Releases: SmartOperatingBlock/surgery-report-microservice
Releases · SmartOperatingBlock/surgery-report-microservice
1.0.8 (2023-08-28)
Dependency updates
- core-deps: update plugin kotlin-serialization to v1.9.10 (e9b5c2b)
- deps: update dependency de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo to v4.9.1 (6a91866)
- deps: update dependency de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo to v4.9.2 (69e373d)
- deps: update dependency org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients to v7.5.0-ce (fbc229e)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.47 (c929d97)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.48 (2457187)
1.0.6 (2023-08-23)
Dependency updates
- core-deps: update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json to v1.6.0 (496f0d7)
- deps: update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.4.10 (edb317f)
- deps: update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.4.11 (a5d0dbf)
- deps: update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.4.9 (cc844dc)
- deps: update dependency com.tngtech.archunit:archunit-junit5 to v1.1.0 (9be62e7)
- deps: update dependency de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo to v4.7.1 (effb2e2)
- deps: update dependency de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo to v4.7.2 (0134fcd)
- deps: update dependency de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo to v4.8.0 (633f696)
- deps: update dependency de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo to v4.8.1 (0df35e2)
- deps: update dependency de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo to v4.9.0 (dfa248e)
- deps: update dependency gradle to v8.3 (8697f19)
- deps: update dependency org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients to v7.4.1-ce (88535fb)
- deps: update dependency org.litote.kmongo:kmongo-serialization to v4.10.0 (0d5341b)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.42 (b5ea9ae)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.43 (533196a)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.44 (192d969)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.46 (095c95f)
- deps: update ktor to v2.3.3 (6742284)
- deps: update node.js to 18.17 (adfe80b)
- deps: update plugin com.gradle.enterprise to v3.14 (110bbf6)
- deps: update plugin com.gradle.enterprise to v3.14.1 (63bd812)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.47.1 (16aa169)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.48.0 (e74abde)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.49.0 (bf8a87c)
Build and continuous integration
- deps: update gradle/wrapper-validation-action action to v1.1.0 (2f3a777)
1.0.5 (2023-07-12)
Dependency updates
- core-deps: update plugin kotlin-serialization to v1.9.0 (a687bf0)
- deps: update dependency gradle to v8.2.1 (4ecdaae)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.40 (a271cc7)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.41 (1a8ff50)
1.0.4 (2023-07-07)
Dependency updates
- core-deps: update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib to v1.9.0 (e9ae9fa)
- deps: update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.4.8 (cad4296)
- deps: update dependency gradle to v8.2 (6f49018)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.33 (4fd411e)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.34 (5cea60a)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.35 (620825f)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.37 (18a5b39)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.38 (7f902a1)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.39 (bb4d34d)
- deps: update ktor to v2.3.2 (04dc85a)
- deps: update plugin com.gradle.enterprise to v3.13.4 (6cfe357)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.46.0 (2bbc75e)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.46.1 (54dd692)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.47.0 (b93bf4f)
- deps: update plugin org.danilopianini.gradle-pre-commit-git-hooks to v1.1.9 (aa73bf5)
Build and continuous integration
- deps: update smartoperatingblock/release-and-delivery-action action to v1.0.3 (d9f916e)
Style improvements
- correct code to adhere to new kotlin qa rules (fb25fe3)
1.0.3 (2023-06-10)
Build and continuous integration
- deps: update smartoperatingblock/release-and-delivery-action action to v1.0.1 (42b6dea)
- deps: update smartoperatingblock/release-and-delivery-action action to v1.0.2 (aea4898)
Dependency updates
- core-deps: update plugin kotlin-serialization to v1.8.22 (7974c1b)
1.0.1 (2023-06-07)
Dependency updates
- deps: update dependency de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo to v4.7.0 (1e7c0ec)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.27 (b056e39)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.30 (d7b86a2)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.32 (0d32652)
- deps: update ktor to v2.3.1 (38cb2a7)
- deps: update plugin com.gradle.enterprise to v3.13.3 (7954fad)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.42.0 (9e2d7cf)
- deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.42.1 (a886992)
- deps: update plugin org.danilopianini.gradle-pre-commit-git-hooks to v1.1.8 (9317960)
- deps: update plugin dokka to v1.8.20 (8d61630)
1.0.0 (2023-05-21)
- add api controller to manage rest api (8ba0d90)
- add application service to orchestrate the generation of the surgery report (63c0337)
- add use case to obtain start and end date time of a surgical process (b52b673)
- implement aggregate patient vital signs data extractor (a083125)
- implement aggregate room environmental data extractor (20f58cc)
- implement application service to get a surgery report (b293976)
- implement application service to integrate a surgery report with additional information (5b0f098)
- implement get all surgery reports entries api (baf8926)
- implement get surgery report api (43ca53d)
- implement health professional repository (3fbabc4)
- implement healthcare user repository (491fff4)
- implement integrate surgery report api (d99a60f)
- implement kafka events consumption (e32b99e)
- implement report generation with data aggregation use case (d079354)
- implement room repository (daa3e61)
- implement surgery report repository (572971c)
- implement surgical process summary event handler (e511347)
- implement the application service to obtain all the surgery report entries (60a96bf)
Bug Fixes
- avoid the creation of a surgery report with an existing surgical process id (436049b)
- cope with cases of missing data in aggregate patient vital signs data extractor (42618b3)
- cope with cases of missing data in aggregate room environmental data extractor (d4d09ef)
- correct the obtaining of the stop date time of the surgical process step (9efa36e)
- health professional may not be indicated in emergency surgery (b63b527)
- make aggregation only on meaningful step and use step instead of state in surgery report aggregate data map (4dca51e)
- rest-api: add rest api documentation (c30000f)
Build and continuous integration
- deps: update codecov/codecov-action action to v3.1.4 (f53e96f)
- deps: update smartoperatingblock/documentation-ghp-action action to v1.1.0 (f4a20f1)
- trigger generation of openapi documentation on github pages (c70b8ae)
Style improvements
- avoid implicit lambda parameters (cdf2084)
- correct code to meet style guide (6b40387)
- correct order of imports (9ed40f1)
- improve code style (6cec68a)
- add data about a simple surgical process interrupted (c73fdc3)
- add data about simple surgical process (9f5d037)
- add data for tests (afbf00a)
- add sample data and move it to data package under test (c123b98)
- add sample surgical process data for test (6a2b1f4)
- add test for empty list in extractor (8a55da8)
- add test for empty list in extractor (85177e6)
- add test for empty list in take period (ee95a46)
- add test for patient id concept (602c6c7)
- add test for the correctness of the generation of the surgery report (aaf5e73)
- add tests for aggregate patient vital signs data extractor (944652d)
- add tests for aggregate room environmental data extractor (2f5504f)
- add tests for collection extensions (1f70a57)
- add tests for external service caller (d3a637f)
- add tests for health professional id concept (3d0efee)
- add tests for healthcare user concept (62749a1)
- add tests for implantable medical device concept (f0d7785)
- add tests for measurements concepts (1a840fb)
- add tests for medical technology concept (314d843)
- add tests for report generation use case (eb5962e)
- add tests for room concept (2dd297e)
- add tests for states and steps of surgical process (a8d3361)
- add tests for surgery report application services ([b3e49fa](b3e49fa02...