Releases: SevenTV/Extension
Version 1.6.3-test1
This is a test build for the v1.6.3 patch
Notable Change
- Added support for custom / animated 7TV avatars
- The extension should no longer hang when the other emote services are down
- Technical: switched emote calls to REST
Chromium / Google Chrome (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a folder
- Go into the browser's extensions page
- Enable "Developer mode" (top right)
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the folder previously unzipped
- The extension should now be enabled
Mozilla Firefox (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a new folder
- Go to the URL about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox in the browser
- Click the button "Load Temporary Add-on..."
- In the folder previously created from the archive, select the manifest.json file
- The extension should now be enable
Please report any issue with this build at the issues page or via Discord.
Version 1.6.2
The v1.6.2 patch has been released.
Notable Changes
- Fixed an issue which caused the chat window to crash (#120)
- Fixed an issue which caused some taller emotes to appear squished (#124)
- Fixed an issue which led to chat input contents being kept despite not using Ctrl+Enter (#123)
- Fixed an issue which caused bit emotes / cheermotes to appear as broken images #(122)
- Added spacing between text and emotes (#125)
- Removed the "Enabled set" system message when loading chat
Chromium / Google Chrome (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a folder
- Go into the browser's extensions page
- Enable "Developer mode" (top right)
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the folder previously unzipped
- The extension should now be enabled
Mozilla Firefox (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a new folder
- Go to the URL about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox in the browser
- Click the button "Load Temporary Add-on..."
- In the folder previously created from the archive, select the manifest.json file
- The extension should now be enable
Please report any issue with this build at the issues page or via Discord.
Version 1.6.2-rc0
This is a release candidate for the v1.6.2 patch
Notable Changes
- Fixed an issue which caused the chat window to crash (#120)
- Fixed an issue which caused some taller emotes to appear squished (#124)
- Fixed an issue which led to chat input contents being kept despite not using Ctrl+Enter (#123)
- Fixed an issue which caused bit emotes / cheermotes to appear as broken images #(122)
- Added spacing between text and emotes (#125)
- Removed the "Enabled set" system message when loading chat
Chromium / Google Chrome (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a folder
- Go into the browser's extensions page
- Enable "Developer mode" (top right)
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the folder previously unzipped
- The extension should now be enabled
Mozilla Firefox (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a new folder
- Go to the URL about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox in the browser
- Click the button "Load Temporary Add-on..."
- In the folder previously created from the archive, select the manifest.json file
- The extension should now be enable
Please report any issue with this build at the issues page or via Discord.
Version 1.6.1
The v1.6.1 patch has been released.
Notable Changes
- Added an option to allow posting the same message twice as a non-moderator/vip (#112)
- Added a keybind to post and retain the current message in the chat input box (Ctrl+Enter) (#112)
- Added History Navigation: you can now press up/down arrows to navigate between your previously sent messages (#112)
- On 2K and 4K monitors, emotes in chat should no longer look blurry (#113)
- Added a button in the twitch toolbar which opens the settings menu
- Added an option to include active chatters in tab completion
- Fixed an issue which caused channel emote events to appear on the wrong channels (#109)
- Fixed an issue which could cause the settings menu to get stuck in an infinite loading state
- Fixed an issue which prevented twitch emotes from being paired with a zero-width emote (#108)
Chromium / Google Chrome (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a folder
- Go into the browser's extensions page
- Enable "Developer mode" (top right)
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the folder previously unzipped
- The extension should now be enabled
Mozilla Firefox (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a new folder
- Go to the URL about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox in the browser
- Click the button "Load Temporary Add-on..."
- In the folder previously created from the archive, select the manifest.json file
- The extension should now be enable
Please report any issue with this build at the issues page or via Discord.
Version 1.6.1-rc0
This is a release candidate for the v1.6.1 patch
Notable Changes
- Added an option to allow posting the same message twice as a non-moderator/vip (#112)
- Added a keybind to post and retain the current message in the chat input box (Ctrl+Enter) (#112)
- Added History Navigation: you can now press up/down arrows to navigate between your previously sent messages (#112)
- On 2K and 4K monitors, emotes in chat should no longer look blurry (#113)
- Added a button in the twitch toolbar which opens the settings menu
- Added an option to include active chatters in tab completion
- Fixed an issue which caused channel emote events to appear on the wrong channels (#109)
- Fixed an issue which could cause the settings menu to get stuck in an infinite loading state
- Fixed an issue which prevented twitch emotes from being paired with a zero-width emote (#108)
Chromium / Google Chrome (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a folder
- Go into the browser's extensions page
- Enable "Developer mode" (top right)
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the folder previously unzipped
- The extension should now be enabled
Mozilla Firefox (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a new folder
- Go to the URL about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox in the browser
- Click the button "Load Temporary Add-on..."
- In the folder previously created from the archive, select the manifest.json file
- The extension should now be enable
Please report any issue with this build at the issues page or via Discord.
Version v1.6.1-test1
This is an uncomplete test build of the upcoming v1.6.1 patch
- Added an option to allow posting the same message twice as a non-moderator/vip
- Added a keybind to post and retain the current message in the chat input box (Ctrl+Enter)
- Fixed an issue which caused channel emote events to appear on the wrong channels
- Fixed an issue which could cause the settings menu to get stuck in an infinite loading state
- Fixed an issue which prevented twitch emotes from being paired with a zero-width emote
Chromium / Google Chrome (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive
- Go into the browser's extensions page
- Enable "Developer mode" (top right)
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the "7tv-extension" folder
- The extension should now be enabled
Mozilla Firefox (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a new folder
- Go to the URL about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox in the browser
- Click the button "Load Temporary Add-on..."
- In the folder previously created from the archive, select the manifest.json file
- The extension should now be enabled
This version is UNCOMPLETE! It is unstable. Not all features are implemented and some may be removed or changed in significant ways. It is also not guaranteed to function properly, may break user experience or otherwise negatively alter your usage of websites where the extension is active.
Please report any issue with this build at the issues page or via Discord.
Version 1.6.0
The v1.6.0 patch has been released.
Notable Changes
- Added a Settings Menu
- Added Zero-Width Emote Support
- Added a search bar to the emote menu
- Added 7TV Badges
- Fixed all known problems with Auto-Completion/Tab-Completion
- Removed extra vertical spacing between chat messages
- Some emotes should no longer look blurry in chat
- Reduced the amount of API requests sent
- Added an option to blur unlisted emotes
- Added an option to send a message when a user is timed out or banned in chat
- Added an option to toggle Auto-Completion
- Added an option to make the 7TV tooltips smaller
- Added an option to toggle the UI transparency
- Auto-Completion now automatically adds a space at the end of the cursor
- Auto-Completion can now complete Twitch emotes
- Auto-Completion now takes priority over BetterTTV, preventing issues where 7TV emotes cannot be completed
- Updated FrankerFaceZ Compatibility for Version 1.6.0
- Fixed an issue which caused emotes containing parentheses in their name to break the extension
- Technical: removed websocket and implemented the 7TV EventAPI for channel emote changes
Chromium / Google Chrome (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a folder
- Go into the browser's extensions page
- Enable "Developer mode" (top right)
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the folder previously unzipped
- The extension should now be enabled
Mozilla Firefox (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a new folder
- Go to the URL about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox in the browser
- Click the button "Load Temporary Add-on..."
- In the folder previously created from the archive, select the manifest.json file
- The extension should now be enable
Please report any issue with this build at the issues page or via Discord.
Version 1.6.0-test3
This is a test build of the upcoming v1.6.0 patch
Notable Changes
- Auto-Completion should now override BetterTTV
- Auto-Completion will now update properly when an emote is added to the channel after initial load (EventAPI)
- Emotes removed from the channel should now properly reflect with the event
- Added an option to toggle Auto-Completion
- Added an option to make the 7TV tooltips smaller
- Added an option to toggle the UI transparency (only affects the settings menu currently)
❗ This build is incomplete. Several features are not yet implemented
Chromium / Google Chrome (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a folder
- Go into the browser's extensions page
- Enable "Developer mode" (top right)
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the folder previously unzipped
- The extension should now be enabled
Mozilla Firefox (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a new folder
- Go to the URL about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox in the browser
- Click the button "Load Temporary Add-on..."
- In the folder previously created from the archive, select the manifest.json file
- The extension should now be enable
Please report any issue with this build at the issues page or via Discord.
Version 1.6.0-rc1
This is a release candidate for the v1.6.0 patch
Fixes since 1.6.0-rc0
- Fixed an issue which caused Twitch emotes to not be auto-completable
- Fixed an issue that led to losing focus of the input after pressing tab twice
Chromium / Google Chrome (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a folder
- Go into the browser's extensions page
- Enable "Developer mode" (top right)
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the folder previously unzipped
- The extension should now be enabled
Mozilla Firefox (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a new folder
- Go to the URL about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox in the browser
- Click the button "Load Temporary Add-on..."
- In the folder previously created from the archive, select the manifest.json file
- The extension should now be enable
Please report any issue with this build at the issues page or via Discord.
Version 1.6.0-rc0
This is a release candidate for the v1.6.0 patch
Notable Changes
- Added a Settings Menu
- Added Zero-Width Emote Support
- Added a search bar to the emote menu
- Added 7TV Badges
- Removed extra vertical spacing between chat messages
- Emotes with special characters such as parentheses should no longer crash the extension
- Reduced the amount of API requests sent
- Added an option to blur unlisted emotes
- Added an option to send a message when a user is timed out or banned in chat
- Added an option to toggle Auto-Completion
- Added an option to make the 7TV tooltips smaller
- Added an option to toggle the UI transparency
- Auto-Completion now automatically adds a space at the end of the cursor
- Auto-Completion can now complete Twitch emotes
- Auto-Completion now takes priority over BetterTTV, preventing issues where 7TV emotes cannot be completed
- Updated FrankerFaceZ Compatibility for Version 1.6.0
- Fixed an issue which caused emotes containing parentheses in their name to break the extension
- Technical: removed websocket and implemented the 7TV EventAPI for channel emote changes
Chromium / Google Chrome (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a folder
- Go into the browser's extensions page
- Enable "Developer mode" (top right)
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the folder previously unzipped
- The extension should now be enabled
Mozilla Firefox (Manual Install)
- Download the archive of this release
- Unzip the archive into a new folder
- Go to the URL about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox in the browser
- Click the button "Load Temporary Add-on..."
- In the folder previously created from the archive, select the manifest.json file
- The extension should now be enable
Please report any issue with this build at the issues page or via Discord.