generated plots with both neighbourhoods:)
generated plots with both neighbourhoods:)
generated plots for course submission
generated plots for course submission
hp is now faster than naive planning on a 16x16 grid
hp is now faster than naive planning on a 16x16 grid
added ability for domain to be larger
added ability for domain to be larger
changed f function implementation to match new code
changed f function implementation to match new code
is_plan_effective works everywhere, intersect_planner is fully fixed
is_plan_effective works everywhere, intersect_planner is fully fixed
extended is_plan_effective to work in probabalistic case
extended is_plan_effective to work in probabalistic case
keeping track of gaps and overlaps
keeping track of gaps and overlaps
make stochastic planning even faster
make stochastic planning even faster
probabilistic planner can support deterministic planning too
probabilistic planner can support deterministic planning too
probabilistic planning works now
probabilistic planning works now
added memoisation to advanced neighbourhood implementation
added memoisation to advanced neighbourhood implementation