- Fixed issue with certain words not being displayed properly.
- Updated dependencies.
- Added new method 'Lexique383.get_anagrams()' to get the list of all the anagrams of a given word.
- Removed support for xlsb file format..
- Migrated the project build configuration to pyproject.toml.
- Migrated build backend to poetry.
- Updated the Documentation and the docstrings.
- Updated dependencies.
- The library is now completely type annotated and type-checked.
- The method get_all_forms() now checks if the word has multiple lemmas in case of homonymy, eg: 'souris'.
- Fixed parsing bug when using 'std-csv' parser.
- Fixed formatting issue when saving the output of the CLI to a file.
- Updated the Documentation and the docstrings.
- Updated dependencies.
- Uses str.lower() to normalize inputs.
- Updated the Documentation and the docstrings.
- Fixed bug where Lexique383 was not shipped with the distribution.
- Made csv parsing far faster and more robust.
- Can now use different parsers : 'pandas_csv' is the pandas csv parser, 'std_csv' is the standard library csv parser, 'csv' is a custom csv parser and 'xlsb' is pandas xlsb parser using pyxlsb engine.
- Updated dependencies.
- Made csv parsing faster and more robust.
- Can now use different parsers : 'pandas_csv' is the pandas csv parser, 'std_csv' is the standard library csv parser, 'csv' is a custom csv parser and 'xlsb' is pandas xlsb parser using pyxlsb engine.
- Updated dependencies.
- Can now use both 'csv' and 'xlsb' files.
- Uses 'csv' file for storage and faster load times.
- Updated dependencies.
- Uses pandas for now for faster resource loading.
- Uses xlsb file for storage and faster load times
- Updated dependencies.
- Uses pandas for now for faster resource loading.
- In the process of integrating faster-than-csv when MacOs issues get resolved.
- Refactored and expanded the test suite.
- Updated dependencies.
- The new method Lexique383.get_all_forms(word) is now accessible through the cli with option '-a' or '--all_forms'.
- This new method returns a list of LexItems having the same root lemma.
- Added sample commands using the new option in the docs.
- Refactored and expanded the test suite.
- Updated dependencies.
- allows for new style of relative imports.
- Now all the attributes of the LexItem objects are immutable for consistency.
- Added new method Lexique383.get_all_forms(word) to get all the lexical variations of a word.
- This new method returns a list of LexItems having the same root lemma.
- Expanded sample usage of the software in the docs.
- Updated dependencies.
- Enhanced behaviour of output to stdout to not conflict with the logging strategy of users importing the library in their own projects.
- Expanded sample usage of the software in the docs.
- Updated dependencies.
- Enhanced Type Hinting for main module.
- Changed the property LexItem.islem to boolean instead of a binary choice 0/1.
- Expanded sample usage of the software in the docs.
- Updated dependencies.
- Implemented Type Hinting for main module.
- Added a new method to the class Lexique383. The method is Lexique383._save_errors() .
- This new method checks that the value of each field in a LexItem is of the right type. If it finds errors it will record the mismatched value/type and save it in ./erros/errors.json
- Expanded sample usage of the software in the docs.
- Much better documentation including links to Lexique383 pages and manuals.
- Added a new method to the class Lexique383. The method is Lexique383.get_lex() .
- This new method accepts either a single word as a string or an iterable of strings and will return the asked lexical information.
- Expanded sample usage of the software in the docs.
- Substantial update to the code and docs.
- Removed unneeded dependencies as I reimplement some functionality myself.
- Added a new method to the class LexItem. The method is LexItem.to_dict() .
- This new method allows the LexItem objects to be converted into dicts with key/value pairs corresponding to the LexItem.
- This method allows easy display or serialization of the LexItem objects.
- Lexical Items having the same orthography are stored in a list at the word's orthography key to the LEXIQUE dict.
- Expanded sample usage of the software in the docs.
- Substantial update to the code and docs.
- Drastically reduced dependencies by ditching HDF5 and bolcs as the package is now smaller, faster an easier to build.
- Lexical Items having the same orthography are stored in a list at the word's orthography key to the LEXIQUE dict.
- Implemented the "FlyWheel" pattern for light Lexical entries rsiding entirely in memory at run time.
- Added sample usage of the software in the docs.
- General update to the code and docs.
- First release on PyPI.