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Update fossa-scan.yaml #11

Update fossa-scan.yaml

Update fossa-scan.yaml #11

Workflow file for this run

## Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
## SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
#name: build
# push:
# # Sequence of patterns matched against refs/heads
# branches:
# # Push events on the main branch
# - main
# - release/**
# PKG_NAME: consul
# # TODO(spatel): CE refactor
# GOPRIVATE: # Required for enterprise deps
# get-go-version:
# uses: ./.github/workflows/reusable-get-go-version.yml
# set-product-version:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# outputs:
# product-version: ${{ steps.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }}
# base-product-version: ${{ steps.set-product-version.outputs.base-product-version }}
# product-date: ${{ steps.get-product-version.outputs.product-date }}
# pre-version: ${{ steps.set-product-version.outputs.prerelease-product-version }}
# shared-ldflags: ${{ steps.shared-ldflags.outputs.shared-ldflags }}
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
# # action-set-product-version implicitly sets fields like 'product-version' using version/VERSION
# #
# - name: set product version
# id: set-product-version
# uses: hashicorp/actions-set-product-version@v2
# - name: get product version
# id: get-product-version
# run: |
# CONSUL_DATE=$(build-support/scripts/
# echo "product-date=${CONSUL_DATE}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# - name: Set shared -ldflags
# id: shared-ldflags
# run: |
# T=""
# echo "shared-ldflags=-X ${T}.GitCommit=${GITHUB_SHA::8} \
# -X ${T}.GitDescribe=${{ steps.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }} \
# -X ${T}.BuildDate=${{ steps.get-product-version.outputs.product-date }} \
# validate-outputs:
# needs: set-product-version
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Validate Outputs
# run: |
# echo "Product Version: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }}"
# echo "Base Product Version: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.base-product-version }}"
# echo "Product Metadata: ${{ env.METADATA }}"
# echo "Product Date: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-date }}"
# echo "Prerelease Version: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.pre-version }}"
# echo "Ldflags: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.shared-ldflags }}"
# generate-metadata-file:
# needs: set-product-version
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# outputs:
# filepath: ${{ steps.generate-metadata-file.outputs.filepath }}
# steps:
# - name: 'Checkout directory'
# uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
# - name: Generate metadata file
# id: generate-metadata-file
# uses: hashicorp/actions-generate-metadata@v1
# with:
# version: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }}
# product: ${{ env.PKG_NAME }}
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@65462800fd760344b1a7b4382951275a0abb4808 # v4.3.3
# with:
# name: metadata.json
# path: ${{ steps.generate-metadata-file.outputs.filepath }}
# build:
# needs:
# - set-product-version
# - get-go-version
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# strategy:
# matrix:
# include:
# - {goos: "linux", goarch: "386"}
# - {goos: "linux", goarch: "amd64"}
# - {goos: "linux", goarch: "arm"}
# - {goos: "linux", goarch: "arm64"}
# - {goos: "darwin", goarch: "amd64"}
# - {goos: "darwin", goarch: "arm64"}
# - {goos: "freebsd", goarch: "386"}
# - {goos: "freebsd", goarch: "amd64"}
# - {goos: "windows", goarch: "386"}
# - {goos: "windows", goarch: "amd64"}
# - {goos: "solaris", goarch: "amd64"}
# fail-fast: true
# name: Go ${{ needs.get-go-version.outputs.go-version }} ${{ matrix.goos }} ${{ matrix.goarch }} build
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
# - name: Setup with node and yarn
# uses: actions/setup-node@60edb5dd545a775178f52524783378180af0d1f8 # v4.0.2
# with:
# node-version: '18'
# cache: 'yarn'
# cache-dependency-path: 'ui/yarn.lock'
# - name: Build UI
# run: |
# CONSUL_VERSION=${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }}
# CONSUL_DATE=${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-date }}
# CONSUL_COPYRIGHT_YEAR=$(git show -s --format=%cd --date=format:%Y HEAD)
# echo "consul_version is ${CONSUL_VERSION}"
# echo "consul_date is ${CONSUL_DATE}"
# echo "consul binary type is ${CONSUL_BINARY_TYPE}"
# echo "consul copyright year is ${CONSUL_COPYRIGHT_YEAR}"
# cd ui && make && cd ..
# rm -rf agent/uiserver/dist
# mv ui/packages/consul-ui/dist agent/uiserver/
# - name: Go Build
# env:
# PRODUCT_VERSION: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }}
# PRERELEASE_VERSION: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.pre-version }}
# GOLDFLAGS: "${{needs.set-product-version.outputs.shared-ldflags}}"
# uses: hashicorp/actions-go-build@make-clean-flag-optional
# with:
# product_name: ${{ env.PKG_NAME }}
# product_version: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }}
# go_version: ${{ needs.get-go-version.outputs.go-version }}
# os: ${{ matrix.goos }}
# arch: ${{ matrix.goarch }}
# reproducible: nope
# clean: false
# instructions: |-
# go build -ldflags="$GOLDFLAGS" -o "$BIN_PATH" -trimpath -buildvcs=false
# - name: Copy license file
# if: ${{ !endsWith(github.repository, '-enterprise') }}
# env:
# LICENSE_DIR: ".release/linux/package/usr/share/doc/${{ env.PKG_NAME }}"
# run: |
# mkdir -p "$LICENSE_DIR"
# - name: Package
# if: ${{ matrix.goos == 'linux' }}
# uses: hashicorp/actions-packaging-linux@v1
# with:
# name: ${{ }}
# description: "Consul is a distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure. "
# arch: ${{ matrix.goarch }}
# version: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }}
# maintainer: "HashiCorp"
# homepage: ""
# license: "BSL-1.1"
# binary: "dist/${{ env.PKG_NAME }}"
# deb_depends: "openssl"
# rpm_depends: "openssl"
# config_dir: ".release/linux/package"
# preinstall: ".release/linux/preinstall"
# postinstall: ".release/linux/postinstall"
# preremove: ".release/linux/preremove"
# postremove: ".release/linux/postremove"
# - name: Set Package Names
# if: ${{ matrix.goos == 'linux' }}
# run: |
# echo "RPM_PACKAGE=$(basename out/*.rpm)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "DEB_PACKAGE=$(basename out/*.deb)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@65462800fd760344b1a7b4382951275a0abb4808 # v4.3.3
# if: ${{ matrix.goos == 'linux' }}
# with:
# name: ${{ env.RPM_PACKAGE }}
# path: out/${{ env.RPM_PACKAGE }}
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@65462800fd760344b1a7b4382951275a0abb4808 # v4.3.3
# if: ${{ matrix.goos == 'linux' }}
# with:
# name: ${{ env.DEB_PACKAGE }}
# path: out/${{ env.DEB_PACKAGE }}
# build-s390x:
# needs:
# - set-product-version
# - get-go-version
# if: ${{ endsWith(github.repository, '-enterprise') }}
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# strategy:
# matrix:
# include:
# - {goos: "linux", goarch: "s390x"}
# fail-fast: true
# name: Go ${{ needs.get-go-version.outputs.go-version }} ${{ matrix.goos }} ${{ matrix.goarch }} build
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
# - name: Setup with node and yarn
# uses: actions/setup-node@60edb5dd545a775178f52524783378180af0d1f8 # v4.0.2
# with:
# node-version: '18'
# cache: 'yarn'
# cache-dependency-path: 'ui/yarn.lock'
# - name: Build UI
# run: |
# CONSUL_VERSION=${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }}
# CONSUL_DATE=${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-date }}
# CONSUL_COPYRIGHT_YEAR=$(git show -s --format=%cd --date=format:%Y HEAD)
# echo "consul_version is ${CONSUL_VERSION}"
# echo "consul_date is ${CONSUL_DATE}"
# echo "consul binary type is ${CONSUL_BINARY_TYPE}"
# echo "consul copyright year is ${CONSUL_COPYRIGHT_YEAR}"
# cd ui && make && cd ..
# rm -rf agent/uiserver/dist
# mv ui/packages/consul-ui/dist agent/uiserver/
# - name: Go Build
# env:
# PRODUCT_VERSION: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }}
# PRERELEASE_VERSION: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.pre-version }}
# GOLDFLAGS: "${{needs.set-product-version.outputs.shared-ldflags}}"
# uses: hashicorp/actions-go-build@make-clean-flag-optional
# with:
# product_name: ${{ env.PKG_NAME }}
# product_version: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }}
# go_version: ${{ needs.get-go-version.outputs.go-version }}
# os: ${{ matrix.goos }}
# arch: ${{ matrix.goarch }}
# reproducible: nope
# clean: false
# instructions: |-
# go build -ldflags="$GOLDFLAGS" -o "$BIN_PATH" -trimpath -buildvcs=false
# build-docker:
# name: Docker ${{ matrix.arch }} build
# needs:
# - set-product-version
# - build
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# strategy:
# matrix:
# include:
# - { arch: "386" }
# - { arch: "arm" }
# - { arch: "amd64" }
# - { arch: "arm64" }
# env:
# repo: ${{}}
# version: ${{needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version}}
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
# # Strip everything but MAJOR.MINOR from the version string and add a `-dev` suffix
# # This naming convention will be used ONLY for per-commit dev images
# - name: Set docker dev tag
# run: |
# echo "full_dev_tag=${{ env.version }}"
# echo "full_dev_tag=${{ env.version }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "minor_dev_tag=$(echo ${{ env.version }}| sed -E 's/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.[0-9]+(-[0-9a-zA-Z\+\.]+)?$/\1\2/')"
# echo "minor_dev_tag=$(echo ${{ env.version }}| sed -E 's/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.[0-9]+(-[0-9a-zA-Z\+\.]+)?$/\1\2/')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# - name: Docker Build (Action)
# uses: hashicorp/actions-docker-build@v2
# with:
# version: ${{env.version}}
# target: default
# arch: ${{matrix.arch}}
# tags: |
# dev_tags: |
#${{ env.repo }}:${{ env.full_dev_tag }}
#${{ env.repo }}:${{ env.full_dev_tag }}-${{ github.sha }}
#${{ env.repo }}:${{ env.minor_dev_tag }}
#${{ env.repo }}:${{ env.minor_dev_tag }}-${{ github.sha }}
# smoke_test: .github/scripts/ v${{ env.version }}
# build-docker-ubi-dockerhub:
# name: Docker Build UBI Images
# needs:
# - set-product-version
# - build
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# env:
# repo: ${{}}
# version: ${{needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version}}
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
# # Strip everything but MAJOR.MINOR from the version string and add a `-dev` suffix
# # This naming convention will be used ONLY for per-commit dev images
# - name: Set docker dev tag
# run: |
# echo "full_dev_tag=${{ env.version }}"
# echo "full_dev_tag=${{ env.version }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "minor_dev_tag=$(echo ${{ env.version }}| sed -E 's/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.[0-9]+(-[0-9a-zA-Z\+\.]+)?$/\1\2/')"
# echo "minor_dev_tag=$(echo ${{ env.version }}| sed -E 's/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.[0-9]+(-[0-9a-zA-Z\+\.]+)?$/\1\2/')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# - uses: hashicorp/actions-docker-build@v2
# with:
# version: ${{env.version}}
# target: ubi
# arch: amd64
# tags: |
# dev_tags: |
#${{ env.repo }}:${{ env.full_dev_tag }}-ubi
#${{ env.repo }}:${{ env.full_dev_tag }}-ubi-${{ github.sha }}
#${{ env.repo }}:${{ env.minor_dev_tag }}-ubi
#${{ env.repo }}:${{ env.minor_dev_tag }}-ubi-${{ github.sha }}
# smoke_test: .github/scripts/ v${{ env.version }}
# redhat_tag:${{env.version}}-ubi
# verify-linux:
# needs:
# - set-product-version
# - build
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# strategy:
# matrix:
# include:
# - { arch: "386" }
# - { arch: "arm" }
# - { arch: "amd64" }
# - { arch: "arm64" }
# fail-fast: true
# env:
# version: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }}
# zip_name: consul_${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }}_linux_${{ matrix.arch }}.zip
# name: Verify ${{ matrix.arch }} linux binary
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
# if: ${{ endsWith(github.repository, '-enterprise') || matrix.arch != 's390x' }}
# - name: Download ${{ matrix.arch }} zip
# if: ${{ endsWith(github.repository, '-enterprise') || matrix.arch != 's390x' }}
# uses: actions/download-artifact@65a9edc5881444af0b9093a5e628f2fe47ea3b2e # v4.1.7
# with:
# name: ${{ env.zip_name }}
# - name: Set up QEMU
# uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@68827325e0b33c7199eb31dd4e31fbe9023e06e3 # v3.0.0
# if: ${{ matrix.arch == 'arm' || matrix.arch == 'arm64' }}
# with:
# # this should be a comma-separated string as opposed to an array
# platforms: arm,arm64
# - name: Run verification for ${{ matrix.arch }} binary
# if: ${{ endsWith(github.repository, '-enterprise') || matrix.arch != 's390x' }}
# run: .github/scripts/ ${{ env.zip_name }} v${{ env.version }}
# verify-linux-packages-deb:
# needs:
# - build
# - set-product-version
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# strategy:
# matrix:
# include:
# - { arch: "i386" }
# - { arch: "armhf" }
# - { arch: "amd64" }
# - { arch: "arm64" }
# # fail-fast: true
# env:
# version: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }}
# name: Verify ${{ matrix.arch }} debian package
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
# - name: Set package version
# run: |
# echo "pkg_version=$(echo ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }} | sed 's/\-/~/g')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# - name: Set package name
# run: |
# echo "pkg_name=consul_${{ env.pkg_version }}-1_${{ matrix.arch }}.deb" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# - name: Download workflow artifacts
# uses: actions/download-artifact@65a9edc5881444af0b9093a5e628f2fe47ea3b2e # v4.1.7
# with:
# name: ${{ env.pkg_name }}
# - name: Set up QEMU
# uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@68827325e0b33c7199eb31dd4e31fbe9023e06e3 # v3.0.0
# with:
# platforms: all
# - name: Verify ${{ matrix.arch }} debian package
# run: ./.github/scripts/ ${{ env.pkg_name }} v${{ env.version }}
# verify-linux-packages-rpm:
# needs:
# - build
# - set-product-version
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# strategy:
# matrix:
# include:
# - { arch: "i386" }
# - { arch: "x86_64" }
# # TODO(eculver): re-enable when there is a smaller verification container available
# # - { arch: "armv7hl" }
# # - { arch: "aarch64" }
# env:
# version: ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }}
# name: Verify ${{ matrix.arch }} rpm
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
# - name: Set package version
# run: |
# echo "pkg_version=$(echo ${{ needs.set-product-version.outputs.product-version }} | sed 's/\-/~/g')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# - name: Set package name
# run: |
# echo "pkg_name=consul-${{ env.pkg_version }}-1.${{ matrix.arch }}.rpm" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# - name: Download workflow artifacts
# uses: actions/download-artifact@65a9edc5881444af0b9093a5e628f2fe47ea3b2e # v4.1.7
# with:
# name: ${{ env.pkg_name }}
# - name: Set up QEMU
# uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@68827325e0b33c7199eb31dd4e31fbe9023e06e3 # v3.0.0
# with:
# platforms: all
# - name: Verify ${{ matrix.arch }} rpm
# run: ./.github/scripts/ ${{ env.pkg_name }} v${{ env.version }}