Este repositorio es una recopilación de lecturas compartidas en la lista de correo del grupo de lógica computacional durante el año 2019. La recopilación está ordenada por la fecha de su publicación en la lista. Al final de cada artículo se encuentra etiquetas relativas a los sistemas que usa o a su contenido.
- Enero 2019
- Febrero 2019
- Marzo 2019
- Abril 2019
- Mayo 2019
- Junio 2019
- Julio 2019
- Agosto 2019
- Septiembre de 2019
- Octubre de 2019
- Noviembre de 2019
- Diciembre de 2019
- Evaluation of Isabelle with a proof of the perfect number theorem. ~ Mark IJbema. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Univalent categories (A formalization of category theory in Cubical Agda). ~ F.H. Iversen #Msc_Thesis #ITP #Agda
- Fun with kinds and GADTS. ~ Simon Peyton Jones. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A combinatorial testing framework for intuitionistic propositional theorem provers. ~ P. Tarau. #ATP #Logic #Prolog
- Haskell Code Explorer: Web application for exploring and understanding Haskell libraries. ~ Alexey Kiryushin. #Haskell
- Haskell with only one type family. ~ Xia Li-yao. #Haskell
- 3D-Rubik’s cube simulator written in Haskell using Gloss. ~ Mark W. Ruszczycky. #Haskell
- A new way of blogging about Prolog. ~ Yehonathan Sharvit. #Prolog #Klipse #Clojure
- Formalization of concurrent revisions in Isabelle/HOL. ~ R. Overbeek. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- A tale of servant clients. ~ C. Delafargue. #Haskell
- All about strictness analysis (part 2). ~ Sebastian Graf. #Haskell
- Lens into wrapped newtypes. ~ Jappie Klooster. #Haskell
- Parsing infinite streams with attoparsec. ~ Wander Hillen. #Haskell
- Type annotations vs partial type signatures vs visible type applications. ~ Alexey Radkov. #Haskell
- Three chapters of measure theory in Isabelle/HOL. ~ J. Hölzl, A. Heller. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Typeable: A long journey to type-safe dynamic type representation. ~ Toan Nguyen. #Haskell
- Formalization of logic in the Isabelle proof assistant. ~ A. Schlichtkrull. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Course: Logical verification (2018-2019). ~ J. Blanchette et als. #ITP #LeanProver
- Liquid Haskell tutorial. ~ Andres Löh. #Haskell #LiquidHaskell
- The QED Manifesto revisited. ~ Freek Wiedijk. #ITP
- The challenge of computer mathematics. ~ H. Barendregt, F. Wiedijk. #ITP
- Zsyntax: Automated theorem prover for a linear logic-based calculus for molecular biology. ~ Filippo Sestini. #ATP #Logic #Haskell
- Zsyntax: A formal language for molecular biology with projected applications in text mining and biological prediction. ~ G. Boniolo, M. D’Agostino, P.P. di Fiore. #ATP #Logic #Haskell
- A formal model of the Document Object Model (DOM) in Isabelle/HOL. ~ A.D. Brucker, M, Herzberg. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- (The Cartoon Guide to) Lob’s Theorem. ~ Eliezer Yudkowsky. #Logic
- Cantor pairing. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Math
- Why Haskell I: Simple data types! ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Short overview of Haskell concepts. ~ E. Pogrebnyak et als. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Machine learning leads mathematicians to unsolvable problem. ~ D. Castelvecchi. #AI #Math #MachineLearnig
- Unprovability comes to machine learning. ~ L. Reyzin #AI #Math #MachineLearnig
- Answer Set Programming (A story of default negation, definitions and informal semantics) . ~ M. Truszczynski #ASP #Logic #Programming #KR
- Hakyll + TikZ. ~ Taeer Bar-Yam. #Haskell
- Purely functional GTK+, Part 1: Hello World. ~ Oskar Wickström. #Haskell
- Validating form data via applicative functors. ~ Kostiantyn Rybnikov. #Haskell
- A reduction theorem for store buffers. ~ E. Cohen, N. Schirmer. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- HaskellQuest: a game for teaching functional programming in Haskell. ~ R. Fu. #Teaching #Haskell
- Teaching to read Haskell. ~ Joachim Breitner. #Haskell
- Haskell for readers. ~ Joachim Breitner. #Haskell
- Types of proof system. ~ Peter Smith. #Logic #ITP
- Nombres premiers, Euclide et Coq. ~ A. Alvarez. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Column addition. ~ Kevin Buzzard. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- The forgotten history of OOP. ~ Eric Elliott. #Programming #History
- Building the verifiable Web. ~ Kevin Buzzard. #Blockchain
- The compactness theorem and applications. ~ B. Call #Logic
- Handbook of modal logic. ~ P. Blackburn, J. van Benthem, F. Wolter. #Logic
- A comparison of functional and imperative programming techniques for mathematical software development. ~ S. Frame, J.W. Coffey. #Haskell #Cpp #Math
- HaskellRank 11: Treating lists as monads. ~ @tsoding. #Haskell #HaskellRank
- Why Haskell II: Sum types. ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #Java #Python
- Correct by construction programming in Agda. ~ Jesper Cockx. #ITP #Agda
- An algebra for higher-order terms in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Lars Hupel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Haskell, Nix and Vim: Getting started. ~ Tobias Pflug. #Haskell #Nix #Vim
- The history and concept of computability. ~ Robert I. Soare. #CompSci
- Ode on a random urn (Functional pearl). ~ L. Lampropoulos, A. Spector-Zabusky, K. Foner, #Haskell
- Haskell Showroom: How to switch between multiple kubernetes clusters and namespaces. ~ Deni Bertovic #Haskell
- A touch of topological quantum computation in Haskell Pt. II: Automating drudgery. ~ Philip Zucker. #Haskell
- IMP2: Simple program verification in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Peter Lammich and Simon Wimmer. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Verifiable certificates for predicate subtyping. ~ F. Gilbert. #ITP #PVS
- Mechanization of separation in generic extensions. ~ E- Gunther, M. Pagano, P.S Terraf. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Ltac2: Tactical warfare. ~ P.M. Pédrot. #ITP #Coq
- A materialist dialectica. ~ P.M. Pédrot. #PhD_Thesis #Logic #CompSci
- Löb and möb: strange loops in Haskell. ~ David Luposchainsky. #Haskell
- Ignoring HLint (HLint now has more ways to ignore hints you don’t like). ~ Neil Mitchell. #Haskell
- A binomial urn. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney. #Haskell
- Dynamic graphs: A Haskell library for the dynamic connectivity problem. ~ Jasper Van der Jeugt. #Haskell
- Hindsight on Advent of Code 2018. ~ Dimitri Sabadie. #Haskell
- Lean Forward: Usable computer-checked proofs and computations for number theorists. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- mathlib: Lean mathematical components library. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Using Lean with undergraduate mathematicians. ~ Kevin Buzzard. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Smooth manifolds and types to sets for linear algebra in Isabelle/HOL. ~ F. Immler, B. Zhan. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Las mentes matemáticas mueven el mundo. ~ G. Abril. #Matemáticas
- A new style of mathematical proof. ~ William Farmer. #Logic #Math #ITP
- Resources for teaching with formal methods. ~ Jeremy Avigad. #Logic #Math #CompSci #ITP
- Dynamic class initialization semantics: a Jinja extension. ~ S. Mansky, E.L. Gunter. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Discrete Math in Coq. ~ B.C. Pierce et als. #ITP #Coq Math
- Teaching discrete mathematics to early undergraduates with “Software Foundations”. ~ M. Greenberg, J.C. Osborn. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Course: Discrete mathematics and functional programming. ~ M. Greenberg. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Formally verified big step semantics out of x86-64 binaries. ~ I. Roessle, F. Verbeek, B. Ravindran. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Pensando en programar. ~ Gonzalo García Braschi. #Programación
- Data-category: a collection of categories, and some categorical constructions on them. ~ Sjoerd Visscher. #Haskell
- Why Haskell III: Parametric types. ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #Java #Cpp #Python
- Farkas’ lemma and Motzkin’s transposition theorem in Isabelle/HOL. ~ R. Bottesch, M.W. Haslbeck, R. Thiemann. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- A bridge too far: E.W. Dijkstra and logic. ~ Maarten van Emden. #Logic
- Verifying imperative programs using auto2. ~ B. Zhan. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Proof editor for natural deduction in first-order logic (The evaluation of an educational aiding tool for students learning logic). ~ E. Björnsson et als. #Logic #Teaching #RA2018
- Tarski’s relevance logic. R. D. Maddux. #Logic
- Towards interactive Data Science in Haskell: Haskell in JupyterLab. ~ Matthias Meschede, Juan Simões. #Haskell
- An in-depth look at quickcheck-state-machine. ~ Edsko de Vries. #Haskell
- Using Jape for “Introduction to formal proof”. ~ Bernard Sufrin. #ITP #Jape #Logic
- Proving pointer programs in higher-order logic. ~ F. Mehta, T. Nipkow. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- La révolution de l’apprentissage profond. ~ Y. Bengio. #AI
- A beginner’s guide to the ways Haskell helps us avoid errors. ~ Mitchell Vitez. #Haskell
- Solving rings in Aga. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney. #ITP #Agda #Math
- Experience implementing a performant category-theory library in Coq. ~ J. Gross, A. Chlipala, D.I. Spivak. #ITP #Coq #CategoryTheory
- Domain modelling with Haskell. ~ Oskar Wickström. #Haskell
- R, Python, Julia … and Polyglot. ~ Steve Miller. #Programming #Rstats #Python #Julia #Jupyter
- Crash course on notation in programming language theory. ~ Jeremy G. Siek. #CompSci
- Haskell and type theory: better together. ~ V. Bragilevsky. #Haskell #TypeTheory #LambdaCalculus
- Finding parallel functional pearls: Automatic parallel recursion scheme detection in Haskell functions via anti-unification. ~ A.D. Barwell, C. Brown, K. Hammond. #Haskell
- Applicative bidirectional programming (Mixing lenses and semantic bidirectionalization). ~ K. Matsuda, M. Wang. #Haskell
- Applicative bidirectional programming and automatic differentiation. ~ Philip Zucker. #Haskell
- Haskell trainings at Google. #Haskell
- Haskell trainings at Google: 101. #Haskell
- Haskell trainings at Google: 102. #Haskell
- El origen de los signos matemáticos. ~ Raúl Ibáñez. #Matemáticas
- Why Haskell IV: Typeclasses vs. inheritance. ~ James Bowen. #Haskell
- On the expressive power of programming languages. ~ M. Felleisen. #FunctionalProgramming
- How technology has changed what it means to think mathematically. ~ K. Devlin. #Math
- A correct compiler from Mini-ML to a big-step machine verified using natural semantics in Coq. ~ A. Zúniga, G. Bel-Enguix. #ITP #Coq
- Defining exceptions in Haskell. ~ Chris Done. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Combinatory logic: from philosophy and mathematics to computer science. ~ A. Farrugia. #Logic #Math #CompSci #FunctionalProgramming
- Primes and polynomials. ~ R.J. Lipton, K.W. Regan. #Math
- Metaprogramming lecture notes. ~ Nada Amin. #Programming #Scala #Lisp #Prolog
- Fractals and monads in Haskell (Part 1). ~ Derek Wise. #Haskell
- Fractals and monads in Haskell (Part 2). ~ Derek Wise. #Haskell
- Inteligencia artificial en el aula con Scratch 3.0. #Enseñanza #InteligenciaArtificial #Scratch
- A list of foundational Haskell papers. ~ Emily Pillmore. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Robust notes with embedded code. #Emacs #OrgMode
- Introduction to applied linear algebra. ~ S. Boyd, L. Vandenberghe. #Math
- Introduction to applied linear algebra (Julia language companion). ~ S. Boyd, L. Vandenberghe. #Math #Programming #JuliaLang
- Rust as a gateway drug to Haskell. ~ Karol Kuczmarski. #Programming #Rust #Haskell
- Rust for functional programmers. ~ Raphael ‘kena’ Poss. #Rust #Haskell #OCaml #FunctionalProgramming
- Visualizing prequel meme prefix tries with recursion schemes. ~ Justin Le. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Categories with monadic effects and state machines. ~ Marcin Szamotulski. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- CLIPS-based execution for PDDL planners. ~ T. Niemueller, T. Hofmann, G. Lakemeyer. #CLIPS
- Data Science with Julia. ~ P.D. McNicholas, P. Tait. #eBook #DataScience #JuliaLang
- Rust in 2019: security, maturity, stability. ~ Tony Arcieri. #RustLang
- Formalização de algoritmos de criptografia em um assistente de provas interativo. ~ Guilherme Gomes Felix da Silva. #ITP #LeanProver
- A purely functional computer algebra system embedded in Haskell. ~ H. Ishii #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #CAS #Math
- Computational algebra system in Haskell. ~ H. Ishii #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #CAS #Math
- Introduction to Julia (the language of the future for AI and ML). ~ Zhuo Jia Dai. #JuliaLang
- Programming paradigms for dummies: what every programmer should know. ~ Adrian Colyer. #Programming
- Structure and interpretation of computer programs. (Interactive version). ~ Hal Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman. ~ #CompSci
- A primer on type systems. ~ Glenn G. Chappell. #Programming #Haskell #Cpp #Python #Lua
- On the impact of programming languages on code quality (A reproduction study). ~ E.D. Berger et als. #Programming
- Functional programming applied to computational algebra. ~ I.H. Kessler. #Msc_Thesis #Math #CategoryTheory #FunctionalProgramming #Scala
- Answer Set Programming (Draft). ~ V. Lifschitz. #DeclarativeProgramming #ASP
- Verified real asymptotics in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M. Eberl. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- A Rosetta stone for Haskell abstractions. ~ Chas Leichner. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Wise man’s Haskell. ~ Andre Popovitch. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Learning Haskell (Miscellaneous enlightenments). ~ Sandeep C.R. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- 2062: The World that AI made. ~ Toby Walsh. #eBook #AI
- 10 reasons why you should learn Julia. ~ Gabriel Gauci Maistre. #Programming #JuliaLang
- The Julia express. ~ Bogumił Kamiński. #Programming #JuliaLang
- esverify: Verifying dynamically-typed higher-order functional programs by SMT solving. ~ C. Schuster, S. Banerjea, C. Flanagan. #SMT #ITP #LeanProver
- Formal analysis of language-based Android security using theorem proving approach. ~ W. Khan et als. #ITP #Coq
- Why Haskell V: Type families. ~ James Bowen. #Haskell
- “What is programming languages research?” The talk. ~ Michael Hicks. #PL
- The significance of Philosophy to Mathematics. ~ Richard Zach. #Philosophy #Mathematics
- Proof and other dilemmas: Mathematics and Philosophy. ~ B. Gold, R.A. Simons. #Mathematics #Philosophy
- SAT/SMT by example. ~ Dennis Yurichev. #SAT #SMT
- Getting started with Isabelle/jEdit in 2018. ~ C. Sternagel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Literate programming against REST APIs. ~ Justin Barclay. #Emacs #OrgMode
- Compiling with dependent types. ~ W.J. Bowman. #PhD_Thesis
- Isabelle/UTP: Mechanised theory engineering for unifying theories of programming. ~ S. Foster et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Haskell style guide. ~ Kowainik. #Haskell
- Running your life with Emacs. ~ Garrett Hopper #Emacs
- Typeable: A long journey to type-safe dynamic type representation. ~ Toan Nguyen. #Haskell
- Curry-Howard correspondence example. ~ Vladimir Ciobanu. #Haskell #Logic #Math #CategoryTheory
- Calc tutorial. #Emacs
- The Emacs calculator. ~ Chris Wellons. #Emacs
- Calc: an advanced calculator and mathematical tool. #Emacs #Math
- A series of tutorials about emacs-calc. ~ Andrew Hyatt #Emacs #Math
- Signatures and induction principles for higher inductive-inductive types. ~ A. Kaposi, A. Kovács. #ITP #Agda #Haskell
- Chemoinformatics and structural bioinformatics in OCaml. ~ F- Berenger, K.Y.J. Zhang, Y. Yamanishi. #OCaml #FunctionalProgramming
- Evolution of Emacs Lisp. ~ S. Monnier, M. Sperber. #Emacs #Lisp
- Comparing nub implementations. ~ A. Klebinger. #Haskell
- EE.UU crea un algoritmo que predice golpes de estado y crisis financieras. ~ A. Barbieri #AI
- Typed meta-interpretive learning of logic programs. ~ R: Morel, A. Cropper, L. Ong. #Prolog #ML
- Exámenes de programación funcional con Haskell. Vol. 4 (Curso 2012-13). #Haskell #ProgramaciónFuncional
- Lean in LaTeX. ~ Kevin Buzzard. #ITP #LeanProver
- AI automation of software (Demystifying functional programming and monads). ~ @datacountry_ai. #FunctionalProgramming #CategoryTheory
- Model checking applied to quantum physics. ~ J. Guan, Y. Feng, A. Turrini, M. Ying. #ModelChecking
- Bisecting floating point numbers in Julia. #JuliaLang #Math
- Having your cake and eating it. ~ Tim Spence. #Haskell
- Formal proof and analysis of an incremental cycle detection algorithm. ~ Armaël Guéneau. #ITP #Coq
- Refactoring Haskell: A case study. ~ Vaibhav Sagar. #Haskell
- Universal Turing Machine in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Jian Xu et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Bank kata in Haskell - dealing with state. ~ Liam Griffin. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Freer monads, more better programs. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The types got you. ~ Mark Karpov. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- AFSM: Arrowized Functional State Machines. ~ Hanzhong Xu. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The bipolar Lisp programmer. ~ Mark Tarver. #Lisp #Programming
- A proof that Unix utility sed is Turing complete. ~ Peter Krumins. #Programming
- SAT solvers as smart search engines. ~ Mate Soos. #SAT #Logic
- Hacking using SAT and SMT solvers. ~ Mate Soos. #SAT #SMT #Logic
- Using SAT solvers for cryptographic problems. ~ Mate Soos. #SAT #SMT #Logic
- BIRD: Engineering an efficient CNF-XOR SAT Solver and its applications to approximate model counting. ~ Mate Soos, Kuldeep S. Meel. #SAT
- Finding roots of polynomials in Haskell? ~ Brent Yorgey. #Haskell
- Probabilistic primality testing in Isabelle/HOL. ~ D. Stüwe, M. Eberl. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- An opinionated guide to Haskell in 2018. ~ Alexis King. #Haskell
- A three-stage program you definitely want to write. ~ Matthew Pickering. #Haskell
- Translating Haskell to C++ metaprogramming. ~ Jos van den Oever. #Haskell #Cpp
- Compiling an Haskell EDSL to C. ~ F. Dedden. #Haskell #Clang
- An overview of common Racket data structures. ~ Alex Harsányi. #Racket
- Theorem proving for classical logic with partial functions by reduction to Kleene logic. ~ H. de Nivelle. #Logic
- A constructive version of Tarski’s geometry. ~ M. Beeson. #Logic #Math
- Exámenes de programación funcional con Haskell. Vol. 5 (Curso 2013-14). #Haskell #ProgramaciónFuncional
- Worstsort. ~ Brent Yorgey. #Haskell
- Machines are not our masters – but the sinister side of AI demands a smart response. ~ Will Hutton. #AI
- Heyting and boolean algebras in Haskell. ~ Marcin Szamotulski. #Haskell #Math
- stdio: A simple and high-performance IO toolkit for Haskell. #Haskell
- Implementing the Davis–Putnam method. ~ H. Zhang, M.E. Stickel. #Logic #ATP
- Monads are monoid objects. #Haskell #CategoryTheory
- Set theory: constructive and intuitionistic ZF. ~ Laura Crosilla. #Logic #Math
- Kruskal’s algorithm for minimum spanning forest in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M.P.L. Haslbeck et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Towards justifying computer algebra algorithms in Isabelle/HOL. ~ W. Li. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Freer monads: too fast, too free. #Haskell
- A touch of topological quantum computation 3: Categorical interlude. ~ Philip Zucker. #Haskell #CategoryTheory
- A brief introduction to the λ-calculus (part 1). ~ Laurence Emms. #LambdaCalculus
- The AI that can write fake news stories from handful of words. #AI
- The inversions of a list in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M. Eberl. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Quantifiers in Agda. ~ Vladimir Ciobanu. #ITP #Agda
- A brief introduction to the λ-calculus (part 2). ~ Laurence Emms. #LambdaCalculus
- Elementary facts about the distribution of primes in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M. Eberl. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Adding bit vectors - Branchless Comparisons. ~ John Ky. #Haskell
- Is Haskell really the language of geniuses and academia? #Haskell
- Why monadic IO? ~ Marcin Szamotulski. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Exámenes de programación funcional con Haskell. (Vol. 6: Curso 2014-15). #Haskell #ProgramaciónFuncional
- Commutativity theorems in groups with power-like maps. ~ R. Padmanabhan, Y. Zhang. #ATP #Prover9 #Math
- Reflected decision procedures in lean. ~ S. Baek. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #LeanProver #Logic #Math
- What’s the right way to QuickCheck floating-point routines? ~ Brent Yorgey. #Haskell
- How can basic arithmetic make a self-referential sentence? ~ Russell O’Connor. #Haskell #Logic #Math
- Sums of products for mutually recursive datatypes (The appropriationist’s view on generic programming). ~ V.C. Miraldo, A. Serrano. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Of Algebirds, monoids, monads, and other bestiary for large-scale data analytics. ~ Michael G. Noll. #Scala #FunctionalProgramming
- Finger trees in Agda. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney. #Agda
- Formalization of mathematics in type theory (Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 18341). #ITP #Math
- Statistics with Julia: Fundamentals for Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. ~ H. Klok, Y. Nazarathy. #eBook #JuliaLang #DataScience #MachineLearnig #AI
- A complete axiomatisation of reversible Kleene lattices. ~ P. Brunet. #ITP #Coq #Logic #Math
- Rock–paper–scissors game in less than 10 lines of code. ~ Mosè Giordano. #Programming #JuliaLang
- Matplotlib guide for people in a hurry. ~ Julia Kho. #Python
- QuickCheck, Hedgehog, Validity. ~ Syd Kerckhove. #Haskell
- How to write mathematics. ~ Paul R. Halmos. #Math
- Theorem and algorithm checking for courses on logic and formal methods. ~ W. Schreiner. #ITP #Logic #Teaching
- JupyterWith: Declarative, reproducible notebook environments. ~ J. Simões, M. Meschede. #Programming #Jupyter
- Monoidal and applicative functors. ~ Marcin Szamotulski. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Property-based testing in a screencast editor: Introduction. ~ Oskar Wickström. #Haskell
- Beeraffe: A silly game in PureScript. ~ Jasper Van der Jeugt. #PureScript
- Recursion schemes, part VI: Comonads, composition, and generality. ~ Patrick Thomson. #Haskell
- Beautiful Racket (an introduction to language oriented programming using Racket). ~ Matthew Butterick. #Racket #Programming
- Functional programming in OCaml. ~ Michael R. Clarkson. #eBook #OCaml #FunctionalProgramming
- Lazy validation. ~ Roman Cheplyaka. #Haskell
- The basics of game programming in Common Lisp. ~ Mauricio Fernandez. #CommonLisp
- Using Julia for Data Science (Part 02). ~ Cleyton Farias. #JuliaLang #DataScience
- Pourquoi créer des nouveaux langages de programmation? ~ Ludovic Henrio. #Programmation
- Matplotlib guide for people in a hurry. ~ Julia Kho. #Python #Matplotlib
- Selective applicative functors: declare your effects statically, select which to execute dynamically. ~ A. Mokhov. #Haskell
- Isomorphic web apps in Haskell. ~ Julien Dehos. #Haskell
- Programmation fonctionnelle pour le web. ~ Julien Dehos. #Haskell
- Neural network in 42 lines of Haskell. ~ Julien Dehos. #Haskell
- Shareable Haskell with Jupyter! ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #Jupyter
- Infinite types, infinite data, infinite interaction. ~ P. Hyvernat. #ITP #Agda
- Means compatible with semigroup laws. ~ R. Padmanabhan, A. Shukla. #ATP #Prover9 #Math
- Introduction to theoretical computer science. ~ Boaz Barak. #eBook #CompSci
- DimDraw: A novel tool for drawing concept lattices. ~ D. Dürrschnabel, T. Hanika, G. Stumme. #AFC
- Type classes for mathematics in type theory. ~ B. Spitters, E. van der Weegen. #ITP #Coq #Math
- A library of formalised undecidable problems in Coq. ~ Dominique Larchey-Wendling et als. #ITP #Coq
- GRUNGE: A grand unified ATP challenge. ~ C.E. Brown, T. Gauthier, C. Kaliszyk, G. Sutcliffe, J. Urban. #ATP
- The state of Haskell in Ethereum. ~ Martin Allen. #Haskell
- Why I use Julia. (Come for the speed. Stay for the productivity). ~ Josh Day #LuliaLang
- What exactly makes the Haskell type system so revered (vs say, Java)? #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Computer-assisted proving of combinatorial conjectures over finite domains: A case study of a chess conjecture. ~ P. Janičić, F. Marić, M. Maliković. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #ATP #SAT #SMT
- Dijkstra monads for all. ~ K. Maillard et als. #ITP #Coq
- Stack cookbook. #Haskell #Stack
- Rust for linear algebra and neural networks. ~ J.P. Moresmau. #RustLang #AI #MachineLearnig #Math
- On Lamport’s critique of compositional reasoning. ~ Ilya Sergey. #Programming
- Why Jupyter is not my ideal notebook. ~ Clément Walter. #Jupyter
- From free algebras to free monads. ~ Marcin Szamotulski. #Haskell #CategoryTheory
- Category theory for computing science. ~ M. Barr, C. Wells. #eBook #CategoryTheory
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of uLisp vs C/C++? #Programming #Lisp #Cpp
- An example of state-based testing in Haskell. ~ Mark Seemann. #Haskell
- 33 can be written as the sum of three cubes. ~ Peter Rowlett. #Math #CompSci
- Gödel without (too many) tears. ~ Peter Smith. #Logic
- AI efforts at large companies may be hindered by poor quality data. #AI
- Learning a SAT solver from single-bit supervision. ~ D. Selsam et als. #SAT #Logic #MachineLearnig
- On constructive-deductive method for plane euclidean geometry. ~ E.V. Ivashkevich. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Typeable and Data in Haskell. ~ Chris Done. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- From math to machine: translating a function to machine code. ~ Brian Steffens #Haskell #Math
- Writing a simple evaluator and type-checker in Haskell. ~ Boro Sitnikovski. #Haskell
- These years in Common Lisp: 2018. ~ Vince Zd #CommonLisp
- Visible dependent quantification in Haskell. ~ Ryan Scott. #Haskell
- Cooking a Haskell curry with applicative functors. ~ G. Érdi. #Haskell
- Logipedia: a multi-system encyclopedia of formal proofs. ~ G. Dowek, F. Thiré. #ITP #Logic #Math #Dedukti #Coq #Matita #HOL_Light #PVS #LeanProver
- A framework for defining computational higher-order logics. ~ A. Assaf. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Logic #Math #Dedukti
- Nine chapters of analytic number theory in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M. Eberl. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Liquidate your assets (Reasoning about resource usage in Liquid Haskell). ~ M. Handley, N. Vazou, G. Hutton. #Haskell
- Machine learning and the Continuum Hypothesis. ~ K.P. Hart. #MachineLearnig #SetTheory
- Extending Haskell’s syntax! ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Compdata trees and catamorphisms. ~ Ben Blaxill. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Pure maths in crisis? ~ M. Freiberger. #Math #ITP #IsabelleHOL #LeanProver
- Writing a lambda calculus evaluator in Haskell. ~ B. Sitnikovski. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #LambdaCalculus
- Map/Reduce operations for scientific computing in Julia. ~ X. Vasseur. #JuliaLang
- Introduction to Univalent Foundations of Mathematics with Agda. ~ Martín Hötzel Escardó. #ITP #Agda #math #HoTT
- What is a proof? What should it be? ~ C. Benzmüller. #Logic #Math #ITP #ATP
- FMS: Functional programming as a modelling language. ~ I. Dasseville, G. Janssens. #FunctionalProgramming #ASP
- FMS (Functional Modelling System) tutorial. ~ I. Dasseville. #FunctionalProgramming #ASP
- Lazy binary numbers. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney. #Haskell #Agda
- Fractals and monads (Part 3). ~ Derek Wise. #Haskell #Math
- A small use case for Deriving Via. ~ Sam Tay. #Haskell
- Okay, maybe proofs aren’t dying after all. ~ J. Horgan. #Math
- An introduction to existential types. ~ S. Bly. #FunctionalProgramming
- A constructive proof of dependent choice in classical arithmetic via memoization. ~ É. Miquey. #ITP #Coq
- Algorithms for verifying deep neural networks. ~ C. Liu, T. Arnon, C. Lazarus, C. Barrett, M.J. Kochenderfer. #JuliaLang #NeuralNetworks
- Introduction to Python for science and engineering. ~ D.J. Pine. #eBook #Programming #Python
- Computer science and metaphysics: a cross-fertilization. ~ D. Kirchner, C. Benzmüller, E.N. Zalta. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Permutations by sorting. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Tagless final encoding in Haskell. ~ J.P. Royo. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Quantum Hoare logic in Isabelle/HOL. ~ J. Liu et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Using SMT solvers to validate models for AI problems. ~ A. Arusoaie, I. Pistol. #ATP #SMT #AI
- Universal (meta-) logical reasoning: The wise men puzzle (Isabelle/HOL dataset). ~ C. Benzmüller. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- A verifiable search for projective planes of order ten. ~ C. Bright. #ATP #SAT #Math
- The SAT+CAS method for combinatorial search with applications to best matrices. ~ C. Bright et als. #ATP #SAT #CAS #Math
- Comonadic builders. ~ Dmitrii Kovanikov. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The minimalist Prelude … or why can’t Haskell be more like Purescript? #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Finger trees in Agda. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney. #Agda
- Promonads, arrows, and Einstein notation for profunctors. ~ Bartosz Milewski. #Haskel #CategoryTheory
- The transcendence of certain infinite series in Isabelle/HOL. ~ A, Koutsoukou-Argyraki, W. Li. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- A formal, classical proof of the Hahn-Banach theorem. ~ M. Kerjean, A. Mahboubi. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Partial type constructors (extended version). ~ M.P. Jones et als. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Towards a constructive formalization of Perfect Graph Theorems (Slides)]. ~ A.K. Singh. R. Natarajan. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Towards a constructive formalization of Perfect Graph Theorems. ~ A.K. Singh. R. Natarajan. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Students’ Proof Assistant (SPA). ~ Anders Schlichtkrull, Jørgen Villadsen, Andreas Halkjær From. #Logic #IsabelleHOL
- Towards ranking geometric automated theorem provers. ~ N. Baeta, P. Quaresma. #ATP #Math
- Learning how to prove: From the Coq proof assistant to textbook style. ~ S. Böhne, C. Kreitz. #Teaching #Logic #ITP #Coq
- Building a bigger World. James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A history of the theory of types. ~ J. Collins. #Logic #History
- The pillars of functional programming (part 1). N. Mozgovoy. #FunctionalProgramming
- Dynamic typing in Haskell. ~ Chris Done. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Jupyter kernel for Coq. ~ Eugene Loy. #ITP #Coq #Jupyter
- IFL2: Chapters on propositional natural deduction, again. ~ Peter Smith. #Logic
- Theorem and algorithm checking for courses on logic and formal methods. ~ W. Schreiner. #Logic #RISCAL
- Proof complexity. ~ Jan Krajicek. #Book #Logic
- Verified code generation from Isabelle/HOL. ~ L. Hupel. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Proving soundness of extensional normal-form bisimilarities. ~ P. Polesiuk, S Lenglet, D. Biernacki. #ITP #Coq
- Hammering Mizar by learning clause guidance. ~ J. Jakubův, J. Urban. #ITP #Mizar #MachineLearnig
- The Open Problem Garden: a collection of unsolved problems in mathematics. #Math
- Idempotent applicatives, parametricity, and a puzzle. ~ D. Mlot. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Proving addition is commutative in Haskell using singletons. ~ Philip Zucker. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Data Science in Haskell: An example using temperature data from Thailand and Myanmar. ~ Dominic Steinitz. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #DataScience
- A tiny compiler for a typed higher order language. ~ Danny Gratzer. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Imperative Haskell. ~ Vaibhav Sagar. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Programación funcional para mortales con Scalaz. ~ S. Halliday, O. Vargas. #Scalaz #ProgramaciónFuncional
- Analysing mathematical reasoning abilities of neural models. ~ D. Saxton, E. Grefenstette, F. Hill, P. Kohli. #MachineLearnig
- Libro de soluciones de problemas de programación funcional con Haskell propuestos en Exercitum (versión del 6-abr-19). #Haskell #Exercitium
- Isomorphism and embedding. ~ Marko Dimjašević. #ITP #Agda #Math
- Six easy ways to run your Jupyter Notebook in the cloud. #Jupyter
- Fun with functors. ~ Marco Perone. #FunctionalProgramming #CategoryTheory
- Foundations of functional programming. ~ L.C Paulson. #FunctionalProgramming #LambdaCalculus
- Set theory for Computer Science. ~ G. Winskel. #Logic #Math
- Foundations of Data Science. ~ D. Wischik. #DataScience
- Type systems. ~ N. Krishnaswami. #TypeTheory
- Web engines in Haskell. ~ Chris Done. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Vado: A demo web browser engine written in Haskell. ~ Chris Done. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The nature of infinity and beyond (An introduction to Georg Cantor and his transfinite paradise). ~ Jørgen Veisdal. #Logic #Math
- The Riemann Hypothesis, explained. ~ Jørgen Veisdal. #Math
- Abstract completion, formalized. ~ N. Hirokawa, A. Middeldorp, C. Sternagel, S. Winkler. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- On initial categories with families (Formalization of unityped and simply typed CwFs in Agda). ~ K. Brilakis. #Msc_Thesis #ITP #Agda
- Constructing inductive-inductive types in cubical type theory. ~ J. Hugunin. #ITP #Agda #Coq
- What making a cup of tea taught me about functional programming. Sam Fare. #FunctionalProgramming
- Programming prospect theory in Prolog. ~ I. Kenryo. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- Generating more difficult mazes! ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Julia Data Science Tutorial: Working with DataFrames and CSV. #JuliaLang #DataScience
- A general theory of syntax with bindings in Isabelle/HOL. ~ L. Gheri. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- HOList: An environment for machine learning of higher-order theorem proving (extended version). ~ K. Bansal et als. #ITP #HOL_Light #MachineLearnig
- A gentle introduction to symbolic execution. ~ B. Schroeder, J. Burget. #Haskell #SMT
- Logic, explainability and the future of understanding. ~ S. Wolfram. #Logic
- Applicative regular expressions using the free alternative. ~ Justin Le. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- To kata haskellen evangelion (Learn Haskell the easy way). ~ Cosmia Fu. #eBook #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Short proof of Menger’s Theorem in Coq (Proof Pearl). ~ C. Doczkal. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Hammering Mizar by learning clause guidance. ~ J. Jakubův, J. Urban. #ATP #Mizar #MachineLearnig
- Quantitative continuity and computable analysis in Coq. ~ F. Steinberg, L. Thery, H. Thies. #ITP #Coq #Math
- The Rubik’s cube group. ~ Jared Corduan. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Math
- Become a better haskeller by learning about inductive types. ~ Marko Dimjašević. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A primer on scientific programming with Python. ~ Hans Petter Langtangen. #eBook #Python #Programming
- Introduction to Python for computational science and engineering (A beginner’s guide). ~ Hans Fangohr. #eBook #Python #Programming
- Lisp used to generate rhythms for a contemporary string trio. #Lisp #Programming #Music
- Learning Haskell through Google Code Jam. ~ Ashwin Narayan. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- New in CodeWorld: Share a folder as a gallery. ~ Chris Smith. #CodeWorld #Haskell
- A cheatsheet to regexes in Haskell. ~ William Yao. #Haskell
- Learning heuristics for automated reasoning through deep reinforcement learning. ~ G. Lederman et als. #ATP #DeepLearning
- Executable formal specification of programming languages with reusable components. ~ L.T. van Binsbergen. #PhD_Thesis #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A new foundational crisis in mathematics, is it really happening? ~ M. Džamonja. #Logic #Math #HoTT
- Declaring victory! (and starting again!) ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A graphical introduction to dynamic programming. ~ Avik Das. #Algorithms #Programming #Python
- Modern SAT solvers: fast, neat and underused (part 3 of N). ~ M. Hořeňovský. #Logic #SAT
- Basic Cheat Sheet for Python (PDF, Markdown and Jupyter Notebook). ~ Carlos Montecinos Geisse. #Python #Programming
- Evolution of programming languages. #Programming
- Cubical Agda and probability monads. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney. #Agda
- Can you avoid functional programming as a policy? ~ Eric Elliott. #FunctionalProgramming
- Every day recursion schemes. ~ David Smith. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Towards evolutionary theorem proving for Isabelle/HOL. ~ Yutaka Nagashima. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #MachineLearning
- Eisbach: A proof method language for Isabelle. ~ D. Matichuk, T. Murray, M. Wenzel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Automation for proof engineering (Machine-checked proofs at scale). ~ D. Matichuk. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Other classical reasoning methods in Isabelle: From tactics and tacticals to automated reasoning in Isabelle. ~ Stephan Scheele. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Microsoft debuts Bosque – a new programming language with no loops, inspired by TypeScript. ~ T. Clarbun. #FunctionalProgramming
- Regularized programming with the BOSQUE language (Moving beyond structured programming). ~ Mark Marron. #FunctionalProgramming
- Towards machine learning induction. ~ Yutaka Nagashima. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #MachineLearning
- Course: Interactive theorem proving using Isabelle/HOL. ~ Christian Sternagel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Automated proof synthesis for propositional logic with deep neural networks. ~ Taro Sekiyama, Kohei Suenaga. #ATP #MachineLearning
- PSL: proof strategy language for Isabelle/HOL. ~ Yutaka Nagashima. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- A certificate-based approach to formally verified approximations. ~ F. Bréhard, A. Mahboubi, D. Pous. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Did Functional Programming get it wrong? (Why do monads feel so clumsy?). ~ reinman. #FunctionalProgramming
- From theory to systems: a grounded approach to programming language education. ~ W. Crichton. #Teaching #Programming
- Soundness and completeness: with precision. ~ Bertrand Meyer. #CompSci
- Just do it: Simple monadic equational reasoning. ~ Jeremy Gibbons and Ralf Hinze. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Microsoft’s new programming language ‘Bosque’ keeps your code simple. ~ Manisha Priyadarshini #Programming #Bosque
- A working mathematician’s guide to parsing. ~ Jeremy Kun | Math ∩ Programming #Programming #LaTeX
- Serializing mazes! ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- P=NP proofs. ~ R.J. Lipton. #CompSci #Math
- Rewriting functions with fold and reduce. ~ Max Strübing. #Programming #Haskell #JavaScript
- The theorem prover museum (Conserving the system heritage of automated reasoning). ~ M. Kohlhase. #ATP #ITP
- Competitive programming in Haskell: Basic setup. ~ Brent Yorgey. #Haskell
- Declarative programming with Prolog. ~ Aaron Kraus. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- Why check a proof? ~ R.J. Lipton. #CompSci
- Formalization of logical calculi in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M. Fleury. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- A verified SAT solver framework including optimization and partial valuations. ~ M. Fleury, C. Weidenbach, D. Zimmer. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Continuous improvement with hlint code smells. ~ Ben Weitzman. #Haskell
- Demystifying folds with GHCi. ~ Ayman Nadeem. #Haskell
- Thinking in types. ~ Pat Brisbin. #Haskell
- Transitioning to Haskell from other languages. ~ @typeclasses #Haskell #Java #JavaScript #Python
- Python iterators. ~ @typeclasses #Python #Haskell
- Python function decorators. #Python #Haskell
- Intro to Higher Kinded Types in Haskell. ~ Patxi Bocos. #Haskell
- Exercises for understanding Lenses. ~ William Yao. #Haskell
- Compile driven development in action: refactoring to arrays! ~ James Bowen. #Haskell
- Logic for exact real arithmetic. ~ H. Schwichtenberg, F. Wiesnet. #Logic #Mayh #MinLog #Haskell
- Ordinal notations via simultaneous definitions. ~ F.N. Forsberg, C. Xu. #ITP #Agda #Logic #Math
- A formalization of forcing and the unprovability of the continuum hypothesis. ~ J.M. Han, F. van Doorn. #ITP #LeanProver #Logic #Math
- Code style and moral absolutes. ~ Brent Yorgey. #Haskell
- QKD (Quantum Key Distribution) algorithm in Isabelle: Bayesian calculation. ~ Florian Kammüller. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Warshall’s algorithm (survey and applications). ~ Zoltán Kása. #Algorithms
- Backprop as Functor: A compositional perspective on supervised learning. ~ B. Fong, D.I. Spivak, R. Tuyéras. #MachineLearning #CategoryTheory
- MIP: Travelling Salesman. ~ Ole Kröger. #Algorithms #JuliaLang
- MINLP: Travelling Salesman with Neighborhoods. ~ Ole Kröger. #Algorithms #JuliaLang
- Currying and partial application. ~ M. Lopes. #Haskell #Scala
- Formalization of Dubé’s degree bounds for Gröbner bases in Isabelle/HOL. ~ A. Maletzky. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Formatting tabular data. ~ Oleg Grenrus. #Haskell
- Good symbolic differentiation requires multidimensional wobbliness. #Haskell #Math
- Formalization of Reynolds’s parametricity theorem in Coq. ~ Li-yao Xia. #ITP #Coq
- How to think about types: Insights from a personal journey. ~ F. Pfenning. #Logic #Programming #CompSci
- Good symbolic differentiation requires multidimensional wobbliness. ~ @Aearnus. #Haskell #Math
- Do we need effects to get abstraction? ~ Eric Torreborre. #Haskell
- Object oriented programming in Haskell. ~ Edsko de Vries. #Haskell
- Catamorphisms and F-Algebras. ~ Alex Avramenko. #Haskell
- Higher kinded option parsing. ~ Chris Penner. #Haskell
- The algebra of algebraic data types, part 1. ~ Chris Taylor #Haskell
- Lens as a divisibility relation: Goofin’ off with the algebra of types. ~ Philip Zucker. #Haskell
- PageRank y el surfista aleatorio. ~ F. Sancho. #Algoritmos #IA
- Making arrays mutable! ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Interaction with formal mathematical documents in Isabelle/PIDE. ~ M. Wenzel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- M1F, Imperial undergraduates, and Lean. ~ Kevin Buzzard. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Functional programming is on the rise. ~ Roman Elizarov. #FunctionalProgramming
- An interactive network graph showing the connections of programming languages based on their influences relations. ~ Ramiro Gómez. #Programming
- Exámenes de programación funcional con Haskell. Vol. 7 (Curso 2015-16). #Haskell #ProgramaciónFuncional
- Can neural networks learn symbolic rewriting? ~ B. Piotrowski, C Brown, J. Urban, C. Kaliszyk. #ATP #MachineLearning
- Tactic learning for Coq. ~ L. Blaauwbroek. #ITP #Coq #MachineLearnig
- Making set theory great again: The Naproche-SAD project. ~ S. Frerix, P. Koepke. #ITP #Math
- Experiments with connection method provers. ~ W. Bibel, J. Otten. #ATP
- An introduction to categories with Haskell and databases. ~ R. Holbrook. #CategoryTheory #Haskell #Databases
- The power of functional programming. ~ Arvind Kumar GS. #FunctionalProgramming
- Exámenes de programación funcional con Haskell. Vol. 8 (Curso 2016-17). #Haskell #ProgramaciónFuncional
- Complexity-theoretic aspects of interactive proof systems. ~ Lance Jeremy Fortnow. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #ComputationalComplexity
- Neural guidance for SAT solving. ~ S. Jaszczur, M. Łuszczyk, H. Michalewski. #ATP #SAT #MachineLearning
- Using Isabelle/UTP for the verification of sorting algorithms (A case study). ~ J.A. Bockenek, P. Lammich, Y. Nemouchi, B. Wolff. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Algebraic type theory and the gluing construction. ~ J. Sterling. #CompSci #TypeTheory
- The subtle art of the mathematical conjecture. ~ R. Dijkgraaf. #Math
- API constraints a’la carte in Haskell & PureScript. ~ R. Andersson. #Haskell #PureScript
- ¿Qué es un coconut? ~ Chema Cortés. #Coconut #FunctionalProgramming #Python
- Coconut - Primeros pasos. ~ Chema Cortés. #Coconut #FunctionalProgramming #Python
- Monadas con coco. ~ Chema Cortés. #Coconut #FunctionalProgramming #Python
- Functional Programming Cheat Sheet. ~ Tony Morris. #FunctionalProgramming #Haskell
- Some tricks for list manipulation. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Transition to Haskell from Python: Iterator slicing. ~ Chris Martin, Julie Moronuki. #Python #Haskell
- Transition to Haskell from Python: Iteration to infinity. ~ Chris Martin, Julie Moronuki. #Python #Haskell
- Inline-JS: Seamless JavaScript/Haskell interop. ~ Shao Cheng. #Haskell #JavaScript
- Exámenes de programación funcional con Haskell. Vol. 9 (Curso 2017-18). #Haskell #ProgramaciónFuncional
- Understanding logic programming. #LogicProgramming #Python
- SMT-based constraint answer set solver EZSMT+. ~ D. Shen, Y. Lierler. #ASP #CASP
- Constructing trees from a distance matrix. ~ Guilherme Kunigami. #Algorithms
- Alan Turing Institute releases ML framework written in Julia. #MachineLearning #JuliaLang
- Exámenes de programación funcional con Haskell. Vol. 10 (Curso 2018-19). #Haskell #ProgramaciónFuncional
- Teoría de la probabilidad: Lo mínimo. ~ F. Sancho. #Matemáticas
- Making elections safe (A new proof that MAJORITY is not in AC⁰). ~ R.J. Lipton. #CompSci
- Java is confusing, Clojure is simple. ~ Yehonathan Sharvit. #Programming #Java #Clojure
- Introduction to functional programming with Python examples. ~ Radoslaw Fabisiak. #FunctionalProgramming #Python
- Timeline of mathematics. #Math
- Category theory and lambda calculus. ~ Mario Román García. #LambdaCalculus #CategoryTheory #Haskell
- Mikrokosmos: a educational λ-calculus interpreter. ~ Mario Román García. #LambdaCalculus #Haskell
- Formalization of asymptotic notations in HOL4. ~ N. Iqbal et als. #ITP #HOL4
- A denotational engineering of programming languages. ~ Andrzej Jacek Blikle. #eBook #Logic #CompSci
- Concatenative programming; the free monoid of programming languages. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Interpreters with non-determinism using a free monad. ~ Casper Bach Poulsen. #Agda #Haskell
- Milestones from the pure lisp theorem prover to ACL2. ~ J Strother Moore. #ITP #ACL2
- I/O logic in HOL. ~ C- Benzmüller, A. Farjami, P. Meder, X. Parent. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Quicksort with Haskell! ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Integrated versus manual shrinking. ~ Edsko de Vries. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Functor-Of. ~ Vladimir Ciobanu. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Unifying semantic foundations for automated verification tools in Isabelle/UTP. ~ S. Foster et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Formalization of generic authenticated data structures in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M. Brun, D. Traytel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Lightweight, efficiently sampleable enumerations in Haskell. ~ Brent Yorgey. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Implicit corecursive queues. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- holpy: Interactive theorem proving in Python. ~ Bohua Zhan. #ITP #Logic #Python
- GHC language extensions. ~ Andrew McMiddlin. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Laws! ~ George Wilson. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Appetite for dysfunction. ~ Andrew McMiddlin #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Reflexive art. ~ Sean Chalmers. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Comma police: The design and implementation of a CSV library. ~ George Wilson. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- State machine testing. ~ Andrew McMiddlin. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Contravariant functors: The other side of the coin. ~ George Wilson. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Notions of computation as monoids. ~ E. Rivas, M. Jaskelioff. #Haskell #CategoryTheory
- Graph theory in Coq: Minors, treewidth, and isomorphisms. ~ C. Doczkal, D. Pous. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Cargo culting lenses for fun & profit. ~ Sean Chalmers. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Your first Haskell app. ~ Andrew McMiddlin. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Type class: The ultimate ad-hoc. ~ George Wilson. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A note on the connections between the Foldable methods. ~ Daniel Mlot. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Data science for fundamental sciences. Atabey Kaygun #DataScience
- An app proof. R.J. Lipton. #Math
- Techniques for embedding postfix languages in Haskell. ~ Chris Okasaki. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Isabelle technology for the Archive of Formal Proofs. ~ Makarius Wenzel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- La Geometría se hizo Arte: las claves secretas de Escher. ~ Antonio Pérez Sanz. #Matemáticas #Escher
- A consistent foundation for Isabelle/HOL. ~ O. Kunčar, A. Popescu. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Mechanised assurance cases with integrated formal methods in Isabelle. ~ Y. Nemouchi et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Guiding theorem proving by recurrent neural networks. ~ B. Piotrowski, J. Urban. #ATP #NeuralNetworks
- Purely functional games (How I built a game in Haskell - pure functional style). ~ Gil Mizrahi. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Game
- For cybersecurity, Computer Science must rely on strongly-typed actors. ~ C. Hewitt. #Logic #CompSci
- Running from enemies! ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A correspondence between deep/shallow embeddings and CPS/first order evaluators. ~ Matthew Chan. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Thoughts on code style. ~ Matthew Chan. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Parsing with derivatives in Haskell. ~ Timo Maarse. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Lessons in functional API development from Haskell’s servant and Http4s. ~ James Santucci. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Formalization and certification of software for smart cities. ~ E.S. Grilo, B. Lopes. #ITP #Coq
- EduBAI: An educational platform for logic-based reasoning. ~ D. Arampatzis et als. #Teaching #Logic #ASP
- Program design by calculation. ~ J.N. Oliveira. #eBook #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Learning Haskell language eBook. #eBook #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Competitive programming in Haskell: Scanner. ~ Brent Yorgey. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Profiling in Haskell for a 10x speedup. ~ Jake Zimmerman. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Maybe catamorphism. ~ Mark Seemann. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A formalization of forcing and the consistency of the failure of the continuum hypothesis. ~ Jesse Michael Han and Floris van Doorn. #ITP #LeanProver #Logic
- Flypitch: A formal proof of the independence of the continuum hypothesis. ~ Jesse Michael Han and Floris van Doorn. #ITP #LeanProver #Logic
- Learning to prove theorems via interacting with proof assistants. ~ K. Yang, J. Deng. #ITP #Coq #MachineLearning
- CoqGym: A learning environment for theorem proving with the Coq proof assistant. ~ K. Yang, J. Deng. #ITP #Coq #MachineLearning
- ENIGMAWatch: ProofWatch meets ENIGMA. ~ Z. Goertzel, J. Jakubův, J. Urban. #ATP #MachineLearnig
- Faking fundeps with typechecker plugins. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Applied category theory. ~ John D. Cook. #CategoryTheory
- Equality part 1: definitional equality. ~ Kevin Buzzard. #ITP #LeanProver
- Equality part 2: syntactic equality. ~ Kevin Buzzard. #ITP #LeanProver
- Codata in action, or how to connect Functional Programming and Object Oriented Programming. ~ J. Casas. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #CategoryTheory
- Dimensions and Haskell: Introduction. ~ D. Rogozin. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #MachineLearnig #Math
- Graph representations for Higher-Order Logic and theorem proving. ~ A. Paliwal et als. #ITP #ATP #MachineLearning
- Pie-hs: an implementation of Pie, the language from “The little typer”, in Haskell. ~ D.T. Christiansen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Smarter enemies with BFS! ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A formally verified abstract account of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems. ~ A. Popescu, D. Traytel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic #Math
- Generic authenticated data structures, formally. ~ M. Brun, D. Traytel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Learning to reason in large theories without imitation. ~ K. Bansal et als. #ATP #MachineLearning
- Toychain: Formally verified blockchain consensus. ~ G. Pîrlea. #ITP #Coq #Blockchain
- Programming with applicative-like expressions. ~ J. Malakhovski, S. Soloviev. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Deriving a linear-time applicative traversal of a rose tree. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- CYP: Checker for “morally correct” induction proofs about Haskell programs. #ITP #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Naïve type theory. ~ T. Altenkirch. #Logic #Math #TypeTheory #HoTT
- La théorie de la complexité algorithmique pour calculer efficacement. ~ G. Lagarde #Algorithmes
- SATNet: Bridging deep learning and logical reasoning using a differentiable satisfiability solver. ~ P.W. Wang et als. #ATP #SAT #MachineLearning
- Towards finding longer proofs. ~ Z. Zombori et als. #ATP #MachineLearning
- Liquidate your assets (Reasoning about resource usage in Liquid Haskell). ~ M.A.T. Handley, N. Vazou, G. Hutton. #Haskell #LiquidHaskell
- String interpolation and overlapping instances. ~ William Yao. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Sobre cribas y matemáticas. ~ Juan Arias de Reyna. #Matemáticas
- Sheldon tenía razón: el mejor número es el 73. ~ M.A. Morales. #Matemáticas
- A verified implementation of the Berlekamp–Zassenhaus factorization algorithm. ~ J. Divasón et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- First semester in numerical analysis with Julia. ~ G. Ökten. #eBook #JuliaLang #Math
- Why Haskell - why GitHub use Haskell for their newly released Semantic package. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Multidimensional binary search trees in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Martin Rau. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Towards automated reasoning in Herbrand structures. ~ L. Cohen, R. Rowe, Y. Zohar. #Logic #ATP
- Generating random structurally rich algebraic data type values. ~ A. Mista, A. Russo. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Monday Morning Haskell: Fighting Back! ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Reference of basic commands to get comfortable with OCaml. ~ Musa Al-hassy. #OCaml
- Translation from problem to code in seven steps. ~ A.D. Hilton, G.M. Lipp, S.H. Rodger. #Teaching #Programming
- Refinement with time (Refining the run-time of algorithms in Isabelle/HOL). ~ M.P.L. Haslbeck, P. Lammich. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Deriving proved equality tests in Coq-elpi: Stronger induction principles for containers in Coq. ~ Enrico Tassi. #ITP #Coq
- Higher-order Tarski Grothendieck as a foundation for formal proof. ~ C. Brown, C. Kaliszyk, K. Pąk. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- A certifying extraction with time bounds from Coq to call-by-value λ-calculus. ~ Y. Forster, F. Kunze. #ITP #Coq
- Formal proof of Tarjan’s strongly connected components algorithm in Why3, Coq, and Isabelle. ~ R. Chen et als. #ITP #Why3 #Coq #IsabelleHOL
- Formalizing computability theory via partial recursive functions. ~ M. Carneiro. #ITP #LeanProver
- Property-based testing in a screencast editor, case study 3: Integration testing. ~ Oskar Wickström. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Either catamorphism. Mark Seemann. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Haskell style guide. ~ Johan Tibell. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Solving programming puzzles without using your brain. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney. #Python #Math
- Formalizing the solution to the cap set problem. ~ S. Dahmen, J. Hölzl, R.Y. Lewis. #ITP #LeanProver
- Quantitative continuity and computable analysis in Coq. ~ F. Steinberg, L. Thery, H. Thies. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Hilbert meets Isabelle. (Formalisation of the DPRM theorem in Isabelle/HOL). ~ D. Aryal et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- A certificate-based approach to formally verified approximations. ~ F. Bréhard, A. Mahboubi, D. Pous. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Proving tree algorithms for succinct data structures. ~ R. Affeldt, J. Garrigue, X. Qi, K. Tanaka. #ITP #Coq
- Automatic refactoring for Agda. ~ K. Wibergh. #Msc_Thesis #ITP #Agda
- LP based integration of computing and science education in middle schools. ~ Y. Zhang et als. #Teaching #LogicProgramming
- Functional programming for Web and mobile (A review of the current state of the art). ~ J. Wälter. #FunctionalProgramming
- A role for dependent types in Haskell (Extended version). ~ S. Weirich et als. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Formalization of the axiom of choice and its equivalent theorems. ~ T. Sun, W. Yu. #ITP #Coq #Logic #Math
- Formalization of axiomatic set theory in Coq. #ITP #Coq #Logic #Math
- Formalization of the axiom of choice and its equivalent theorems in Coq. ~ T. Sun. #ITP #Coq #Logic #Math
- TeIL: a type-safe imperative tensor intermediate language. ~ N.A. Rink, J. Castrillon. #ITP #Coq
- Rapid prototyping formal systems in MMT: 5 case studies. ~ D. Müller, F. Rabe. #ITP #MMT #Logic
- Exploring semantic hierarchies to improve resolution theorem proving on ontologies. ~ S. Small. #ATP #Prover9
- Pure programs: Pure functions aren’t enough. ~ Ryan Newton. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Spring cleaning: Parameters and saving!. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Inductive logic programming via differentiable deep neural logic networks. ~ A. Payani, F. Fekri. #ILP #NeuralNetworks #MachineLearning
- Relay: A high-level IR for Deep Learning. ~ J. Roesch et als. #FunctionalProgramming #MachineLearning
- The inverse of a bijection. ~ Kevin Buzzard. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- A practical introduction to freer monads (Eff). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Functional programming in OCaml. ~ Michael R. Clarkson. #eBook #FunctionalProgramming #OCaml
- A verified ODE solver and Smale’s 14th problem. ~ F. Immler. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- An Isabelle/HOL formalisation of Green’s theorem. ~ M. Abdulaziz, L.C. Paulson. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Formally verified algorithms for upper-bounding state space diameters. ~ M. Abdulaziz, M. Norrish, C. Gretton. #ITP #HOL4
- A formally verified validator for classical planning problems and solutions. ~ M. Abdulaziz, P. Lammich. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- A tutorial introduction to structured Isar proofs. ~ T. Nipkow. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Permutations and permutation groups in Common Lisp. ~ Robert Smith. #CommonLisp #Math
- Cultures of programming (Understanding the history of programming through controversies and technical artifacts). ~ T. Petricek, #Programming
- Truth and justification in knowledge representation. ~ A. Rodin, S. Kovalyov. #KR #HoTT
- Binary heaps for IMP2 in Isabelle/HOL. ~ S. Griebel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Exercises on generalizing the induction hypothesis. ~ James Wilcox. #ITP #Coq
- Monoid. ~ Chris Martin, Julie Moronuki. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Empty and unit types. ~ Ashley Yakeley. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #TypeTheory
- Free monads of free monads. ~ Li-yao Xia. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- hsp: Haskell command line text stream processor. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Proofs are not programs. ~ Kevin Buzzard. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- CrystalBall: SAT solving, data gathering, and machine learning. ~ Mate Soos. #SAT #MachineLearning
- Teaching the art of functional programming using automated grading (Experience report). ~ A. Hameer, B. Pientka. #Teaching #FunctionalProgramming #OCaml
- Learn-OCaml: A Web application for learning OCaml. #Teaching #FunctionalProgramming #OCaml
- Selective applicative functors. ~ Andrey Mokhov. [Slides] #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Composing monads for a musical performance. ~ N. Rossiter, M. Heather. #Music #CategoryTheory #Haskell
- Higher-order type-level programming in Haskell. ~ C. Kiss et als. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Developing an intuition for reduce in JavaScript through Haskell: Monoids. ~ @codefornerds #JavaScript #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Parsing typed eDSL. ~ George Agapov. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Haskell quick syntax reference. ~ S.L. Nita, M. Mihailescu. #eBook #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Effective problem solving using SAT solvers. ~ C. Bright et als. #ATP #SAT
- The Isabelle cookbook (A gentle tutorial for programming Isabelle/ML). ~ C. Urban et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Gröbner bases and Macaulay matrices in Isabelle/HOL. ~ A. Maletzky. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Formalization of Dubé’s degree bounds for Gröbner bases in Isabelle/HOL. ~ A. Maletzky. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Gröbner bases, Macaulay matrices and Dubé’s degree bounds in Isabelle/HOL. ~ A. Maletzky. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz in Isabelle/HOL. ~ A. Maletzky. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Formal verification of boolean unification algorithms with Coq. ~ D. Richardson et als. #ITP #Coq
- Introduction to homotopy type theory. ~ E. Rijke. #HoTT #Logic #math #ITP #Agda
- Monte Carlo tableau proof search. ~ M. Färber, C. Kaliszyk, J. Urban. #ATP #Logic #MachineLearning
- Authenticated data structures, generically. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Loading games and changing colors! ~ James Bowen #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Patterns of functional programming: functional core - imperative shell. ~ J. Casas. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A taste of functional programming in Kotlin. ~ Baseer Al-Obaidy. #FunctionalProgramming #Kotlin
- The Functor Combinatorpedia. ~ Justin Le. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The functional programming toolkit. ~ Scott Wlaschin. #FunctionalProgramming
- The power of composition (for beginners in FP). ~ Scott Wlaschin. #FunctionalProgramming #Fsharp
- Functional design patterns. ~ Scott Wlaschin. #FunctionalProgramming #Fsharp
- Implementing recursion with the Y combinator in any language. ~ Michele Riva. #LambdaCalculus #JavaScript #Haskell #Java #Racket #Python #C
- UserLAnd: The easiest way to run a Linux distribution or application on Android. #Linux #Android
- An interactive way to C. ~ Musa Al-hassy. #Programming #C #Emacs #Org_mode
- Presenting the Eshell. ~ Howard Abrams. #Emacs
- String interpolation and overlapping instances. ~ William Yao. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Count-Min sketch in Haskell. ~ Victor Adossi. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- An opinionated beginner’s guide to Haskell in mid 2019. ~ Varun Gandhi. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- foldr under the hood. ~ Neil Mitchell. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Transition to Haskell from Python: Zipping. ~ Chris Martin, Julie Moronuki. #Python #Haskell
- Theorema-HOL: Classical Higher-Order Logic in Theorema. ~ A. Maletzky. #ITP #TheoremaHOL
- An introduction to Copilot. ~ F. Dedden et als. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Neural theorem provers do not learn rules without exploration. ~ M. de Jong, F. Sha. #ATP #MachineLearning
- Linear inequalities in Isabelle/HOL. ~ R. Bottesch, A. Reynaud, R. Thiemann. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Verifying fold using Monoids in Coq. ~ Dalton Lundy. #ITP #Coq #FunctionalProgramming
- Lessons learned while writing a Haskell application. ~ G. Volpe. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- An efficient implementation of Galois fields. ~ Stephen Diehl. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Math
- A brief guide to a few algebraic structures. ~ Julie Moronuki. #Math #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Why I (as of June 22 2019) think Haskell is the best general purpose language (as of June 22 2019). ~ Philip Zucker. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- What is a programmable programming language? ~ A. Sanchez. #Programming #Lisp
- Introducción a la programación en Julia. ~ Mauricio M. Tejada. #JuliaLang
- A mathematical proof isn’t just an intellectual exercise. ~ D. Holland. #Math
- En busca de una nueva definición para la inteligencia de las máquinas. ~ Luis Ignacio Hojas Hojas. #IA
- Differential game logic in Isabelle/HOL. ~ André Platzer. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Taking a shortcut! ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Python and Emacs Pt. 1. ~ Jonathan Bennett. #Emacs #Python
- LiFtEr: Language to encode induction heuristics for Isabelle/HOL. ~ Y. Nagashima. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- A framework for specifying and formally verifying application security policies. ~ C. Shao. #Msc_Thesis #ITP #Coq
- On roots of polynomials over F(X)/<p>. ~ C. Schwarzweller. #ITP #Mizar #Math
- AI safety as a PL problem. ~ Swarat Chaudhuri. #AI #FormalVerification #MachineLearning
- Transition to Haskell from Python: Data classes. ~ Chris Martin , Julie Moronuki. #Python #Haskell
- Implement with types, not your brain! #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Evaluación de implementaciones alternativas de colas concurrentes en Haskell. ~ T.A: González. #Haskell
- Call-by-need is clairvoyant call-by-value. ~ J. Hackett, G. Hutton. #FunctionalProgramming
- Elisp reference sheet (Quick reference to the core language of Emacs). ~ Musa Al-hassy. #Programminf #Lisp #Elisp #Emacs
- Gerwin’s style guide for Isabelle/HOL. Part 1: Good proofs. ~ Gerwin Klein. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Gerwin’s style guide for Isabelle/HOL. Part 2: Good style. ~ Gerwin Klein. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Course: Advanced topics in software verification. ~ Gerwin Klein, June Andronick, Christine Rizkallah, Miki Tanaka. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- CPP considered harmful. ~ Mathieu Boespflug. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The tragedy of the Common Lisp: Why large languages explode. ~ Mark Miller. #Programming
- Toward artificial intelligence that learns to write code. ~ K. Martineau. #Programming #AI #DeepLearning
- Learning to infer program sketches. ~ M. Nye et als. #Programming #AI #DeepLearning
- How to specify it! (A guide to writing properties of pure functions). ~ John Hughes. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Gen: A general-purpose probabilistic programming system with programmable inference. ~ M.F. Cusumano-Towner et als. #AI #JuliaLang
- Priority search trees im Isabelle/HOL. ~ P. Lammich, T. Nipkow. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Purely functional, simple, and efficient implementation of Prim and Dijkstra in Isabelle/HOL. ~ P. Lammich, T. Nipkow. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Complete non-orders and fixed points in Isabelle/HOL. ~ A. Yamada, and J. Dubut. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Mathematical method and proof. ~ Jeremy Avigad. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic #Math
- A Julia set generator. ~ Chris Martin, Julie Moronuki. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Bar-Hillel theorem mechanization in Coq. ~ S. Bozhko, L. Khatbullina, S.Grigorev. #ITP #Coq
- Jupyter adaptation of “Learn you a Haskell for great good!” ~ James Brock. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Jupyter
- Property-based testing. ~ J. Fowler. #PhD_Thesis #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- An introduction to computer science research: selected papers with commentary. ~ Camille Akmut. #CompSci
- Formal proof and analysis of an incremental cycle detection algorithm. ~ A. Guéneau, J.H. Jourdan, A. Charguéraud, F. Pottier. #ITP #Coq
- Formal verification of memory preservation of x86-64 binaries. ~ J.A. Bockenek, F. Verbeek, P. Lammich, B. Ravindran. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Monday Morning Haskell: Gloss review! ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Secure compilation. ~ C. Hritcu et als. #Programming
- The Ramanujan machine: Automatically generated conjectures on fundamental constants. ~ G. Raayoni et als. #MachineLearning #Math
- Proving tree algorithms for succinct data structures. ~ R. Affeldt, J. Garrigue, X. Qi, K. Tanaka. #ITP #Coq
- Formalizing the solution to the cap set problem. ~ S.R. Dahmen, J. Hölzl, R.Y. Lewis. #ITP #LeanProver
- Various new theorems in constructive univalent mathematics written in Agda. ~ Martin Escardo. #ITP #Agda #Math
- On solving word equations using SAT. ~ Joel D. Day et als. #ATP #SAT
- A story told by type errors. ~ Dmitrii Kovanikov. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- 10 days of neural networks in Haskell. Bogdan Penkovsky. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #NeuralNetworks
- A taste of type theory. ~ Bartosz Milewski. #TypeTheory #FunctionalProgramming
- Neural network verification for the masses (of AI graduates). ~ E. Komendantskaya et als. #AI #Verification #ITP #Coq #ATP #SMT #Z3 #NeuralNetworks
- Formalization of a monitoring algorithm for metric first-order temporal logic. ~ J. Schneider, D. Traytel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Proving for Fun: July 2019. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Coq
- Formalization of Rice’s theorem over a functional language model. ~ T.M.F. Ramos, A.A- Almeida, M. Ayala-Rincón. #ITP #PVS
- Improving Haskell. ~ M.A.T. Handley, G. Hutton. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Lightweight invertible enumerations in Haskell. ~ Brent Yorgey. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Coding with asymmetric numeral systems. ~ J. Gibbons. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Learn Haskell to be a better programmer. ~ Kwang Yul Seo. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Cutting through the smog: making an air quality bot with Haskell. ~ A. Moreno. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Microsmos: Writing a simple tree-editor with brick. ~ Tom Sydney Kerckhove. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Examples and results from a BSc-level course on domain specific languages of mathematics. ~ P. Jansson, S.H. Einarsdóttir, C. Ionescu. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Math
- Generic diffing and merging of mutually recursive datatypes in Haskell. ~ A. van Putten. #Msc_Thesis #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- S Stands for Shock: The European funders’ proposal for Open Access. ~ Jeremy Gibbons.
- Abstraction and subsumption in modular verification of C programs. ~ A.W. Appel, L. Beringer. #ITP #Coq
- Separation-logic-based program verification in Coq. ~ Qinxiang Cao. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Coq
- A computer-generated proof that nobody understands. ~ Kevin Buzzard. #ATP #Math
- Write you a Haskell (Building a modern functional compiler from first principles). ~ Stephen Diehl. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A continuation of Stephen Diehl’s “Write you a Haskell”. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Lemma discovery for induction: A survey. ~ Moa Johansson. #Haskell
- From LCF to Isabelle/HOL. ~ L.C. Paulson, T. Nipkow, M. Wenzel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Domain-specific language to encode induction heuristics. ~ Yutaka Nagashima. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Preparing for simulation: Player AI. ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Scripting in Haskell and PureScript. ~ Riccardo Odone. #Haskell #PureScript
- A formal proof of the termination of Zielonka’s algorithm for solving parity games. ~ R. Abraham. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Mechanizing Principia Logico-Metaphysica in functional type theory. ~ D. Kirchner, C. Benzmüller, E.N. Zalta. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Dependently-typed Montague semantics in the proof assistant Agda-flat. ~ C. Zwanziger. #ITP #Agda
- I/O logic in HOL. ~ C. Benzmüller, A. Farjami, P. Meder, X. Parent. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- SAT solvers and computer algebra systems: A powerful combination for mathematics. ~ C. Bright, I. Kotsireas, V. Ganesh. #SAT #CAS #Math
- Open Sum Types in Haskell with world-peace. ~ Dennis Gosnell (Dennis Gosnell). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Trees as monads. ~ Dimitrios Kalemis. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Lambda calculus. ~ Ben Lynn. #LambdaCalculus #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- REBA: A refinement-based architecture for knowledge representation and reasoning in robotics. ~ M. Sridharan, M. Gelfond, S. Zhang, J. Wyatt. #AI #KRR #ASP
- Dependency learning for QBF. ~ T. Peitl, F. Slivovsky, S. Szeider. #AI
- My first fifteen compilers. ~ Lindsey Kuper. #Programming #Compilers #Nanopass
- A verified compiler from Isabelle/HOL to CakeML. ~ L. Hupel, T. Nipkow. #ITP #Isabelle/HOL
- Multi stage programming in context. ~ M. Pickering, N. Wu, C. Kiss. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Working with source plugins. ~ M. Pickering, N. Wu, B. Németh. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Trustworthy graph algorithms. ~ M. Abdulaziz, K. Mehlhorn, T. Nipkow. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Certified semantics for miniKanren. ~ D. Rozplokhas, A. Vyatkin, D. Boulytchev. #ITP #Coq
- (Co) inductive proof systems for compositional proofs in reachability logic. ~ V. Rusu, D. Nowak. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Coq
- Gradual typing from theory to practice. ~ Sam Tobin-Hochstadt. #Programming
- Walker: Automated assessment of Haskell code using syntax tree analysis. ~ R.H. de Vries. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- BioShake: a Haskell EDSL for bioinformatics workflows. ~ J. Bedő. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Music as language (Putting probabilistic temporal graph grammars to good use). ~ O. Melkonian #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Music
- A bridge anchored on both sides: Formal deduction in introductory CS, and code proofs in discrete math. ~ D.G. Wonnacott, P.M. Osera. #Logic #Math #ITP #Coq #Haskell
- Experimental evaluation of formal software development using dependently typed languages. ~ F. Tamasi. #ITP #Coq #Agda
- Evaluation of function calls in Haskell. ~ Laszlo Treszkai. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Automatically and efficiently illustrating polynomial equalities in Agda. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney. #Bachelor_Thesis #ITP #Agda
- Building and debugging FRP with CodeWorld and Reflex. ~ Chris Smith. #Haskell #CodeWorld
- El zen de Python: Explicado y con ejemplos. ~ Javier Daza. #Programación #Python
- A brief analysis of “The zen of Python”. ~ Jonathan Hammond #Programming #Python
- Genetic algorithms as shrinkers in property-based testing. ~ F.Y. Lo, C.H. Chen, Y. Chen. #ITP #Coq
- Julia’s efficient algorithm for subtyping unions and covariant tuples. ~ B Chung, F. Zappa Nardelli, J. Vitek. #ITP #Coq #JuliaLang
- Closure conversion is safe for space. ~ Z. Paraskevopoulou, A.W. Appel. #ITP #Coq
- Advanced search with drilling! ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Writing a PhD thesis with Org Mode. ~ Daniel Gomez. #Emacs #Org_mode
- Writing a Ph.D. thesis with Org Mode (emplate repository). ~ Daniel Gomez. #Emacs #Org_mode
- ebib: A BibTeX database manager for Emacs. #Emacs #LaTeX
- Summer reading in theory. R.J. Lipton, K.W. Regan. #CompSci
- Revelations from repetition: Source code headers in Haskell and Python. ~ S. Carstens, M. Meschede. #Haskell #Python
- Una interesante introducción a la lógica difusa. ~ Carlos Bejines. #Lógica #Matemáticas
- A sequent calculus for first-order logic in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Andreas Halkjær From. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Formal verification of trading in financial markets. #ITP #Coq
- Decompose ContT. ~ Roman Cheplyaka. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Dimensions and Haskell: Singletons in action. ~ R. Stryungis, D. Rogozin. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Elements of functional programming in Python. ~ Parul Pandey. #Python #FunctionalProgramming
- Hybrid relations in Isabelle/UTP. ~ S.D. Foster. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Formal verification of quantum algorithms using quantum Hoare logic. ~ J. Liu et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Towards a verified model of the Algorand consensus protocol in Coq. ~ M.A. Alturki, J. Chen, V. Luchangco, B. Moore. #ITP #Coq
- A certified functional nominal C-unification. ~ M. Ayala-Rincón et als. #ITP #PVS
- A predicate transformer semantics for effects (Functional pearl). ~ W. Swierstra, T. Baanen. #ITP #Agda
- Kind inference for datatypes. ~ N. Xie, R.A. Eisenberg, B.C.D.S. Oliveira. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Generic enumerators. ~ C. van der Rest, W. Swierstra, M. Chakravarty. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Haskell I/O tutorial. ~ Albert Y. C. Lai. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Mathematical proof of algorithm correctness and efficiency. ~ Vladimir Batoćanin. #CompSci #Algorithms
- A curious associativity of the <$> operator. ~ Roman Cheplyaka. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Analyzing our parameters. ~ James Bowen #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Insane in the Membrain. ~ Veronika Romashkina. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Rediscovering constructive type theory with Cedille. ~ Aaron Stump. #Haskell #Cedille
- Making it easier to program and protect the Web. #CompSci
- “Programming Algorithms” Book. ~ Vsevolod Dyomkin. #Programming #Lisp #Algorithms
- How to use Binder and Python for reproducible research. ~ Erik Marsja. #Binder #Docker #Jupyter #Python
- Generating correctness proofs with neural networks. ~ A. Sanchez-Stern et als. #ITP #NeuralNetworks
- Towards a smart contract verification framework in Coq. ~ D. Annenkov, B. Spitters. #ITP #Coq
- Building a blog in Haskell with Yesod–using a database. ~ R. Odone. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Euclidean rhythms and Haskell. ~ Erich Grunewald. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A weekend replication of STOKE, a stochastic superoptimiser. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Haskell Dockerfile linter: A smarter Dockerfile linter that helps you build best practice Docker images. #Docker #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- In praise of strong FP. ~ Aaron Stump. #FunctionalProgramming
- Fast polynomial arithmetic in Haskell. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The AI metamorphosis. ~ Henry A. Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, Daniel Huttenlocher. #AI
- Langages des maths, langages de l’informatique. #Math #CompSi
- Decades-old computer science conjecture solved in two pages. ~ Erica Klarreich. #Math #CompSci
- Coq Coq Codet! (Towards a Verified Toolchain for Coq in MetaCoq). ~ M. Sozeau et als. #ITP #Coq
- Formalization of the MRDP theorem in the Mizar system. ~ K. Pąk. #ITP #Mizar #Math
- Partial correctness of a factorial algorithm. ~ A. Jaszczak, A. Korniłowicz. #ITP #Mizar
- Natural addition of ordinals. ~ S. Koch. #ITP #Mizar #Math
- Modular effects in Haskell through effect polymorphism and explicit dictionary applications. ~ D. Devriese. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- idris-ct: A library to do category theory in Idris. ~ F. Genovese et als.. #Idris #CategoryTheory
- Szpilrajn extension theorem in Isabelle/HOL. ~ P. Zeller. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Fibonacci formalized 1: some sums. ~ Bryan Gin-ge Chen. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Generating castles for Minecraft using Haskell. ~ Tim Philip Williams. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Cursors, part 6: The forest cursor. ~ Tom Sydney Kerckhove. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Testing bipartiteness with monad transformers. ~ Vasily Alferov. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Solving a puzzle in Haskell. ~ Chris Smith. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #CodeWorld
- The power of RecordWildCards. ~ Dmitrii Kovanikov. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Programming algorithms: A crash course in Lisp. ~ Vsevolod Dyomkin. #CommonLisp
- Formalizing extended UTxO and BitML calculus in Agda. ~ O Melkonian. #ITP #Agda
- Extensional higher-order paramodulation in Leo-III. ~ A. Steen, C. Benzmüller. #ITP #Leo_III
- Functional programming in Scala. ~ P. Chiusano, R. Bjarnason. #eBook #FunctionalProgramming #Scala
- Attack trees in Isabelle. ~ F. Kammüller. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Introducing the Haskell Phrasebook. ~ Chris Martin. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The Haskell Phrasebook. ~ Chris Martin, Julie Moronuki. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Arithmetic on algebraic data types. ~ Boro Sitnikovski. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Math
- Julia: come for the syntax, stay for the speed. ~ J.M. Perkel. #Programming #JuliaLang
- Les algorithmes du nouveau lycée technologique, en Python. ~ Alain Busser. #Programming #Python
- A formal development of a polychronous polytimed coordination language. ~ H. Nguyen Van, F. Boulanger, B. Wolff. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- A verified LL(1) parser generator. ~ S. Lasser et als. #ITP #Coq
- Verifying effectful Haskell programs in Coq. ~ J. Christiansen, S. Dylus, N. Bunkenburg. #ITP #Coq #Haskell
- Client-side web programming in Haskell: A retrospective ~ Chris Done. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Practical event driven & sourced programs in Haskell. ~ Adam Piper. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Haskell: A functional love story. ~ Ilya Peresadin. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Solving planning problems with Fast Downward and Haskell. ~ Ollie Charles. #Haskell #AI
- Code line patterns: Creating maps of Stackage and PyPi. ~ Simeon Carstens, Matthias Meschede. #Haskell #Python
- Los intereses comerciales marcan el futuro de la inteligencia artificial. ~ Javier Salas. #IA
- IMO 2019 Q1. ~ Kevin Buzzard. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Exploring cloud builds in Hadrian. ~ David Eichmann. #Haskell
- Program synthesis in 2019. ~ James Bornholt. #ProgramSynthesis #FormalVerification #ATP
- Considering the order of results when computing Cartesian product. ~ Dominic Orchard. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Formalising Mathematics-in praxis; A mathematician’s very first experiences with Isabelle/HOL. ~ A. Koutsoukou-Argyraki. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Engineering formal systems in constructive type theory. ~ S. Chafar. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Coq
- Lazy stream programming in Prolog. ~ P- Tarau, J. Wielemaker, T. Schrijvers. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- Optimized Docker builds for Haskell Stack. ~ Tim Spence. #Haskell #Docker
- Comparing verification of list functions in LiquidHaskell and Idris. ~ A. Westerberg, G. Ung. #Haskell #LiquidHaskell #Idris #FunctionalProgramming
- Dos debates sobre la inteligencia artificial. ~ Javier Sampedro. #IA
- China has started a grand experiment in AI education. It could reshape how the world learns. ~ Noah Sheldon. #AI #Education
- Equations reloaded (high-level dependently-typed functional programming and proving in Coq). ~ M. Sozeau, C. Mangin. #ITP #Coq
- Higher-order type-level programming in Haskell. ~ C. Kiss, T. Field, S. Eisenbach, S. Peyton Jones. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Functional DevOps in a Dysfunctional World. ~ Vaibhav Sagar. #Haskell #Nix
- Survey of category theory in Coq. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Using the Accelerate library to implement Chebyshev functions. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Math
- Functional Blockchain Contracts. ~ Manuel Chakravarty. #Haskell #Blockchain
- Exercises in programming style: FP & I/O. ~ Nicolas Fränkel. #Programming
- Programming algorithms: Data structures. ~ Vsevolod Dyomkin. #Programming #Lisp #Algorithms
- Why Emacs. ~ Kasim Tuman. #Emacs
- Selected problems from the International Mathematical Olympiad 2019 in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Manuel Eberl. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Moving towards ML: Evaluation functions. ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Building a better brain. ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Communicating concurrent Kleene algebra for distributed systems specification. ~ Maxime Buyse. #AFP #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Verifying finality for Blockchain systems. ~ Karl Palmskog et als. #ITP #Coq #Blockchain
- 10 years seL4: Still the best, still getting better. ~ Gernot Heiser. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- A Haskell implementation of Conway’s Game of Life, viewable on the console, no external libs. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Formally justified and modular Bayesian inference for probabilistic programs. ~ Adam Michał Ścibior. #PhD_Thesis #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Una implementación en Haskell de un lenguaje funcional no determinista. ~ Manuel Velasco Suárez. #TFG #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A formally verified HOL algebra for dynamic reliability block diagrams. ~ Y. Elderhalli, O. Hasan, S. Tahar. #ITP #HOL4
- What does it mean for a program analysis to be sound? ~ Ilya Sergey. | SIGPLAN Blog #CompSci #Program_analysis
- How Monoids are useful in programming? ~ @tsoding #Haskell
- Dead-simple TCP/IP services using servant. ~ Justin Le. #Haskell #I1M2016
- Polysemy is fun! - Part 2. ~ Raghu Kaippully. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The Ramanujan Machine: Automatically generated conjectures on fundamental constants. ~ Gal Raayoni et als. #MachineLearning #Math
- The Ramanujan Machine: Using algorithms to discover new mathematics. #MachineLearning #Math
- Monte Carlo Tree Search in NetLogo. ~ F. Sancho. #NetLogo #IA
- Dependently typed Haskell in industry (experience report). ~ David Thrane Christiansen et als. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Practical profunctor lenses & optics in PureScript. ~ Thomas Honeyman. #PureScript
- Prolog coding guidelines: Status and tool support. ~ F. Nogatz, P. Körner, S. Krings. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- Ten simple rules for writing and sharing computational analyses in Jupyter Notebooks. ~ A. Rule et als. #OpenScience #Jupyter
- Building Haskell Apps with Docker. ~ Deni Bertovic . #Haskell #Docker
- Basic text processing in functional style. ~ Vitaly Bragilevsky. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Intro to Web Prolog for erlangers. ~ T. Lager #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- Building a blog in Haskell with Yesod–Returning JSON. ~ Riccardo Odone #Haskell
- Learn more programming languages, even if you won’t use them. ~ Thorsten Ball #Programming
- Programming algorithms: Arrays. #Programming #CommonLisp
- After Math: (Re)configuring minds, proof, and computing in the postwar United States. ~ Stephanie Aleen Dick. #PhD_Thesis #ATP #Logic #Math
- Pearl: How to do proofs? (Practically proving properties about effectful programs’ results). ~ K. Jacobs, A. Nuyts, D. Devriese. #ITP #Agda #FunctionalProgramming
- Deep Learning: A philosophical introduction. ~ C. Buckner. #DeepLearning
- pretty-simple: pretty-printer for Haskell data types that have a Show instance. ~ Dennis Gosnell. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- An introduction to declarative programming in CLIPS and Prolog. ~ J.L. Watkin, A.C. Volk, S. Perugini. #DeclarativeProgramming #CLIPS #Prolog
- Easy IHaskell Docker images with Nix. ~ Vaibhav Sagar. #Haskell #Docker #Nix
- Partitions of a set. Shayne Fletcher. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Explaining lambda calculus to a front-end web developer. ~ Henri Tuhola #LambdaCalculus
- Laplace transform in Isabelle/HOL. Fabian Immler. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- WordNet and Prolog: why not? ~ P. Julian-Iranzo, F. Saenz-Perez. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- Monads as a programming pattern. ~ Samuel Grayson. #Programming #Monads
- The monad challenges (A set of challenges for jump starting your understanding of monads). ~ Doug Beardsley. #Haskell #Monads
- Coding and reasoning with purity, strong types, and monads. ~ Doug Beardsley (mightybyte). #Haskell #Monads
- Haskell: Build tools. ~ Kowainik. #Haskell #Cabal #Stack
- Haskell kata: withTryFileLock. ~ M. Snoyman. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- How to write a game in Haskell from scratch. ~ Mario Morgenthum. #Haskell #Game
- Transition to Haskell from Python. ~ Chris Martin, Julie Moronuki. #Python #Haskell
- Dynamically-typed Haskell expressions involving applications and variables. ~ Rudy Matela. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A topological data analysis library for Haskell. ~ Eben Kadile. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Math #Topology
- Pretty-printer for Haskell data types that have a Show instance. ~ Dennis Gosnell. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Formalisation of an adaptive state counting algorithm in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Robert Sachtleben. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Rosette: a solver-aided programming language that extends Racket with language constructs for program synthesis, verification, and more. ~ Emina Torlak. #Programming #Racket #Rosette #DSL #SAT #SMT
- Haskell library containing common graph search algorithms. ~ Devon Hollowood. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Algorithms
- Verified functional programming. ~ N. Voirol. #PhD_Thesis #FunctionalProgramming #Scala
- On monomorphisms and subfields. ~ C. Schwarzweller. #ITP #Mizar #Math
- Undecidability of D_< and its decidable fragments. ~ J. Hu, O. Lhoták. #ITP #Agda
- Comparison between different definitions of Dependent Object Types (DOTs). ~ J. Hu. #ITP #Agda
- Programming languages explained with music. ~ Emma Murray. #Programming
- Una serie de videos que te mostrarán de forma práctica y simple, cómo utilizar Emacs para la producción de documentos académicos. #Emacs
- Abstract completion, formalized. ~ N. Hirokawa et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Verifying bit-vector invertibility conditions in Coq. ~ B. Ekici et als. #ITP #Coq
- Derivations as computations. ~ Andrej Bauer. #ITP #Andromeda
- Andromeda: A minimalist implementation of type theory, suitable for experimentation. ~ Andrej Bauer #ITP #Andromeda
- The essential tools of Scientific Machine Learning (Scientific ML). ~ Christopher Rackauckas. #MachineLearning #JuliaLang
- La historia del desarrollo de software en dos minutos: un siglo de lógica, lenguajes y código. ~ @Alvy #Programación #Historia
- Learning to prove theorems via interacting with proof assistants. ~ Adrian Colyer. #ITP #MachineLearning
- Typed Lisp, a primer. ~ Musa Al-hassy. #Lisp #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Rib: a Haskell library for writing your own static site generator. ~ Sridhar Ratnakumar. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- From programs to deep models (Part 1). ~ Eran Yahav. #Programming #MachineLearning
- Haskell. History of a community-powered language. ~ Denis Oleynikov, Gints Dreimanis. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #History
- Haskell ITMO course at CTD. ~ Dmitry Kovanikov, Arseniy Seroka. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Haskel’: Discussion about proposed changes to the Haskell programming language. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Static smart constructors with double splices. ~ Chris Done #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Prolog implementation of the Knuth-Bendix completion procedure. ~ Markus Triska. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- New draft paper: Survey on bidirectional typechecking. ~ Neel Krishnaswami. #FunctionalProgramming
- Comparison of functional programming languages. ~ Wikipedia. #FunctionalProgramming
- Haskell: let vs. where. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Point-free or die: Tacit programming in Haskell and beyond. ~ Amar Shah #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Grokking fix. ~ Matt Parsons. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Verifying an incremental theory solver for linear arithmetic in Isabelle/HOL. ~ R. Bottesch, M.W. Haslbeck, R. Thiemann. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- A formally verified abstract account of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems. ~ A. Popescu, D. Traytel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Isabelle/DOF. (User and implementation manual). ~ A.D. Brucker, B. Wolff. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Studying algebraic structures using Prover9 and Mace4. ~ R. Arthan, P. Oliva. #ATP #Prover9 #Mace4 #Math
- MUNTA: Fully verified model checker for timed automata. ~ Simon Wimmer. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Type-based resource analysis on Haskell. ~ F. Siglmüller. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Algorithms
- Difference between `data` and `newtype` in Haskell. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Type Classes vs. the World. ~ Edward Kmett. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Verifying bit-vector invertibility conditions in Coq. ~ Burak Ekici et als. #ITP #Coq
- Reconstructing veriT proofs in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M. Fleury, H.J. Schurr. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #SMT #veriT
- Computer mathematics, AI and functional programming. ~ Moa Johansson. #ATP #ITP #Math #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- IsaHipster: Theory exploration for Isabelle using HipSpec. ~ Moa Johansson. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Haskell
- Kei: A small and expressive dependently typed language. ~ Tiago Campos. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Customizable datatypes. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A very general method of computing shortest paths. ~ Russell O’Connor. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Simple reflection of expressions. ~ Twan van Laarhoven. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- simple-reflect: Simple reflection of expressions containing variables. ~ Twan van Laarhoven. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Monoids and finger trees. ~ Heinrich Apfelmus. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- All about monoids. ~ Edward Kmett. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Applicative functors. ~ Pat Brisbin. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Advantages of functional programming for Blockchain protocols. #FunctionalProgramming #Blockchain
- La incidencia filosófica de la programación lógica. ~ Luís Moniz Pereira. #ProgramaciónLógica #Lógica #IA
- Deductive proof of Ethereum smart contracts using Why3. ~ Z. Nehai, F. Bobot. #FormalVerification #Why3
- Q-learning primer. ~ James Bowen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Overcoming boolean blindness with evidence. ~ Tom Sydney Kerckhove. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Teaching Haskell for understanding. ~ Julie Moronuki. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The monad fear. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Monads for functional programming. ~ Philip Wadler. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Three useful monads. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Monads in Haskell: Reader. ~ Martin Oldfield. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The State monad: A tutorial for the confused? ~ Brandon Simmons. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The continuation monad. ~ G. Gonzalez. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Continuations from the ground up. ~ Isaac Elliott. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Formalization of sorting algorithms in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Marco Pierre Fernandez Burgos. #BSc_Thesis #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Formalization of sorting algorithms in Isabelle/HOL (Code). ~ Marco Pierre Fernandez Burgos. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Certified equational reasoning via ordered completion. ~ C. Sternagel, S. Winkle. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Homotopy type theory: Synthetic homotopy theory and proof verification. ~ M. Blans. #BSc_Thesis #ITP #Agda #HoTT
- Free theorems simply, via dinaturality. ~ J. Voigtländer. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Functional dependencies & type families. ~ Gabriel Volpe #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Best practices for using functional programming in Python. ~ Tara Smith. #Python #FunctionalProgramming
- Automatic white-box testing with free monads. ~ Alexander Granin #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Abstraction, intuition, and the “monad tutorial fallacy”. ~ Brent Yorgey. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The trivial monad. ~ Dan Piponi. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A gentle introduction to monad transformers. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- pLam: An interpreter for learning and exploring pure λ-calculus. ~ Sandro Lovnički. #LambdaCalculus #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- What is a monad? #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Programming with effects. ~ Graham Hutton. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- What is a monad? ~ Graham Hutton. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Artificial neural networks and simplicial complexes. ~ Eduardo Paluzo. #NeuralNetworks #Math
- Formal verification of the equivalence of system F and the pure type system L2. ~ Jonas Kaiser. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Coq
- Deferring the details and deriving programs. ~ Liam O’Connor. #ITP #Agda
- Tic tac types: a gentle introduction to dependently typed programming (functional pearl). ~ S. Innes, N. Wu. #FunctionalProgramming #Idris #Haskell
- Haskell pyramid. ~ Nick Sanford. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- PatternSynonyms for expressive code. ~ Raghu Kaippully. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The Haskell learning curve. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Fixed points and non-fixed points of Haskell functors. ~ Ziyang Liu. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Free monoids and free monads, free of category theory. ~ Ziyang Liu. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Solving the “Beautiful bridges” problem, algebraically. ~ Ziyang Liu. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- That guide that could help you get started with Haskell. ~ Djoe Pramono #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Set theory: An open introduction. ~ Tim Button. #eBook #SetTheory #Logic #Math
- Yet another monad tutorial. ~ Mike Vanier. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- IsarMathLib: a library of formalized mathematics for Isabelle/ZF. ~ Slawomir Kolodynski. #ITP #IsabelleZF #Math
- IsarMathLib: A library of formalized mathematics for Isabelle/ZF theorem proving environment. ~ Slawomir Kolodynski. #ITP #IsabelleZF #Math
- Automated reasoning in first-order real vector spaces. ~ C. Kwan. #MSc_Thesis #ITP #ACL2 #Math
- Functional pearl: Heterogeneous random-access lists. ~ W. Swierstra. #FunctionalProgramming #Agda
- The Haskell pyramid. ~ Lucas Di Cioccio. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Programming algorithms: Key-values. ~ Vsevolod Dyomkin. #Programming #CommonLisp #Algorithms
- A community-driven Emacs Lisp style guide. ~ Bozhidar Batsov. #Programming #Emacs #Lisp
- A minimal Emacs configuration for Haskell programming. ~ Gil Mizrahi #Emacs #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Funtores, aplicativos y mónadas en imágenes. ~ Miguel Á. Moreno #Haskell #ProgramaciónFuncional
- Understanding SAT by implementing a simple SAT solver in Python. ~ Sahand Saba. #Python #Logic
- Questions and answers about Nix for haskellers. #Hakell #Nix
- Resumen de lecturas compartidas durante el curso 2018-19. #GLC
- A case study in basic algebra. ~ Clemens Ballarin. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Functor, applicative, and monad. ~ TypesLogicsCats #FunctionalProgramming #OCaml #Haskell
- Empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert-Huang transform in pure Haskell. ~ Justin Le (@mstk). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Math
- TTK: The Topology ToolKit (Topological data analysis and visualization). ~ Julien Tierny (@JulienTierny) et als. #MachineLearning #DataScience #Python
- A functional reboot for deep learning. ~ Conal Elliott (@conal). #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #FunctionalProgramming #Haskell
- The simple essence of automatic differentiation. ~ Conal Elliott (@conal). #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #FunctionalProgramming #Haskell
- PyF: Haskell quasiquoter for string formatting. ~ Guillaume Bouchard. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Functional programming with overloading and higher-order polymorphism. ~ Mark P. Jones. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Announcing the optics library. ~ Adam Gundry. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Merging IO and Either into one monad. ~ Riccardo Odone (@RiccardoOdone). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- FunSeqSet: Towards a purely functional data structure for the linearisation case of dynamic trees problem. ~ J.C. Saenz-Carrasco. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Performance analysis of zippers. ~ Vı́t Šefl. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A timeline for logic, λ-calculus, and programming language theory. ~ Dana S. Scott #Logic #LambdaCalculus #Programming #ITP #CompSci
- Verifying the DPLL algorithm in Dafny. ~ C.C. Andrici, Ş. Ciobâcă. #Logic #SAT #FormalVerification #Dafny
- (Co)inductive proof systems for compositional proofs in reachability logic. ~ V. Rusu, D. Nowak. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Coq
- Making a learning model. ~ James Bowen (@james_OWA). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- High performance Haskell. ~ Harendra Kumar. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Functors and lifting. ~ Alicja Raszkowska (@mamrotynka). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- From LCF to Isabelle/HOL. ~ L. Paulson, T. Nipkow, M. Wenzel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- From type theory to setoids and back. ~ Erik Palmgren. #ITP #Agda
- Relational algebra with fancy types. ~ Philip Zucker (@SandMouth). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Why Haskell is important. ~ Mark Karpov. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Introduction to program synthesis. ~ Armando Solar-Lezama.
- Ornaments for proof reuse in Coq. ~ Talia Ringer et als. #ITP #Coq
- IMO (International Mathematical Olympiad) grand challenge. #AI #Math #ITP #LeanProver
- Formal encoding of IMO (International Mathematical Olympiad) problems. ~ Daniel Selsam. #AI #Math #ITP #LeanProver
- Automated reasoning for the working mathematician. ~ Jeremy Avigad. #ITP #ATP #Math
- Automated reasoning for the working mathematician: notes on some experiments with the use of automation in Isabelle. ~ Jeremy Avigad. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- The great theorem prover showdown. ~ Hillel (@hillelogram). #ITP
- Formalism and proofs for esverify. ~ Christopher Schuster. #ITP #LeanProver
- Formalização de algoritmos de criptografia em um assistente de provas interativo. ~ Guilherme Gomes Felix da Silva. #MSc_Thesis #ITP #LeanProver
- Okay, maybe proofs aren’t dying after all. ~ John Horgan. #Math
- LL(1) parser generator verified in Coq. #ITP #Coq
- QED at large: A survey of engineering of formally verified software. ~ Talia Ringer et als. #ITP #FormalVerification
- The future of mathematics? ~ Kevin Buzzard. #Math #ITP #LeanProver
- Introduction aux mathématiques formalisées. ~ Patrick Massot. #Math #ITP #LeanProver
- 100 theorems for Lean. ~ Floris van Doorn. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- A Coq formalization of boolean unification. ~ Daniel J. Dougherty. #ITP #Coq
- Porting HOL Light’s multivariate analysis library: Some lessons. ~ Lawrence C. Paulson. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Natürliches Schließen in Coq (Ein einführendes Tutorial). ~ Burkhardt Renz. #Logic #ITP #Coq
- Neural networks and the satisfiability problem. ~ Daniel Selsam. #PhD_Thesis #Logic #SAT #NeuralNetworks
- NeuroSAT: Learning a SAT solver from single-bit supervision. ~ Daniel Selsam. #Logic #SAT #NeuralNetworks
- Demystifying MonadBaseControl. ~ Alexis King (@lexi_lambda). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Logic, algebra, and geometry at the foundation of computer science. ~ T. Hoare, A. Mendes, J.F. Ferreira. #Math #CompSci
- Breve historia de la Inteligencia Artificial. ~ F. Sancho (@sanchocaparrini). #IA #Historia
- CompCertM: CompCert with lightweight modular verification and multi-language linking. ~ Youngju Song et als. #ITP #Coq
- Five ways to compute the cartesian product with Haskell. ~ Andrew Ribeiro (@AndrewJRibeiro). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Our journey to type checking 4 million lines of Python. ~ Jukka Lehtosalo. #Python
- IA: hombres y máquinas. ~ José Ramón Rodríguez. #IA
- Philosophy of Computer Science. ~ William J. Rapaport. #CompSci #Philosophy
- How to build Artificial Intelligence we can trust. ~ Gary Marcus (@GaryMarcus). #AI
- Running training iterations. | Monday Morning Haskell. ~ James Bowen (@james_OWA). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Functor-oriented programming. ~ Russell O’Connor. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Fun with Typeclasses. ~ Riccardo Odone (@RiccardoOdone). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Verification components for hybrid systems in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Jonathan Julian Huerta y Munive. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Fourier series in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Lawrence C Paulson. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- The DPRM theorem in Isabelle. ~ J. Bayer et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Virtualization of HOL4 in Isabelle. ~ F. Immler, J. Rädle, M. Wenzel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #HOL4
- Formal proofs of Tarjan’s strongly connected components algorithm in Why3, Coq and Isabelle. ~ R. Chen et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Coq #Why3
- A verified compositional algorithm for AI planning. ~ M. Abdulaziz, C. Gretton, M. Norrish. #ITP #HOL4 #AI
- Proving tree algorithms for succinct data structures. ~ R. Affeldt et als. #ITP #Coq
- Introduction à la programmation fonctionnelle avec Haskell. ~ Yann Esposito (@yogsototh). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Falacias lógicas explicadas gráficamente. #Lógica
- Pseudomathematics. #Math
- Data types as quotients of polynomial functors. ~ J. Avigad, M. Carneiro, S. Hudon. #ITP #LeanProver
- Primitive Floats in Coq. ~ G. Bertholon, E. Martin-Dorel, P. Roux. #ITP #Coq
- A certificate-based approach to formally verified approximations. ~ F. Bréhard, A. Mahboubi, D. Pous. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Higher-order Tarski Grothendieck as a foundation for formal proof. ~ C.E. Brown, C. Kaliszyk, K. Pak. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Generic authenticated data structures, formally. ~ M. Brun, D. Traytel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- A verified and compositional translation of LTL to deterministic Rabin automata. ~ J. Brunner, B. Seidl, S. Sickert. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Formalizing computability theory via partial recursive functions. ~ M. Carneiro. #ITP #LeanProver
- A smart A* search monad transformer which supports backtracking user-state. ~ Chris Penner (@chrislpenner). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #AI
- Why types matter. ~ Gabrieλ Volpe (@volpegabriel87).r#/ #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Announcing the refinement types library. ~ Nikita Volkov (@NikitaYVolkov). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Programming algorithms: Hash-tables. ~ Vsevolod Dyomkin. #Programming #CommonLisp #Algorithms
- Best practices for using functional programming in Python. ~ Amandine Lee (@momandine). #Python #FunctionalProgramming
- Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of computational agents, second edition. ~ David Poole, Alan Mackworth. #eBook #AI
- “Program Verification”: Has it lost its punch? ~ Nikhil Swamy. #FormalVerification
- First-order guarded coinduction in Coq. ~ L. Czajka. #ITP #Coq
- Formalizing the solution to the cap set problem. ~ S.R. Dahmen, J. Hölzl, R.Y. Lewis. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Nine chapters of analytic number theory in Isabelle/HOL. ~ M. Eberl. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Nine chapters of analytic number theory in Isabelle/HOL (Slides). ~ Manuel Eberl (@pruvisto). #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- A certifying extraction with time bounds from Coq to call-by-value lambda calculus. ~ Y. Forster, F. Kunze. #ITP #Coq
- Formal proof and analysis of an incremental cycle detection algorithm. ~ A. Guéneau et als. #ITP #Coq
- A formalization of forcing and the unprovability of the continuum hypothesis. ~ J.M. Han, F. van Doorn. #ITP #LeanProver
- Refinement with time (Refining the run-time of algorithms in Isabelle/HOL). ~ M.P.L. Haslbeck, P. Lammich. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Predicate transformer semantics for hybrid systems: Verification components for Isabelle/HOL. ~ J.J. Huerta y Munive, G. Struth. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Structure and interpretation of computer programs (JavaScript adaptation). ~ H. Abelson et als. #eBook #Programming #JavaScript
- Elle: Foundationally verified compilation for Ethereum. ~ M.M. Alvarez. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Ethereum
- Generating verified LLVM from Isabelle/HOL. ~ P. Lammich. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Binary-compatible verification of filesystems with ACL2. ~ M.P. Mehta, W.R. Cook. #ITP #ACL2
- Verifying that a compiler preserves concurrent value-dependent information-flow security. ~ R. Sison, T. Murray. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Quantitative continuity and computable analysis in Coq. ~ F. Steinberg, L. Théry, H. Thies. #ITP #Coq
- Deriving proved equality tests in Coq-Elpi: Stronger induction principles for containers in Coq. ~ E. Tassi. #ITP #Coq
- Complete non-orders and fixed points. ~ A. Yamada, J. Dubut. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Verified decision procedures for modal logics. ~ M. Wu, R. Goré. #ITP #LeanProver #Logic
- The beauty of functional languages in Deep Learning — Clojure and Haskell. ~ Jun Wu. #Clojure #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #DeepLearning
- Making Haskell run fast: the many faces of reverse. ~ Li-yao Xia. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #ITP #Coq
- Declarative proof translation. ~ C. Kaliszyk, K. Pak. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Mizar
- Formalization of the domination chain with weighted parameters. ~ D.E. Severín. #ITP #Coq #Math
- From type theory to setoids and back. ~ E. Palmgren. #ITP #Agda
- Verifying randomised social choice. ~ M. Eberl (@pruvisto). #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- A formalization of the mutilated chessboard problem in Lean. ~ Jeremy Avigad. #ITP #LeanProver
- How to build an automated theorem prover. ~ Jens Otten. #Logic #ATP #Prolog
- Building theorem provers using rewriting logic. ~ Carlos Olarte. #Logic #ATP #Maude
- Machine-oriented reasoning. ~ Cláudia Nalon. #Logic #ATP
- Build your own first-order prover. ~ Jens Otten. #Logic #ATP #Prolog
- Stronger higher-order automation: A report on the ongoing Matryoshka project. ~ Jasmin Blanchette et als. #ITP #ATP
- Clausal proofs of mutilated chessboards. ~ M.J.H. Heule, B. Kiesl, A. Biere. #ATP #PR
- Why I prefer functional programming. ~ Mario Morgenthum. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- ¿Qué es un lenguaje de programación? (Parte 1). ~ Alejandro Serrano (@trupill). #Programación
- La Torre de Babel informática de los lenguajes de programación. ~ Alejandro Serrano (@trupill). #Programación
- Overview of automated reasoning and ordering-based strategies. ~ Maria Paola Bonacina. #Logic #ATP
- Computable analysis, exact real arithmetic and analytic functions in Coq. ~ F. Steinberg, H. Thies. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Not a single proof assistant for all, but proof assistants for everyone. ~ Nicolas Tabareau. #ITP #Coq
- Formalisation of probabilistic testing semantics in Coq. ~ Y. Deng, J.F. Monin. #ITP #Coq
- Mars Rover Kata in Haskell. ~ Riccardo Odone (@RiccardoOdone). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Building lenses (Implementing basic Haskell lenses in twenty exercises). ~ Mitchell Vitez. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A cheatsheet to the time library. ~ William Yao (@williamyaoh). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Monday Morning Haskell: Adding random exploration. ~ James Bowen (@james_OWA). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Functional programming in Coq. ~ Yuxin Deng. #FunctionalProgramming #ITP #Coq #LambdaCalculus
- G2Q: Haskell constraint solving. ~ W.T. Hallahan, A. Xue, R. Piskac. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Structural and semantic pattern matching analysis in Haskell. ~ P. Kalvoda, T.S. Kerckhove. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- From type theory to Haskell in 10 minutes. ~ Matt Campbell. #Haskell #LambdaCalculus #TypeTheory
- What is datatype-generic programming? ~ Max Hallinan. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Seekable parsers in Haskell. ~ Frederik Ramcke. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- J. Donald Monk, Mathematical logic and lectures on set theory. #eBook #Logic #Math
- The existential risk of Math errors. ~ Gwern Branwen. #Math
- Effective problem solving using SAT solvers. ~ Curtis Bright et als. #SAT_solving
- Prolog coding guidelines: Status and tool support. ~ F. Nogatz, P. Körner, S. Krings. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- On correctness of an n queens program. ~ W. Drabent. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- Formalization of multiway-join algorithms in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Thibault Dardinier. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Slick 1.0 Release - Now with a quick and easy template! ~ Chris Penner (@chrislpenner). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Prolog fundamentals catchup. ~ James Norman Vladimir Cash (@jamesnvc). #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- Tutorial: Creating Web applications in SWI-Prolog. ~ Anne Ogborn. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- Functional Prolog: map, filter and reduce. ~ Paul Brown. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- La deuda de la Inteligencia Artificial con el matemático Gödel. ~ Javier Muñoz de la Cuesta. #Lógica #IA
- A zoo of Haskell newtype wrappers. ~ Sven Heyll. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Interesting music in four lines of code. ~ Donya Quick. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- An integrated development environment for the Prototype Verification System (PVS). ~ P. Masci, C.A. Muñoz. #ITP #PVS
- A formal semantics of Findel (Financial Derivatives Language) in Coq. ~ A. Arusoaie #ITP #Coq
- Formal verification of upper bounds on translative packing densities. ~ I. Mulder. #MSc_Thesis #ITP #Coq
- Probabilistic programming with Monad‑Bayes. Part 1: first steps. ~ S. Bhat, S. Carstens, M. Meschede. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Learning Haskell: A resource guide. ~ Denis Oleynikov. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The power of adjunctions. ~ Bartosz Milewski. #CategoryTheory #Programming
- Optics + Regex: Greater than the sum of their parts. ~ Chris Penner (@chrislpenner). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Sound and reusable components for abstract interpretation. ~ S. Keidel, S. Erdweg. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming via @Iceland_jack
- Certifying graph-manipulating C programs via localizations within data structures. ~ Shengyi Wang et als. #ITP #Coq
- Leveraging highly automated theorem proving for certification. ~ Deni Raco et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Verifying concurrent, crash-safe systems with Perennial. ~ Tej Chajed et als. #ITP #Coq
- Lazy stream programming in Prolog. ~ Paul Tarau, Jan Wielemaker, Tom Schrijvers. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- Linear programming in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Julian Parsert and Cezary Kaliszyk. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Linear algebra of types. ~ Philip Zucker (@SandMouth). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Math
- Introducción a la Lógica. ~ F. Sancho (@sanchocaparrini). #Lógica
- Brevísima historia de la Lógica. ~ F. Sancho (@sanchocaparrini). #Lógica
- Monday morning Haskell: Tweaks, fixes, and some results. ~ James Bowen (@james_OWA). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #AI
- Haskell on Raspberry PI 4. ~ Vaclav Svejcar. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Raspberry
- Refactoring the Mars Rover Kata in Haskell. ~ Riccardo Odone (@RiccardoOdone). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Emacs - The best Python editor? ~ Kyle Purdon (@PurdonKyle). #Emacs #Python
- A formally verified monitor for metric first-order temporal logic. ~ J. Schneider et als. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Adaptive online first-order monitoring. ~ J. Schneider et als #ITP #IsabelLEHOL
- Isabelle for philosophers. ~ Ben Blumson. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Ethereum’s recursive length prefix in ACL2. ~ Alessandro Coglio. #ITP #ACL2 #Ethereum
- Eventful GHC (debugging / profiling Haskell via the GHC eventlog). ~ Alp Mestanogullari (@alpmestan). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A formal proof of Hensel’s lemma over the p-adic integers. ~ Robert Y. Lewis. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Comparison of proof producing systems in SMT solvers. ~ Arjun Viswanathan. #ATP #SMT
- Lógica de primer orden: una introducción informal. F. Sancho (@sanchocaparrini). #Lógica
- Number theorist fears all published Math is wrong. ~ Mordechai Rorvig. #Math #ITP #AI
- Unit testing wai applications. ~ Mark Seemann (@ploeh). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Efficient stochastic programming in Julia. ~ M. Biel, M. Johansson. #Programming #JuliaLang
- Mikrokosmos: an educational lambda calculus interpreter. ~ M. Román. #LambdaCalculus #Haskell
- Programming algorithms: Trees. ~ Vsevolod Dyomkin. #Programming #CommonLisp #Algorithms
- Where did “differentiable programming” come from? ~ Takeo Imai (@bonotake). #DeepLearning
- Towards Coq-verified Esterel semantics and compiling. ~ G. Berry, L. Rieg. #ITP #Coq
- Quantum computing in Haskell. ~ Christopher Wright. #BSc_Thesis #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Proving the correctness of a compiler. ~ Xavier Leroy. #ITP #Coq
- Lean Library currently studying for a degree at Imperial College. ~ Kevin Buzzard. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Didactic emacs-lisp macro example (ie. a tutorial). ~ Shane Mulligan (@mullikine). #Emacs #Lisp
- Tutorial for the lens library. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Mapping of ND proof templates to Isabelle formalization. ~ A. Steen. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Type-checking session-typed π-calculus with Coq. ~ Uma Zalakain. #MSc_Thesis #ITP #Coq
- Constructing finitary inductive types from natural numbers. ~ Andras Kovacs (@andrasKovacs6). #ITP #Agda #Math
- Programming cognitive robots. ~ Hector J. Levesque. #eBook #AI #DeclarativeProgramming #Schem #Racket
- Homoiconic Prolog: Explain yourself! ~ Paul Brown. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- What is good about Haskell? ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney (@oisdk). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The science of functional programming (A tutorial, with examples in Scala). ~ Sergei Winitzki. #eBook #FunctionalProgramming #Scala
- Computer science and metaphysics: A cross-fertilization. ~ Christoph Benzmüller et als. #ITP #Isabelle-HOL
- Verifying the titular properties of a leftist heap. ~ Mistral Contrastin (@madgen_). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Algorithms
- Learning logic and proof with an interactive theorem prover. ~ J. Avigad. #ITP #LeanProver #Logic
- Proof technology in mathematics research and teaching. #eBook #ATP #ITP #Math
- A common type of rigorous proof that resists Hilbert’s programme. ~ A. Bundy, M.A. Jamnik. #Logic #Math
- Bayesian optimisation with Gaussian processes for premise selection. ~ Agnieszka Słowik et als. #ATP #Vampire #MachineLearning
- You are already smart enough to write Haskell. ~ William Yao (@williamyaoh). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Didactical issues at the interface of mathematics and computer science. ~ V. Durand-Guerrier, A. Meyer, S. Modeste. #Math #ComSci
- 10 famous bugs in the computer science world. #CompSci #Programming
- The correspondence between monads in category theory and monads in Haskell. ~ D. Kalemis (@dkalemis). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #CategoryTheory
- AgdaCheatSheet: Basics of the dependently-typed functional language Agda. ~ Musa Al-hassy. #ITP #Agda
- Verification of GPU program optimizations in Lean. ~ B. Fischer. #MSc_Thesis #ITP #LeanProver
- A promising path towards autoformalization and general Artificial Intelligence. ~ Christian Szegedy. #AI #PLN #ITP
- Number theory in a proof assistant. ~ John Thickstun. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Automatic and scalable detection of logical errors in functional programming assignments. ~ Dowon Song et als. #OCaml #FunctionalProgramming
- An assertional proof of red–black trees using Dafny. ~ Ricardo Peña. #Dafny
- GRIFT: A richly-typed, deeply-embedded RISC-V semantics written in Haskell. ~ Benjamin Selfridge. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- NetLogo: Grafos. F. Sancho (@sanchocaparrini). #NetLogo
- Proof engineering for large-scale verification projects. ~ Ahmet Celik. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Coq
- Ormolu: a formatter for Haskell source code. ~ Mark Karpov, Utku Demir. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The next 7000 programming languages. ~ Robert Chatley, Alastair Donaldson, and Alan Mycroft. #Programming
- With category theory, mathematics escapes from equality. ~ Kevin Hartnett. #Math #CategoryTheory
- Verified extraction for Coq. ~ Olivier Savary Bélanger. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Coq
- From definitional interpreter to symbolic executor. ~ Adrian D. Mensing et als. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Competitive programming in Haskell: reading large inputs with ByteString. ~ Brent Yorgey. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- OpenLibra: Un enorme banco de libros con licencia libre. #OpenLibra
- Planificación: Fundamentos (y NetLogo). ~ Fernando Sancho (@sanchocaparrini). #IA #NetLogo
- The ethics of AI ethics (An evaluation of guidelines). ~ Thilo Hagendorff. #AI
- Monads as graphs. ~ Neil Mitchell. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Prolog: forwards and backwards. ~ Paul Brown. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- Hello, Tau Prolog! ~ Paul Brown. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- The Lean mathematical library. ~ The mathlib Community. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Functors, vectors, and quantum circuits. ~ Philip Zucker (@SandMouth). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The resolution of Keller’s conjecture. ~ J. Brakensiek, M. Heule, J. Mackey. #ATP #SAT #Math via @ozanerdem
- How to design co-programs. ~ Jeremy Gibbons. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Clean: An abstract imperative programming language and its theory. ~ F. Tuong, B. Wolff. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Aristotle’s assertoric syllogistic in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki (@AngelikiKoutso1). #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Beating C with 80 lines of Haskell: wc. ~ Chris Penner (@chrislpenner). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Partial application using flip. ~ Jasper Van der Jeugt (@jaspervdj). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Un procesador de expresiones epistémicas en programas lógicos. ~ Javier Garea Cidre. #TFG #LogicProgramming #ASP
- Sigma protocols and commitment schemes. ~ David Butler, Andreas Lochbihler. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- What type soundness theorem do you really want to prove? ~ Derek Dreyer et als. #CompSci #TypeTheory
- Improving rebindable syntax. ~ Neil Mitchell. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Painless Haskell. ~ Paweł Szulc (@rabbitonweb). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The inner magic behind the Z3 theorem prover. ~ Nikolaj Bjørner, Leonardo de Moura. #ATP #SMT #Z3
- A categorical view of computational effects. ~ Emily Riehl (@emilyriehl). #CategoryTheory #FunctionalProgramming
- So I used Erlang … is my system as scalable as they say it’d be? ~ Laura M. Castro (@lauramcastro). #Erlang #FunctionalProgramming
- Writing programs that write tests: better testing with Scala. ~ Adam Rosien (@arosien). #Scala #FunctionalProgramming
- Software written in Haskell: Stories of success. ~ Yulia Gavrilova, Gints Dreimanis. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Mathematics for machine learning. ~ Marc Peter Deisenroth, A Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong. #eBook #MachineLearning #Math
- Refactoring recursion. ~ Harold Carr (@haroldcarr). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Fun with categories. ~ Marco Perone (@marcoshuttle). #CategoryTheory #Idris #FunctionalProgramming
- The sandwich theorem. ~ Kevin Buzzard. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- A verified optimizer for quantum circuits. ~ Kesha Hietala et als. #ITP #Coq
- Liquid types vs. Floyd-Hoare logic. ~ Ranjit Jhala (@RanjitJhala). #LiquidHaskell #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Prüfer encoding/decoding of a tree in Common Lisp. ~ Atabey Kaygun (@Atabey_Kaygun). #CommonLisp #Algorithms
- Course: Advanced topics in logic (Automated reasoning and satisfiability). ~ Marijn Heule and Ruben Martins. #ATP #SAT
- Programming and symbolic computation in Maude. ~ F. Durán et als. #ITP #Maude
- The Lean mathematical library. ~ The mathlib Community. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Rapid prototyping formal systems in MMT: 5 case studies. ~ Dennis Müller, and Florian Rabe. #ITP #MMT #Logic
- A weakly initial algebra for higher-order abstract syntax in Cedille. ~ Aaron Stump. #ITP #Cedille
- Haskell for madmen: Setup. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Haskell for madmen: Hello, monad! #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A curated list of amazingly awesome Haskell articles and talks for beginners. ~ Daniel Pfefferkorn (@albohlabs). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Gmail Gnus GPG Guide (GGGG). ~ Alex Schroeder. #Emacs #Gmail #Gnus #GPG
- Logical verification in Lean. ~ A. Bentkamp, J. Blanchette, J. Hölzl. #eBook #ITP #LeanProver #Logic #FunctionalProgramming
- Automated Reasoning in the Cloud with John Harrison. #ATP
- A distributed and trusted web of formal proofs. ~ Dale Miller. #Logic #ITP #ATP
- A first step in the translation of Alloy to Coq. ~ Salwa Souaf, Frédéric Loulergue. #ITP #Coq #Alloy
- Can computers prove theorems? ~ Kevin Buzzard (@XenaProject). #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Logical verification (Course notes). ~ F. van Raamsdonk. #eBook #ITP #Coq #Logic
- Applicative without currying. ~ Chris Smith (@cdsmithus). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- System F in Agda, for fun and profit. ~ J. Chapman, R. Kireev, C. Nester, P. Wadler. #ITP #Agda
- Formalising Σ-protocols and commitment schemes using CryptHOL. ~ D. Butler, A. Lochbihler, D. Aspinall, A. Gascón. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- VerifyThis 2019 (Polished Isabelle solutions). ~ P. Lammich, S. Wimmer. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Functional programming and verification. ~ T. Nipkow. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- DeepXplore: Automated whitebox testing of deep learning systems. ~ K. Pei, Y. Cao, J. Yang, S. Jana. #DeepLearning
- Simon Marlow, Simon Peyton Jones, and Satnam Singh win Most Influential ICFP Paper Award. #Hsakell #FunctionalProgramming
- Chalkdust, and the natural number game! ~ Kevin Buzzard (@XenaProject). #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Åqvist’s dyadic deontic logic E in HOL. ~ C. Benzmüller, A. Farjami, X. Parent. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Fifty years of Hoare’s Logic. K.R. Apt, E.R. Olderog. #Logic #Verification #CompSci
- Programming algorithms: Graphs. ~ Vsevolod Dyomkin. #CommonLisp #Algorithms
- Infinite types and existential newtypes. ~ Li-yao Xia. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Proof assistants: from symbolic logic to real mathematics? ~ Lawrence C Paulson #ITP #Logic #Math
- List of software bugs. ~ Wikipedia #Programming
- Deep reinforcement learning in HOL4. ~ T. Gauthier #ITP #HOL4 #DeepLearning
- Formally verified Mathematics. ~ J. Avigad, J. Harrison. #ITP #Math
- Les assistants de preuve, ou comment avoir confiance en ses démonstrations. ~ J. Narboux. #ITP #Coq
- IMO Grand Challenge (Automated problem solving). #ITP #Math #IMO
- Metamath Zero: The cartesian theorem prover. ~ M. Carneiro #ITP #MetamathZero
- Earliest uses of symbols of set theory and logic. ~ J. Miller #Logic #Math
- Dex: array programming with typed indices. ~ D. Maclaurin et als #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Dex: a research language for array processing in the Haskell/ML family. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The Zen of Haskell. ~ #Haskell
- Gestionar bibliografía con Emacs. #Emacs
- Formalising perfectoid spaces. ~ K. Buzzard, J. Commelin, P. Massot. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- The reasonable effectiveness of the continuation monad. ~ Li-yao Xia. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- A monad is just a submonad of the continuation monad, what’s the problem? ~ Li-yao Xia. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Computer-supported exploration of a categorical axiomatization of modeloids. ~ L. Tiemens, D.S. Scott, C. Benzmüller, M. Benda. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Completeness of an axiomatization of graph isomorphism via graph rewriting in Coq. ~ C. Doczkal, D. Pous. #ITP #Coq
- Formalisation tools for classical analysis (A case study in control theory). ~ D. Rouhling. #PhD_Thesis #ITP Coq #Math
- Short proof of Menger’s Theorem in Coq (Proof Pearl). ~ C. Doczkal. #ITP #Coq #Math
- La Wayback Machine ahora permite conservar páginas de forma fiable junto con todas las páginas a las que enlazan. ~ @Alvy. #Internet
- Computing pi with bc. ~ John D. Cook. #Math #CompSci
- Neural Networks with Weighty Lenses (DiOptics?) ~ Philip Zucker (@SandMouth). #Haskell #NeuralNetworks #FunctionalProgramming
- The future of work: How new technologies are transforming tasks. ~ M. Fleming et als. #AI #ML
- Compile your comments in ghcid. ~ Jake Keuhlen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Scraping Goodreads Sitemaps with Haskell. ~ Marcus Buffett. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- How does the continuation monad work? ~ Max Hallinan. #PureScript #FunctionalProgramming
- Copilot: A stream DSL for writing embedded C programs. ~ Lee Pike (@pike7464). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Esta IA resuelve un antiguo problema matemático mucho más rápido. #IA
- A basic Haskell solution to the robot journeys coding exercise. ~ Mark Seemann (@ploeh). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The natural number game (version 1.06). ~ K. Buzzard, M. Pedramfar. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Learn Coq in Y minutes tutorial. ~ Philip Zucker (@SandMouth). #ITP #Coq
- No Garden of Eden: Adventures in Teaching Haskell to Kids. ~ Peter Berger (@peterb). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The story of Logic. ~ Robert L. Constable. #Logic #Math #ITP
- Computational foundations of Mathematics. ~ Robert L. Constable. #Logic Math #CompSci #ITP #Nuprl
- Approximate normalization for gradual dependent types. ~ J. Eremondi, É. Tanter, R. Garcia. #GDTL
- A review of the Lean theorem prover. ~ Thomas Hales. #ITP #LeanProver
- La inteligencia artificial capaz de puntuar con notas sobresalientes en los exámenes de ciencias. ~ @Alvy. #IA
- From ‘F’ to ‘A’ on the N.Y. Regents Science Exams: An Overview of the Aristo Project. ~ P. Clark et als. #AI
- An implementation of Homotopy Type Theory in Isabelle/Pure. ~ J. Chen. #MSc_Thesis #ITP #IsabellePure #HoTT
- A formal proof of PAC learnability for decision stumps. ~ J. Tassarotti, J.B. Tristan, K. Vajjha. #ITP #LeanProver
- How to do binary random-access lists simply. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney (@oisdk). #Agda #FunctionalProgramming #ITP
- Unrolling data with Backpack. ~ Oleg Grenrus. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Category Theory. ~ Jean-Pierre Marquis. #CategoryTheory.
- A brief tour of logic and optimization. ~ J. Hooker. #Logic #Optimization
- Zermelo Fraenkel Set Theory in Higher-Order Logic. ~ Lawrence C. Paulson. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic #Math
- Differential Hoare logics and refinement calculi for hybrid systems with Isabelle/HOL. ~ S. Foster, G. Struth. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- CoqTL: A Coq DSL for rule-based model transformation. ~ Z. Cheng, M. Tisi, R. Douence. #ITP #Coq
- Recent trends in STM Haskell. ~ P. Tiwari, S. Meenu. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Introduction to univalent foundations of mathematics with Agda. ~ Martín Hötzel Escardó. #ITP #Agda HoTT
- Coq à la carte (A practical approach to modular syntax with binders). ~ Y. Forster, K. Stark. #ITP #Coq
- Fixed points and diagonal arguments. ~ Bartosz Milewski (@BartoszMilewski). #Haskell #Math
- Python VS Common Lisp, workflow and ecosystem. #Python #CommonLisp
- The four simple ways to encode sum-types. ~ Yair Chuchem (@yairchu). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Proving groups with Idris. ~ Boro Sitnikovski## (@BSitnikovski). #Idris #FunctionalProgramming #ITP
- Predicates vs functions. ~ Paul Brown. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- Qué es la teoría de categorías y cómo se ha convertido en tendencia. ~ John Baez (@johncarlosbaez). #Teoría_de_categorías #Lógica #Matemáticas #Computación
- El problema de Collatz. ~ Juan Arias de Reyna. #Matemáticas
- Probabilistic programming with Monad‑Bayes, Part 2: Linear regression. ~ S. Bhat, M. Meschede. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Verified programming of Turing machines in Coq. ~ Y. Forster, F. Kunze, M. Wuttke. #ITP #Coq
- Intuitionistic logic: a view of its evolution. ~ A.K. Peters. #Logic #CompSci
- Minimal logic and automated proof verification. ~ L. Warren. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Agda #Logic
- Figurate numbers: a historical survey of an ancient mathematics. ~ D. Shane. #Math #History
- Propositions as types: some missing links. ~ Kostiantyn Rybnikov (@ko_bx). #Agda #ITP #Math
- Formalizing expressiveness of line editors. ~ Boro Sitnikovski. #ITP #Coq
- Commanding Emacs from Coq. #ITP #Coq #Emacs
- Goldbach: a curious conjecture. ~ R.J. Lipton, K.W. Regan. #Math
- GHC exercises (A little course to learn about some of the more obscure GHC extensions). ~ Tom Harding (@am_i_tom). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Linear relation algebra of circuits with HMatrix. ~ Philip Zucker (@SandMouth). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Smart constructors that cannot fail. ~ Mark Karpov (@mrkkrp). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Named typeclasses in Haskell. ~ Marco Perone (@marcoshuttle). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Source-free machine-checked validation of native code in Coq. ~ K.W. Hamlen, D.Fisher, G.R. Lundquist. #ITP #Coq
- Embracing a mechanized formalization gap. ~ A. Spector-Zabusky, J. Breitner, Y. Li, S. Weirich #ITP #Coq #Haskell via @scottfleischman
- A probability theory library for the Coq theorem prover. ~ J. Tassarotti. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Formalizing the dependency pair criterion for innermost termination. ~ A. Alves Almeida, M. Ayala-Rincón. #ITP #PVS
- Computational logic: its origins and applications. ~ L.C. Paulson. #Logic #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Formalising mathematics in simple type theory. ~ L.C. Paulson. #Logic #Math #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- A small proof that fin is injective. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney (@oisdk). #ITP #Agda
- Variational autoencoders in Haskell, or: how I learned to stop worrying and turn my friends into dogs. ~ @heyitdeclan #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming via @SandMouth
- The “many worlds” design pattern. ~ Paulo Moura. #LogicProgramming
- Facts and fluents vs constants and variables. ~ Paul Brown. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- Abstracting user interaction. ~ Paulo Moura. #LogicProgramming
- Monads in Haskell and category theory. ~ Samuel Grahn. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #CategoryTheory
- Cofree traversable functors. ~ L. Waern. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #CategoryTheory
- AXolotl: A self-study tool for first-order logic. ~ David M. Cerna. #Logic
- Mathematical knowledge management across formal libraries. ~ D. Müller. #PhD_Thesis #MKM #ITP #PVS
- 2019 state of Haskell survey results. ~ Taylor Fausak (@taylorfausak). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Forgetting to learn logic programs. ~ Andrew Cropper. #ILP #LogicProgramming
- Swap the DB based on a config file. ~ Grégoire Charvet. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Encoding problems in boolean satisfiability. ~ Ozan Erdem (@ozanerdem). #Logic #SAT_solving
- Finite field polynomial arithmetic based on fast Fourier transforms. ~ Stephen Diehl (@smdiehl). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Math
- Mi entorno de trabajo en Emacs. ~ Ondiz. #Emacs
- Category theory as a methodology for computational sciences. ~ Xinyuan Sun. #CategoryTheory #Haskell
- Deeply integrating C11 code support into Isabelle/PIDE. ~ F. Tuong, B. Wolff. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Deriving magic and parsing CSV. ~ Grégoire Charvet. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Verified quantum computing. ~ Robert Rand. #ITP #Coq #QuantumComputing
- Formally verified quantum programming. ~ Robert Rand. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Coq #QuantumComputing
- A quick reference for mapping Coq tactics to Lean tactics. ~ Joey Dodds. #ITP #Coq #LeanProver
- Boring Haskell manifesto (how to get Haskell into your organization, and how to make your organization more productive and profitable with better engineering). ~ M. Snoyman (@snoyberg). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Barbara Liskov: The architect of modern algorithms. ~ Susan D’Agostino (@susan_dagostino). #CompSci #Algorithms
- Links to recourses for the Lean Theorem Prover. ~ Floris van Doorn. #ITP #LeanProver
- A bare-bones Twitter clone implemented with Haskell + Nix. ~ Gabriel Gonzalez (@GabrielG439). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- CodeWorld import by Hash. ~ Chris Smith (@cdsmithus). #CodeWorld #Haskell
- Certification of breadth-first algorithms by extraction~ D. Larchey-Wendling, R. Matthes. #Coq
- Verified self-explaining computation. ~ J. Stolarek, J. Cheney. #ITP #Coq
- The 2019/2020 edition of Strathclyde’s CS316 Functional Programming course. ~ Bob Atkey. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Tools for tutoring theoretical computer science topics. ~ Mark McCartin-Lim. #PhD_Thesis #CompSci #Logic #ATP
- Formally verified insertion of reference counting instructions. ~ Marc Huisinga. #ITP #LeanProver
- A collection of resources for learning type theory and type theory adjacent fields. ~ Daniel Gratzer. #TypeTheory #CategoryTheory #ITP #Coq #LeanProver #HoTT
- Constructing infinitary quotient-inductive types. ~ M. Fiore, A.M. Pitts, S.C. Steenkamp. #ITP #Agda
- ConCert: A smart contract certification framework in Coq. ~ D. Annenkov, J.B. Nielsen, B. Spitters. #ITP #Coq #Blockchain
- ConCert: A framework for smart contract verification in Coq. ~ J.B. Nielsen, D. Annenkov. #ITP #Coq #Blockchain
- The sequent calculus calculator. ~ Matteo Kamm, Mike Marti. #BsC_Thesis #Logic #ITP #Elm #FunctionalProgramming
- Sequent calculus calculator. #Logic #ITP
- Kairos: a Haskell library for live coding Csound performances. ~ L. Foletto. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Music
- Supporting the Algebra I curriculum with an introduction to computational thinking course. ~ M.M. Laskowski. #MsC_Thesis #CodeWorld #Haskell #Teaching
- Libro de exámenes de programación funcional con Haskell (versión del 25 de noviembre de 2019). #ProgramaciónFuncional #Haskell #I1M2019
- Abstractions and constructions from math, implementations in FP languages and formalizations in proof assistants. ~ P. Paradziński. #CategoryTheory
- PLT: A path to enlightenment in Programming Language Theory. ~ Steven Shaw (@steshaw). #Programming #TypeTheory #FunctionalProgramming #CategoryTheory via @pparadzinski
- RustBelt: Securing the foundations of the Rust programming language. ~ Ralf Jung et als. #ITP #Coq #Rust
- From math to machine: translating a function to machine code. ~ Brian Steffens (@brian_steffens). #Haskell #Math
- Digging into Rust’s syntax. ~ James Bowen (@james_OWA). #Programming #Rust #Haskell
- Conway’s game of life using Haskell and Gloss. ~ Alejandro Serrano (@trupill). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Gloss
- Categorical LQR control with linear relations. ~ Philip Zucker (@SandMouth). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Supercharged imperative programming with Haskell and FP. ~ Anupam Jain (@ajnsit). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The enormous theorem. ~ Sarah Spoenemann. #Math
- Introducción a la “Introducción de Emacs”. #Emacs
- Development of group theory in the language of internal set theory. ~ Zoltan Kocsis #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Agda #Logic #Math
- Structured induction proofs in Isabelle/Isar. ~ M. Wenzel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Property invariant embedding for automated reasoning. ~ M. Olšák, C. Kaliszyk, J. Urban. #ATP #MachineLearnig
- How to learn Haskell in 10 minutes a day. ~ Yulia Gavrilova. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- The Makam metalanguage: a tool for rapid language prototyping. ~ Antonis Stampoulis. #Programming #Makam #OCaml
- How to make your papers run: Executable formal semantics for your language. ~ Teodoro Freund. #Programming #Makam
- The Mind at Work: Guido van Rossum on how Python makes thinking in code easier. ~ Anthony Wing Kosner. #Programming #Python
- The revolution in computing education at school: opportunity and challenge. ~ Simon Peyton Jones. #CompSci #Teaching
- A formal proof of the independence of the continuum hypothesis. ~ Jesse Michael Han, Floris van Doorn. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Coq Coq correct! Verification of type checking and erasure for Coq, in Coq. ~ M. Sozeau et als. #ITP #Coq
- Verified and verifiable computation with STV algorithms. ~ M.K. Ghale. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Coq #HOL4
- Exploring Euler’s foundations of differential calculus in Isabelle/HOL using nonstandard analysis. ~ J. Rockel. #MsC_Thesis #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Learning functional programming. ~ S. Thompson. #FunctionalProgramming #Haskell
- How Julia Robinson helped define the limits of mathematical knowledge. ~ Evelyn Lamb (@evelynjlamb). #Math
- A formal proof of PAC learnability for decision stumps. ~ J. Tassarotti, J.B. Tristan, K. Vajjha. #ITP #LeanProver
- How does Haskell make your life easier? ~ William Yao (@williamyaoh). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Introducción de Emacs: Trabajo con ventanas y buffers. #Emacs
- What maths is in Lean? ~ Kevin Buzzard (@XenaProject). #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Deriving monadic programs. ~ Shin-Cheng Mu. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Formulating the Hamiltonian Path problem as a constraint satisfaction problem. ~ Ozan Erdem (@ozanerdem). #CSP
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Haskell to implement a domain specific language? ~ Tikhon Jelvis. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #DSL
- A computability proof of Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem. ~ Jørgen Veisdal (@JorgenVeisdal). #Logic #Math
- Verifying information flow control libraries. ~ M. Vassena. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Agda
- Category theory by example. ~ I. Murashko, A. Radkov, M, Minshin. #CategoryTheory #Haskell #Scala #Cpp
- An implementation of polygraphs. ~ Maxime Lucas. #ITP #Coq
- The lambda calculus: A historical and practical tour. ~ R.B. Elrod. #LambdaCalculus
- Se logra factorizar el semiprimo RSA-240 de 795 bits. ~ Francisco R. Villatoro (@emulenews). #Matemáticas #Computación
- Deep learning for symbolic mathematics. ~ Guillaume Lample (@GuillaumeLample), François Charton. #DeepLearning via @__josejuan__
- 45 years of formal methods: Challenges and trends. ~ D. Bjørner, K. Havelund. #FormalMethods
- Semialgebraic proofs and efficient algorithm design. ~ Noah Fleming, Pravesh Kothari, Toniann Pitassi. #Logic
- FourierSAT: A Fourier expansion-based algebraic framework for solving hybrid boolean constraints. ~ A. Kyrillidis, A. Shrivastava, M.Y. Vardi, Z. Zhang. #ATP #Logic #SAT_solving
- A probabilistic approach to satisfiability of propositional logic formulae. ~ Reazul Hasan Russel. #Logic #ATP #SAT
- Correctness proofs of distributed systems with Isabelle. ~ Martin Kleppmann. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Mathematics for Computer Science: “Top 10 proof techniques NOT allowed”. #Logic
- Exploring the structure of an algebra text with locales. ~ Clemens Ballarin. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Higher-order, higher-order automatic differentiation. ~ Conal Elliott (@conal). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Haskell implementation of open games. ~ Jules Hedges (@_julesh_). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Four ways to partially apply constraint tuples. ~ Ryan Scott. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Mechanized verification of the correctness and asymptotic complexity of programs. ~ Armaël Guéneau. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Coq
- Challenges in the collaborative evolution of a proof language and its ecosystem. ~ Théo Zimmermann. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Coq
- Haskell vs OCaml. ~ Mark Karpov (@mrkkrp). #Haskell #OCaml #FunctionalProgramming
- Non-reformist reform for Haskell modularity. ~ Scott Kilpatrick. #PhD_Thesis #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Efficient sampling of SAT and SMT solutions for testing and verification. ~ Rafael Tupynambá Dutra. #PhD_Thesis #SAT #SMT
- A list of Haskell articles on good design, good testing. ~ Michael Oswald (@OswaldChocolate). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- An online JavaScript/WebAssembly version of Lean. #ITP #LeanProver
- Rigorous mathematics. ~ Kevin Buzzard (@XenaProject). #ITP #Math
- Measuring Haskell container sizes. ~ Colin Woodbury (@fosskers). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Data types in Rust: Borrowing from both worlds. ~ James Bowen (@james_OWA). #Rust #Haskell
- Reanimate: a library for programmatically generating animations with a twist towards mathematics / vector drawings. #Haskell
- Ghosts of departed proofs convenience. ~ Chris Done (@christopherdone). #Haskell
- Correct-by-construction typechecking with scope graphs. ~ Katherine Imhoff Casamento. #MSc_Thesis #ITP #Agda
- To understand the future of AI, study its past. ~ Rob Toews. #AI
- Exploration of neural machine translation in autoformalization of mathematics in Mizar. ~ Q. Wang, C. Brown, C. Kaliszyk, J. Urban. #MachineLearning #ITP #Mizar
- A constructive formalization of the weak perfect graph theorem. ~ A.K. Singh, R. Natarajan. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Biortogonalidad para corrección de compiladores y adecuación computacional. ~ Alejandro E. Gadea. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #Coq
- Introduction to computational thinking: a new high school curriculum using CodeWorld. ~ F. Alegre, J. Underwoood, J. Moreno, M. Alegre. #CodeWorld #Haskel #FunctionalProgramming #Teaching
- A generic framework for verified compilers using Isabelle/HOL’s locales. ~ M. Desharnais, S. Brunthaler. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Logic in secondary education. ~ Michael Genesereth, Vinay Chaudhri. #Logic #Teaching
- A survey on theorem provers in formal methods. ~ M.S. Nawaz, M. Malik, Y. Li, M. Sun, M. Lali. #ITP #ATP
- Higher-order, higher-order automatic differentiation. ~ Conal Elliott (@conal). #Haskell
- Introduction to lambda calculus. ~ G. Smolka. #LambdaCalculus
- Computational type theory and interactive theorem proving with Coq. ~ G. Smolka. #eBook #ITP #Coq
- Mathematician proves huge result on ‘dangerous’ problem. ~ Kevin Hartnett. #Math
- Lazy constructive numbers and the Stern-Brocot tree. ~ Donnacha Oisín Kidney (@oisdk). #Haskell #Agda #FunctionalProgramming
- Formalization of some central theorems in combinatorics of finite sets. ~ Abhishek Kr Singh. #ITP #Coq #Math
- Programming algorithms: dynamic programming. ~ Vsevolod Dyomkin. #Programming #CommonLisp
- Dependently typed Haskell in industry (experience report). ~ David Thrane Christiansen. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Dependently typed Haskell in industry (experience report). ~ David Thrane Christiansen et als. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Automatic extraction of Hilbert Calculi associated to fragments of classical logic. ~ Joel Felipe Ferreira Gomes. #BSc_Thesis #Haskell #Logic
- Fibonacci formalized 1: some sums. ~ Bryan Gin-ge Chen (@blockspins). #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Fibonacci formalized 2: bees and cars. ~ Bryan Gin-ge Chen (@blockspins). #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- A predicate transformer semantics for effects. ~ Wouter Swierstra, Tim Baanen. #Agda #FunctionalProgramming #ITP
- Running Lisp in production. ~ Vsevolod Dyomkin. #CommonLisp
- A formal proof of the irrationality of ζ(3). ~ Assia Mahboubi, Thomas Sibut-Pinote. #ITP #Coq #Math
- REPLica: REPL instrumentation for Coq analysis. ~ Talia Ringer (@TaliaRinger) et als. #ITP #Coq
- Runtime support for multicore Haskell: a retrospective. ~ Simon Marlowe, Simon Peyton Jones, and Satnam Singh. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Casa and Stack. ~ Chris Done (@christopherdone). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- PrologCheatSheet: Basics of relational programming with Prolog. ~ Musa Al-hassy. #Prolog #LogicProgramming
- Incomplete and utter introduction to modal logic, Pt. 1. ~ Danya Rogozin. #Logic
- Fun with formal methods for better education. ~ N. Shilov, E. Muravev, S. Shilova. #FormalMethods #Math
- On the expressive power of indexed applicative and monadic structures. ~ Jan Malakhovski. #PhD_Thesis #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Donald Knuth reflects on 50 years of ‘The Art of Computer Programming‘. #Programming
- The Poincaré-Bendixson theorem in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Fabian Immler and Yong Kiam Tan. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- The Lean mathematical library. ~ The mathlib Community. #ITP #LeanProver #Math
- Top 10 Haskell open-source projects for Linux users. ~ Jonn Mostovoy. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Course about numerical Python. ~ Rafa Rodríguez Galván (@cucharro). #Programming #Python #Math
- Kurt Gödel and the mechanization of mathematics. ~ Juliette Kennedy. #Math #Logic
- Logic for exact real arithmetic. ~ H. Schwichtenberg, F. Wiesnet. #Logic #Math #Minlog #Haskell
- Isabelle/C: a framework for C code in C11 syntax deeply integrated into the Isabelle/PIDE development environment. ~ F. Tuong, B. Wolff. #ITP #Isabelle
- Counting inversions via rank queries. ~ Brent Yorgey. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Algebraic lenses. ~ Chris Penner (@chrislpenner). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Haskell art in your browser with Asterius. ~ Sylvain Henry, Shao Cheng. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Presentación del método de Polya para la resolución de problemas. ~ Jimena Fernández García. #Heurística
- pretty-relative-time: a little library to describe dates and times in the future or in the past in a nice, human readable, familiar feeling way. ~ Tom Sydney Kerckhove. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Prefer to use fail for IO exceptions. ~ G. Gonzalez (@GabrielG439). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Automated reasoning and robotics. ~ Zainab Al Kashari, Fatma Al Taheri. #ATP
- Calculemus! ~ Brian Hayes (@bit_player). #Programming #Math
- A verified prover based on ordered resolution. ~ A. Schlichtkrull, J.C. Blanchette, D. Traytel. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Formal verification of a constant-time preserving C compiler. ~ G. Barthe et als. #ITP #Coq
- Programming and interactive proving with Z3Py. ~ Philip Zucker (@SandMouth). #ITP #Z3
- Liquidate your assets: reasoning about resource usage in Liquid Haskell. ~ M.A.T. Handley, N. Vazou, G. Hutton. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #LiquidHaskell
- A glossary of functional programming. ~ John A De Goes #FunctionalProgramming
- Notes on Category Theory with examples from basic mathematics. ~ Paolo Perrone (@PaoloPerrone8). #CategoryTheory #Math
- Functional programming and justice in a world without time. ~ Anirudh Eka (@anirudh_eka). #FunctionalProgramming
- A categorical view of computational effects. ~ Emily Riehl. #CategoryTheory #Math #Programming
- Formalising Mathematics in praxis: a mathematician’s first experiences with Isabelle/HOL and the why and how of getting started. ~ Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki (@AngelikiKoutso1). #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Deterministic pushdown automata as specifications for discrete event supervisory control in Isabelle. ~ Sven Schneider. #PhD_Thesis #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- Stupid Z3Py tricks: verifying sorting networks off of Wikipedia. ~ Philip Zucker (@SandMouth). #Z3 #SMT
- Notes on Category Theory in Scala 3 (Dotty). ~ Juan Pablo Romero (@1jpablo1). #CategoryTheory #Scala #FunctionalProgramming
- Quotients in Coq. ~ Arthur Azevedo de Amorim. #ITP #Coq
- A verification challenge. ~ Arthur Azevedo de Amorim. #ITP #Coq
- Cohomology for kids. ~ @RAnachro. #Math
- A few Haskell highlights of 2019. ~ Gints Dreimanis. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
- Python type hints. ~ Guilherme Kunigami (@kunigami). #Python #Programming
- Three equivalent ordinal notation systems in cubical Agda. ~ F.N. Forsberg, C. Xu, N. Ghani. #ITP #Agda
- Intrinsically-typed definitional interpreters for linear, session-typed languages. ~ A. Rouvoet et als. #ITP #Agda
- More stupid Z3Py tricks: Simple proofs. ~ Philip Zucker (@SandMouth). #Z3 #SMT
- 12 beautiful mathematical theorems with short proofs. ~ Jörg Neunhäuserer. #Math
- Some fundamental theorems in mathematics. ~ Oliver Knill. #Math
- Famous conjectures in mathematics. ~ Béla Bajnok. #Math
- Thirty-six unsolved problems in number theory. ~ F. Smarandache. #Math
- Famous mistakes in mathematics. ~ J. Pogonowski. #Math
- Formalizing determinacy of concurrent revisions. ~ Roy Overbeek. #ITP #IsabelleHOL
- A complete axiomatisation of a fragment of language algebra. ~ Paul Brunet. #ITP #Coq #Math
- A mechanized formalization of GraphQL. ~ T. Díaz, F. Olmedo, É. Tanter. #ITP #Coq
- Stupid Z3Py tricks strikes back: Verifying a Keras neural network. ~ Philip Zucker (@SandMouth). #Z3 #SMT #Keras #NeuralNetworks
- Teaching Haskell with Duet. ~ Chris Done (@christopherdone). #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Duet
- The Poincaré-Bendixson theorem in Isabelle/HOL. ~ Fabian Immler, Yong Kiam Tan. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Math
- Verifying x86 instruction implementations. ~ S. Goel et als. #ITP #ACL2