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Standard Link

Deniz Polat edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 13 revisions

The "Datavault4Coalesce: Hub" node creates a link entity, connecting two or more entities, or an entity with itself.

User Configuration

Config Name Config Type Explanation
Link Hashkey Column string Name of the link hashkey column of the Link. Should got calculated out of all business keys inside the link.
Foreign Hashkeys string Name of the hashkey columns that refer to the other Link entities. All hashkey columns must be available inside the stage area. One oolumn per refered entitiy.
LDTS timestamp Name of the LDTScolumn inside the Link. The defined LDTS of the stage will be used.
RSRC string Name of the RSRCcolumn inside the Link. The defined RSRC of the stage will be used.

System Columns

No Sys Columns are added inside a Link Node.


In this example the Link 'NATION_REGION_L' is being created. The source table is 'STG_NATION'.


Create the node:

  • Select the 'STG_NATION' and create the node 'NATION_REGION_L' with the node type 'Datavault by Scalefree: Link'


  • The Links name will be created automatically. Rename the Link using your naming conventions. In this case rename it to 'NATION_REGION_L'. Also while having the Note open like in the Screenshot, delete all unnecessary columns, so that you only keep the Hashkey of the Link, the foreign hashkeys of the entities and the ldts aswell as the rsrc.


  • In the Config section on the right there is a tab called 'Data Vault'
  • Expand this and you get a column selector list 'Link Hashkey Column'
    • Select the hashkey of this Link and bring it to the right side in the 'Link Hashkey Column' section, by ticking the box and clicking on the arrow to the right


  • Create and run the node


  • Source: The source table that you want to use for this Link is the referring Staging Table that the entities use, that you want to create a relation between.

  • LDTS: The ldts is a system genereted column. It is set in the staging table.

  • RSRC: The rsrc is a system genereted column. The value is set in the 'Transform' field, in this example with the Jinja Expression '{{recordsource()}}' which refers to th source table.

  • hashed_columns:

    • HK_NATION_H: A hashkey called 'hk_nation_h' is defined, that is taken from the staging table and used to refer to one of the entities.

    • HK_REGION_H: A hashkey called 'hk_region_h' is defined, that is taken from the staging table and used to refer to one of the entities.

    • HK_NATION_REGION_L: The hashkey of the link. It is defined in the staging table and is calculated out of the business keys 'N_NATIONKEY' and 'N_REGIONKEY'.

Generated SQL Code of Example

        COMMENT 'Search for existing column in source. Only in case that nothing is available, functions like GETDATE() should be used.',
        "RSRC" STRING
        COMMENT 'If available, replace with existing column from source.'
    COMMENT = 'Nation data as defined by TPC-H'

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