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4. Literals, Imports, and

File metadata and controls

116 lines (68 loc) · 2.83 KB

This is the last bit of ES6 we'll check out before doing an exercise!

Object literal shorthand

Object literal shorthand is a simple but useful bit of syntactic sugar. If you want to assign a variable as the value of the key of the same name, you don't have to write it twice. What?

If we declare a variable, price, and set it equal to 100: const price = 100;

We then have an object called item. Now, item also has a variable of how much that item costs, which happens to also be price. They are different variables (one is global, and the other is specific to the item object); they just happen to share the same name. So our item object might be:

const item = {
  price: 15,

Now, let's say that when we initialize item, instead of hard-coding a number into the initialization, we want to set price to be whatever the global price is. This global price is also stored in a variable called price, right?

It looks like this:

const price = 100;

const item = {
  price: price

It's weird looking, but it works.

Well, it turns out that having two different variables with the same name and setting them equal to each other is a pretty common thing to do. ES6 decided to just simplify this by dropping the duplicate and having it mean the same thing. So now we can do:

const price = 100;

const item = {

Less to write, and less to read when you come back to it. A win-win!

Template literals

Template literals bring us string interpolation in JavaScript. This means we can create dynamic strings with more readable syntax.

Before ES6, we had:

const name = 'Mike';
const greeting = 'Hi, ' + name + '.';

Now, using template literals, we can make this easier:

const name = 'Mike';
const greeting = `Hi, ${name}.`;

Note that now, we can directly refer to the variable using ${} syntax within our string.

In fact, combining an arrow function with a template literal, we can do this:

const greeting = name => `Hi, ${name}.`;

Check it out in CodePen!

Lastly! Imports and modules

In ES6, you can import modules directly without declaring them as global variables. This makes namespacing your app a non-issue. Before module imports, namespace was often a primary concern in JavaScript.

So, if you want export my addTwo function as a module, you can create a file called "addTwo.js":

const addTwo = num => num + 2;

export default addTwo;

And in another file, say "app.js", i can import it:

import addTwo from './addTwo';

addTwo(3); // 5

You can also export multiple modules from a file, like so:

// in arithmetic.js
export const addTwo = num => num + 2;

export const addThree = num => num + 3;

And somewhere else:

import { addTwo, addThree } from './arithmetic';