Fork this repository to your github account.
Clone the forked repository.
git clone https://github.com/<your-username-here>/satellite-visualization.git
Change directory.
cd satellite-visualization
Create a new branch. Preferably keep the name short & simple, related to the changes you're proposing.
git checkout -b <NewBranchName>
Make your changes.
Stage the changes.
git add <path/to/changed-files>
Commit your changes.
git commit -m "<Appropriate Commit Message>"
Push your Changes
git push origin <NewBranchName>
Create a Pull request to notify us that you have made changes you would like us to use.
Mention someone to review it. If there's any feedback, we'll let you know and merge the changes after they look ready !
Celebrate your Contribution 🚀
Feel free to also open an Issue to clarify any queries related to the project that you might have. It would also be helpful to browse through the existing issues & pull requests beforehand to see what has been done / is in progress / needs to be done.