An awesome Vim config for development, slow roasted with a Ruby twist and a shot of web-dev.
git clone ~/.vim && ~/.vim/install
Should this not leave you with a nice working vim (certain Vims are a bit iffy about the last line) then launch vim and run :PlugUpdate
If you are using zsh there may be an issue running tests with ,t (it can't find the bundle). If you don't already have an /etc/zprofile file it can be fixed by doing the following:
sudo mv /etc/zshenv /etc/zprofile
more details here:
There are a couple of things you need to install to get the best out of this config:
- ctags - enables tags support when working with code
- Ag - enables grepping through the current directories with the_silver_searcher
- NodeJS - enables integration for JS tools listed here
cd ~/.vim
git pull
- If you've installed the auto-update hook, the git pull should trigger Vim to update and you're done!
- Manually update by opening Vim and running
We all like things a little differently, so there are a couple of ways to easily tweak and add to the config.
Simply write normal plugin lines to ~/.vim.plugins.local
For example:
Plug 'AdamWhittingham/projector_mode'
Changes like using a different font or colour scheme can be made by writing Vim config into ~/.vimrc.local
This config comes ready to use either with or without a Powerline patched font. As detecting the powerline characters is pretty much impossible, you can enable this by setting POWERLINE=1
in your shell (ie. in ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
Note that this is off by default.
There is no replacement for having a look through the config and seeing which plugins are installed and which key bindings are set. However, that can be a bit daunting, so here are the highlights!
The defeault <leader>
key is Space.
Key | Function |
<leader> f |
Open a fuzzy finder, allowing you to search for a file |
<leader> . |
Show the currently open files so you can switch between them |
<leader><leader> |
Switch back to the previously open file |
:A |
Toggle between a file and it's 'alternative' (ie. lib file and its unit test file) |
<leader> m |
See the project file system |
Key | Function |
<leader> i |
Format the current file. This may use external tools if configured. |
ctrl-f |
Format the current file or section via coc.nvim |
gcc or gc<motion> |
Comment/Uncomment this line |
<leader> s |
Split the current text based on the context |
<leader> S |
Join the current text based on the context |
gs |
Go Switch! (Flips text based on context; ie. true to false) |
cs<a><b> |
Change surround for (ie. cs(" will change round brackets for double quotes) |
V <leader> a |
Begin interative aligning mode for more sophisticated alignment from the easy-align plugin |
<leader> p |
Swap the last paste for the next item in the yank stack |
<leader> P |
Swap the last paste for the previous item in the yank stack |
Key | Function |
u |
Undo the previous change |
U |
Redo (easier than C-r but replaces default 'undo last line') |
<leader> u |
Show the undo tree, a super powerful way of undoing changes when you've already undone and changed something else |
<leader> gn |
Skip to the next changed chunk |
<leader> gP |
Skip to the previous changed chunk |
<leader> gt |
Toggle the git change gutter |
<leader> gh |
Highlight all changed lines |
<leader> ga |
Add this hunk to the stage for the next commit |
<leader> gu |
Undo this hunk (revert it to whatever is in git) |
<leader> gd |
Show the diff of the hunk under the cursor |
Key | Function |
ctrl-] |
Jump to the definition of the tag under the cursor |
<leader> ] |
Show all references to the tag under the cursor |
<leader> { |
Find all references to the tag under the cursor in the current file |
<leader> } |
Find all references to the tag under the cursor |
* |
Search for the word under the cursor in all files |
<leader> h |
Hide search highlighting |
<leader> H |
Show/hide hidden characters |
<leader> sp |
Show/hide spelling errors |
<leader> sw |
Strip trailing whitespace |
<leader> $ |
Toggle line wrapping |
ctrl-n |
Toggle between absolute and relative numbering |
Key | Function |
<tab> |
Scroll through the autocomplete menu once it appears |
<Ctrl>x |
If you have selected a snippet , expand it |
<tab> |
Move to the next part of the snippet which can be edited |
<leader> r |
Rename the token under the cursor across the project |
Keys | Function |
<leader> ws |
Split the current window vertically |
<leader> wS |
Split the current window horizontally |
<leader> ww |
Jump into the next split |
<leader> z |
Zoom (full-window) the current split |
ctrl h |
Move to the next split to the left |
ctrl j |
Move to the next split to down |
ctrl k |
Move to the next split to up |
ctrl l |
Move to the next split to the right |
Keys | Function |
<leader> t |
Run current test/spec/feature, or previous if in another file |
<leader> T |
Run nearest test/spec/feature to the cursor |
<leader> rt |
Run ctags -R . to make things like jumping to definitions work |
Key | Function |
<leader> cr |
Copy the files relative path and line number |
<leader> cp |
Copy the files relative path |
<leader> cP |
Copy the files absolute path |
<leader> cd |
Copy the files directory path |
<leader> cf |
Copy the files basename |