: date and time format that can be parsed by PHP
Below you can see some examples:
v::min(100)->isValid($collection); // true if it has at least 100 items
->between(new DateTime('yesterday'), new DateTime('tomorrow'))
->isValid(new DateTime('now')); // true
v::numericVal()->max(10)->isValid(5); // true
v::stringVal()->between('a', 'f')->isValid('d'); // true
v::dateTime()->between('yesterday', 'tomorrow')->isValid('now'); // true