A powershell module to render markdown files.
MarkdownPS is a PowerShell module available on powershell gallery that helps render markdown. Once in markdown, it can be easily converted into any other format. Potential use cases are:
- Render a report after executing a script.
- Generate sort of dashboard pages as a result of querying resources with a script.
- Prepare markdown assets in a repository for example in static html generated web sites.
- New-MDAlert
- New-MDCharacterStyle
- New-MDCode
- New-MDHeader
- New-MDImage
- New-MDInlineCode
- New-MDLink
- New-MDList
- New-MDParagraph
- New-MDQuote
- New-MDTable
An example script demostrating the capabilities of the module is available with Showcase.ps1. The script generates markdown which is available in the Showcase.md for demostration purposes.
If you consistently use this module, please contact me. I'm just curious. Links on my Github profile. Thank you.