Este repositorio es una recopilación de lecturas compartidas en la lista de correo del grupo de lógica computacional durante el año 2017. La recopilación está ordenada por la fecha de su publicación en la lista. Al final de cada artículo se encuentra etiquetas relativas a los sistemas que usa o a su contenido.
- Enero 2017
- Febrero 2017
- Marzo 2017
- Abril 2017
- Mayo 2017
- Julio 2017
- Agosto 2017
- Septiembre 2017
- Octubre 2017
- Noviembre 2017
- Diciembre de 2017
- Advances in connection-based automated theorem proving. ~ J. Otten & W. Bibel #Logic #ATP #Prolog
- Best practices for scientific computing. ~ G. Wilson et als. #Programming
- Ten simple rules for the open development of scientific software. ~ A. Prlić & J.B. Procter #Programming
- 2017 is not just another prime number. ~ T.J. Wei #Matemáticas
- Lecturas sobre lógica computacional, programación funcional y razonamiento automático del 2016. ~ J.A. Alonso #GLC
- The Twelvefold Way. ~ Lukas Bulwahn #IsabelleHOL #Math #AFP
- Lazy vs strict state monad. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Write you an interpreter. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Basic category theory. ~ Tom Leinster #Math #eBook
- (R)creational Common Lisp. ~ Marco Antoniotti #Lisp #Rstats
- foldl vs foldl’. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Verification for ASP denotational semantics: a case study using the PVS theorem prover. ~ F. Aguado et als. #PVS #ASP
- Functors, applicatives, and monads. ~ M. Snoyman. #Haskell
- Nix and Haskell in production. ~ G. Gonzalez. #Haskell #Nix
- SICP (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) in Python. ~ GitBook #eBook #Python
- Why recursive data structures?. ~ Reginald Braithwaite #Algorithms #JavaScript
- CertiCoq: A verified compiler for Coq. ~ A.W. Appel et als. #Coq
- Typeclassopedia. ~ Brent Yorgey #Haskell
- Combinatorial algorithms (for computers and calculators). ~ A. Nijenhuis & H.S. Wilf #eBook #Math
- EasyTest: a Haskell simple testing toolkit. ~ Paul Chiusano. #Haskell
- First-order logic according to Harrison. ~ A.B. Jensen, A. Schlichtkrull & J. Villadsen #IsabelleHOL #Logic #AFP
- GHC optimization and fusion. ~ Mark Karpov #Haskell
- 5 big predictions for Artificial Intelligence in 2017. ~ Will Knight #AI
- Writing an interpreter using fold. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Opaleye’s sugar on top. ~ Renzo Carbonara #Haskell
- GHC (STG,Cmm,asm) illustrated for hardware persons (exploring some mental models and implementations). ~ Takenobu Tani #Haskell
- Formalizing eventsourcing. ~ @yoeight #Haskell
- Concurrent refinement algebra and rely quotients in Isabelle/HOL. ~ J. Fell, I. Hayes, A. Velykis #IsabelleHOL
- Recopilación de pensamientos.
- Verification of a Diffie-Hellman password-based authentication protocol. ~ P. Noce #IsabelleHOL
- Intro to Parsing with Parsec in Haskell. ~ Jake Wheat #Haskell
- Modular construction of Bayesian inference algorithms. ~ A Scibior, Z Ghahramani #Haskell
- Goodbye, Object Oriented Programming. ~ Charles Scalfani. #Programming
- So you want to be a functional programmer. ~ Charles Scalfani. #Programming #FP
- Type defaulting in Haskell. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Implementing a call-by-value interpreter in Haskell. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Haskell pitfalls. ~ Chris Allen, Mark Wotton #Haskell
- P =? NP: A survey. ~ Scott Aaronson #Math #CompSci #History
- 3.000 millones de archivos: así es la mayor biblioteca de código abierto del mundo. ~ José Manuel Blanco. #Programación
- The Software Heritage archive.
- Visible type application in GHC 8. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Polymorphism for dummies. ~ G. Gonzalez. #Haskell
- Continuation passing style interpreter. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Learn you a Haskell - In a nutshell. ~ Michael Härtl #Haskell
- Integrating Computer Science in Math: The potential is great, but so are the risks. ~ E. Schanzer #Math #CompSci
- Call for interest: Haskell in middle school math education. ~ Chris Smith #Haskell #Math
- Formal network models and their application to firewall policies. ~ A.D. Brucker, L. Brügger & B. Wolff #IsabelleHOL
- Simple RNA folding in 130 lines of Haskell. ~ Michael J. Flynn #Haskell
- How the strengths of Lisp-family languages facilitate building complex and flexible bioinformatics applications. ~ B.B. Khomtchouk et als. #Lisp
- GRAKN.AI and Haskell: Data processing using Haskell and the Grakn knowledge graph. ~ Felix Chapman #Haskell
- Cheat sheet: Python for Data Science. ~ Martijn #Python #DataScience
- Glance, a visual Haskell. ~ Robbie Gleichman #Haskell
- Linearity, uniqueness, and Haskell. ~ Edsko de Vries. #Haskell
- Eta: a pure, lazy, strongly typed functional programming language on the JVM. #Haskell #Eta
- The essence of the iterator pattern. ~ J Gibbons, BCS Oliveira #Haskell
- Why Traversable is the real deal. ~ @yoeight #Haskell
- Fast Haskell: Competing with C at parsing XML. ~ Chris Done. #Haskell
- An introduction to Liquid Haskell. ~ Ricardo Peña #Haskell
- Refactoring with Applicatives in Haskell. ~ Brendan Benson #Haskell
- The Great Programming Jargon Bake-off (Imperative vs. Declarative. Pure vs. Impure. Static vs. Dynamic). ~ Preethi Kasireddy #Programming
- How lazy evaluation works in Haskell. ~ Heinrich Apfelmus #Haskell
- Should you get started in Data Science? ~ John F. McGowan #DataScience
- The rise and fall and rise of logic. ~ C. Dutilh Novaes. #Logic
- Safe primes, Sylow theorems, and Cryptography. ~ J.D. Cook. #Math #CompSci
- The transcendence of e in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Manuel Eberl #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Automated theorem proving. ~ J.D. Cook. #Math #CompSci
- Prácticas de Matemáticas con Maxima: Matemáticas usando Software Libre. ~ A.J. Arriaza et als. #Libro #Matemáticas #Maxima
- Equational reasoning about formal languages in coalgebraic style. ~ Andreas Abel #Agda
- Monads made difficult: A short, fast and analogy-free introduction to Haskell monads derived from a categorical perspective. ~ S. Diehl. #Haskell
- Leibniz’s characteristica universalis and calculus ratiocinator today. ~ Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo #Logic
- Computer-assisted theoretical philosophy (computer-assisted formalizations of ontological proofs). #Coq #IsabelleHOL
- The essence of functional structures. ~ Adil Akhter. #Scala
- Applicative programming with effects. ~ Conor McBride & Ross Paterson. #Haskell
- Course: Programming languages (Fall 2016). ~ Brent Yorgey #Haskell
- The design and use of QuickCheck. ~ Joe Nelson #Haskell #QuickCheck
- Formalization of Birth-Death and IID Processes in Higher-order Logic. ~ L. Liu, O. Hasan & S. Tahar #HOL4
- Memoization in Haskell. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- LiquidHaskell: a static verifier for Haskell, based on Liquid Types. #Haskell
- Automatic verification and interactive theorem proving. ~ Andrea Asperti #ATP #ITP
- Formalization of the pumping lemma for context-free languages. ~ M.V M. Ramos et als. #ITP #Coq
- A simple Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing Scheme and its application to electronic voting. ~ Berry Schoenmakers
- Haskell implementation of the Public Verifiable Secret Scheme based on Berry Schoenmakers’s paper. ~ Carlos D’Agostino #Haskell
- Lazy I/O and graphs (Finding the shortest path in a lazily loaded infinite graph). ~ Jasper Van der Jeugt. #Haskell
- Rextester: A nice online IDE that supports multiple prog lang #Fsharp #Haskell #erlang #Scala #OCaml #Swift #elixirlang #Go …
- A tutorial on using Dafny to construct verified software. ~ Paqui Lucio #Dafny
- Zipped finger tree (o porqué los `ArrayList` son ineficientes). ~ @__josejuan__ #Haskell
- Bertrand’s postulate in Isabelle/HOL. ~ J. Biendarra & M. Eberl #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Speeding up a distributed computation in Haskell. ~ Francesco Mazzoli #Haskell
- Haskell Pad: Run your Haskell on the browser. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Introduction to Haskell. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Formalization of Reed-Solomon codes and progress report on formalization of LDPC codes. ~ R. Affeldt, J. Garrigue, T. Saikawa #Coq
- Building inference algorithms from monad transformers. ~ Adam Ścibior et als. #Haskell
- What is monad? ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Número de descomposiciones en diferencia de cuadrados. ~ Antonio Roldán. #Matemáticas #Programación
- Selecting a platform (JavaScript vs Elm vs PureScript vs GHCjs vs Scalajs). ~ Isaac Shapira
- A practical introduction to Functional Programming for Python coders. ~ Sachin Joglekar #FP #Python
- Putting the science back in data science (Best practices and scalable workflows for reproducible data science). ~ D. Whitenack #DataScience
- Invasion of the physicists. ~ John F. McGowan
- Los 10 algoritmos más frecuentes que surgen en entrevistas de trabajo de programación. ~ @Alvy #Programación
- Fun with hint. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Characterology of programmers. ~ Konrad Kokosa #Programming
- Writer monad. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- A verified decision procedure for pseudo-boolean formulas. ~ T Philipp, A Tigunova #Coq #Haskell #Logic
- Functional programming is not what you (probably) think. ~ Sean Toner #FunctionalProgramming
- Stackage design choices: making Haskell curated package sets. ~ Michael Snoyman. #Haskell
- ¿Se puede liberar la programación del estilo de von Neumann? ~ F. Sancho #Programación
- La otra cara del Big Data. ~ David Gómez-Ullate #BigData
- Review: Weapons of Math Destruction. ~ Evelyn Lamb #BigData
- Princeton Web Transparency & Accountability Project.
- Looking for Haskell companies outside USA. #Haskell
- Formal specification by Coq of Date and Darwen’s object/relational model. ~ A. Benabbou, S.N. Bahloul #Coq
- Software inteligente que aprende a escribir software inteligente. ~ @Alvy #Programación #IA
- AI software learns to make AI software. ~ Tom Simonite #Programming #IA
- QuickCheck and magic of testing. ~ A. Kuleshevich #Haskell
- Bernoulli numbers in Isabelle/HOL. ~ L. Bulwahn #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Course: Functional systems in Haskell. ~ S. Kurtz #Haskell
- An alpha-beta heuristic implementation of tic-tac-toe in Haskell. ~ S.G. Korenewych #Haskell
- Graph algorithms in Prolog. ~ A.C. Volk #Prolog #Math
- Interactive proof presentations with Cobra. ~ M. Ring, C. Lüth #Cobra #IsabelleHOL #Haskell #Scala
- Haskell Weekly 39: News from the Haskell community (January 26 2017). #Haskell
- Enumeration of words in context-free languages using Haskell. ~ W. Wieczorek #Haskell
- Verifying a simple compiler using property-based random testing. ~ Pedro Vasconcelos #Haskell
- The Monad Fear. ~ @xtendo_org #Haskell
- Lux: New functional language for JVM builds on Haskell, Clojure, ML. ~ @syegulalp #Lux
- The Lux Programming Language. #eBook #Lux
- How AI is changing software development. ~ Esther Shein #Programming #AI
- Formalization of polynomially bounded and negligible functions using the computer-aided proof-checking system Mizar. ~ H. Okazaki, Y. Futa #Mizar
- Advent of code #16 solution: an algebra of bitstrings. ~ Brent Yorgey #Haskell
- Monads for functional programming. ~ Philip Wadler #Haskell
- How I learned Haskell. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- 24 days of GHC extensions. #Haskell
- Ethical considerations in Artificial Intelligence courses. ~ E. Burton et als.#AI
- Tarski’s geometry and the euclidean plane in Mizar. ~ A. Grabowski, R. Coghetto. #Mizar
- A tutorial on the universality and expressiveness of fold. ~ Graham Hutton #Haskell
- Build your Haskell project continuously. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Twin prime conjecture and the Pentium division bug. ~ J.D. Cook. #Math #CompSci
- Rigor of TP (computer theorem proving) in educational engineering software. ~ W. Neuper #ATP
- Monadic parsing in Haskell. ~ G. Hutton, E. Meijer #Haskell
- A practical theory of programming. ~ E.C.R. Hehner #eBook #Programming
- Functional programming per tutti. ~ Giancarlo Valente #FuncionalProgramming
- Solutions to various Haskell problems on HackerRank For Work. ~ Chris Mckinlay. #Haskell
- Haskell and Docker: Down the rabbit hole and back. ~ Deni Bertovic. #Haskell
- Initial experiments with statistical conjecturing over large formal corpora. ~ T. Gauthier, C. Kaliszyk, J. Urban #ML #ATP
- Monad transformers and modular interpreters. ~ S. Liang, P. Hudak, M. Jones #Haskell
- Formal foundations of 3d geometry to model robot manipulators. ~ R. Affeldt, C. Cohen #Coq
- Data types à la carte. ~ W. Swierstra #Haskell
- GeeksforGeeks Practice: Platform to practice programming problems. #Programming
- Haskell maxims and arrows. #Haskell
- Intuition for time complexity of algorithms. #Algorithms
- An introduction into philosophy of science for software engineers. ~ Daniel Méndez.
- Meaning, truth, and physics. ~ László E. Szabó
- Tarski’s geometry and the euclidean plane in Mizar. ~ A. Grabowski, R. Coghetto #ITP #Mizar #Math
- The Zipper. ~ G. Huet #OCaml
- What’s functional programming all about? ~ Li Haoyi. #FuncionalProgramming
- Type-level insertion sort. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- A linear algebra formulation for boolean satisfiability testing. ~ C. Fang, J. Liu #Logic
- How to read “Pearls of functional algorithm design”. ~ Kim-Ee Yeoh #FunctionalProgramming #Haskell
- What is category theory anyway? ~ Tai-Danae Bradley. #Math
- What is a category? Definition and examples. ~ Tai-Danae Bradley #Math
- What is a functor? Definitions and examples, part 1. ~ Tai-Danae Bradley. #Math
- What is a functor? Definitions and examples, part 2. ~ Tai-Danae Bradley. #Math
- Haskell Weekly 40: News from the Haskell community (February 2 2017). #Haskell
- Easing Haskell’s intimidating glare. ~ James Bowen #Haskell
- The easiest Haskell idiom. ~ James Bowen #Haskell
- Haskell Bits #1: Randomness. ~ Ben Kovach. #Haskell
- El mapa de las matemáticas. ~ @Alvy #Matemáticas
- Map of Mathematics poster (All of mathematics summarised in one poster). ~ Dominic Walliman #Math
- Context reduction. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Refining authenticated key agreement with strong adversaries. ~ J. Lallemand & C. Sprenger #IsabelleHOL
- Software verification/validation methods and tools … or practical formal methods. ~ John Rushby
- Haskell bits #2: Application beginnings. ~ Ben Kovach. #Haskell
- Unsolved problems in AI. ~ Simon Andersson #AI
- Démontrer sans donner la preuve! ~ Fabrice Benhamouda #Math #CompSci
- Req: Easy-to-use, type-safe, expandable, high-level HTTP library. ~ Mark Karpov #Haskell
- Stream fusion: From lists to streams to nothing at all. ~ D. Coutts, R. Leshchinskiy, D. Stewart #Haskell
- Miscomputation in software: Learning to live with errors. ~ Tomas Petricek #Programming
- Categories in theory and in Haskell. ~ Ben Kovach. #Haskell
- Monoids in theory and in Haskell. ~ Ben Kovach. #Haskell
- Posting to Twitter via HTTP in Haskell. ~ Ben Kovach. #Haskell
- Applicative functors. ~ Bartosz Milewski. #Haskell
- Applicatives: One step further. ~ James Bowen #Haskell
- Code your own QuickCheck. #Haskell
- A practical guide to formalised mathematics in Isabelle. ~ A. Hicks, J. Siqueira #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Why prove programs equivalent when your compiler can do that for you? ~ Joachim Breitner. #Haskell
- Famous problems in the history of Mathematics. ~ Isaac Reed #Math
- Reified dictionaries. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Reluplex: An efficient SMT solver for verifying deep neural networks. ~ G. Kat et als. #SMT
- Modeling and simulating Markov chain evolution. ~ Ben Kovach. #Haskell
- The TAO of monad. ~ Bartosz Milewski. #Haskell
- Computer proof assistants (the future of mathematics). ~ Vladimir Voevodsky #ITP #Math
- The factorization algorithm of Berlekamp and Zassenhaus. ~ J. Divasón et als. #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Tidying up trivial details (the value of abstract mathematics). ~ J.D. Cook. #Math
- Functional pearl: Compiling a fifty year journey. ~ G. Hutton, P. Bahr #Haskell
- Haskell Weekly 41: News from the Haskell community (February 9 2017). #Haskell
- Monads in category theory for laymen. ~ AndyShiue #Haskell
- Haskell on Bash/WSL. ~ Rich Turner #Haskell
- Stone relation algebras in Isabelle/HOL. ~ W. Guttmann #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Code your own QuickCheck (HOF). Part 2 #Haskell
- Supercomputers for quantum computers.
- GHC generics explained. ~ M. Karpov #Haskell
- Haskell implementation of the Abelian sandpile model using Gloss. #Haskell #Gloss
- Haskell implementation of the Abelian sandpile model using CodeWorld. ~ C. Smith #Haskell #CodeWorld
- Computational logic for computer science. ~ M. Ayala-Rincón & F.L.C. de Moura #Logic
- Lecture notes on Haskell programming. ~ L. Padovani #Haskell
- Unbounded spigot algorithms for the digits of pi. ~ J. Gibbons #Haskell #Math #Pi
- Computing the digits in π. ~ C.D. Offner #Math #Algorithms #Pi
- A formal study of boolean games with random formulas as pay functions. ~ E. Martin-Dorel & S. Soloviev #ITP #Coq
- Stricter JSON parsing with Haskell and Aeson. ~ A. Raghavan #Haskell
- Arithmetical theorems with Lambda Calculus. ~ Shubham Jain #Haskell
- Bootstrapping Haskell. ~ rekado #Haskell
- Code your own QuickCheck (Shrink). ~ DeQue #Haskell
- El cerebro artificial que piensa por ti. ~ Joseba Elola #IA
- Cuando políticos de EE UU decidieron que el número pi era 3,2. ~ M. Ansede #Matemáticas
- Using functional programming in Python like a boss: generators, iterators and decorators. #Python
- Programación funcional en Python. ~ D. Sánchez #Python
- Soundness and completeness proofs by coinductive methods. ~ J. C. Blanchette, A. Popescu, D. Traytel #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Abstract soundness in Isabelle/HOL.~ J. C. Blanchette, A. Popescu, D. Traytel #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- The Haskell programmer’s guide to the IO Monad (don’t panic). ~ S. Klinger #Haskell #Math
- Differential dynamic logic. ~ B. Bohrer #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Haskell bits #3: Connecting to databases. ~ Ben Kovach. #Haskell
- Mastering time-to-market with Haskell. ~ Chris Done. #Haskell
- Playing with QuickCheck on an arithmetic DSL. ~ DeQue #Haskell
- VMDV: A 3D visualization tool for modeling, demonstration, and verification. ~ Jian Liu et als. #ATP #ITP
- How to sell excellence. ~ Michael O. Church #Haskell
- Thought experiments in mathematics. ~ I. Starikova & M. Giaquinto #Math
- Replacing GHCi’s pretty-printer. ~ Tim Humphries #Haskell
- Quasiquoters for XML and HTML documents in Haskell. ~ Dennis Gosnell. #Haskell
- Trees that grow. ~ S. Najd & Simon Peyton Jones #Haskell
- Better exception messages. ~ Michael Snoyman. #Haskell
- QuickCheck is fun, deal with it. ~ DeQue #Haskell
- Local lexing. ~ S. Obua, P. Scott & J. Fleuriot #IsabelleHOL
- Creación de ficheros LaTeX con GNU Emacs. ~ Joaquín Ataz López #LaTeX #Emacs
- y-cruncher: A multi-threaded pi-program. ~ Alexander J. Yee #Math #Programming #Pi
- Theorem proving based on semantics of DNA strand graph. ~ K.S. Ray & M. Mondal #ATP
- Euterpea: A Haskell library for music creation. #Haskell #Music
- Ten example uses of Monads. ~ Philipp Schuster #Haskell
- Entrenamiento de redes neuronales: mejorando el gradiente descendiente. ~ F. Sancho #IA
- The Curry-Howard correspondence between programs and proofs. ~ G. Gonzalez #Haskell #Logic
- From math to machine: translating a function to machine code. ~ Brian Steffens. #Haskell #Math
- El isomorfismo de Curry-Howard y una introducción a Coq. ~ M. Román #Lógica #Coq
- La tiranía de las publicaciones. ~ F. Sancho. #Investigación
- How to read and write (with monads!) ~ James Bowen._OWA #Haskell
- Development and verification of a proof assistant. ~ A.B. Jensen. #Thesis #Logic #IsabelleHOL
- To be or not to be constructive (that is not the question). ~ Sam Sanders #Math #Logic
- Synthesizing imperative programs for introductory programming assignments. ~ Sunbeom So, Hakjoo Oh #Programming
- Optimal Emacs settings for org-mode for literate programming. ~ F. Giasson #Emacs #Programming
- Emacs magical syntax highlighting for LaTeX-mode buffers. #LaTeX #Emacs
- Mathematical notation in Emacs. ~ Eric Kaschalk #Emacs
- Effective array computation in Haskell (Because we all want highly performant and beautiful code). ~ Samuel Schlesinger #Haskell #Math
- All hail geometric algebra! ~ Ben Lynn #Haskell #Math
- From Atbash to Enigma: 2500 years of cryptography in a few lines of Haskell. ~ Ben Lynn #Haskell #Cryptography
- Hello Elm and Haskell! ~ Mark Bucciarelli. #Elm #Haskell
- Maxima was elected as the Sourceforge February 2017 Community Project of the Month. #Maxima #Math
- Haskell sorcery. ~ Ben Lynn #Haskell
- Making money using math: Modern applications are increasingly using probabilistic machine-learned models. ~ E. Meijer
- Inteligencia artificial que programa robando código de otros programas. ~ Nacho Palou. #IA
- AI learns to write its own code by stealing from other programs. ~ Matt Reynolds #AI
- The notion of software language. ~ Ralf Lämmel
- Haskell Bits #4: Environment variables. ~ Ben Kovach. #Haskell
- Relational convolution, generalised modalities and incidence algebras. ~ B. Dongol, I.J. Hayes, G. Struth #IsabelleHOL
- Signed sets and ballots, part 2. ~ Brent Yorgey #Haskell
- Brute force for beginners. ~ Ben Lynn #Haskell
- Browser games in Haskell. ~ Ben Lynn #Haskell #Games
- A problem with I/O. ~ Ben Lynn #Haskell
- Basics of R. ~ Charles J. Geyer #Rstats
- Model checking: an introduction to bisimulation. ~ Hans-Dieter Hiep #Haskell
- Introducción a generar sitios web estáticos con Hakyll. ~ Anler Hernández Peral #Haskell Código
- Fun and games in Emacs. ~ Mickey Petersen #Emacs
- DeepCoder: learning to write programs. ~ M. Balog et als. #DeepLearning
- Menger’s theorem in Isabelle/HOL. ~ C. Dittmann #IsabelleHOL
- Bug-free code. ~ Ben Lynn #Haskell #Math
- Aplicative programming with naperian functors. ~ J. Gibbons #Haskell
- Dimensional: a library providing data types for performing arithmetic with physical quantities and units. #Haskell
- Haskell type constraints unleashed. ~ D. Orchard, T. Schrijvers #Haskell
- Refining authenticated key agreement with strong adversaries. ~ J. Lallemand, C. Sprenge #IsabelleHOL
- Parser combinators. ~ Ben Lynn #Haskell
- Computer-aided methods for social choice theory. ~ C. Geist, D. Peters #ATP
- GHCi in the browser. ~ @replit #Haskell
- Code that counts: Combinatorial calculations with combinator calculus. ~ Ben Lynn #Haskell #Math
- Computability theory, nonstandard analysis, and their connections. ~ D. Normann, S. Sanders #Math #CompSci
- Awesome Haskell: some of the most popular and actively developed packages. #Haskell
- How we secretly introduced Haskell and got away with it. ~ Arian van Putten & Ruud van Asseldonk #Haskell
- Autosubst: Automation for de Bruijn syntax and substitution in Coq. #Coq
- The monadic state of mind. ~ James Bowen. #Haskell
- Laziness in action. ~ Ben Lynn #Haskell
- Haskell, Redis, Mailgun and Heroku Scheduler. ~ Ecky Putrady. #Haskel
- Proofs of functor laws in Haskell. ~ Siva Somayyajula #Haskell
- How to sell FP? ~ Denis Redozubov. #FuncionalProgramming #Haskell
- Homogeneous geometric algebra. ~ Ben Lynn #Haskell #Math
- The group law for elliptic curves in Isabelle/HOL. ~ S. Berghofer #IsabelleHOL #Math #CompSci
- Conformal geometric algebra. ~ Ben Lynn #Haskell #Math
- Proof refinement basics. ~ Darryl #Haskell #Logic
- In depth overview of Elm and Purescript. Lessons learned porting a game from Purescript to Elm. ~ Marco Sampellegrini. #Haskell #Elm #Purescript
- The typed-process library. ~ Michael Snoyman. #Haskell
- The Lisp approach to AI (Part 1). ~ S. Valencia #Lisp #IA
- Notes on Coursera’s functional programming principles in Scala. ~ G. Kunigami. #FunctionalProgramming #Scala
- Seeing theory: a visual introduction to probability and statistics. ~ Daniel Kunin #Math #Statistics.
- Au pays des illuminés du nombre Pi. ~Jean-Paul Delahaye #Math
- Le nombre Pi est partout. ~ Jean-Paul Delahaye #Math
- The reasonable effectiveness of the Multiplicative Weights Update Algorithm. ~ Jeremy Kun | Math ∩ Programming #Algorithms
- Parity games, separations, and the modal μ-calculus. ~ C. Dittmann #PhD_Thesis #IsabelleHOL
- Get a brain (neural network in Haskell). ~ Ben Lynn #Haskell #Math
- A minimalistic, elegant and powerful approach to working with graphs in a functional programming language. #Haskell
- A library for algebraic construction and manipulation of graphs in Haskell. #Haskell
- A “proof by contradiction” is not a proof that ends with a contradiction. ~ R. Harper #Logic
- Una introducción al pensamiento crítico en 32 cómodos vídeos y un MOOC. ~ @Wicho
- First hint of how DNA calculators could supercharge computing. ~ M. Reynolds #Computing #DNA
- Microsoft’s AI is learning to write code by itself, not steal it. #Programming #AI
- Proof checker for forall x: Cambridge and Calgary. ~ R. Zach. #Logic
- El boom de la Inteligencia Artificial. #IA
- Codifican una película en ADN y la vuelven a recuperar. | Principia Marsupia #Computación
- DNA Fountain enables a robust and efficient storage architecture. ~ Y. Erlich, D. Zielinski #CompSci
- Computer-aided mathematical proof, Cambridge (England), 10-14 July 2017. #ITP #Logic #Math #CompSci
- Analysis of an ontological proof proposed by Leibniz. ~ M. Bentert et als. #IsabelleHOL
- Five years with Kattis: using an automated assessment system in teaching. ~ E. Enström et als. #Teaching #Programming
- Dependency grammars as Haskell programs. ~ T. Obrebski #Haskell
- First-order logic according to Harrison. ~ AB Jensen, A Schlichtkrull, J Villadsen #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Highly automated formal verification of arithmetic circuits. ~ A Sayed-Ahmed #PhD_thesis
- NASA Software Catalog 2017-2018.
- Is computer security possible? ~ RJ Lipton, KW Regan #CompSci
- Structure-aware version control (A generic approach using Agda). ~ V. Cacciari, W. Swierstra #Agda #Haskell
- Rewarding Disobedience. ~ MIT Media Lab
- Partial patterns in do blocks: let vs return. ~ M. Snoyman. #Haskell
- Emacs and Org mode resources. ~ Ben Elijah. #Emacs #OrgMode
- Abstract algebra: theory and applications. ~ T.W. Judson & R.A. Beezer #Math #Sage #eBook
- Profunctors, arrows, & static analysis. ~ Will Fancher #Haskell
- Reading is a profoundly creative act. ~ E. Wallingford #Teaching #Learning
- Inteligencia artificial: algoritmos genéticos. ~ Daniel Riera #IA
- When you should use lists in Haskell (mostly, you should not). ~ J. Waldmann #Haskell
- What’s in a fold: The basic catamorphism in recursion-schemes. ~ Duplode #Haskell
- A monadic framework for relational verification (Functional pearl). ~ N. Grimm et als. #Fstar
- Isotope: a chemistry library for calculating masses of elements and molecules. ~ M. Thomas #Haskell
- Mathematical balance of trade. ~ J.D. Cook. #Math
- How areas of math are connected. ~ J.D. Cook. #Math
- Will democracy survive big data and artificial intelligence? ~ Dirk Helbing et als. #AI
- Introduction to formal concept analysis and its applications in information retrieval and related fields. ~ D.I. Ignatov #AFC
- Making a simple parametric Parser which is both a Functor and Applicative in Haskell!. ~ @sam2code #Haskell
- Formalizing restriction categories. ~ J. Chapman, T. Uustalu & N. Veltri #ITP #Agda
- Haskell programming tips. ~ HaskellWiki #Haskell
- Why types matter. ~ Slavomir Kaslev. #Haskell #Logic #CompSci
- Intro to Haskell syntax. ~ Andrew Gibiansky #Haskell
- Your first Haskell application (with Gloss). ~ Andrew Gibiansky #Haskell
- Typeclasses: Polymorphism in Haskell. ~ Andrew Gibiansky #Haskell
- Abstraction in Haskell (Monoids, Functors, Monads). ~ Andrew Gibiansky #Haskell
- Algebras for Monads. ~ Bartosz Milewski. #Haskell
- The Haskell Performance Resource: the collected wisdom on how to make your Haskell programs go faster. ~ HaskellWiki #Haskell
- The Euler–MacLaurin formula in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Manuel Eberl #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Fundamentos matemáticos del aprendizaje (I). ~ F. Sancho. #IA
- Minimal Cabal files. ~ J.P. Villa. #Haskell
- Haskell from C: Where are the for Loops? ~ C. Scherrer #Haskell
- My first Idris proof. ~ A. Kaygun. #Idris
- Papers We Love: John Reynolds, Definitional interpreters for Higher-Order Languages, now in Haskell. #Haskell
- An efficient proof-producing framework for formula processing. ~ H. Barbosa, J.C. Blanchette, P. Fontaine #IsabelleHOL
- Solving a game book, as blog post series about modelling and optimization. ~ @bartavelle #Haskell
- Children of the miracle: from Algol to Prolog. ~ Maarten van Emden #Programming #History
- Amortization and persistence via lazy evaluation. ~ G. Kunigami. #DataStructures #OCaml
- Fully mechanized proofs of Dilworths theorem and Mirskys theorem. ~ Abhishek Kr Singh #ITP #Coq #Math
- Interactive theorem proving in Coq and the Curry-Howard isomorphism. ~ Abhishek Kr Singh #ITP #Coq #Math
- IsarMathLib (a library of formalized mathematics) updated to Isabelle2016-1. #ITP #Isabelle #Math
- A specification for dependently-typed Haskell. ~ S. Weirich et als. #Haskell #Coq
- Formalization of the arithmetization of euclidean plane geometry and applications. ~ P Boutry, G Braun, J Narboux #ITP #Coq #Math
- Parallel postulates and continuity axioms: a mechanized study in intuitionistic logic using Coq. ~ P. Boutry et als, #Coq
- Inlining and specialisation. ~ Matthew Pickering #Haskell
- Applicative sorting. ~ Will Fancher. #Haskell
- Obey the (type) laws! ~ James Bowen #Haskell
- CYP (short for “Check Your Proof”) verifies proofs about Haskell-like programs. ~ L. Noschinski #Haskell #Logic
- Analysing privacy analyses. ~ G Bella, D Butin, H Jonker #IsabelleHOL
- Type-level insertion sort. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell
- Haskell concepts in one sentence. ~ Joseph Cieslik #Haskell
- How Aristotle created the computer. ~ Chris Dixon #History #CompSci #Logic
- Do you know how much your computer can do in a second? ~ @kamalmarhubi @b0rk #Programming
- Category theory for the sciences. ~ David I. Spivak #eBook #Math #CompSci
- Thinking functionally with Clojure. ~ J. Stevenson. #FP #Clojure
- Logic Production Systems (LPS): A new mixed logic/imperative programming language. ~ Bob Kowalski and Fariba Sadri. #Logic #Programming
- Towards an implementation of a functional interpretation for nonstandard arithmetic. ~ C. Xu #ITP #Agda #Math
- Learning to learn Haskell. ~ James Bowen. #Haskell
- Category theory made easy with (ugly) pictures. ~ Ashwin Rao #Haskell #Math
- 22 trucos para ser un ninja de Ubuntu.
- An axiomatic formalisation of trigonometric functions in Isabelle. ~ I.I. Morris #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Certifying a file system using Crash Hoare Logic: correctness in the presence of crashes. ~ T. Chajed et als. #Coq
- Mathematical reasoning. Writing and proof. ~ T. Sundstrom #eBook #Math
- ProofScript: Proof scripting for the masses. ~ S. Obua, P. Scott, J. Fleuriot #ProofScript
- ProofPeer: Collaborative theorem proving. ~ S. Obua, J. Fleuriot, P. Scott, D. Aspinall #ITP #ProofPeer
- ProofScript: the language component of ProofPeer.
- Universal reasoning, rational argumentation and human-machine interaction. ~ C. Benzmüller #ITP
- Principles of probabilistic programming. ~ J.P. Katoen
- Correct safety critical hardware descriptions via static analysis and theorem proving. ~ N. Moore, M. Lawford #ITP #PVS
- Verify your typeclass instances in Haskell today! ~ Justin Le #Haskell
- Formalization of some central theorems in combinatorics of finite sets. ~ A.K. Singh #ITP #Coq #Math
- Lazy priority heap. @__josejuan__ #Haskell
- Introduction to functional programming. ~ Fraser Tweedale. #Haskell #OCaml #Scala
- Implementing Goodstein. ~ Ken T Takusagawa #Haskell
- Expected shape of random binary search trees in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M. Eberl #IsabelleHOL #Algorithms
- La carrera por el ordenador cuántico. ~ D. Manzano #Computación
- The race to quantum technologies and quantum computers (useful links). ~ Gil Kalai #CompSci
- The power of Prolog. ~ Markus Triska #eBook #Prolog
- When is UndecidableInstances safe? ~ Dennis Gosnell. #Haskell
- 2 + 2 = 5… !? and why compiler warnings are good. ~ @jezenthomas #Haskell
- A beginner-friendly step by step tutorial for Reflex-Dom. #Haskell
- Accelerate: High-performance parallel arrays for Haskell. #Haskell
- Neural networks, types, and functional programming. ~ C. Olah. #Haskell
- The theory of subresultants and the subresultant polynomial remainder sequence in Isabelle/HOL. ~ S. Joosten et als. #IsabelleHOL
- Speaking Logic (propositional, modal, equational, first-order, and higher-order logic). ~ N. Shankar #Logic
- Type theory (in “Sixth Summer School on Formal Techniques”). ~ Stéphane Graham-Lengrand #Logic #CompSci
- Automated deduction for verification. ~ N. Shankar #ATP #ITP #Logic #CompSci
- Satisfiability Modulo Theories. ~ Clark Barrett #Logic #CompSci
- Eleven reasons to use Haskell as a mathematician. ~ Dan Piponi. #Haskell #Math
- Evolution and adoption of programming languages. ~ A. Jain, M. Gupta #Programming
- ediprolog: Emacs does interactive Prolog. ~ Markus Triska #Emacs #Prolog
- Variations on noetherianness. ~ D. Firsov, T. Uustalu, N. Veltri #ITP #Agda #Math
- Natural numbers with addition form a monoid. ~ James Chapman #Tutorial #Agda
- MIU (puzzle from Douglas Hofstadter’s book “Gödel, Escher, Bach”) in Haskell. ~ Wolfgang Jeltsch #Haskell #Logic
- Generic programming in Haskell. ~ Wolfgang Jeltsch #Haskell
- An introduction to category theory and categorical logic. ~ Wolfgang Jeltsch #Logic
- Dependently typed programming and theorem proving in Haskell.~ Wolfgang Jeltsch #Logic #Haskell #Agda
- BayHac (the Bay Area Haskell Hackathon) 2017 summary! ~ James Bowen #Haskell
- CodeWorld and Summer of Haskell 2017. ~ Chris Smith #Haskell
- Summer of Haskell 2017. #Haskell
- Profunctor optics (modular data accessors). ~ M Pickering, J Gibbons, N Wu #Haskell
- AutoDraw: Fast drawing for everyone. #AI #ML
- Cómo convertirte en un artista con Autodraw de Google. ~ M. Marcaletti #IA #AutoDraw
- Introduction to type theory. ~ Herman Geuvers #Math #Logic
- On recursion, continuations and trampolines. ~ Eli Bendersky. #Python #Clojure
- A programmer’s guide To R: The vector, vector expressions & attributes. ~ Mike James #RStats
- Data science, Python and the functional programming revolution. ~ Holger Peters #DataScience #Python #FuncionalProgramming
- Functional programming in R: Advanced statistical programming for data science, analysis and finance. ~ Thomas Mailund #RStats
- All about Applicative. ~ Adelbert Chang #Haskell
- Lazy dynamic programming. ~ Tikhon Jelvis #Haskell
- NStack: Composable, typed streams and microservices for data analytics. #Haskell #DataScience
- Dante: Emacs mode for Interactive Haskell. ~ Jean-Philippe Bernardy #Haskell #Emacs
- Modern functional programming. ~ R. Eisenberg #Haskell #Course
- Dependent types in Haskell: theory and practice. ~ R.A. Eisenberg #PhD_Thesis #Haskell
- CodeWorld: The why, what, and how of teaching Haskell to children. ~ Chris Smith #Haskell
- CID project: Computing with Infinite Data. #CompSci #Logic #Math
- Dependent types in GHC. ~ J. Leo #Haskell
- TensorFlow Haskell API. ~ J. Jacobson, F. Mayle, G. Steuck #Haskell
- Adjunctions in everyday life (Or: what we talk about when we talk about monads). ~ Rúnar Bjarnason #Haskell
- Don’t eff it up: freer monads in action. ~ Sandy Maguire #Haskell
- Elsa: a lambda calculus evaluator. ~ R. Jhala #Haskell #Logic
- Testing a saturation-based theorem prover: Experiences and challenges. ~ G. Reger, M. Suda, A. Voronkov #ATP #Logic
- Symbolic computation and automated reasoning for program analysis. ~ L. Kovacs #ATP
- Category theory applied to functional programming [PDF]. ~ J.P. Villa #Haskell #Agda #Math #eBook
- Category theory applied to functional programming [Code]. ~ J.P. Villa #Haskell #Agda #Math #eBook
- What pure functional programming is all about: Part 1. ~ Chris Done #Haskell #FP
- Competitive programmer’s Handbook. ~ A. Laaksonen #Programming
- Programming in the point-free style. ~ Eirik Tsarpalis #PF #Fsharp
- These, Align, and Crosswalk. ~ Tim Humphries #Haskell
- Hedgehog: a modern property-based testing system, in the spirit of QuickCheck. #Haskell
- Computer aided formal reasoning. ~ T. Altenkirch #ITP #Agda
- Formalizing mathematical knowledge as a biform theory graph: a case study. ~ J. Carette, W.M. Farmer #ITP #Agda
- Verification of sampled-data systems using Coq. ~ D. Ricketts #PhD_Thesis #Coq
- Haskell and deliberate practice. ~ James Bowen #Haskell
- Descending sort in Haskell. ~ R. Cheplyaka #Haskell
- There is no Haskell topology. ~ Semantic Dreams #Haskell #Math
- A Coq tactic for equality learning in linear arithmetic. ~ S. Boulmé, A. Maréchal #ITP #Coq #Math
- Submitting Haskell functions to Z3. ~ John Wiegley #Haskell
- SAS para aprendizaje automático y Haskell para ciencia de datos. #Haskell #DataScience
- Trouble with Tribbles. ~ Dominic Steinitz #Haskell
- Computación cuántica (I): el fin de los ordenadores clásicos. ~ Robert Clarisó #Computación
- Modern software development with Haskell. ~ Runar Bjarnason #Haskell
- Some good “Statistics for programmers” resources. ~ Julia Evans #Statistics #Programming
- Introducción a Elm a través de sistemas de tipos. ~ @anler #Elm #FunctionalProgramming
- EPTL: A temporal logic for weakly consistent systems. ~ M Weber, A Bieniusa, A Poetzsch-Heffter #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- HOPS: a DSL for power series and integer sequences. ~ Anders Claesson #Haskell #Math
- CodeWorld-API: Graphics library for CodeWorld. ~ Chris Smith #Haskell #CodeWorld
- Refinement reflection on ADTs: Lists are Monoids. ~ Niki Vazou #Haskell #LiquidHaskell
- The influence of dependent types. ~ Stephanie Weirich #Haskell
- Applicatives and Alternatives. ~ @queertypes #Haskell
- Solvers for type recovery and decompilation of binaries. ~ Ed Robbins #PhD_Thesis #SMT #CHR
- Haskell is a great imperative language. ~ Chris Martin #Haskell
- Lambda calculus in Haskell. ~ S. Diehl #Haskell #Logic
- 7 lines of code, 3 minutes: Implement a programming language from scratch. ~ Matthew Might #Racket
- 500 Data structures and algorithms interview questions and their solutions. ~ Vivek Srivastava #Programming
- CodeWorld: Teaching Haskell to childre (Video). ~ Chris Smith #Haskell
- How to create a new Haskell project (Video) ~ G. Gonzalez #Haskell
- How to create a new Haskell project (Slides) ~ G. Gonzalez #Haskell
- Verifying safety of functional programs with Rosette/Unbound. ~ D Mordvinov, G Fedyukovich #Verification #FuncionalProgramming
- QuickCheck: a lightweight tool for random testing Haskell programs. ~ W. Swierstra #Haskell #QuickCheck
- Computación cuántica (II): un nuevo paradigma. ~ Robert Clarisó #Computación
- The pebbling comonad in finite model theory. ~ S Abramsky, A Dawar, P Wang #Logic #FunctionalProgramming
- Why functional programming? (11 reasons to learn functional programming). #FunctionalProgramming
- Naperian tensors. #Haskell
- xmonad in Coq (experience report): Programming a window manager with a proof assistant. ~ W. Swierstra #Coq #Haskell
- The water jug problem in Hedgehog. ~ E.A. Alvarez #Haskell
- Functional programming made easy: Here comes Eta. #FunctionalProgramming
- Improving Haskell types with SMT. I.S. Diatchki #Haskell #SMT
- Embedding the refinement calculus in Coq. ~ J. Alpuim, W. Swierstra #Coq
- Verifying data structures in Haskell. ~ D.O. Kidney #Haskell
- Basic type level programming in Haskell. ~ @mattoflambda #Haskell
- Structure-aware version control: A generic approach using Agda. ~ V. Cacciari, W. Swierstra #Agda #Haskell
- hs-to-coq: Convert Haskell source code to Coq source code. ~ Antal Spector-Zabusky #Haskell #Coq
- Counting objects up to isomorphism: groupoid cardinality. ~ T. Tao #Math
- Programming as a way of thinking. ~ A. Downey #Programming #Python
- AITP 2017: The Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving. (Abstracts of the talks). #AI #ATP #ITP
- A basis for a mathematical theory of computation. ~ J. McCarthy #Math #CompSci
- What has Artificial Intelligence ever done for us? (formalizers). ~ J. Harrison #AI #ATP #ITP
- Deep reasoning: a vision for automated deduction. ~ S. Schulz #AI #ATP
- Deep Prolog: End-to-end differentiable proving in knowledge bases. ~ T. Rocktäschel #DeepLearning #Prolog
- Refinement: a reflection on proofs and computations. ~ C. Cohen & D. Rouhling #Coq
- On the formalization of foundations of Tarski’s system of geometry. ~ P Boutry #Math #Coq
- Lifts for free: making mtl typeclasses derivable. ~ Alexis King #Haskell
- Learning Cryptography, math and programming with Cryptol. ~ Dylan McNamee #Math #Haskell #Cryptol
- FindStat: The Combinatorial Statistic Finder. ~ M. Rubey, C. Stump, et als. #Programming #Math
- LMFDB: an extensive database of mathematical objects arising in Number Theory. #Math
- Tapping sources of Mathematical (Big) Data. ~ M. Kohlhase #MKM
- Laziness, impatience, hubris Larry Wall (Programming Perl) #Quote #Programming
- Logic tensor networks: Deep learning and logical reasoning from data and knowledge. ~ L. Serafini & A. d’Avila #Logic #DeepLearning
- What can logic do for AI? ~ David McAllester #Logic #AI
- An Isabelle formalization of the expressiveness of deep learning. ~ A. Bentkamp #MsC_Thesis #IsabelleHOL #DeepLearning
- A vision for a collaborative semi-formal, language independent math(s) encyclopedia. ~ J. Corneli & M. Schubotz
- Learning-assisted theorem proving and formalization. ~ J. Urban #AI #ATP #ITP
- Towards AI methods for clause selection. ~ J. Jakubův, J. Urban & B. Veroff #AI #ATP #Logic
- A formal proof of the expressiveness of deep learning. ~ A. Bentkamp, J.C. Blanchette & D. Klakow #IsabelleHOL #DeepLearning
- A tutorial for using Emacs with Haskell projects. #Haskell #Emacs
- Quotient inductive types & their dual. #Haskell
- The programming language of mathematics. ~ Vladimir Kirillov #Math
- DeepAlgebra: an outline of a program. ~ P. Chojecki #ITP #Coq #Math
- April 2017 1HaskellADay problems and solutions. ~ @geophf | Typed Logic #Haskell #1HaskellADay
- Open Sourcing our new Duckling (more Haskell at Facebook). ~ Team Wit #Haskell
- A Python implementation of Douglas Hofstadter formal systems, from his book “Gödel, Escher, Bach”. #Logic #Python
- Putting your Haskell to the test! ~ James Bowen #Haskell
- Filopodia: open source projects, mostly related to data science, machine learning and statistics in Haskell. #Haskell #DataScience
- Types, tableaus and Gödel’s God in Isabelle/HOL. ~ D. Fuenmayor & C. Benzmüller #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- I tried Haskell for 5 years and here’s how it was. ~ L.P. Coelho #Haskell
- Universal reasoning, rational argumentation and human-machine interaction. ~ C. Benzmüller #ITP #Logic
- Functional programming and proving in Isabelle/HOL. ~ A. Lochbihler #FunctionalProgramming #IsabelleHOL
- Using mathematical induction to design computer algorithms. ~ U. Manber #Algorithms
- Duckling: Language, engine, and tooling for expressing, testing, and evaluating composable language rules on input strings. #Haskell
- The graphviz library: Bindings Haskell to Graphviz for graph visualisation. ~ M. Sackman & I.L. Miljenovic #Haskell #Graphviz
- Haphviz: Graphviz code generation with Haskell. #Haskell #Graphviz
- The Cayley-Dickson construction in ACL2. ~ J. Cowles & R. Gamboa #ACL2 #ITP #Math
- Técnicas de diseño de algoritmos. ~ R. Guerequeta y A. Vallecillo #Libro #Algorítmica
- Course “Data structures and functional programming”: Lecture notes. ~ R.L. Constable #FunctionalProgramming #OCaml
- Homotopy Type Theory in Lean. ~ U. Buchholtz, F. van Doorn & J. von Raumer #ITP #Lean #HoTT
- Monads are monoid objects. ~ J. Wiegley #ITP #Coq
- Data analysis with Monoids. ~ Tim Docker #Haskell
- What a Haskell study group is not. ~ Steven Syrek #Haskell
- Some notes on Haskell pedagogy. ~ Steven Syrek #Haskell
- Monoidal categories in Isabelle/HOL. ~ E.W. Stark #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- A puzzle about game review scoring in Haskell. ~ Vladimir Slepnev #Haskell
- Formal verification of a floating-point expansion renormalization algorithm. ~ S. Boldo et als. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Proving stuff with Idris. ~ Neil Mitchell #Idris #Haskell
- A formally verified compiler for Lustre. ~ T. Bourke et als. #Coq
- Let Idris take care of you: variable binding. | Crunchy Type #Idris #Haskell
- New release of SBV (a library for seamlessly integrating SMT solvers with Haskell), now with optimization. ~ L. Erkok #Haskell #SMT
- The Floyd-Warshall algorithm for shortest paths in Isabelle/HOL. ~ S. Wimmer & P. Lammich #IsabelleHOL
- Nested multisets, hereditary multisets, and syntactic ordinals in Isabelle/HOL. ~ J.C. Blanchette et als. #IsabelleHOL
- Teaching new tricks to old programs. ~ Conal Elliott #Haskell
- Dynamic dispatch in Haskell, or: how can I make my code extendable? #Haskell
- Learning of human-like algebraic reasoning using deep feedforward neural networks. ~ C.H. Cai et als. #ATP #ML
- On the history of the minimum spanning tree problem. ~ R.L. Graham & P. Hell #Algorithms
- Trees: a mathematical tool for all seasons. ~ Joe Malkevitch #Algorithms
- CryptHOL: a framework for formalising cryptographic arguments in Isabelle/HOL. ~ A. Lochbihler #IsabelleHOL
- Game-based cryptography in HOL. ~ A. Lochbihler, S. Reza & B. Bhatt #IsabelleHOL
- The most unreliable technique in the world to compute pi. ~ J. Karczmarczuk #Haskell #Math
- Experience report: Haskell and mathematics. ~ H. Thielemann #Haskell #Math
- Lazy processing and optimization of discrete sequences. ~ J. Karczmarczuk #Haskell #Math
- Programming with bananas and barbed wire. Part 1. ~ Michał Kawalec #Haskell
- A persistent union-find data structure. ~ S. Conchon & J.C. Filliâtre #Coq
- Tarjan’s Union-Find algorithm using Conchon & Filliâtre’s persistent arrays. #Haskell
- Haskell library containing common graph search algorithms (depth-first, breadth-first, Dijkstra, and A*). #Haskell
- A computationally surveyable proof of the group properties of an elliptic curve. ~ D.M. Russinoff #ACL2 #Math
- De Pitágoras a la conjetura del millón de dólares. ~ Pedro Alegría #Matemáticas
- Beal’s conjecture revisited. ~ Peter Norvig #Math #Python
- El teorema de los cuatro colores (1): una historia que comienza en 1852. ~ Marta Macho Stadler #Matemáticas
- El teorema de los cuatro colores (2): el error de Kempe y la clave de la prueba. ~ Marta Macho Stadler #Matemáticas
- El mayor número primo conocido. ~ Miguel Ángel Morales #Matemáticas #Computación
- ¿Es posible usar Haskell más allá del mundo académico? ~ Ramiro Pastor #Haskell
- Technology of deduction for “Systems that explain themselves”. ~ W. Neuper #ATP #ITP
- Prototyping “Systems that explain themselves” for education. ~ W. Neuper #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Untangling Haskell’s strings. ~ James Bowen #Haskell
- Summer school on satisfiability checking and symbolic computation.
- Tree oriented programming in Haskell. ~ J.D. Fokker #Haskell
- An introduction & supplement to Knuth’s introduction to addition chains. ~ B. Smith #Haskell
- Proving fib equivalence. ~ Neil Mitchell #Haskell #Idris
- AI and the origins of the functional programming language style. ~ M. Priestley #AI #FunctionalProgramming
- A formalization of the process algebra CCS in HOL4. ~ Chun Tian #ITP #HOL4
- Extendable data in Haskell (part 2). #Haskell
- ¿P=NP?: El problema que los informáticos no han podido resolver en 45 años. ~ R. Peña
- Largest sets of subsequences in OCaml. ~ G. Kunigami #OCaml
- Haskell, vectors and simple mechanics (part 2). ~ GitCommit #Haskell
- The simplest Haskell priority queue implementation I know of. ~ Alfredo di Napoli #Haskell
- Proof mining with dependent types. ~ E. Komendantskaya & J. Heras #Coq
- Purely functional data structures. ~ Franz Thoma #Haskell
- Deforestation and program fusion: applying equational transforms to automatically simplify programs. ~ R. Orendorff #Haskell
- Grenade: Practical Deep Learning in Haskell. ~ Huw Campbell #Haskell #DeepLearning
- Developing security protocols by refinement in Isabelle/HOL. ~ C. Sprenger & I. Somaini #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Curvas que separan: fácil de entender, difícil de demostrar. ~ Miguel Ángel Morales #Matemáticas
- An illustrated book of bad arguments. ~ Ali Almossawi #Logic
- El teorema de los cuatro colores (3): ¿un ordenador resuelve el problema? ~ Marta Macho #Matemáticas #Computación
- Automating the proofs of strengthening Lemmas in the Abella proof assistant. ~ D. Michaelson #ITP #Abella
- Blunt converts Haskell expressions between the pointfree and pointful styles. #Haskell
- Write more understandable Haskell with Flow. ~ Taylor Fausak #Haskell
- Realizing Hackett, a metaprogrammable Haskell. ~ Alexis King #Haskell #Racket #Hackett
- An opinionated survey of functional Web development. ~ Yoran Heling #Haskell #OCaml
- Formalized Lambek calculus in Higher Order Logic (HOL4). ~ Chun Tian #ITP #HOL4
- Lock-step simulation is child’s play. ~ J. Breitner & C. Smith #Haskell #CodeWorld
- The lambda calculus. (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) #Logic
- Simulate physics on generalized coordinate systems using Hamiltonian Mechanics and automatic differentiation. #Haskell #Physics
- Optics in Isabelle. ~ S. Foster & F. Zeyda #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Imperative Haskell. ~ Vaibhav Sagar #Haskell
- End-to-end differentiable proving. ~ T. Rocktäschel & S. Riedel
- Gröbner bases in Haskell: Part I. ~ Oleksandr Manzyuk #Haskell
- Gröbner bases in Haskell: Part II. ~ Oleksandr Manzyuk #Haskell
- Flow networks and the min-cut-max-flow theorem in Isabelle/HOL. ~ P. Lammich & S. Reza Sefidgar #IsabelleHOL
- Haskell for numerics? ~ Dominic Steinitz #Haskell
- Can’t see the four-est for the trees. ~ Peter Seibel #Haskell #Math
- Bézier curves in Haskell. ~ Harold Cooper #Haskell #Gloss #Math
- Automatic differentiation using constraint handling rules in Prolog. ~ S. Abdallah #Prolog #CHR #Math
- Compiling to categories (extended version). ~ Conal Elliott #Haskell
- A simple Haskell implementation of the algebra of pictures outlined in Peter Henderson’s “Functional Geometry”. ~ Micah Hahn #Haskell
- Cosette: an automated prover for checking equivalences of SQL queries. #Coq
- Formalization of transform methods using HOL Light. ~ A. Rashid & O. Hasan #ITP #HOL_Light
- The MINERVA software development process. ~ A. Narkawicz, C.A. Muñoz & A.M. Dutle #PVS #Formal_verification
- Constraint Handling Rules. ~ T. Frühwirth #Book #CHR
- Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) in ACL2. ~ A. Coglio #ITP #ACL2
- Formal reasoning about programs. ~ A. Chlipala #Coq
- Incompleteness and computability (an open logic text). ~ R. Zach #Logic
- Buffon’s needle problem in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M. Eberl #IsabelleHOL
- Word vs Int. ~ R. Cheplyaka #Haskell
- Pyfi : PYthon Function Interface for Haskell. ~ Russell Stewart #Python #Haskell
- eBooks gratuitos de la NASA sobre historia, ciencia, aeronáutica e investigación. #Libros #Ciencia
- Verified perceptron convergence theorem. ~ C. Murphy, P. Gray & G. Stewart #ITP #Coq
- A relaxation technique. ~ Dan Piponi #Haskell
- El arte de Escher recreado matemáticamente mediante programación y geometría. ~ @Alvy #Programación
- Programming with Escher. ~ Massimo Santini #Python
- Haskell and the Curry-Howard isomorphism (Part 1). ~ Ben Sherman #Haskell #Logic
- A tutorial on hybrid Answer Set Solving with clingo. ~ R. Kaminski, T. Schaub & P. Wanko #ASP #clingo #Python
- An introduction to the Prolog programming language. ~ J.L. Watkin #Prolog
- An introduction to the CLIPS programming language. ~ J.L. Watkin #CLIPS
- Automated cryptographic analysis of the Pedersen commitment scheme. ~ R. Metere & C. Dong #ITP #Coq
- The Typeclassopedia is now up-to-date. ~ Brent Yorgey #Haskell
- Intro to functional programming with Haskell. ~ Quinn Wilson #Haskell
- All Liouville numbers are transcendental in Mizar. ~ A. Korniłowicz, A. Naumowicz & A. Grabowski #ITP #Mizar #Math
- A verified algorithm enumerating event structures in Isabelle/HOL. ~ J. Bowles & M.B. Caminati #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Verified correctness and security of mbedTLS HMAC-DRBG. K.Q. Ye et als. #ITP #Coq
- Teaching Haskell for understanding. ~ J. Moronuki #Haskell
- Translating a C++ parser to Haskell. ~ G. Gonzalez #Haskell
- Lazy interactions – back to the future. ~ Simon Thompson #Haskell
- Small minimal examples of modern cryptographic techniques in Haskell. ~ Stephen Diehl #Haskell
- Data structures are antithetical to functional programming. ~ John A De Goes #Haskell
- Problem solving might attract women to computer science. #CompSci
- One practical application of functional programming. ~ J.D. Cook #FuncionalProgramming
- A framework for validating session protocols. ~ K.S. Tse & P.C. Johnson #Haskell
- Categoricity results for second-order ZF in dependent type theory. ~ D. Kirst & G. Smolka #ITP #Coq
- A formally verified proof of the Central Limit Theorem in Isabelle/HOL. ~ J. Avigad, J, Hölzl & L. Serafin #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- A single-page quick reference for the markup used in GHC’s Haddock documentation format. ~ G.D. Ritter #Haskell
- servant: a type-level web DSL. #Haskell
- Partial semigroups and convolution algebras. ~ B. Dongol et als. #IsabelleHOL
- Hedgehog: a modern property-based testing system, in the spirit of QuickCheck. ~ Jacob Stanley #Haskell
- 10 things Idris improved over Haskell. ~ DeQue #Haskell #Idris
- Un problema que vale un millón de dólares. ~ Miguel Ángel Morales #Matemáticas
- Efficient, verified checking of propositional proofs. ~ M Heule, W Hunt Jr, M Kaufmann, N Wetzler #ITP #ACL2 #SAT
- Deep learning: The future of AI. ~ Damian Borth #AI
- Reading for programmers. ~ Piotr Limanowski #Emacs #OrgMode
- How to read papers efficiently. ~ Irreal #Emacs #OrgMode
- La gran novela de las matemáticas.
- A beginner’s look at lambda calculus. ~ Prateek Joshi #Logic #CompSci
- Backtracking with cut via a distributive law and left-zero monoids. ~ M. Piróg & S. Staton #Haskell
- Speculate: discovering conditional equations and inequalities about Haskell functions. ~ R. Braquehais & C. Runciman #Haskell
- Introduction to property-based testing (with LeanCheck). ~ Rudy Matela #Haskell
- BackProp: Heterogeneous, type-safe automatic backpropagation in Haskell. ~ Justin Le #Haskell
- Practical dependent types: type-safe neural networks. ~ Justin Le #Haskell
- Some random thoughts of an advanced haskeller. ~ Russell O’Connor #Haskell
- Why do monads matter? ~ C. Smith #Haskell
- Test automáticos con QuickCheck ¿Cómo analizar nuestro código en busca de bugs? ~ Jose Juan #Programación #QuickCheck
- Drive-by Haskell contributions. ~ Neil Mitchell #Haskell
- Peut-on faire des Mathématiques avec un ordinateur? ~ René David #Math #Logic #CompSci
- Peut-on avoir confiance en l’informatique? ~ René David et Christophe Raffalli #CompSci
- A set theory formalization in Agda. ~ A. Calle #ITP #Agda #Math #Logic
- Subtyping: overview and implementation. ~ C. Jingwen #Haskell
- Dhall is now a template engine. ~ G. Gonzalez #Haskell
- Estimating the maximum element of a large list. ~ A. Kaygun #Algorithm #Lisp
- Generic unification. ~ R. Cheplyaka #Haskell
- A Coq-based synthesis of Scala programs which are correct-by-construction. ~ Y. El Bakouny, T. Crolard, D. Mezher #Coq #Scala
- kinder-functor: An alternate definition of Haskell’s Functor typeclass. #Haskell
- How well does it work? Profiling in Haskell. ~ James Bowen #Haskell
- El futuro de la inteligencia artificial. ~ Geoffrey Hinton #IA
- Understanding ResourceT. ~ M. Snoyman #Haskell
- Programación. ¿Ciencia o Ingeniería? ~ Chema Cortés #Programación
- On competing with C using Haskell. ~ Two Wrongs #Haskell
- The Haskell learning curve. #Haskell #Humor
- Generating random regular graphs. ~ Atabey Kaygun #Common_Lisp #Math
- Calculating the diameter and the radius of a graph using tropic linear algebra. ~ Atabey Kaygun #Common_Lisp #Math
- Large-scale formal proof for the working mathematician (ALEXANDRIA). ~ L.C. Paulson #ITP #Math
- Course: Functional data structures. ~ P. Lammich & T. Nipkow #FunctionalProgramming #IsabelleHOL #Algorithms
- brick: A declarative terminal UI programming library written in Haskell. ~ Jonathan Daugherty #Haskell
- Love, monoids, and linguistic determinism. ~ J. Moronuki #Haskell
- Propositional proof systems in Isabelle/HOL. ~ J. Michaelis & T. Nipkow #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Interfaces and typeclasses: Number APIs in C# and Haskell. ~ Marcelo Zabani #Haskell
- Haskell Weekly 60: News from the Haskell community (June 22 2017). #Haskell
- Configurable data types. ~ Francesco Mazzoli #Haskell
- The linearity monad. ~ J. Paykin & S. Zdancewic #Haskell
- A terminal interface for Tetris. #Haskell
- Formalizing push-relabel algorithms for computing the maximum flow in a network. ~ P. Lammich & S.R. Sefidgar #IsabelleHOL
- Just enough R: Learn data analysis with R in a day. ~ S. Raman #eBook #RStats
- A formal proof of the Kepler conjecture. Thomas Hales et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #HOL_Light #Math
- Haxl: Making concurrency unreasonably easy. ~ Simon Marlow #Haskell #Haxl
- Formal proofs of transcendence for e and pi as an application of multivariate and symmetric polynomials. ~ S. Bernard et als. #Coq
- Noether: Highly polymorphic algebraic structures with custom deriving strategies. ~ Soham Chowdhury #Haskell #Math
- Hay que empezar a enseñar historia de la programación. ~ Jordi Cabot
- Set theory: from Cantor to Cohen. ~ A. Kanamori #Logic
- The Air Force and IBM are building an AI supercomputer. ~ A. Tarantola
- Lisp as the Maxwell’s equations of software. ~ M. Nielsen #Lisp #CompSci
- Applied category theory. ~ J.D. Cook
- Free delivery (functional pearl). ~ J. Gibbons #Haskell
- How to twist pointers without breaking them. ~ S. Chauhan, P.P. Kurur & B.A. Yorgey #Haskell
- Verified functional algorithms. ~ A.W. Appel #Coq #Algorithms
- Five stages of accepting constructive mathematics. ~ A. Bauer #Math #Logic
- Matemáticas en Emacs. ~ M. Román #Emacs
- Matemáticas vs. física o viceversa (y quizá no tan «versus»). ~@Alvy
- Ten signs a claimed mathematical breakthrough is wrong. ~ Scott Aaronson #Math
- (Dicen que) han demostrado la conjetura de Goldbach. Otra vez. ~ A. Córdoba #Matemáticas
- Geometry, topology and physics. ~ M. Nakahara #Math
- Algebraic graphs with class (Functional pearl). ~ A. Mokhov #Haskell
- A minimalistic, elegant and powerful approach to working with graphs in Haskell. ~ A. Mokhov #Haskell
- The theory of algebraic graphs formalised in Agda. ~ A. Mokhov #Agda
- The Common Lisp cookbook #eBook #CommonLisp
- Lists and why they are useful - M. V. Wilkes #Lisp
- Developing bug-free machine learning systems with formal mathematics. ~ D. Selsam, P. Liang, D.L. Dill #LeanTP
- Functional programming for deep learning. ~ Joyce Xu #FuncionalProgramming #DeepLearning
- Haskell on Android and iOS. ~ Keera Studios #Haskell
- Maxima & GnuPlot (Logiciel de calcul formel & logiciel de tracé de courbes). ~ T. Castanet #Maxima #GnuPlot #Math
- Utiliser Maxima pour préparer le travail en classe. ~ T. Castanet #Maxima #GnuPlot #Math
- An overview of the PureScript type system. ~ Phil Freeman #PureScript #Haskell
- Idris dependent typing challenge: Bowling Kata. ~ Quentin Duval #Haskell #Idris
- Tutorial on Ivy, Counsel, and Swiper. ~ Irreal #Emacs
- Notes on fusion. ~ Tim Humphries #Haskell
- Continuations, all the way down. ~ Tim Humphries #Haskell
- Generating mazes with inductive graphs. ~ T. Jelvis #Haskell
- Probability monad. ~ T. Jelvis #Haskell
- Typesafe modular arithmetic in Haskell. ~ R. Muthukrishnan #Haskell
- Automatic functional correctness proofs for functional search trees. ~ T. Nipkow #IsabelleHOL #Algorithms
- SAT-MICRO: petit mais costaud! ~ S. Conchon, J. Kanig, S. Lescuyer #Logic #OCaml
- Haskell implementation of the minimal OCaml solver described in the paper “SAT-MICRO: petit mais costaud!” ~ D. Bueno #Logic #Haskell
- Advanced Python features. #Python
- OPLSS2017: The Oregon Programming Languages Summer School. [Videos] #Programming
- A minimax AI for deterministic games, in 47 lines of Haskell. #Haskell #AI #Games
- Notes and files from HaskellerZ meetups. #Haskell
- Can ILP be applied to large dataset? ~ H. Watanabe, S. Muggleton #ILP #BigData
- Functional programming and proving in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Andreas Lochbihler [Video] #IsabelleHOL
- Graphing it Out. ~ James Bowen #Haskell #FGL
- De monos, melanesios y desarrollo de software. ~ Juan María Hernández
- The implementation of functional programming languages. ~ Simon Peyton Jones #eBook
- Functional baby talk: Analysis of code fragments from novice Haskell programmers. ~ J. Singer, B. Archibald #Haskell
- Vector programming using structural recursion (an introduction to vectors for beginners). ~ M.T. Morazán #Racket
- Using Elm to introduce algebraic thinking to K-8 students. ~ C. d’Alves et als. #Elm
- Overcoming non distributivity: A case study in functional programming. ~ J.C. Saenz, M. Stannett #Haskell
- Teaching Functional Programming should start earlier! ~ J. Sharrad #Teaching #Haskell
- Crafting certified elliptic curve cryptography implementations in Coq. ~ A. Erbsen #MsC_Thesis #Coq #Math
- Kaprekar sequence. ~ Atabey Kaygun #Common_Lisp #Math
- Lattice of Dyck Words. ~ Atabey Kaygun #Common_Lisp #Math
- Logic programming for an introductory computer science course for high school students. ~ T. Yuen, M. Reyes, Y. Zhang #Teaching #Logic_Programming
- Haskell, WhatsApp and romance. ~ Akshay Zade #Haskell
- Formalisation of ground inference systems in a proof assistant. ~ M. Fleury #Msc_Thesis #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Industrial use of a mechanical theorem prover. ~ JS. Moore #ATP #ITP #ACL2
- The Big Proof agenda for mechanizing mathematical discourse. ~ N. Shankar #Logic #Math #ITP
- Generic approach to certified static checking of module-like constructs. ~ J. Belyakova #Coq
- The resurgence of functional programming. ~ Wesharethis #Haskell #Erlang #Elixir #Scala #Clojure #Fsharp
- Verifying a simple compiler using property-based random testing. ~ P. Vasconcelos Code #Haskell
- A formalized general theory of syntax with bindings. ~ L. Gheri, A. Popescu #IsabelleHOL
- The Lean theorem prover. ~ Jeremy Avigad #ITP #LeanTP #Math #Logic
- Validating the meta-theory of programming languages. ~ G. Fachini, A. Momigliano #Haskell
- Introducing Vaultenv: Keeping your secrets secure with Vault and Haskell. ~ L. Duijvesteijn #Haskell
- El perfil de un data scientist. ~ Jordi Casas #DataScience
- How do we use (typed) functional programming to minimize our flaws. ~ Steven Vandevelde #Haskell #Elm
- Continuations from the ground up. ~ Isaac Elliott #Haskell
- A framework for establishing Strong Eventual Consistency for Conflict-free Replicated Datatypes. ~ V.B.F. Gomes et als. #IsabelleHOL #AFP
- Some Hasse diagrams. ~ @Atabey_Kaygun #CommonLisp #Math
- Efficient verified (UN)SAT certificate checking. ~ P. Lammich #IsabelleHOL #Logic #SAT
- An Oxford University artificial intelligence startup has raised £17 million to check code for errors. ~ Shona Ghosh
- DiffBlue: a world leader in AI that understands code.
- An Emacs tutorial series. ~ Irreal #Emacs
- Towards a formal verification of Courcelle’s theorem. ~ E. Black #ITP #Agda
- Prácticas de la asignatura “Criptografía y computación” ~ Marta Gómez #Haskell
- RustBelt: Securing the foundations of the Rust programming language. ~ R. Jung et als. #Rust #Coq
- Iterators and streams in Rust and Haskell. ~ M. Snoyman #Rust #Haskell
- A tale of two provers (Verifying monoidal string matching in Liquid Haskell and Coq). ~ Niki Vazou #Haskell #Coq
- Trace and stable failures semantics for CSP-Agda. ~ B. Igried & A: Setzer #Agda
- Curso básico de Haskell en español. #Haskell
- Instalación de Haskell-Platform. ~ Rayskell Vídeo #Haskell
- Introducción y primeros pasos con Haskell. ~ Rayskell #Haskell
- El cálculo lambda. ~ Rayskell #Haskell
- Tipos y clases de tipos. ~ Rayskell #Haskell
- Regresión lineal con Haskell. ~ Rayskell Vídeo #Haskell
- What are some useful, but little-known, features of the tools used in professional mathematics? ~ Terence Tao #Math
- Typesetting flow graphs with Tikz. ~ Greg Restall #LaTeX
- A case-study in programming coinductive proofs: Howe’s method. ~ D. Thibodeau, A. Momigliano & B. Pientka #ITP #Beluga
- Playing match maker. ~ James Bowen #Haskell
- ¿Por qué triunfa Sci-hub si es el mayor repositorio pirata de ciencia a nivel mundial? ~ Lydia Gil
- Isabelle/HOL demo. ~ Sebastian Neubauer #IsabelleHOL
- Local refinement typing. ~ B. Cosman, R. Jhala #Haskell #Verification #SMT #LiquidHaskell
- AIMS Desktop: distro GNU/Linux para matemáticos. ~ MiradaDelReplicante #Linux #Matemáticas
- Using the Coq theorem prover to verify complex data structure invariants. ~ K. Roe & S. Smith #ITP #Coq
- Encoding objects. ~ F. Kinoshita #Haskell
- Modelling the way mathematics is actually done. ~ J. Corneli & R. Puzio #AI #Math #MKM
- sparse-linear-algebra: Numerical computation in native Haskell. ~ Marco Zocca #Haskell #Math
- Use Hpack - #Haskell
- Ordonner les ordres : un treillis sur les ordres partiels. ~ V. Pons
- Cheatsheet: Rank 2 types with typeclasses. ~ Jeremy Mikkola #Haskell
- Course: Mathematical logic and programming languages. ~ T. Sheard #Logic #Haskell
- Logic via foundational algorithms. ~ J. Hook & T. Sheard #eBook #Logic #Haskell
- Notes on the Finite Set module. ~ J. Hook & T. Sheard #Haskell #Logic
- Course: Mathematical logic via foundational algorithms. ~ J. Hook & T. Sheard #Logic #Haskell
- Formalization of the fundamental group in untyped set theory using auto2. ~ B. Zhan #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic #Math
- The algebra (and calculus!) of algebraic data types. ~ J. Burget #Haskell
- Haskell tutorials, a tutorial. ~ Yann Esposito #Haskell
- Using doctest-discover with Stack. ~ Richard Cook #Haskell
- Formalization of a large part of Haskell’s standard prelude in Isabelle/HOLCF. ~ J. Breitner et als. #IsabelleHOL #Haskell
- VisPar: Visualising dataflow graphs from the Par monad. ~ M. Algehed & P. Jansson #Haskell
- Verified metatheory and type inference for a name-carrying simply-typed lambda calculus. ~ M. Rawson #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Demystifying Haskell assignment. ~ G. Gonzalez #Haskell
- The language(s) of first-order logic #1. ~ Peter Smith #Logic
- Self-referential logic via self-referential circuits. ~ Dan Piponi
- NASA PVS Library of Formal Developments. #PVS
- Monad transformers step by step. ~ M. Grabmüller #Haskell
- Minkowski’s theorem in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M. Eberl #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Cleaning up our projects with Hpack! ~ James Bowen #Haskell
- Biased algorithms are everywhere, and no one seems to care. ~ Will Knight
- Further formalization of the process algebra CCS in HOL4. ~ Chun Tian #ITP #HOL4
- R and Haskell: best of both worlds with HaskellR. ~ Sigrid Keydana #Haskell #RStats #HaskellIR
- Tamarin prover: a powerful tool for the symbolic modeling and analysis of security protocols. #Haskell #Tamarin
- Formal verification of the WireGuard protocol. ~ J.A. Donenfeld & K. Milner #Haskell #Tamarin #Formal_verification
- Using Coq to write fast and correct Haskell. ~ J. Wiegley & B. Delaware #Haskell #Coq
- Pascal’s triangle in Haskell and JavaScript: or, more fun with recursion! ~ T. Cothran #Haskell #JavaScript
- Verifying strong eventual consistency in distributed systems. ~ V.B.F. Gomes et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Categories and Haskell (An introduction to the mathematics behind modern functional programming). ~ Jan-Willem Buurlage #Haskell #Math
- Formalizing Cartan geometry in modal homotopy type theory. ~ F. Wellen #ITP #Agda #Math #HoTT
- A formalization of convex polyhedra based on the simplex method. ~ X. Allamigeon & R.D. Katz #ITP #Coq #Math
- Get started with sending SMS in Haskell. ~ Lizzie Siegle #Haskell
- State machine testing with Hedgehog. ~ Tim Humphries #Haskell
- Simple exercises in Haskell, using HSpec. ~ Attila Domokos #Haskell
- Compiling GHC with Stack for Stack. ~ Vincent Hanquez #Haskell
- Functional programming Babelfish. ~ Håkon Rossebø #Purescript #Haskell #Elm #Fsharp
- Industrial use of ACL2: applications, achievements, challenges, and directions. ~ J S. Moore & M.J.H. Heule #ACL2
- Mikrokosmos: an untyped lambda calculus interpreter. ~ Mario Román #Haskell #Logic
- A formal proof in Coq of LaSalle’s invariance principle. ~ C. Cohen & D. Rouhling (Code) #ITP #Coq
- Simple verification of Rust programs via functional purification. ~ S. Ullrich #ITP #LeanTP #Rust
- Course: Automated reasoning (2016-17). ~ J. Fleuriot #AR #Logic #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- How to believe a machine-checked proof. ~ R. Pollack (1997). #ATP #ITP
- Logitext: an educational proof assistant for first-order classical logic using the sequent calculus. #Logic #Coq #Haskell
- What happens when you mix three research programming languages together. ~ E.Z. Yang #Coq #Haskell
- Equivalences for free! (Univalent parametricity for effective transport). ~ N. Tabareau et als. #ITP #Coq
- Simplicitly (Foundations and applications of implicit function types). ~ M. Odersky et als. #Scala
- The RIO monad. ~ M. Snoyman #Haskell
- New course: Computational linear algebra. ~ Rachel Thomas #Python #Math
- Steenrod-Milnor and tournament sequences. ~ @Atabey_Kaygun #CommonLisp #Math
- Declarative semantics for functional languages in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Jeremy Siek #IsabelleHOL
- Declarative semantics for functional languages: compositional, extensional, and elementary. ~ Jeremy G. Siek
- Course: The formal verification of compilers. ~ Xavier Leroy #Coq #DSSS17
- Boolean logic in polynomials. ~ Jeremy Kun | Math ∩ Programming #Logic #Math
- A verified certificate checker for floating-point error bounds. ~ H Becker, E Darulova, MO Myreen #ITP #Coq #HOL4
- Vellvm: Verifying the LLVM. ~ Steve Zdancewic #Coq #DSSS17
- List of companies that use Haskell. #Haskell
- Hacker-proof coding. ~ Esther Shein | Communications of the ACM
- Data science: challenges and directions. ~ Longbing Cao | Communications of the ACM #DataScience
- «La ciencia nunca se pensó para el mercado, pero hoy es una mercancía» ~ Andrea Saltelli
- A proof strategy language and proof script generation for Isabelle/HOL. ~ Y. Nagashima, R. Kumar #IsabelleHOL
- Existential types in Haskell. ~ Roger Qiu #Haskell
- Course: Program synthesis for everyone. ~ R. Bodik, E. Torlak
- Cantor, el Aleph y los distintos infinitos. ~ M.A. Morales | El Aleph #Matemáticas
- DeepSpec Summer School videos. #DSSS17 #Coq
- Lecture material for DeepSpec Summer School 2017. #DSSS17 #Coq
- Toward certification for free!: correct-by-construction ML oracles with polymorphic LCF style. ~ S. Boulmé, A. Maréchal #Coq
- Formalizing abstract computability: Turing categories in Coq. ~ P. Vinogradova #PhD_Thesis #Coq
- Formal proof of the Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem. ~ S. Bernard. #Coq #Math
- Formalizing basic quaternionic analysis. ~ A. Gabrielli, M. Maggesi #HOL_Light #Math
- Streaming programs without lazyness: a short primer. ~ F. Domínguez & M. Boespflug #Haskell
- Logic Explorer: interactive proof assistant for sequent calculi. ~ Ben Selfridge #Haskell #Logic
- Proof checker for propositional logic. ~ Ben Selfridge #Haskell #Logic
- Lens tutorial - SimpleLens. ~ mchaver #Haskell
- Effect polymorphism in higher-order logic (proof pearl). ~ A. Lochbihler #IsabelleHOL
- GHC warnings you should use in addition to -Wall. ~ Dennis Gosnell #Haskell
- How is coinduction the dual of induction? ~ J. Breitner #Haskell
- Port of Software Foundations to Agda. ~ Wen Kokke & Philip Wadler #Agda
- Coinduction in Coq and Isabelle. ~ J. Breitner #Coq #IsabelleHOL
- Formalization of the functional pearl “Enumerating the rationals” by Gibbons, Lester and Bird in Coq. ~ Wen Kokke #Coq #Math
- Intermediate abstraction. ~ Reid McKenzie #Programming #Clojure
- Homotopy Type Theory in Lean. ~ U. Buchholtz, F. van Doorn, J. von Raumer #HoTT #LeanTP
- Qwire practice: Formal verification of quantum circuits in Coq. ~ R. Rand, J. Paykin, S. Zdancewic #Coq
- Faster command line tools with Haskell. ~ Cody Goodman #Haskell
- La demostración matemática más larga. ~ F.R. Villatoro #Matemáticas #Computación
- To Void or to void. ~ M. Snoyman #Haskell
- The riddle of the number chain. ~ Michael Lugo #Math
- DeepSpec Summer School 2017: a summary. ~ Jan Stolarek #Formal_verification #DSSS17
- Dynamic architectures in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Diego Marmsoler #IsabelleHOL #AFP
- July 2017 1HaskellADay problems and solutions. ~ @geophf | Typed Logic #Haskell #Haskell #1HaskellADay
- 200 terabyte proof demonstrates the potential of brute-force math. ~ M. Byrne #Math #CompSci
- Table-of-contents sidebar for Emacs. ~ Austin Bingham #Emacs
- Stewart’s theorem and Apollonius’ theorem in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Lukas Bulwahn #IsabelleHOL #Math #AFP
- Owl: A general-purpose numerical library in OCaml. ~ L. Wang #OCaml #Math
- The DeepSpec Summer School on Verified Systems (Schedule). #DSSS17 #Coq
- A vision for automated deduction rooted in the connection method. ~ Wolfgang Bibel #ATP
- A library for competitive programming in Haskell. #Haskell
- Transitive closure of a directed graph or a relation. ~ @Atabey_Kaygun #CommonLisp #Clojure #Math
- Thinking functionally with Haskell: A deep dive into the functional pool. ~ Paul Callaghan #Haskell
- A formally verified proof of Kruskal’s tree theorem in Lean. ~ M. Wu #MsC_Thesis #ITP #LeanTP
- Thinking functionally with Haskell: Types? tests? We need a new word. ~ Paul Callaghan #Haskell
- Logic and proof. ~ J. Avigad, R.Y. Lewis, F. van Doorn #Logic #ITP #LeanTP
- Computer-assisted proof. ~ Wikipedia #Math #CompSci
- Mathematics in the age of the Turing machine: a survey of mathematical proofs that rely on computer calculations and formal proofs. ~ T. Hales
- Formal methods in mathematics and the Lean theorem prover. ~ J. Avigad #Logic #Math #ITP #LeanTP
- Appropriate steps (A theory of motivated proofs). ~ R. Morris #PhD_Thesis #Math #Logic
- Counting zeros over finite fields using Gröbner bases. ~ S. Gao #MS_Thesis #Math
- Org mode syntax reference card. ~ Fabrice Niessen #Emacs
- wish: A trivial web browser written in Haskell. ~ Chris Done #Haskell
- Implementación de un algoritmo de búsqueda aleatoria en programación lógica. ~ I. Blázquez #TFG #Prolog
- Property-based testing via proof reconstruction: work-in-progress. ~ R Blanco, D Miller, A Momigliano #Prolog
- The science of brute force (Mathematics solves problems by pen and paper. CS helps us to go far beyond that) ~ MJH Heule, O. Kullmann
- Lógica de primer orden en Haskell. ~ E. Paluzo #TFG #Haskell #Lógica
- Matemática discreta en Haskell. ~ M.D. Valverde #TFG #Haskell #Matemáticas
- Formalización de cáculos lógicos en Isabelle/HOL. ~ M.D. Mateo #TFM #IsabelleHOL #Lógica
- Formalising monotone frameworks: a dependently typed implementation in Agda. ~ J.J. van Wijk #MSc_Thesis #Agda
- Finding functional pearls: Detecting recursion schemes in Haskell functions via anti-unification. ~ AD Barwell, C Brown, K Hammond #Haskell
- Lazy rebuilding. ~ G. Kunigami #OCaml
- A simple, concise implementation of Huet’s algorithm in Haskell. ~ Danny Gratzer #Haskell
- Free: You can now read classic books by MIT Press on
- A metaprogramming framework for formal verification. ~ G. Ebner et als. #LeanTP
- Thinking functionally with Haskell: Playing with Haskell. ~ Paul Callaghan #Haskell
- Formalising and monitoring traffic rules for autonomous vehicles in Isabelle/HOL. ~ A. Rizaldi et als. #IsabelleHOL
- Ode on a random urn (Functional pearl). ~ L Lampropoulos, A Spector-Zabusky, K Foner #Haskell
- The future is functional: Haskell and the AI-native. ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #AI
- Robust computer algebra, theorem proving, and oracle AI. ~ G.P. Sarma, N.J. Hay #ATP #CAS #AI
- Thinking functionally with Haskell: Is there anything left to say about monads? ~ Paul Callaghan #Haskell #Haskell
- Mechanizing linear logic in Coq. ~ B. Xavier et als. #ITP #Coq #Logic
- Declarative statistics. ~ R. Rossi et als. #Constraint_programming #Statistics
- Unified media programming: an algebraic approach. ~ S. Archipoff & D. Janin #Haskell
- Functional baby talk: analysis of code fragments from novice Haskell programmers. ~ J Singer, B Archibald #Haskell
- Overcoming non distributivity: a case study in functional programming. ~ J.C. Saenz, M. Stannett #Haskell
- Vector programming using structural recursion (an introduction to vectors for beginners). ~ M.T. Morazán #Racket
- Using Elm to introduce algebraic thinking to K-8 students. ~ C. d’Alves et als. #Elm
- QueryArrow: semantically unified query and update of heterogeneous data stores. ~ Hao Xu et als. #Haskell
- QueryArrow: A semantically unified SQL and NoSQL query and update system. ~ Hao Xu #Haskell
- Why you should use PureScript. ~ Phil Freeman #PureScript
- Functional programming for & fun profit (or: how I learned to stop worrying and love shipping Haskell code). ~ D. Gasienica #Haskell
- Program design by calculation (DRAFT / Last update: April 2017). ~ J.N. Oliveira #eBook #Haskell
- Array programming in Haskell. ~ Manuel Chakravarty | Tweag I/O #Haskell
- Writing performant Haskell (1 of 6): Intro. ~ Jason Shipman #Haskell
- How can humans keep control of AI? #AI #DeepLearning
- Using a set constraint solver for program verification. ~ M. Cristiá, G. Rossi & C. Frydman #ConstraintProgramming
- Writing performant Haskell (2 of 6): Strings. ~ Jason Shipman #Haskell
- Magit tutorial - Rebase (Part I). ~ Guowei Lv #Emacs
- Magit tutorial - Rebase (Part II). ~ Guowei Lv #Emacs
- Functional programming cheat sheet. ~ Tony Morris #Haskell
- Reasoning with representable functors. ~ Adelbert Chang #Haskell
- A computational logic approach to human syllogistic reasoning. ~ A.O. da Costa et als. #Logic
- Writing performant Haskell (3 of 6): SPECIALIZE. ~ Jason Shipman #Haskell
- Declarative algorithms for term generation, counting. ~ P. Tarau #Prolog
- El modelo M4 de la máquina Enigma. ~ M. García #Haskell
- Implementation of Enigma versions in Haskell. ~ M. García #Haskell
- Experimental implementation of Cubical Type Theory. ~ Anders Mörtberg #Haskell
- tdiff: Simply print the time difference between lines from stdin. ~ Chris Done #Haskell
- Writing performant Haskell (4 of 6): builder revisited. ~ Jason Shipman #Haskell
- agsyHOL: a theorem prover for higher-order logic. ~ Fredrik Lindblad #Haskell #Logic
- How to read a book: 3 strategies & questions for critical reading. ~ Terry Heick
- Announcing Hasky Stack. ~ Mark Karpov #Haskell #Emacs
- Magit tutorial: Bisect. ~ Guowei Lv #Emacs
- Deciding univariate polynomial problems using untrusted certificates in Isabelle/HOL. ~ W Li, GO Passmore, LC Paulson #IsabelleHOL
- Deriving law-abiding instances. ~ R. Scott et als. #Haskell #LiquidHaskell
- On the quest for an acyclic graph. ~ M Janota, R Grigore, V Manquinho #SAT #Logic
- Mathematics as a creative art. ~ Paul Halmos #Math
- Static analysis of programs using semirings. ~ L. North #Haskell
- Writing performant Haskell (5 of 6): dive into text. ~ Jason Shipman #Haskell
- Starting out with Haskell Tensor Flow. ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #TensorFlow
- An introduction to quantum computing, without the physics. ~ G. Nannicini #QuantumComputing
- apecs: a fast, type driven, extensible ECS (Entity Component System) in pure Haskell. ~ Jonas Carpay #Haskell
- Effect polymorphism in higher-order logic (Proof Pearl). ~ A. Lochbihler #IsabelleHOL
- A foray into number theory with Haskell. ~ Fred Akalin #Haskell #Math
- Challenges in the verification of reinforcement learning algorithms. ~ P. van Wesel, A.E. Goodloe #FormalVerification #ML
- Proof editor for natural deduction in first-order logic. ~ E. Björnsson et als. #Logic #Teaching
- Hacia la formalización del razonamiento ecuacional sobre mónadas. ~ E. Lobo #Agda
- From sets to bits in Coq. ~ A. Blot, P.É. Dagand & J. Lawall #Coq
- Problem sets for MIT 6.887 “Formal reasoning about programs”, Spring 2017. #Coq
- Coq math problems (interesting, challenging, or fun math problems formalized in Coq). #Coq #Math
- Exercises on generalizing the induction hypothesis. ~ James Wilcox #Coq
- Making automatic theorem provers more versatile. ~ S. Cruanes #ATP
- Writing a ZX Spectrum game in Haskell (introducing the z80 and zxspectrum packages). ~ Daniel P. Wright #Haskell
- El lenguaje de la naturaleza. ~ A. Cordoba #Matemáticas
- Proof assistants as smart programming languages. ~ A. Popescu #Programming #IsabelleHOL
- Adaptive lock-free data structures in Haskell: a general method for concurrent implementation swapping. ~ C.H. Chen et als. #Haskell
- Science fiction at the far side of technology: Vernor Vinge’s singularity thesis versus the limits of AI-research. ~ M.W. Johansen #AI #ATP
- 24 challenges in deductive software verification. ~ R. Hähnle & M. Huisman #Verification
- Towards strong higher-order automation for fast interactive verification. ~ J.C. Blanchette #ATP
- Duet: an educational dialect of Haskell aimed at interactivity. ~ Chris Done #Haskell
- La IA que se explica: «Esto es un gato porque tiene pelo, bigotes, garras y orejas de gato como estas» ~ @Alvy #IA
- What does the “we don’t understand how artificial intelligence takes decisions” statement mean? ~ Julián Estévez #AI #DeepLearning #CompSci
- Inside Darpa’s push to make artificial intelligence explain itself. ~ S. Castellanos & S. Norton #AI
- OrgStat: Statistics visualizer for org-mode. ~ Mikhail Volkhov #Haskell #Emacs #OrgMode
- Backpack for deep learning. ~ Kaixi Ruan #Haskell #DeepLearning
- Automated reasoning for explainable artificial intelligence. ~ M.P. Bonacina #ATP #AI
- Yampa: Domain-specific language embedded in Haskell for programming hybrid (mixed discrete-time and continuous-time) systems. ~ Ivan Perez #Haskell
- Back to the future: time travel in FRP. ~ Ivan Perez #Haskell #FRP
- Cryptographic protocols specification and verification tools: a survey. ~ A.H. Shinde, A.J. Umbarkar & N.R. Pillai #Haskell #Isabelle #Coq
- Generalized graph pattern matching. ~ P. Almagro & F. Sancho
- Theorem provers as a learning tool in theory of computation. ~ M. Knobelsdorf et als. #ITP #Coq #Learning
- The three gap theorem (Steinhauss conjecture). ~ M. Mayero #Coq #Math
- GRAT: Efficient formally verified SAT solver certification toolchain. ~ P. Lammich #SAT #IsabelleHOL
- Discrete mathematics. ~ M. Fiore #Math
- SC2 challenges: when Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation join forces. ~ E. Ábrahám et als. #ATP
- Understanding asymmetric numeral systems. ~ Roman Cheplyaka #Haskell #Math
- Recognizing when two arithmetic expressions are essentially the same. ~ Mark Dominus #Math #Puzzle
- MGL: Common Lisp machine learning library. ~ Gábor Melis #CommonLisp #ML
- The most beautiful program ever written: a Lisp interpreter written in Lisp. ~ Guowei Lv #Lisp
- Information effects. ~ R.P. James & A. Sabry #Haskell
- Review: Information effects. #Haskell #ReversibleComputing
- Nix and Haskell in production. ~ G. Gonzalez #Haskell #Nix
- Haskell merkle trees. #Haskell
- Ser matemático es la profesión del futuro. ~ Cedric Villani #Matemáticas
- The potential of interference-based proof systems. ~ M.J.H. Heule & B. Kiesl #ATP
- Digging in deep: solving a real problem with Haskell Tensor Flow. ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #TensorFlow
- Pirámides de números primos capicúa. ~ @Wicho #Matemáticas
- Palindromic prime pyramids. ~ G.L. Honaker & C.K. Caldwell #Math
- Supplement to “Palindromic prime pyramids”. ~ C.K. Caldwell #Math
- Functional Pearl: a pretty but not greedy printer. ~ J.P. Bernardy #Haskell
- Speculate: discovering conditional equations and inequalities about black-box functions by reasoning from test results. ~ R. Braquehais & C. Runciman #Haskell
- Notions of computation as monoids. ~ E. Rivas & M. Jaskelioff #Haskell
- Industrial use of ACL2: applications, achievements, challenges, and directions. ~ JS. Moore & M.J.H. Heule #ACL2
- Generic functional parallel algorithms: Scan and FFT. ~ Conal Elliott #Haskell
- Universities are broke. So let’s cut the pointless admin and get back to teaching. ~ A. Spicer
- Checkable proofs for first-order theorem proving. ~ G. Reger & M. Suda #ATP
- A framework for adaptive differential privacy. ~ D. Winograd-Cort, A. Haeberlen, A. Roth & B.C. Pierce #OCaml
- Induction for point-free equational reasoning. ~ Ruben Pieters #Haskell #Math
- Vigorous public debates in academic computer science. ~ John Regehr #CompSci
- A tour of Eta (Learn functional programming the easy way). #Eta #Haskell
- Simply safe lattice cryptography. ~ E. Crockett #PhD_Thesis #Haskell #Math #Cryptography
- Verified tail bounds for randomized programs. ~ J. Tassarotti & R. Harper #Coq
- Faster coroutine pipelines. ~ Mike Spivey #Haskell
- Abusing Haskell dependent types to make Redis queues safer. ~ Tebello M. Thejane #Haskell
- A concise introduction to logic. ~ Craig DeLancey #eBook #Logic #OpenLibra
- The evolution of Lisp. ~ G.L. Steele & R.P. Gabriel #Lisp
- How to design programs (second edition). ~ M. Felleisen et als. #eBook #Programming #Scheme
- Kami: a platform for high-level parametric hardware specification and its modular verification. ~ J. Choi et als. #Coq
- Writing a formally-verified porn browser in Coq and Haskell. ~ Michael Burge #Coq #Haskell
- The Ntha programming language. ~ JHZheng #Haskell
- Shrink fast correctly! ~ O. Savary Bélanger & A.W. Appel #Coq
- Type Tac Toe: advanced type safety. ~ Chris Penner #Haskell #Game
- Monad transformer commutativity. ~ Jason Shipman #Haskell
- Verified correctness and security of mbedTLS HMAC-DRBG. ~ K.Q. Ye et als. #Coq
- Conway’s game of life using representable and comonads. ~ Chris Penner #Haskell
- The engine for Haskell IDE-integration. #Haskell
- A certified decision procedure for tree shares. ~ X.B. Le et als. #Coq
- Putting the flow in Tensor Flow! ~ James Bowen #Haskell #TensorFlow
- Radix sort, trie trees, and maps from representable functors. ~ Chris Penner #Haskell
- Formalisations using two-level type theory. ~ D. Annenkov, P. Capriotti & N. Kraus #ITP #LeanTP #HoTT
- Verification by reduction to functional programs. ~ R.W. Blanc #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Leon #Scala
- Verified root-balanced trees. ~ T. Nipkow #ITP #IsabelleHOL #AFP
- Certified soundness of simplest known formulation of first-order logic. ~ John Bruntse Larsen #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Free and forgetful functors. ~ Chris Penner #Haskell
- Algoritmos para Big Data: Grafos y PageRank. ~ S. Garcı́a #TFG #BigData #Python
- The GRAT tool chain: efficient (UN)SAT certificate checking with formal correctness guarantees. ~ P. Lammich #IsabelleHOL #SAT
- How to prove your calculus is decidable: practical applications of second-order algebraic theories and computation. ~ M. Hamana #Haskell
- Adjunctions and Battleship. ~ Chris Penner #Haskell
- FuncShell: Improve your shell by making it functional through Haskell! (An update to Awkward). ~ Rahul Ramteke #Haskell
- Herbarium Racketensis: a stroll through the woods (functional pearl). ~ V. St-Amour et als. #FP #Racket
- El gran salto entre creer y demostrar. ~ M.A. Morales | El Aleph #Matemáticas
- Learning number theory and Haskell: the division algorithm. ~ Chris Smith #Haskell #Math
- Orbit-stabiliser theorem with application to rotational symmetries in Isabelle/HOL. ~ J. Rädle #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math #AFP
- Orbit-stabilizer theorem. ~ Proofwiki #Math
- Category theory for programmers. ~ Bartosz Milewski #Haskell #Math
- From concurrent programs to simulating sequential programs: correctness of a transformation. ~ A. Blanchard et als. #Coq
- Zippers using Representable and Cofree. ~ Chris Penner #Haskell
- Computational category theory. ~ D.E. Rydeheard & R.M. Burstall #eBook #FP #SML #Math
- Enter the matrix, Haskell style. ~ Manuel Chakravarty | Tweag I/O #FP #Haskell #Math
- 7 lenguajes que se utilizan en inteligencia artificial. ~ E. Goette #Programación #IA
- 7 best Artificial Intelligence programming language in 2017. #AI #Programming #Haskell #JavaScript #Prolog #Java #Lisp #Cpp #Python
- regex-fsm: Convert regular expressions into layered finite-state machines. ~ David Johnson #Haskell
- AlgebraicPrelude: Remaking a basis for Haskell that is well grounded in Group theory. #Haskell #Math
- Fixed-length vector types in Haskell (an update for 2017) ~ Justin Le #Haskell
- The λμ-calculus in Isabelle/HOL. ~ C. Matache, V.B.F. Gomes & D.P. Mulligan #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic #AFP
- Constrained type families. ~ J. Garrett Morris & R.A. Eisenberg #Haskell
- Let’s make a GTK Video Player with Haskell. ~ David Lettier #Haskell
- Hilbert R-tree in Haskell. ~ David Johnson #Haskell
- Algebraic principles for program correctness tools in Isabelle/HOL. ~ V.B.F. Gomes #PhD_Thesis #IsabelleHOL
- Serokell Haskell style guide. #Haskell
- August 2017 1HaskellADay problems and solutions. ~ Douglas M. #Haskell #Haskell #1HaskellADay
- SuperRecord: anonymous records for Haskell. ~ Alexander Thiemann #Haskell
- Type level merge sort (Haskell). ~ Alexander Thiemann #Haskell
- Exploration of primes, factorization and number theory through Haskell. ~ Mamy Ratsimbazafy #Haskell #Math
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI). ~ David Gunning #AI #XAI
- A proof strategy language and proof script generation for Isabelle/HOL. ~ Y. Nagashima, R. Kumar #IsabelleHOL
- PSL: Proof Strategy Language for Isabelle/HOL. ~ Yutaka Nagashima #IsabelleHOL
- Study and implementations of F-Algebras and Bird-Meertens formalism in Haskell. #Haskell #Math
- Visualizing graphs in Haskell. ~ Michael Burge #Haskell #Graphviz
- IfElse: Anaphoric and miscellaneous useful control-flow. ~ J.R. Heard & W. Thornton #Haskell
- ¿Qué demonios es el Deep Learning y por qué debería aprenderlo en este artículo? ~ A. Palomo #IA #DeepLearning
- DeepL, un traductor superior. ~ @Alvy #IA
- Programas, funciones y dibujos con CodeWorld/Haskell. #CodeWorld #Haskell
- Roll your own bitcoin exchange in Haskell. Michael Burge #Haskell
- Emulating finite state machines, non-deterministic finite state machines, push-down automata, and Turing machines in Haskell. #Haskell
- Linear logic programming for narrative generation. ~ C. Martens, A.G. Bosser, J.F. Ferreira & M. Cavazza
- Testing and debugging functional reactive programming. ~ I. Perez & H. Nilsson #Haskell
- Lock-step simulation is child’s play (experience report). ~ J. Breitner & C. Smith #Haskell #CodeWorld #ICFP2017
- Scaling up functional programming education: under the hood of the OCaml MOOC. ~ B. Canou, R. Di Cosmo & G. Henry #OCaml #ICFP2017
- Verifying efficient function calls in CakeML. ~ S. Owens et als. #ITP #HOL4 #ICFP2017
- Deeper still: convolutional neural networks. ~ James Bowen #Haskell
- Cuando el algoritmo se convierte en artista: ¿reemplazará al humano? ~ Jose A. Luna
- How to prove your calculus is decidable: practical applications of second-order algebraic theories and computation. ~ M. Hamana #Haskell
- Kami: a platform for high-level parametric hardware specification and its modular verification. ~ J. Choi et als. #Coq #ICFP2017
- SpaceSearch: a library for building and verifying solver-aided tools. ~ K. Weitz et als. #Coq #ICFP2017
- Local refinement typing. ~ B. Cosman & R. Jhala #Haskell #SMT #LiquidHaskell #ICFP2017
- Compiling to categories. ~ C. Elliott #Haskell #ICFP2017
- Q*cert: Q*cert: A query compiler and a platform for implementing and verifying query compilers. #ITP #Coq
- Mathematical components. ~ A. Mahboubi & E. Tassi #eBook #ITP #Coq #Math
- 99 ways to say ‘(I love you). ~ Matt Might #FP #Racket
- A formal proof of the Kepler conjecture. ~ S. Kober #ITP #IsabelleHOL #HOL_Light #Math
- GALE: A functional graphic adventure library and engine. ~ Ivan Perez #Haskell #Game
- Tracking performance over the entire software lifecyle. ~ Nicolas Mattia #Haskell
- ICFP / FSCD day 3 – rough notes. ~ Dominic Orchard #icfp2017
- Bringing order to the separation logic jungle. ~ Q. Cao, S. Cuellar & A.W. Appel #Coq
- Modeling music in Haskell. ~ Sandy Maguire #Haskell
- Hyperion: a DSL for writing benchmarks to measure and analyze software performance. #Haskell
- Highly cited theorems. ~ J.D. Cook #Math
- Clojure numerics, part 2: General linear systems and LU factorization. ~ Dragan Djuric #Clojure #Math
- Generalized refocusing: from hybrid strategies to abstract machines. ~ M. Biernacka, W. Charatonik & K. Zielińska #Coq
- Combining Brick and Haskeline. ~ Gustav Behm #Haskell
- How the List Monad helped me better understand Non-deterministic Polynomial time complexity. ~ Quentin Duval #Haskell
- Haskell Study Startup: Launch your own Haskell study group. ~ Steven Syrek #Haskell
- On dependent types and intuitionism in programming mathematics. ~ S.D. Meshveliani #Haskell #Agda #Math
- An existence theorem of Nash equilibrium in Coq and Isabelle. ~ S. Le Roux, É. Martin & J.G. Smaus #Coq #IsabelleHOL
- Signature inference for functional property discovery. ~ Tom Sydney Kerckhove #MSc_Thesis #Haskell
- EasySpec: Signature inference for functional property discovery in Haskell. ~ Tom Sydney Kerckhove #Haskell
- Elaboration on functional dependencies. ~ G. Karachalias & T. Schrijvers #Haskell
- Reading EPUBs in Emacs. ~ Irreal #Emacs #EPub
- Distant decimals of pi. ~ Y. Bertot, L. Rideau & L. Théry #Coq #Math
- From logic programming to human reasoning: how to be artificially human. ~ EAD Saldanha #PhD_Thesis #LogicProgramming #AI #Logic
- A reasoning system for a first-order logic of limited belief. ~ C. Schwering #Logic #AI #ATP
- Swift logic for Big Data and knowledge graphs. ~ L. Bellomarini et als. #Logic #Big_Data #AI
- Prolog loves graphs (How to use Prolog to implement graph traversal). #Prolog
- Prácticas de cálculo numérico con Maxima. ~ A. Vigueras #Maxima #Matemáticas #OpenLibra
- Anselm’s God in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Ben Blumson #ITP #IsabelleHOL #AFP
- Deep Learning and Deep Types: Tensor Flow and Dependent Types. ~ James Bowen #Haskell #TensorFlow
- From textbooks to knowledge: a case study in harvesting axiomatic knowledge from textbooks to solve geometry problems. ~ M. Sachan et als.
- All about strictness. ~ M. Snoyman #Haskell
- GeoS: an end-to-end system that solves high school geometry questions. #Math
- The shape of a benedictine monastery: the SaintGall ontology. ~ C. Cantale et als. #OWL2
- TiML: a functional language for practical complexity analysis with invariants. ~ P. Wang, D. Wang & A. Chlipala #FP #ML #SMT
- Functional programming for mortals with Scalaz. ~ Sam Halliday #eBook #FP #Scala
- Introduction to Homotopy Type Theory. ~ T. Altenkirch #HoTT
- Functional programming and modern DevOps. ~ Aaron Contorer #FP #Haskell
- ML for the working programmer, 2nd Edition. ~ L. Paulson #eBook #FP #ML
- ¿Puede la retroinformática darnos mejores programadores en el futuro? Este estudio cree que sí. #Programación
- Obverse versus reverse: benchmarking in Haskell with criterion. ~ J.P. Villa #Haskell
- Verified cryptography for Firefox 57. ~ B. Beurdouche, F. Kiefer, T. Taubert
- Monoids: what they are, why they are useful, and what they teach us about software. ~ Quentin Duval #Haskell
- Basic Haskell functional programming. ~ H. Conrad Cunningham #Haskell
- A propositional theorem prover in Haskell, using Wang’s algorithm. ~ #Haskell #Logic
- Trace and stable failures semantics for CSP-Agda. ~ B. Igried & A. Setzer #Agda
- Theorem prover for intuitionistic propositional logic in Haskell. #Haskell #Logic
- Differentiating functional programs. ~ Darryl McAdams #Haskell
- Prime numbers in Haskell. #Haskell #Math
- Certified password quality: a case study using Coq and Linux pluggable authentication modules. ~ J.F. Ferreira et als. #Coq
- Java from Haskell: a tutorial. ~ F. Domínguez | Tweag I/O #Haskell #Java
- A certified reference validation mechanism for the permission model of Android. ~ G. Betarte et als. #Coq #Haskell
- Simply logical (intelligent reasoning by example) in Swish. ~ P. Flach #Prolog #Logic #AI
- Encode state transitions in types using linear types. ~ A. Spiwack | Tweag I/O #Haskell
- Building Haskell projects with GHC. ~ Emil Axelsson #Haskell
- Free me: Exploring the Free data type. ~ Fintan Halpenny #Haskell
- Making Google tasks better (Part 2). ~ Martin Capodici #Haskell
- Dots and Boxes. ~ Wikipedia #Game
- Dots and Boxes game in Haskell. ~ Martin Capodici #Haskell
- IMP compiler implemented in Haskell. ~ Eugeniy Meshcheryakov #Haskell
- Introducción a la programación funcional. #I1M2017 #Haskell #CodeWorld
- How to script with Stack. ~ M. Snoyman #Haskell
- Langages de programmation. ~ Sylvie Boldo
- Visualizing lazy evaluation. ~ Edsko de Vries #Haskell
- Cryptographic hashing in Haskell. ~ M. Snoyman #Haskell
- Checking it’s all in place: placeholders and dependent types. ~ James Bowen #Haskell #TensorFlow
- SafeD. ~ Bartosz Milewski #Programming #SafeD #Cpp #Dlang
- Representation and partial automation of the Principia Logico-Metaphysica in Isabelle/HOL. ~ D. Kirchner #ITP #IsabelleHOL #AFP
- Scrap your reprinter (a datatype generic algorithm for layout-preserving refactoring). ~ H. Clarke & D. Orchard #Haskell
- Transforming data structures into types: an introduction to dependent typing and its benefits. ~ Quentin Duval #Idris
- Verifying properties of binarized deep neural networks. ~ N. Narodytska et als. #DeepLearning #Logic #SAT
- Reluplex: an efficient SMT solver for verifying deep neural networks. ~ G. Katz et als. #DeepLearning #SMT
- Introducción a la programación funcional con Haskell. #I1M2017 #Haskell
- Practical concurrent Haskell: with Big Data applications. ~ S.L. Nita & M. Mihailescu #Haskell #BigData
- Formalising and monitoring traffic rules for autonomous vehicles in Isabelle/HOL. ~ T. Nipkow et als. #IsabelleHOL
- GHC compiler plugins in the wild: typing Java. ~ F. Domínguez & M. Boespflug #Haskell #Java
- Basic category theory for (Scala) programmers (part I). ~ Gabriel Claramunt #Scala #Math
- An introduction to functional programming. ~ Lucas Dicioccio #FP
- Extrapolate: generalizing counter-examples of functional test properties. ~ R. Braquehais & C. Runciman #Haskell
- Secure automotive software (the next steps). ~ L. Pike, J. Sharp, M. Tullsen, P.C. Hickey & J. Bielman
- Certified bit-coded regular expression parsing. ~ R. Ribeiro & A. Du Bois #ITP #Agda
- Alternatives to typed holes for talking to your compiler. ~ Christopher Allen #Haskell
- Approximation algorithms using allegories and Coq. ~ D. Chowdhury #MSc_Thesis #Coq #Math
- Representación del conocimiento. ~ F. Sancho #IA
- What is a knowledge representation? ~ R. Davis, H. Shrobe & P. Szolovits. #AI
- Beautiful aggregations with Haskell. ~ Evan Borden #Haskell
- Grenade! Dependently typed neural networks. ~ James Bowen #Haskell #NeuralNetworks
- Immutability and unboxing in array programming. ~ Manuel Chakravarty #Haskell
- Introducción al razonamiento automático con Prover9 y Mace4. ~ F. Sancho #Prover9 #Mace4
- The state of being stuck. ~ Ben Orlin #Math
- The real risks of Artificial Intelligence. ~ David Lorge Parnas #AI
- Analyzing individual proofs as the basis of interoperability between proof systems. ~ G. Dowek #Logic #ITP
- The time ontology of Allen’s interval algebra. ~ M. Grüninger & Z. Li #Prover9
- Machine learning and algorithmic model theory. ~ M. Grohe #ML #Logic
- Category theory for programmers. ~ Bartosz Milewski (unofficial PDF and LaTeX source) #Haskell #Math
- Una Lambda aventura en Haskell. ~ Francisco José Cháves #Haskell #Lógica #Matemáticas
- Expected value of the diameter of a tree. ~ Atabey Kaygun #CommonLisp #Math
- Premise selection for theorem proving by deep graph embedding. ~ M. Wang er als. #ATP #DeepLearning
- Profunctors for encoding and decoding. ~ Kari Pahula #Haskell
- Making your brain tingle: Functions as functors. ~ Sascha Wilde #Haskell
- Codex: a web application for setting programming exercises in a learning environment. ~ Pedro Vasconcelos #Haskell
- Codex-QuickcCheck: QuickCheck customizations for the Codex learning environment. ~ Pedro Vasconcelos #Haskell
- Trouble with databases? Persevere with Persistent! ~ James Bowen #Haskell
- Proof-checking Euclid. ~ M. Beeson, J. Narboux & F. Wiedijk #ITP #Coq #HOL_Light #Math
- Org mode as an Exocortex. ~ Irreal #Emacs
- What does explainable AI really mean? A new conceptualization of perspectives. ~ D. Doran, S. Schulz & T.R. Besold #XAI
- CMSC-16100 Lecture 1: Introduction to Haskell. ~ R. Chugh & S.A. Kurtz #Haskell #I1M2017
- A Quarter of Haskell (Supplementary notes for UChicago CMSC 16100). ~ R. Chugh & S.A. Kurtz #Haskell #I1M2017
- A Quarter of Haskell: Introduction to Haskell. ~ R. Chugh & S.A. Kurtz #Haskell #I1M2017
- A verified messaging system. ~ W. Mansky, A.W. Appel & A. Nogin #Coq
- Domain Specific Languages of Mathematics: Lecture Notes. ~ P. Jansson & C. Ionescu #Haskell #Math #I1M2017
- Metamorphisms. ~ Jeremy Gibbons #Haskell
- Les méthodes formelles: l’autre arme de la cybersécurité. ~ Jean Goubault-Larrecq #Formal_verification
- Which languages are bug prone. ~ Janet Swift #Programming
- Ten things you should know about Haskell syntax. ~ Bartosz Milewski #Haskell
- Deduzione automatica. ~ M.P. Bonacina #ATP #Logic
- Formalizing and proving a typing result for security protocols in Isabelle/HOL. ~ A.V. Hess & S. Mödersheim #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- How to compose streaming programs. ~F. Domínguez #Haskell
- Natural deduction on Liquid Haskell. ~ Niki Vazou #Haskell #LiquidHaskell #Logic
- From design patterns to category theory. ~ Mark Seemann #Programming #Math
- Lists as context: A deeper look at the Applicative Type Class. ~ Will Kurt #Haskell
- Why do our programs need to read input and write output? ~ G. Gonzalez #Haskell
- Exponential sums make pretty pictures. ~ J.D. Cook #Math #Programming
- Haskell Weekly 75: News from the Haskell community (October 5 2017). #Haskell
- scalendar: Haskell Library to deal with resource availability in a Calendar. ~ Sebastián Pulido #Haskell
- A large-scale study of programming languages and code quality in GitHub. ~ B. Ray et als. #Programming
- Semantic versioning checking in a declarative package manager. ~ M. Hanus #Curry
- Functional Pearl: Compiling a fifty year journey. ~ G. Hutton & P. Bahr #Haskell
- News in Isabelle2017 (October 2017). #IsabelleHOL
- A verified compiler from Isabelle/HOL to CakeML. ~ L. Hupel & T. Nipkow #IsabelleHOL
- Matemáticas conceptuales: Una primera introducción a categorı́as. ~ W. Lawvere & S. Schanuel #Matemáticas
- Category theory and functional programming. ~ Mikael Vejdemo Johansson #Math #CompSci #FunctionalProgramming
- Isabelle functions: Always total, sometimes undefined. ~ Joachim Breitner #IsabelleHOL
- Computational geometry: set operations on polytopes. ~ Maksymilian Owsianny #Haskell #Math
- A Monoid for all seasons. ~ Julie Moronuki #Haskell #Logic #Math
- Making Kalman filtering correct with types. ~ Dominic Steinitz #Haskell #DataScience
- Array fusion with vector. ~ Manuel M T Chakravarty #Haskell
- Scrap your bounds checks with Liquid Haskell. ~ Gabriel Gonzalez #Haskell #LiquidHaskell
- Recursion schemes, part IV: Time is of the essence. ~ Patrick Thomson #Haskell
- A mechanized proof of Higman’s lemma by open induction. ~ Christian Sternagel #IsabelleHOL #Math
- What are some scientific applications of Haskell? ~ Edward Kmett #Haskell
- A tail we don’t need to wag. ~ Dan Piponi #Haskell
- Composing declarations in Template Haskell. #Haskell
- The CEO of GitHub, which caters to coders, thinks automation will bring an end to traditional software programming. ~ Becky Peterson #Programming
- hs-to-coq: Convert Haskell source code to Coq source code. ~ Antal Spector-Zabusky #Haskell #Coq
- MagicHaskeller based agent makes finalist in 1st round of general AI challenge! #Haskell #AI
- Contando números primos: Análisis contra Combinatoria. ~ Juan Arias de Reyna #Matemáticas #Computación
- The combinatorial algorithm for computing π(x). ~ Douglas B. Staple #Math #CompSci
- Homogeneous linear diophantine equations in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Florian Meßner et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Computer-assisted reconstruction and assessment of E. J. Lowe’s modal ontological argument. ~ D. Fuenmayor & C. Benzmüller #IsabelleHOL
- hs-init: Tool for creating completely configured production Haskell projects. ~ Veronika Romashkina #Haskell
- Advice for Haskell beginners. ~ G. Gonzalez #Haskell
- The Hurwitz and Riemann ζ functions in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M. Eberl #IsabelleHOL #ITP #Math
- Hotswapping Haskell. ~ Jon Coens #Haskell
- A verified solver for linear recurrences in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M. Eberl #IsabelleHOL #ITP #Math
- Dirichlet series in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M. Eberl #IsabelleHOL #ITP #Math
- AI algorithms are starting to teach AI algorithms. #AI #Programming
- Homogeneous linear diophantine equations in Isabelle/HOL. ~ F. Messner et als. #IsabelleHOL #ITP #Math
- Formal methods for Answer Set Programming. ~ Amelia J. Harrison #PhD_Thesis #ASP
- Formalization of quantum protocols using Coq. ~ J. Boender, F. Kammüller & R. Nagarajan #ITP #Coq
- forall x: Calgary Remix (An introduction to formal logic). ~ P.D. Magnus et als. #eBook #Logic
- Count the number of complex roots in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Wenda Li #IsabelleHOL #ITP #Math
- Empirically testing the Chowla conjecture. ~ J.D. Cook #Math #Programming
- ELFE: An interactive theorem prover for undergraduate students. ~ Maximilian Doré #ITP #Logic #Haskell
- ELFE: Interactive theorem proving for students (code). ~ Maximilian Doré #ITP #Logic #Haskell
- Good proofs are proofs that make us wiser. ~ Yu.I.Manin #Math
- Formal methods during the programming phase. ~ R.F. Paige et als. #Formal_methods
- Towards complete specification and verification with SMT. ~ N. Vazou et als. #Haskell #LiquidHaskell #Logic #SMT
- Handout on basics behind answer sets. ~ Yuliya Lierler #ASP #Logic #Programming
- Evaluate winding numbers through Cauchy indices in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Wenda Li #IsabelleHOL #ITP #Math
- Formalization of Pell’s equation in the Mizar system. ~ M. Acewicz & K. Pak #ITP #Mizar #Math
- Tangled Webs: Testing an integrated system. ~ James Bowen #Haskell
- Didáctica con R, menos cuentas y más pensamiento crítico. ~ A. Galindo #Matemáticas #Enseñanza
- Progress in the independent certification of Mizar Mathematical Library in Isabelle. ~ C. Kaliszyk & K. Pak #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Mizar #Math
- System Description: Russell (A logical framework for deductive systems). ~ Dmitry Vlasov #ITP #Logic
- Transition systems and automata in Isabelle/HOL. ~ J. Brunner #IsabelleHOL
- Motor: Finite-state machines in Haskell. ~ Oskar Wickström #Haskell
- Linear Haskell: practical linearity in a higher-order polymorphic language. ~ Jean-Philippe Bernardy et als. #Haskell
- Using Stackage for GHC regression testing. ~ Manuel Chakravarty #Haskell
- The Kuratowski closure-complement theorem in Isabelle/HOL. ~ P. Gammie & G. Gioiosa. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- What’s the future of programming? The answer lies in functional languages. ~ Nick Heath #Programming #Haskell
- The refinement calculus of reactive systems toolset. ~ I. Dragomir, V. Preoteasa & S. Tripakis #IsabelleHOL
- Comonads for optionality. ~ Phil Freeman #Haskell #PureScript
- The game of pattern matching. ~ Phil Freeman #Haskell #PureScript
- Constructive pedagogy. ~ Julie Moronuki #Haskell #Pedagogy
- Modern library for working with URIs. ~ Mark Karpov #Haskell
- Why Computer Science is a science. Emanuele D’Osualdo #CompSi
- Cuatro décadas de Informática en España. ~ Ángel G. Perianes #Historia
- Temporal Answer Set Programming. ~ M. Diéguez #ASP
- Réminiscences d’un chercheur en informatique 1967-2000. ~ Gérard Huet #OCaml #Coq
- Formal proof of Banach-Tarski paradox. ~ Daniel de Rauglaudre #ITP #Coq #Math
- A pragmatic introduction to category theory. ~ Daniela Sfregola #Scala #Category_theory
- Answer Set Programming in Proofdoku. ~ Adam M. Smith #ASP #Game
- proofdoku: Game with ASP-backed mechanics. ~ By Nick Warren, Mason Reed & Adam Smith #ASP #Game
- Answer Set Programming tutorial (AIIDE2017). ~ Adam M. Smith #ASP #AI #Game
- Jean D’Alembert: cómo pasar de matemático a figura pública. ~ J. Ferreirós #Historia #Matemática
- Poisson distribution and prime numbers. ~ J.D. Cook #Math #Programming #Python
- View and annotate PDFs in Emacs with PDF-tools. #Emacs
- Mathematics and computation. ~ Avi Wigderson #eBook #Math #CompSci
- Büchi complementation in Isabelle/HOL. ~ J. Brunner #IsabelleHOL
- Functional programming with bananas, lenses, envelopes and barbed wire. ~ E. Meijer, M. Fokkinga & R. Paterson #FunctionalProgramming
- Generalized bananas, lenses and barbed wire. ~ Edward Kmett #Haskell
- An Idris library for recursion schemes, with liberal examples. ~ Vanessa McHale #Idris
- Peeling the banana: Recursion schemes from first principles. ~ Zainab Ali #Scala
- Near future of programming languages. ~ Stephen Diehl #Programming
- Mechanizing exploratory game design. ~ Adam M. Smith #eBook #ASP #Game #AI
- Command Line Interface Tweeter in Haskell. ~ Vanessa McHale #Haskell
- Temporal type theory (A topos-theoretic approach to systems and behavior). ~ P. Schultz, D.I. Spivak
- Solving a crossword in answer set programming. ~ Alessandro Bruni #ASP
- Formal methods and the KRACK vulnerability. ~ Joey Dodds #Cryptography #Formal_methods
- ASP with applications to mazes and levels. ~ Mark J. Nelson & Adam M. Smith #ASP #Game
- Notes on Answer Set Programming. ~ Chris Martens #ASP #Logic Programming
- The basics of Answer Set Programming. ~ Olaf Aviss #ASP
- A first look at Answer Set Programming. ~ Hakan Kjellerstrand #ASP
- Constraint solving and planning with Picat. ~ N.F. Zhou, H. Kjellerstrand, J. Fruhman #eBook #Logic #Programming #Picat
- BioASP: Answer Set Programming for systems biology. #ASP
- Lecturas de teorías de categorías y programación funcional. #Matemáticas #Programación
- Improve SAT-solving with machine learning. ~ Haoze Wu #ATP #SAT #ML
- TypedFlow: a typed, higher-order frontend to TensorFlow and a high-level library for deep-learning. ~ Jean-Philippe Bernardy #Haskell #DeepLearning
- Academic research in the 21st century: maintaining scientific integrity in a climate of perverse incentives and hypercompetition. ~ M.A. Edwards, S. Roy
- Understanding HLint rules. ~ Neil Mitchell #Haskell
- Computing with impossible types. ~ @haskell_cat #Haskell
- Sum of heights in a binary tree. ~ Brent Yorgey #Algorithmic
- Aivika: computation-based modeling and simulation in Haskell. ~ David E. Sorokin et als. #eBook #Haskell #Simulation
- Notes and thoughts from reading Milewski “Category theory for programmers” written in Haskell. ~ Robert Peszek #Haskell #Category_theory
- Foundations of implementations for formal argumentation. ~ F. Cerutti et als. #Logic #AI #ASP
- Simplicity: a new language for blockchains. ~ Russell O’Connor #Coq #Blockchain
- Las matemáticas que puede esconder un dónut. ~ Alfonso J. Población #Matemáticas
- Who gets to be called a mathematician? ~ Junaid Mubeen #Math
- A set solver for finite relation algebra. ~ M. Cristiá, G. Rossi #CLP
- Profunctor Optics. ~ Bartosz Milewski #Haskell
- BiGUL: the bidirectional generic update language. #Haskell #Agda
- An axiomatic basis for bidirectional programming. ~ H.S. Ko, Z. Hu #Agda
- An axiomatic basis for bidirectional programming (Agda code). ~ H.S. Ko, Z. Hu #Agda
- A logical relation for monadic encapsulation of state (Proving contextual equivalences in the presence of runST). ~ A. Timany #Haskell
- AutoML, la máquina que crea otras máquinas inteligentes. ~ David Sarabia #IA #AA
- AutoML for large scale image classification and object detection. ~ B. Zoph, V. Vasudevan, J. Shlens, Q. Le #AI #ML
- Is mathematics a fine art? ~ Adrian Hindes #Math
- Teaching A.I. systems to behave themselves. ~ Cade Metz #AI #ML
- Mathematicians measure infinities and find they’re equal. ~ Kevin Hartnett #Math
- Refinement reflection: complete verification with SMT. ~ Niki Vazou #Haskell #LiquidHaskell #Logic #SMT
- Persistent red black trees in Haskell. ~ Abhiroop Sarkar #Haskell
- Improving Haskell. ~ Martin A.T. Handley & Graham Hutton #Haskell
- Unie: Inequational reasoning assistant for proofs relating to improvement theory. ~ Martin A.T. Handley #Haskell
- Generating good generators for inductive relations. ~ L. Lampropoulos, Z. Paraskevopoulou, B.C. Pierce #Coq #QuickCheck
- Encoding DCC (Dependency Core Calculus) in Haskell. ~ M. Algehed & A. Russo #Haskell
- Cómo calcular áreas contando puntitos. ~ M.A. Morales | El Aleph #Matemáticas
- An introduction to univalent foundations for mathematicians. ~ D.R. Grayson #Math #Logic #HoTT
- Proof theory. ~ J. Avigad #Math #Logic #ATP
- Small resolution proofs for QBF using dependency treewidth. ~ E. Eiben, R. Ganian & S. Ordyniak #Math #Logic #ATP
- Capturing the future by replaying the past (Functional Pearl). ~ J. Koppel & A. Solar #SML
- Finite state machines? (Your compiler wants in!) ~ Oskar Wickström #Haskell #Idris
- Would aliens understand lambda calculus? ~ Tomas Petricek #Math #Logic #CompSci
- Verifiable computing in Haskell. ~ Anthony Sheldon #Haskell #Math
- Spatial reasoning about motorway traffic safety with Isabelle/HOL. ~ Sven Linker #IsabelleHOL
- Hybrid multi-lane spatial logic in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Sven Linker #IsabelleHOL
- The digits of pi. ~ Jeremy Gibbons #Haskell #Math
- Haskell theory exploration scripts. ~ Chris Warburton #Haskell
- The Has type class pattern. ~ Jonathan Fischoff #Haskell
- Formalization of a Conflict-free Replicated Datatype for Internet Message Access Protocol commands in Isabelle/HOL. ~ T. Jungnickel, L. Oldenburg & M. Loibl #IsabelleHOL
- Theory exploration on infinite structures. ~ S.H. Einarsdóttir #IsabelleHOL
- Replicable parallel branch and bound search. ~ B. Archibald, P. Maier, C. McCreesh, R. Stewart & P. Trinder #Haskell
- Purescript for Elm developers. ~ Marco Sampellegrini #PureScript #Elm
- Answer Set Programming from a logical point of view. ~ P. Cabalar, D. Pearce & A. Valverde #ASP
- Formalisms and formalizations: Glass Bead in conversation with Catarina Dutilh Novaes and Reviel Netz. #Logic #Math
- To settle infinity question, a new law of Mathematics. ~ Natalie Wolchover #Math
- Scientists in silico? ~ Carl McBride #CompSci
- argmat-clpb: Solve argumentation problems using Constraint Logic Programming over boolean variables. ~ F. Pu, G. Luo & Y. Chen #CLP
- Vigila tus primos. ~ Juan Arias de Reyna #Matemáticas #Computación #RSA
- Millions of high-security crypto keys crippled by newly discovered flaw (Factorization weakness lets attackers impersonate key holders and decrypt their data). ~ Dan Goodin #RSA
- The return of Coppersmith’s attack: Practical factorization of widely used RSA moduli. ~ M. Nemec, M. Sys, P. Svenda, D. Klinec, V. Matyas #Math #CompSci #RSA
- Validating Brouwer’s continuity principle for numbers using named exceptions. ~ V. Rahli & M. Bickford #ITP #Nuprl #Coq
- dblp2bibtex: Generates bibtex files for authors identified in the DBLP database. ~ Rob Stewart #Haskell #TeX
- Rust as a gateway drug to Haskell. ~ Karol Kuczmarski #Rust #Haskell
- MAC (A verified static information-flow control library). ~ M. Vassena & A. Russo #Haskell #Agda
- In depth overview of Elm and PureScript. Lessons learned porting a game from PureScript to Elm. ~ Marco Sampellegrini #PureScript #Elm
- Selecting a platform: JavaScript vs Elm vs PureScript vs GHCjs vs Scalajs. ~ Isaac Shapira #JavaScript #Elm #PureScript #GHCjs #Scalajs
- Is (some) mathematics poetry? ~ J. Henle #Math
- Neural-symbolic learning and reasoning: a survey and interpretation. ~ T.R. Besold et als. #AI
- Haskell communities and activities report (November 2017). #Haskell
- Por qué deberías aprender programación funcional ya mismo (con una breve introducción a Haskell). ~ A. Marzal #PF #Haskell
- Answer Set Programming and CLASP (A tutorial). ~ S. Hölldobler, L. Schweizer #ASP
- Parallelising your array code. ~ Manuel Chakravarty #Haskell
- Portraits of famous philosophers who were also famous mathematicians. ~ C.S. Keyser #eBook #Math #History
- Recursion schemes (why, how and more). ~ Sergey Vinokurov #Haskell
- Domain Specific Languages of Mathematics: lecture notes (November 8, 2017). ~ Patrik Jansson Cezar Ionescu. #Haskell #Math
- Algorithmic resource verification. ~ R Kandhadai Madhavan #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Leon
- Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Bridging the gap between human and automated Reasoning (Is logic and automated reasoning a foundation for human reasoning?) #Logic #AR
- How type errors were fixed and what students did? ~ B. Wu, S. Chen #Haskell
- Learning user friendly type-error messages. ~ B. Wu, J.P. Campora III, S. Chen #Haskell
- Unifying parsing and prettyprinting. ~ Sergey Vinokurov #Haskell
- Adjunctions in everyday life (What we talk about when we talk about monads). ~ Rúnar Bjarnason #Haskell
- Jargon from the functional programming world in simple terms! #FuncionalProgramming
- Scala code examples for functional programming jargon. ~ Ikhoon Eom #FuncionalProgramming #Scala
- Mechanizing Principia Logico-Metaphysica in functional type theory. ~ D. Kirchner, C. Benzmüller, E.N. Zalta #IsabelleHOL #RA2017
- Representation and partial automation of the Principia Logico-Metaphysica in Isabelle/HOL. ~ D. Kirchner #Msc_Thesis #IsabelleHOL #RA2017
- Finite-state machines, part 2: Explicit typed state transitions. ~ Oskar Wickström #Haskell
- Let’s play with Regular Expressions. ~ Sergey Vinokurov #Haskell
- Python implementation and construction of finite abelian groups. ~ P. Bradley, J. Smethurst #Python #Math
- A programming digression: Kaprekar numbers. ~ E. Wallingford #Programming #Math
- Net puzzle game in Elm. ~ Julian Priestley #Elm #Puzzle
- Verification of PCP-related computational reductions in Coq. ~ Y. Forster, E. Heiter, G. Smolka #Coq
- Rewriting a shallow DSL using a GHC Compiler extension. ~ M. Grebe, D. Young, A. Gill #Haskell
- A programming digression: Farey sequences. ~ E. Wallingford #Programming #Math
- Emacs for humans: glossary. #Emacs
- QuickCheck and magic of testing. ~ A. Kuleshevich #Haskell #QuickCheck
- Learn Emacs in one video. ~ Derek Banas #Emacs #I1M2017
- Type-directed code generation. ~ Sandy Maguire #Haskell
- Anatomy of a Haskell-based application, revisited. ~ Zhouyu Qian #Haskell
- LeanCheck: a simple enumerative property-based testing library. ~ Rudy Matela #Haskell
- A programming digression: Generating excellent numbers. ~ E. Wallingford #Programming #Math
- Joys & frustrations of putting 34,000 lines of Haskell into production (at Vacation Labs). ~ Saurabh Nanda #Haskell
- Schur number five. ~ Marijn J.H. Heule #SAT #Logic #AI
- Category theory for programmers. ~ Bartosz Milewski #eBook #CategoryTheory #Haskell #OpenLibra
- Verified functional algorithms. ~ Andrew W. Appel #FuncionalProgramming #ITP #Coq
- Eta Fibers (Towards better concurrency on the JVM). ~ Rahul Muttineni #Haskell
- Resolviendo problemas de satisfacción de restricciones con hormigas. ~ F. Sancho #PSR #IA
- MonadBaseControl in five minutes. ~ Matt Parsons #Haskell
- Dependent types in Haskell. ~ Sasa Bogicevic #Haskell
- A formally proved, complete algorithm for path resolution with symbolic links. ~ R. Chen, M. Clochard, C. Marché #ITP #Coq
- Functional pearl: Nested Datacubes. ~ Tim Philip Williams #Haskell
- Spheres and points. ~ Bassel Mabsout #Haskell
- tzimtsum: A Presburger arithmetic proposition decider Haskell library. #Haskell #Logic #Math
- Stochastic matrices and the Perron-Frobenius theorem in Isabelle/HOL. ~ R. Thiemann #IsabelleHOL #Math
- An EDSL for KDB/Q (rationale, techniques and lessons learned). ~ Tim Williams #Haskell
- Talk notes: Lazy evaluation in Haskell. ~ Kostiantyn Rybnikov #Haskell
- HyperHaskell: a graphical interpreter for the programming language Haskell. ~ Heinrich Apfelmus #Haskell
- IPS-like proof systems based on binary decision diagrams. ~ A. Knop #Logic #AR #IPS
- Circuit complexity, proof complexity, and polynomial identity testing. ~ J.A. Grochow, T. Pitassi #AR #GröbnerBases
- Type theory in 15min. ~ Niki Vazou #Programming
- Una formalización del sistema de los números reales. ~ J.O. Acevedo y J.L. Echeverri #ITP #Agda
- Exference: Haskell tool to generate expressions from types. ~ Lennart Spitzner #Haskell
- Exference: Rubbing the Lamp once more. ~ Lennart Spitzner #Haskell
- Programación funcional avanzada (2017). ~ Ernesto Hernández-Novich #Curso #Haskell
- Can A.I. be taught to explain itself? ~ C. Kuang #XAI
- Teoría de categorías en Scala: Tipos y funciones. ~ A. Alcalde #TeoríaCategorías #Scala
- Carp: A statically typed Lisp, without a GC, for high performance applications. #Haskell #Lisp
- ¿Porqué usar programación funcional? ~ Marco Ordoñez #ProgramacionFuncional
- Proving Peano arithmetic partially consistent? ~ R.J. Lipton & K.W. Regan #Logic
- Stochastic matrices and the Perron–Frobenius theorem in Isabelle/HOL. ~ René Thiemann #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Session types in Cloud Haskell. ~ Ferdinand van Walree #PhD_Thesis #Haskell
- Hamiltonian dynamics in Haskell. ~ Justin Le #Haskell #Math #Physic
- My unusual hobby. ~ Stephan Boyer #ITP #Coq
- sparse-linear-algebra: Numerical computation in native Haskell. ~ Marco Zocca #Haskell #Math
- Total Haskell is reasonable Coq. ~ A. Spector-Zabusky, J. Breitner, C. Rizkallah, S. Weirich #Haskell #Coq
- Deciphering Haskell’s applicative and monadic parsers. ~ Eli Bendersky #Haskell
- Reseña: “Apología de un matemático” de G. H. Hardy. ~ F.R. Villatoro #Matemáticas
- Lecturas sobre teoría de categorías y programación funcional. #TeoriaDeCategorias #ProgramacionFuncional #Haskell
- European Union regulations on algorithmic decision-making and a “right to explanation”. ~ B. Goodman, S. Flaxman #MachineLearning
- Haskell-University: Portfolio-based approach to learning Haskell. #Haskell
- Symmetric groups on finite sets in PureScript. #PureScript #Math
- Teaching the formalization of mathematical theories and algorithms via the automatic checking of finite models. ~ W. Schreiner, A. Brunhuemer, C. Fürst #ITP #Math #RISCAL
- Números piramidales de cuatro dimensiones. ~ Antonio Roldán #Matemáticas #Programación
- From logic programming to machine ethics. ~ A. Saptawijaya, L.M. Pereira #LogicProgramming #KRR #AI
- Tierless Web programming in ML. ~ G. Radanne #PhD_Thesis #FunctionalProgramming #OCaml
- A domain specific language for drum beat programming. ~ A.R. Du Bois, R. Ribeiro #Haskell #DSL #Music
- A formal proof in Coq of a control function for the inverted pendulum. ~ D. Rouhling #ITP #Coq #Math #Physics
- Writing code like a mathematical proof. ~ Spiro Sideris #Math #Programming
- Haskell for dummies. ~ M. Snoyman #Haskell
- CompCert: Practical experience on integrating and qualifying a formally verified optimizing compiler. ~ D. Kästner et als. #ITP #Coq #CompCert
- Reflecting on Haskell in 2017. ~ Stephen Diehl #Haskell
- Slides and other materials for functional programming lectures ITMO university. ~ D. Kovanikov, A. Seroka #Haskell
- Point-free or die: tacit programming in Haskell and beyond. ~ Amar Shah #Haskell
- Voting with ties: Strong impossibilities via SAT solving. ~ F. Brandt, C. Saile, C. Stricker #SAT_solving
- A constructive formalisation of semi-algebraic sets and functions. ~ B. Djalal #ITP #Coq #Math
- Arithmetic coding. ~ Jeremy Gibbons #Haskell #Math
- Finding bugs in Haskell code by proving it. ~ J. Breitner #Haskell
- Using Haskell on the frontend. ~ Vanessa McHale #Haskell
- La inteligencia artificial que caza noticias para Reuters en Twitter. ~ David Sarabia #IA
- Reuters Tracer: toward automated news production using large scale social media data. ~ X. Liu et als. #AI #BigData
- learn elm: discover why people are switching to Elm and how you can get started today! #elm
- Un bestiario fractal de curvas para rellenar el espacio (y el cerebro). ~ @Alvy #Fractales
- Brainfilling curves: a fractal bestiary. ~ Jeffrey Ventrella
- A complete taxonomy of plane-filling curves. ~ Jeffrey Ventrella #Fractal
- Analyzing individual proofs as the basis of interoperability between proof systems. ~ G. Dowek #ITP #Coq #IsabelleHOL
- Functional pearl: integer partitions and QuickCheck. ~ Vanessa McHale #Haskell
- Secret link uncovered between pure math and physics. ~ Kevin Hartnett #Math #Physics
- Cómo compartir un secreto usando sistemas de ecuaciones lineales. ~ A. Cano, J.M. LunA, A. Rojas #Matemáticas
- The mind as a computational system. ~ Christoph Adami #AI
- Geometría axiomática. ~ Gerard Romo Garrido #Matemáticas
- Variations on a theme: A set of curated examples meant to show Haskell’s expressiveness. ~ Vanessa McHale #Haskell
- P = NP: Perhaps I change my mind. (An old result put a new way). ~ R.J. Lipton, K.W. Regan #Math #CompSci
- Mathematicians crack the cursed curve. ~ Kevin Hartnett #Math
- Notes on mathematical writing. ~ Clark Barwick #Math
- Rings: an efficient Java/Scala library for polynomial rings. ~ S. Poslavsky #Scala #Math
- Towards automatic resource bound analysis for OCaml. ~ J. Hoffmann, A. Das, S.C. Weng #OCaml
- The role of theory in Deep Learning. ~ David McAllester #AI #DeepLearning
- Computation in Logic and Logic in Computation. ~ S. Salehi #Logic #CompSci
- All about strictness analysis (part 1). ~ Sebastian Graf #Haskell
- Introduction to logic programming with Prolog. ~ Mathias Schilling #Prolog
- Co finds a pairing. ~ Phil Freeman #Haskell
- Streaming arithmetic coding. ~ Jeremy Gibbons #Haskell #Math
- A framework for certified self-stabilization. ~ S. Devismes, P. Corbineau, K. Altisen #ITP #Coq
- Getting things done in Haskell. ~ Jasper Van der Jeugt #Haskell
- Dismal arithmetic. ~ D. Applegate, M. LeBrun, N.J.A. Sloane #Math
- The Haskell pyramid. ~ Patrick Nielsen #Haskell
- fugacious: An example Haskell Web application. ~ Jasper Van der Jeugt #Haskell
- swMATH: An information service for mathematical software. #Math #CompSci
- Computational Logic: its origins and applications. ~ L.C Paulson #Logic #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Monadification of functional programs. ~ M. Erwig, D. Ren #Haskell
- An interactive introduction to quantum computing (or what do you mean they can be both zero and one at the same time!) ~ D. Kemp #CompSci
- Efficiency is not associative for matrix multiplication. ~ J.D. Cook #Math #CompSci
- A brief introduction to category theory. ~ D. Hofmann #CategoryTheory
- Applications of automated reasoning. ~ J. Harrison #AutomatedReasoning
- El Tao de la programación. #Programación
- The Tao of programming. #Programming
- Verified iptables firewall analysis & verification. ~ C. Diekmann, L. Hupel, J. Michaelis, M. Haslbeck, G. Carle #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- A tour of Go in Haskell. ~ Osanai Kazuyoshi #Haskell
- Reading simple Haskell. ~ Gil Mizrahi #Haskell
- Continuation passing style Free Monads and direct style Free Monads. ~ Quentin Duval #Idris
- Folding Christmas fractals. ~ Clarissa Grandi #Math
- Online Turing machine simulator. ~ Martín Ugarte #CompSci #Turing
- A logical relation for monadic encapsulation of state (proving contextual equivalences in the presence of runST). ~ A. Timany et als. #ITP #Coq #Haskell
- What makes Haskell unique. ~ M. Snoyman #Haskell
- safe-money: Money in the type system where it belongs. ~ Renzo Carbonara #Haskell
- Emacs: Org mode, programing language code markup. ~ Xah Lee #Emacs #Programming #OrgMode
- taskell: A command line task manager written in Haskell. ~ Mark Wales #Haskell
- Logic books of the year? ~ Peter Smith #Logic
- SLS: Songbird + Lemma Synthesis (a separation logic prover which can automatically synthesize inductive lemmas on-the-fly). #ATP #OCaml
- An axiomatic basis for bidirectional programming. ~ H.S. Ko, Z. Hu #ITP #Agda
- Bonsai: synthesis-based reasoning for type systems. ~ K. Chandra, R. Bodik #Racket
- Collapsing towers of interpreters. ~ N. Amin, T. Rompf #Lisp #Scala
- Debug: Haskell library for debugging. ~ Neil Mitchell #Haskell
- Fast and fearless evolution of server-side Web applications. ~ Oskar Wickström #Haskell
- A water-based solution of polynomial equations. ~ Mark Levi #Math
- Safety and conservativity of definitions in HOL and Isabelle/HOL. ~ O. Kunčar, A. Popescu #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- The string search algorithm by Knuth, Morris and Pratt in Isabelle/HOL. ~ F. Hellauer, P. Lammich #IsabelleHOL
- Monadic “do” block, yet again (What should get into your “do” block?) ~ Arvind Devarajan #Haskell
- Lambda calculus in Clojure (part 1). ~ Sergio Rodrigo Royo #LambdaCalculus #Clojure
- Haskell in production in a startup in 2017? Yup. ~ Frédéric Menou Clément Delafargue #Haskell
- Functional programming with graphs. ~ @futtetennista #Haskell
- Solving satisfiability using inclusion-exclusion. ~ A. Zaleski #Logic #Sat #Maple
- The Haskell performance checklist. ~ Chris Done #Haskell
- Benchmarks for numbers: ints, doubles, bignums, rationals, etc. ~ Chris Done #Haskell
- Splitting and splicing intervals (part 1). ~ R. Jhala #Haskell #LiquidHaskell
- De Lutero a Voevodsky, pasando por Brouwer: Reformas en matemáticas. ~ J. Ferreirós #Matemáticas
- A library for algorithmic game theory in Ssreflect/Coq. ~ A. Bagnall, S. Merten, G. Stewart #ITP #Coq
- Building Haskell apps with Docker. ~ D. Bertovic #Haskell
- All about reflection: a tutorial. ~ A. Spiwack #Haskell
- A Lisp REPL in your pocket. ~ Kvardek Du #Lisp #Android
- Reasoning about program behavior algebraically. ~ Stephen Diehl #Haskell
- Understanding simplicity: implementing a smart contract language in 30 lines of Haskell. ~ Dan Robinson #Haskell
- Evolutionary programming converts darwinism into algorithms. ~ R. Colin Johnson #Programming #AI
- The Mason–Stother’s theorem. ~ Manuel Eberl #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Some notes about how I write Haskell. ~ Getty Ritter #Haskell
- Zipperposition: An automatic theorem prover in OCaml for typed logic with equality, datatypes and arithmetic. ~ Simon Cruanes #OCaml #ATP #Logic
- Extending superposition with integer arithmetic, structural induction, and beyond. ~ Simon Cruanes #PhD_Thesis #OCaml #ATP #Logic
- Programas artístico-matemáticos en menos de 280 caracteres. ~ @Alvy #Programación #Matemáticas
- Introduction to singletons (Part 1). ~ Justin Le #Haskell
- On possible use of quantifier elimination software in upper secondary mathematics education. ~ Y. Sato, R. Fukasaku #Math #Logic
- The median-of-medians selection algorithm. ~ Manuel Eberl #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Integrated simulation and formal verification of a simple autonomous vehicle. ~ A_ Domenici, A. Fagiolini, M. Palmieri #Formal_verification #ITP #PVS
- importify: manage Haskell imports quickly. ~ Dmitry Kovanikov et als. #Haskell
- Beginning Computer Science with R. ~ H. White #CompSci #Rstats
- Protolude: A sensible starting Prelude for building custom Preludes. ~ Stephen Diehl #Haskell
- Scaling Isabelle proof document processing. ~ M. Wenzel #IsabelleHOL
- Getting used to R, RStudio, and R Markdown. ~ C. Ismay #Rstats
- Tiny art in less than 280 characters. ~ Antonio S. Chinchón #Rstats
- Programar (en R) te da alas. ~ Antonio S. Chinchón #Rstats
- Formal proof of polynomial-time complexity with quasi-interpretations. ~ H. Férée et als. #ITP #Coq
- A library for algorithmic game theory in Ssreflect/Coq. ~ A- Bagnall, S. Merten, G. Stewart #ITP #Coq
- Annotated multisemantics to prove Non-Interference analyses. ~ G. Cabon, A. Schmitt #ITP #Coq