See Taint.h for a detailed description of the internal taint classes and their usage.
grep -ir --exclude-dir=obj-* MarkTaintSource
In dom/base/nsLocation.cpp
- location.hash
- location.hostname
- location.href
- location.origin
- location.pathname
In dom/base/nsINode.cpp
- document.baseURI
In dom/base/nsDocument.cpp
- document.referrer
- document.documentURI
- document.cookie
In dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp
In dom/html/HTMLScriptElement.cpp
- script.innerHTML
The following sinks are partial taint flows, which although not exploitable alone, could be combined with other vulnerabilities. For example, the XHR response can be exploited as part of a stored XSS attack.
In dom/xhr/XMLHttpRequestMainThread.cpp
- XMLHttpRequest.response
In dom/websocket/WebSocket.cpp
- (for a String payload)
In dom/base/PostMessageEvent.cpp
- window.postMessage
HTML Input elements are a user-controlled input and could be used to inject code into the DOM. Not sure if this can be exploited remotely though.
In dom/html/HTMLInputElement.cpp
- input.value for input elements (e.g. text box)
if an attacker has controlled the DOM.
In dom/html/nsGenericHTMLElement.cpp
In dom/base/Element.h
In dom/base/Element.cpp
The window.localStorage.getItem and window.sesssionStorage.getItem can be vulnerable to stored DOM XSS attacks. The implementation is in three different places depending on which type of storage is being used:
- dom/storage/SessionStorage.cpp
- dom/storage/LocalStorage.cpp
- dom/storage/PartitionedLocalStorage.cpp
- localstorage/LSObject.cpp
The LSObject.cpp is "next generation" storage, and can be switched on by
going to and looking for the
TODO: intercept the local storage call and add the taint information to storage as well (e.g. via JSON?)
grep -ir --exclude-dir=obj-* ReportTaintSink
In dom/base/Element.cpp
- Event handler
- outerHTML
In dom/base/FragmentOrElement.cpp
- innerHTML
In dom/base/Location.cpp
- location.hash
- location.hostname
- location.href
- location.pathname
- location.port
- location.protocol
- location.assign
In dom/html/nsHTMLDocument.cpp
- document.cookie
- document.write
In dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp
- setInterval
- setTimeout
In dom/html/HTMLScriptElement.cpp
- script.innerHTML
- script.text
- script.src
In dom/html/HTMLImageElement.cpp
- img.src
- img.srcset
In dom/html/HTMLIFrameElement.cpp
- iframe.src
In dom/html/HTMLEmbedElement.cpp
- embed.src
In dom/html/HTMLAreaElement.cpp
- area.href
In dom/html/HTMLObjectElement.cpp
In dom/html/HTMLTrackElement.cpp
- track.src
In dom/html/HTMLAnchorElement.cpp
- a.href
In js/src/builtin/Eval.cpp
- eval
In js/src/jsfun.cpp
- Function.ctr
The following sinks are partial taint flows, which although not exploitable alone, could be combined with other vulnerabilities.
In dom/xhr/XMLHttpRequestMainThread.cpp
- XMLHttpRequest.send
- XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader(value)
- XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader(name)
In dom/websocket/WebSocket.cpp
- WebSocket.send (for a String payload)
In dom/events/MessageEvent.cpp
- window.MessageEvent
The window.localStorage.setItem is a potential sink. As with sources, the implementation is in three different places depending on which type of storage is being used:
- dom/storage/LocalStorage.cpp
- dom/storage/PartitionedLocalStorage.cpp
- localstorage/LSObject.cpp
- dom/storage/SessionStorage.cpp
This is a hopefully complete list of all the different string classes that where patched throughout the engine.
- JSString and all its subclasses (js/src/vm/String.h)
- Inherit from TaintableString
- StringBuffer (js/src/vm/StringBuffer.h)
- Inherits from TaintableString
- shadow::String (js/src/jsfriendapi.h)
- nsAString and nsACString (xpcom/string/nsTSubstring.h)
- Inherits from TaintableString
- nsStringBuffer (xpcom/string/nsStringBuffer.h)
- Inherits from TaintableString
- nsFakeStringBuffer (xpcom/ds/nsStaticAtom.h)
- nsTSubstringTuple (xpcom/string/nsTSubstringTuple.h)
- Just added taint() to compute the combined taint information
Note: The frozen string API is not taint aware, only the internal API.
- FakeString (dom/bindings/BindingUtils.h)
- Inherits from TaintableString
- nsTextFragment (dom/base/nsTextFragment.h)
- Inherits from TaintableString
More specific internal documentation can be found in the docs folder.