J-Fi is a ROS2 Serial Communication Library
- jfi_comm : ROS2 Serial Communication Library
- serial_comm_node : Example ROS2 Node of using a J-Fi library
├── config/
│ ├── jfi.xml # Mavlink message definition.
├── include/
│ ├── jfi_comm.hpp # Header file for the JFi Library.
│ └── serial_comm_node.hpp # Header file for the Example ROS2 node using Library
├── launch/
│ ├── test_simulation.launch.py # Example Launch file for simulation tests using virtual serial ports.
│ └── serial_comm_node.launch.py # Example Launch file for running the node in a real environment.
├── mavlink/
└── src/
├── jfi_comm.cpp # Implementation of the JFi Library.
├── serial_comm_node.cpp # Implementation of the Example ROS2 node using Library
└── main.cpp
- MAVLink Message Handling: Encodes ROS2 messages into MAVLink messages and decodes received MAVLink messages back into ROS2 messages.
- ROS2: Tested on ROS2 Humble (or specify your version).
- socat: (For simulation) Used to create virtual serial ports.
git clone https://github.com/SUV-Lab/J-Fi.git
cd J-Fi
git submodule update --init --recursive
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
- port_name: Serial port device path (default: /dev/ttyUSB0).
- baud_rate: Baud rate for serial communication (default: 115200).
- system_id: MAVLink system ID (default: 1).
- component_id: MAVLink component ID (default: 1).
Use virtual serial ports via socat:
ros2 launch jfi_comm test_simulation.launch.py
Use real serial ports:
ros2 launch jfi_comm serial_comm_node.launch.py
(Optional) Example with custom configuration:
ros2 launch jfi_comm serial_comm_node.launch.py port_name:=/dev/ttyUSB1 baud_rate:=115200 system_id:=2 component_id:=2
- develop send buffer concept
- fix the bugs (#2)