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TaskSense 📝

Smart task prioritization powered by DeepSeek AI

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 10 36 21 PM Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 10 37 47 PM Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 10 37 03 PM

Features ✨

  • AI-Powered Priority Suggestions: Utilizes DeepSeek API to intelligently suggest task priorities based on descriptions
  • Clean Architecture: Implements domain-driven design with clear separation of concerns
  • Modern UI: Built entirely with Jetpack Compose for a fluid and responsive user experience
  • Real-time Updates: Tasks are updated and displayed in real-time
  • Priority Filtering: Filter tasks based on their priority levels
  • Local Persistence: Tasks are stored locally using Room database
  • Dark/Light Theme Support: Automatic theme switching based on system settings

Tech Stack 🛠

  • Kotlin: Primary programming language
  • Jetpack Compose: Modern UI toolkit for native Android UI
  • Koin: Dependency injection framework
  • Room: Local database for storing tasks
  • Coroutines & Flow: Asynchronous programming
  • DeepSeek API: AI-powered task priority suggestions
  • Material Design 3: Modern Android design system
  • Clean Architecture: Domain-driven design pattern
  • MVVM: Presentation layer architecture

Project Structure 📁

├── data/
│   ├── local/          # Room database, DAOs
│   └── remote/         # DeepSeek API service
├── di/                 # Koin dependency injection modules
├── domain/
│   ├── model/          # Domain models
│   ├── repository/     # Repository interfaces
│   └── usecase/        # Business logic
└── presentation/
    ├── components/     # Reusable Compose components
    ├── screen/         # Main screens
    └── viewmodel/      # ViewModels

Clean Architecture 🏗

The project follows Clean Architecture principles with three main layers:

  1. Data Layer: Implements data sources (Room & DeepSeek API)
  2. Domain Layer: Contains business logic and repository interfaces
  3. Presentation Layer: Handles UI and user interactions using MVVM

Dependency Injection with Koin 💉

Koin is used for dependency injection with the following modules:

  • appModule: ViewModels and repositories
  • networkModule: Retrofit,DB and API services

DeepSeek API Integration 🤖

The app uses DeepSeek's AI capabilities to:

  • Analyze task descriptions
  • Suggest appropriate priority levels
  • Provide intelligent task management

Getting Started 🚀

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Add your DeepSeek API key in
  3. Build and run the project

Contributing 🤝

Feel free to submit issues, fork the repository, and create pull requests for any improvements.

License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


TaskSense powered with DeepSeek AI






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