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Laravel Best Practices |
Vladimir Lelicanin - SAE Institute |
- Use the latest version of Laravel to take advantage of new features and security updates
- Follow PSR standards for coding style and structure
- Use dependency injection and service providers to manage dependencies
- Utilize Laravel's built-in authentication and authorization systems
- Use Laravel's ORM, Eloquent, for database access
Documentation on Laravel's ORM
- Write concise and descriptive controller methods
- Use Route model binding to simplify controller actions
- Use middleware to apply logic to incoming requests
- Use validation to ensure input meets specific criteria
- Use Laravel collections for complex data manipulation
Documentation on Laravel's middleware system
- Optimize database queries by using eager loading and query caching
- Use resourceful routing to generate consistent and predictable URLs
- Use Blade templates for efficient HTML rendering
- Use the @extends and @yield directives to create reusable view templates
- Use the @component directive to create reusable components
Documentation on Laravel's Blade templating engine
- Use queues to handle time-consuming tasks in the background
- Store environment-specific configuration values in environment variables
- Use Laravel's encryption features to securely store sensitive information
- Use automated testing to catch bugs and ensure code quality
- Continuously monitor and optimize application performance
Documentation on Laravel's queue system
- Official Laravel Documentation: https://laravel.com/docs/
- Laravel Best Practices by Alexey Mezenin: https://github.com/alexeymezenin/laravel-best-practices