Returns a list of domains filtered by permissions, offset and limit.
URL : /xhr/domain
Method : GET
Authentication required : YES
Query parameters (optional)
- filter.fields: ["domain", "transport", "owner", "auth"]
- filter.query: string
- filter.method: "contains" | "is"
- sort.orderby: "domain" | "created" | "authentication" | "users" | "owner" | "settings_count"
- sort.direction: "asc" | "desc"
- sort.limit: number
- sort.offset: number
- settings_count: boolean
- tags.ids: array (Tag ID)
- tags.invert: boolean (Invert result)
GET /xhr/domain?sort[limit]=1&sort[orderby]=domain&sort[direction]=desc
Response Code : 200
"results": [
"id": 1,
"domain": "",
"transport": {
"destination": [
"port": 25,
"hostname": ""
"authmethod": "database",
"authmethod_id": null,
"auto_create_users": 0,
"auto_create_roleid": null,
"parent_id": null,
"owner_id": null,
"created_at_ts0": "2020-03-09T13:20:26.000Z",
"last_modified_ts0": "2020-05-29T10:24:37.000Z"
"total": 15
Response Code :
401 Unauthorized
500 Internal Server Error
URL : /xhr/domain/_id/:id
Method : GET
Authentication required : YES
Query parameters
- id: number (Domain ID)
GET /xhr/domain/_id/1
Response Code : 200
"id": 1,
"domain": "",
"transport": {
"destination": [
"port": 25,
"hostname": ""
"authmethod": "database",
"authmethod_id": null,
"auto_create_users": 0,
"auto_create_roleid": null,
"parent_id": null,
"owner_id": null,
"created_at_ts0": "2020-03-09T13:20:26.000Z",
"last_modified_ts0": "2020-05-29T10:24:37.000Z",
"alias": [],
"parent": null
Response Code :
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error
URL : /xhr/domain/:fqdn
Method : GET
Authentication required : YES
Query parameters
- fqdn: string (Fully qualified domain name)
GET /xhr/domain/
Response Code : 200
"id": 1,
"domain": "",
"transport": {
"destination": [
"port": 25,
"hostname": ""
"authmethod": "database",
"authmethod_id": null,
"auto_create_users": 0,
"auto_create_roleid": null,
"parent_id": null,
"owner_id": null,
"created_at_ts0": "2020-03-09T13:20:26.000Z",
"last_modified_ts0": "2020-05-29T10:24:37.000Z",
"alias": [],
"parent": null
Response Code :
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error
URL : /xhr/domain
Method : POST
Authentication required : YES
Body parameters (required)
- domain: string (Fully qualified domain name)
- authmethod: "database" | "ldap" (Auth method for domain users)
Body parameters (optional)
- transport: object (Destination(s) for inbound emails)
- destination: array,
- hostname: string,
- port: number
- destination: array,
- auto_create_users: number | null (Used as a flag to automatically create users from the MTA)
- auto_create_roleid: number | null (Auto created users will be given a predefined role ID)
- parent_id: number | null (Domain ID for a parent domain, used for alias domains, when specified, only domain parameter should be included)
- owner_domain_id: number | null (Gives another domain ownership of this domain, can be used to build an hierarchy of permissions)
POST /xhr/domain
"domain": "",
"transport": {
"destination": [
"hostname": "",
"port": 25
"authmethod": "database",
"owner_domain_id": 2
Response Code : 200
"id": 1
Response Code :
401 Unauthorized
500 Internal Server Error
URL : /xhr/domain/_id/:id
Method : PATCH
Authentication required : YES
Query parameters
- id: number (Domain ID)
Body parameters (optional)
- domain: string
- authmethod: "database" | "ldap"
- transport: object
- destination: array,
- hostname: string,
- port: number
- destination: array,
- auto_create_users: number | null
- auto_create_roleid: number | null
- parent_id: number | null
- owner_domain_id: number | null
PATCH /xhr/domain/_id/1
"domain": ""
Response Code : 204
Response Code :
401 Unauthorized
500 Internal Server Error
URL : /xhr/domain/_id/:id
Method : DELETE
Authentication required : YES
Query parameters
- id: number (Domain ID)
DELETE /xhr/domain/_id/1
Response Code : 204
Response Code :
401 Unauthorized
500 Internal Server Error